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America's Next Top Model (2003–2018)
It's very over the top
20 April 2007
I mean let's face it, all you have to do in modelling is pose for photos. The judging is so over the top with it's criticism. The show however is entertaining, especially with Tyra Banks, Nigel Barker, J Alexander and the supermodel herself Twiggy. I've watched season 5, 6, 7 and in the middle of season 8. It looks like American Idol gone sexy but I'm a guy and I only watch it because of the hot girls posing in their bikinis! The show can be quite boring, when it comes to judging, Tyra tends to go on and on and it's really off-putting. Anyway would I recommend it? Yes, Would I recommend it to women wanting to go into the modelling business? No.
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Mary Poppins (1964)
The best musical ever made
10 March 2007
This is truly the greatest musical of all time, it's a funny, cute, lovable. Julie Andrews (who took home the Oscar for Best Actress) was incredible and I don't care how much they praise Chicago, this is better. The cast are incredibly cute with the two children but Julie Andrews ruled the screen, she was in another league to the other nominees for Best Actress and I know they say if you want to win an Oscar then star in a musical but seriously, Julie Andrews was far better. In my opinion, Julie Andrews also should have taken home the Oscar for The Sound of Music which was utterly brilliant as well. This is the most amazing film your children will see!
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9 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is just amazing, one of the best action films of all time. I have seen Pierce Brosman as James Bond in "Diamonds Are Forever" and "The World is Not Enough", they are both very good movies but this movie is absolutely world-class. I saw Mission Impossible with Tom Cruise and it is no match for this.

The film is humorous like any James Bond movie. They say that once you win an Academy Award, you can never be sexy but boy did Halle Berry prove them wrong. Halle who won her Oscar for Best Actress in the drama "Monster's Ball" was absolutely sexy! She was funny, cute, sweet, tough-no one else could do it (not even Pamela Anderson).

Of course there is the regular James Bond performance by Dame Judi Dench (Academy Award* Winner- Best Supporting Actress, Shakespeare in Love) who does a great performance as M.

The only negative thing I have to say was Madonna. Her acting was terrible-she was supposed to be a British woman but her American accent was completely obvious. However her song "Die Another Day" was amazing.

A great watch!
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Big Brother (II) (2000– )
This show rocks!
7 March 2007
There's just no question about it. This is the best flipping show on TV! I mean what a great idea, bringing nine people into a house and is offically cut off from the world..I mean how amazing! At first I had my worries but it just was fantastic! And the producers are amazing, they should be really proud of themselves "A" because they pick the best people (by that meaning the funniest and weirdest) and they make people somebodys..that's a great thing to do! Good old Jade Goody, Nikki Grahame, Chabaz, Jodie Marsh, Chantelle Houghton, Preston, Pete Bennet, Sam the tranny.

It's amazing!
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Scream 2 (1997)
4 March 2007
When I saw the previews of Scream 2, I cringed. I thought it would be one of those sequels where it all goes wrong after the original. How wrong I was, this film was just as good as the original.

Once again, Scream 2 manages to maintain it's uniqueness with a different storyline altogether. The cast are exceptional with David Arquette, Neve Campell and Courtney Cox. The beginning looked a bit dodgy but it finally got to the storyline.

Another thing you will notice which is different from the original Scream is that it's more humorous. It's got it's jokes now and then which in my opinion is not too bad as long as it remains suspenseful which it did.

Sarah Michelle Gellar also has a small role in the movie and does a very good job of it.

The only negative thing I have to say about is that near the end, the script seems rushed and the dialogue is too long but that's all.

Would I recommend it? Yes 10/10
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Scream (1996)
Absolutely World-Class
3 March 2007
I first saw the preview of Scream, the only reason why I wanted to see it was because of Drew Barrymore. I then found out it also starred Courtney Cox, I was a big fan of her from Friends but it still gave me no reason to watch it. I only wanted to see it because Drew Barrymore.

By the end of watching the film, I was amazed. It was probably the best horror movie since Halloween. The plot is great, the acting is great. David Arquette is the lead part who in my opinion does a great job in doing so. Courtney Cox was not the main character but was in it for most of the film. If they ever made such a thing as the Horror Film Awards, Courtney Cox would probably win Best Supporting Actress.

It's also a refreshing movie because it broke away from all other horror movies. Now adays, movies like "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "House on Haunted Hill" are always the same storyline. People enter a haunted house and they all get killed, yes they're good movies but the plot is always the same thing and what Scream did was made a different storyline which is fantastic and I thing that's what made it great.

The cast is also young and hip. I'm sick and tired of seeing people in their 30s and 40s dominating the horror screen. I mean before Scream, they never made a horror movie with teens in! Overall an excellent movie and I strongly recommend it.
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Nine Lives (2002 Video)
If there was an Oscar for Best Effort, Nine Lives would certainly pick up the gong
3 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have always found with movies that the most easy genre to make is horror. Drama you have a good plot, comedy you have to make people laugh, romantic comedy is even harder. But with horror all you have to do is have a crazy person who kills people. Seeing all the petty reviews of this film, I decided to watch it.

The film stars celebrity heiress and socialite Paris Hilton and minor celeb actress Amelia Warner. Warner who performed the best in my opinion out of everyone did a moderate performance. I suppose if the script would have been good, Warner could have delivered a great performance but unfortunately the intention to make a cheap script look like Hollywood featurette did not come across.

Yes, yes, yes now on to Paris! Her acting ability is very average and could have done better. While Warner is doing her best efforts to make this film interesting, Hilton has a lazy tone in her dialogue when she speaks in the film. Being the only American character, it can be expected that she will stand out from the crowd.

The film starts off well with edgy music, a scary house and a bunch of innocent students ready to be slaughtered. However after the first kill, the film just goes down hill with endless searches for the killer, a poor twist and bad acting. I don't expect much from low budget movies but this film simply had no energy. Out of all the cast, Warner and Hilton stand out the most. Warner for her biggest efforts to be the next Halloween and Hilton because...well she's just Hilton!
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This is the worst crime drama I have ever seen!
20 February 2007
The first Godfather was absolutely world class. The second Godfather wasn't as good but still very entertaining but like after every successful film, the director gets the idea of a sequel and it all goes horribly wrong. This is a classic example of this. First of all, the movie is slow and boring, the plot is just pointless and don't get me started on the violence. There was barely any of it, hardly like the original masterpiece that dominated the box office and still is the best-selling UK movie! This movie is rubbish and I regret seeing it, I knew the reviews were bad but they said that about the Godfather 2 and it was amazing so I saw it and it was terrible. I really thought the director would have known it. Thank God the director took in the criticism and did not make a sequel which he was planning to do. So that's it, before you watch it DON'T WATCH IT
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This is the worst crime drama I have ever seen!
20 February 2007
The first Godfather was absolutely world class. The second Godfather wasn't as good but still very entertaining but like after every successful film, the director gets the idea of a sequel and it all goes horribly wrong. This is a classic example of this. First of all, the movie is slow and boring, the plot is just pointless and don't get me started on the violence. There was barely any of it, hardly like the original masterpiece that dominated the box office and still is the best-selling UK movie! This movie is rubbish and I regret seeing it, I knew the reviews were bad but they said that about the Godfather 2 and it was amazing so I saw it and it was terrible. I really thought the director would have known it. Thank God the director took in the criticism and did not make a sequel which he was planning to do. So that's it, before you watch it DON'T WATCH IT
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E! True Hollywood Story: The Hilton Sisters (2005)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Best Movie the Hiltons were in...too bad it wasn't a movie!
3 February 2007
I watched the two-hour super-sized version of the Hilton Sisters This. The beginning, talking about The Hilton background was kind of boring but then the Hilton sisters came and by that I realised how Paris Hilton became the hottest thing in the tabloids. Although it is very fast-paced, it does say the major things that Paris and Nicky Hilton did but unfortunately, they had to have Kimberly Stewart commenting about them all the time and by the way why is Kimberly Stewart famous apart from being the heiress to a legendary rock star? The Hilton Sisters This was very entertaining and is probably one of the best True Hollywood stories ever making in E! history. It made be kind of feel the sympathy for Paris as all her movies have never met the box office apart from the horror movie "House Of Wax" which was struggled. It was the best thing I've seen the Hilton sisters do. Too bad it wasn't a feature film but if it was I'm sure it would be straight-to-DVD bomb.
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Pointless and Pathetic
1 February 2007
I knew this film was going to be completely different from Halloween and Halloween 2, no Michael Myers, no Haddonfield, no Donald Pleasance and Jamie Lee Curtis and no stalker killing babysitters! But I have to say after watching Halloween 2, I actually thought "Hey maybe the people are wrong and maybe Halloween 3 is just as good without Michael Myers!" so I rented it on DVD, I was so wrong.

The movie starts disappointing with no Halloween theme song by John Carpernter (director of the original Halloween) so I had worries and it grew worse and worse. The murder scenes are just so fake, the special effects are poor and you can tell the actors behind the witches in the movie. It's a terrible movie.
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What a pathetic movie!
13 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched all the Halloween films and ever since the terrible Halloween 5, I haven't been so impressed. Halloween 6 was utter rubbish, saying goodbye to the legendary Loomis who is killed in H6. I then watched H20 and quite frankly the only thing good in the H20 was Jamie Lee Curtis. Then I found out about this "Halloween 8" coming out and since Jamie Lee Curtis was on top of the credits list, I went especially to the premier. Halloween Resurrection starts off well with Laurie Strode (Curtis) in a mental hospital trying to keep safe from the evil Michael Myers who has SURVIVED yet again in the Halloween H20. Michael kills numerous guards of the mental hospital including drowning a man by locking him in a washing machine which in my opinion is just pathetic, finally after the almost-funny murders, he get's to the room of Laurie Strode and here comes the worst part of all! He kills Laurie! It is with out a doubt the worst thing that's ever happened in the Halloween series. I thought I'd seen it all when they'd killed Loomis back in H6 but no they have to kill the main source to the series.

Right now that they've killed all the original characters, it's not even worth watching. Mike Rosenfeld (director) has tried to bring the Halloween series to a new generation by casting "cool" characters. The first is the ridiculous Busta Rhymes who's acting was truly awful and supermodel Tyra Banks who in my opinion was just casted to promote the film and not that she could act (well she can't act so there!) Then the plot goes so stupid that I was actually considering leaving the premier half way through! I admit it was kind of a good storyline bringing six young wannabes into the childhood home of Michael Myers and making a reality show, but they made it funny. If it was a separate movie altogether I would consider it being good but it's not a Halloween movie. It's cheap compared to the original Halloween, it's more of a comedy than a horror!

The director then tries to "scare" us by Michael Myers killing everyone in the house but the murders are so predictable and is a trillion miles away from scary.

And just when you think the worst is over at the end, Michael opens his eyes after being hung, stabbed, burned, electrocuted, blown up and thrown of buildings, and then it's the end of the movie. I felt violated! Now that all the original characters are dead, God knows what Halloween 9 will be like and after all the Halloween movies I've seen, I am seriously considering not going to see Halloween 9 because it's probably going to have Christina Aguilera and Xibit or some other "new" characters in 2007!
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Casino Royale (2006)
Some bits were breathtaking-Others were poor
8 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When you're going to see a bond movie you think action, drama, comedy and of course sex! Well if you're looking to see that, don't watch this movie! Daniel Craig plays James Bond who is back again to solve another mission. Bond first starts the movie with a breathtaking scene when he is chasing a black bomb maker in Madagascar. They end up fighting on a crane which gives you a bit of vertigo. Bond then chases the black man up to the Madagascan Embassy, what a coincidence! Bond then gets arrested by the guards at the Embassy but blows the place up and of course escapes.

There are a lot of advantages with Daniel Craig, he's funny, witty and has a great physique which is shown quite a lot in the movie. Not to mention a sex scene with a beautiful Colombian woman who has to be the wife of the bad guy they're after.

Now this is when the boring bits come: He then has a big argument with M (Dame Judy Dench) about the bust-up at the Embassy in Madagascar and his one night with the bad guy's stunning wife who gets tortured and killed for her troubles. M then tells Bond that she is thinking of killing him! Bond then goes to Montenegro to have a game of poker at of course Casino Royale against the bad guy Mr LeChiffre. Bond then finds out that he has to beat Mr LeChiffre at poker otherwise Mr LeChiffre with invest the winnings in a terrorist country. After four hours of poker, Bond finally wins the grand prize of $150m.

Finally this is the most horrific thing of all, Bond falls in love! Bond doesn't fall in love! He's supposed to be having one nights with girls and then leaving them to fight crime but no, he falls in love.

The last three scenes of the movie are in Venice where Bond and his new hubby Vesper (Eva Green) are at a hotel when the hotel starts to melt, Vesper eventually drowns leaving Bond heartbroken.

It then turns out that Vesper has been working for the bad guys all along so Bond returns to London to solve another crime in the hopeful next movie.
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So scary it will put you off scary movies!
27 November 2006
It's not often you find a movie so scary as this. There was no fun about it, it was just non-stop scary and it's probably one of the best horror movies of all time. They all say that Halloween was THE horror movie but I tell you after you watch this movie, you'll change your mind. If you think that horror movies are not really scary and you're just wasting your money, rent Black Christmas and you'll literally be screaming through the movie. With The Omen you can have fun with it because it can't happen but once you watch this murder-massacre movie, you'll want guards behind your house. There were some excellent performances by Olivia Hussey as the main character and Margot Kidder was a supporting actress in this movie. In my opinion it was scarier than "The Exorcist" and should have won Oscars for Bob Clark for "Best Director", Olivia Hussey for "Best Actress" and Margot Kidder for "Best Supporting Actress". This movie makes other scary movies look like comedies. Once you watch it, you'll remember it forever!!
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Bottoms Up (2006 Video)
I loved it!!
2 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Why do you always pick on Paris Hilton? Yes I know that she was bad in "The Hillz" and "L.A Knights" but really she did great in this movie. She plays a sweet little character, no it's not a serious movie but it's a light sweet hearted comedy. I feel so sorry for Paris when it says in the magazines that Paris's new movie was a flop. It's really good. Just because she's an heiress doesn't mean she has no talent. She plays a light-minded sweetheart in an attempt to become famous and ends up dating this famous cute guy and they use it to publicise themselves, however the scheming Lisa Mancini has a plot to get all of her "boyfriend"'s money.

Negative points: It kind of waffles on about the whole story and it could have been an excellent cinema movie if they had a higher budget.

Plus Paris's new film "Pledge This!" is set to hit big in the cinemas as it sold out in the box office pre-booked hits.

This film is touching, sweet, Californian and...Paris!
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Princess Nikki (2006– )
Stupid but hysterical to watch
29 October 2006
Nikki does a lot more screaming in this reality show far more than she ever did on Big Brother. Seriously though, because I hate her so much so I loved seeing her being miserable. "Princess Nikki" which'll be hitting stores in November will probably struggle in the box office hits, a bit like "Chantelle's Dream Dates" which was a flop selling only 4,500 copies in the first month of sale. I'll be really surprised if there is a season two because I can't see the producers making such a big effort on it and as you can see it is quite a high budget. However on the positive side, it's hysterical and I loved watching Nikki screaming but don't get me wrong she isn't a celebrity at all! She's another chav who thinks she's this A-List superstar. If you're looking for a reality show with screaming and comedy to it, I strongly recommend "The Simple Life" with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie.
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House of Wax (2005)
It's only because of Paris that it's good!!!!
21 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It was more of a thriller than a horror. It was a bit over the top because they tried to make it super gory so Paris ended up getting stabbed in the head. Although there were some excellent performances like Paris Hilton and Michael Murray. But over all it was a good production. Everybody died eventually!!! Stanley has an heiress in the making and it is quite low-budget. I would not recommend it highly. But I hope you enjoy it. For horror fans it's a bit average. And no one get's home in time. It's a bit too long as well but it's worth it. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Best of luck.
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