
28 Reviews
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One of the best movies I've seen
21 September 2006
This movie is excellent in my humble opinion; It's that kind of movie you can see over and over again, and always there's something new for the eye, something that you didn't get before.

The plot is really amazing and unexpected, and the whole mind game stays with you for weeks. It's a little bit confusing at the beginning, but half an hour into the movie things start to get explained and, by the end, the whole movie fits like a glove.

Eternal Sunshine is a deeply moving picture and a brilliantly executed drama, without falling into clichés. I think all the issues of relationships are treated within the movie, and you will feel very close to the characters.

I highly recommend this film to anyone that has been ever into a relationship that has ended for some reason.
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Stay Alive (2006)
Too many survivors...
13 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've been reading a lot of bad reviews for this movie, and I have to agree that it's not a good movie, but it's not that bad either I think the main problem with this slasher flick is that it don't have enough deaths. ¿3 survivors out of 6?? ¡¡¡Way too much!!! I was expecting they all died, because they were sooo annoying! I really hated all of them, the nerd main character, the slutty bimbo that came out of nowhere and suddenly fell in love with the nerd (what the f***?), the badass brother.....¡all of them! But the most irritating, disposable and stupid was Frankie Muniz's character. I don't know why he was casted in this movie to begin with, because he looked so much younger than the rest, he really didn't fit at all.

And then there's that moronic countess witch or something, so fake, so unnerving, so not scary at all!!! it was really disappointing. I think that I actually got more scared playing "house of the dead" or even "Pac Man" Well, at least this showed me that not only "Games that turn into movies" can be horrid, but "Movies that turn into games" can be even more hideous and ridiculous as well.
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The Ugly (1997)
Confusing mess of a film
13 September 2006
This movie is a big mess. I read lot of reviews trying to explain it, but there are too many plot holes left open in the story, making it impossible to find a logic behind it all.

I think it's O.K. when a movie leaves some things open to interpretation, but in this case, everything seems blurred, pointless and confusing, and the people that seems to like this movie the most, are actually those who have filled the many plot holes with their own interesting theories, fulfilling their expectations; but, for the regular moviegoer, who wants to SEE things rather than having to keep guessing what has happened, this is simply not enough. In my case, I thought this movie was pretentious, a little bit boring and never decided which way to go.
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Extremely, Extremely Boring!!
17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'm just writing here to warn people so they not get to be deceived (like I did) by the good reviews some have been giving to this crappy film. It's a disaster of a movie, and, considering it never actually gets to "move" anything, it should more be consider as a "still" than as a "movie".

I have to say that there were a couple good ideas in it, but its really just a couple: the first one, at the very beginning of the movie, and the last one, let's say the two final minutes. The 75 minutes left were very, extremely, undeniable boring. There is no suspense whatsoever, and all we get is to see a crazy psycho boring us with his tedious blablabla theories of murders , psychology and human kind, looking directly to the camera, while he shows shorts scenes of his murders. I was so bored that I started counting the wrinkles on his face, cause he's that much of time on screen, just talking.

I need to repeat it: What a lame movie! I really hated it. I don't remember being bored like this since I was on detention at high school. This movie really should be used as a punishment device.It was that boring. I wish I'd bought this darn film so I got to burn it. Now that would've been fun!.
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Boo (2005)
I was scared by the horrible acting.
24 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get to write much reviews on IMDb any longer, but this movie made me want to join the bad reviews people had been giving this film. It's unbelievable that it actually made such a high score! I'm really led to believe that the actors and the crew had been voting here.

The main problem in this film is the acting : is so outstandingly bad that it gets annoying. I didn't even care for the stupid plot, because the lines were so fake and unrealistic that I couldn't focus on the story at all. I think the director should have dubbed the movie all over, maybe that would've helped a little. The actors lacked any kind of emotion expressions whatsoever. Some may blame the low budget here, but I don't think that's a excuse for such a bad execution. For example, in one scene, a moronic blonde dude is watching his best friend turning into a monster, right in front of his eyes , and instead of being shock or held disbelief, he starts screaming(calmly and not-that-convinced) to the one guy that is trying to shoot the monster "don't kill my friend, he is my best friend" ; and when the monster finally gets shot, the moronic blonde dude starts complaining "you shot my best friend, I'm gonna call the cops" but the cops don't take his call rightaway, so he decides to break the cellphone, his one and only way to communicate outside (they were locked inside the haunted house)... Really, a painful movie to see.
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Rebound (2005)
So sad...nobody was laughing
30 June 2005
It's a shame when a movie tries so hard to be funny but no one laughs at it. I went seeing this with expecting for a couple hours of light, predictable and forgettable fun, but instead of that I got a pointless sitcom that fails miserably at being funny or dramatic.

The main problem with Rebound is that it never comes together; it's that kind of movie that is sorta made by two directors with opposite purposes: light-hearted humor and deep thoughtful drama. So, the whole film is like a struggle between these two visions, and none comes to win. Unfortunately, viewers become the great losers with all this mess.

Megan Mullaly makes a good job of her role, though Martin Lawrence looks uncomfortable and overwhelmed by his. I have read some good reviews about Lawrence's performance, but I have to disagree on that one. I think that this is one of his worst performances, totally unfunny or whatsoever.

For those who defend this film saying that is a kid's movie, I should defend children's rights to have intelligent options, like Pixar and Dreamworks had been doing lately. There is no excuse for showing dull and naive movies only because "it's for the children"...
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Childish and dull
29 June 2005
Well, what can I say, I'm surprised that I made it through the whole movie. I just felt an urge to leave the cinema since the very beginning. Not that I dislike Lohan, but this one was really a bad film. Not funny, cute or whatsoever, all I was thinking during this childish and dull film was that I could have spent so much better my time and money.

Somehow, the idea of Herbie fitted so much better back in the 80's. Now is just naive and extremely unbelievable, even for a child. Kids aren't stupid, and they deserve a good plot and character development as well. I wonder why the filmmakers insists on bringing up idiotic ideas when it comes to shoot a "family movie". ¿Do they think that just because children are their main target, they have to reduce all the ideas to moronic behavior and clown jokes? Believe me, there's nothing in Herbie that a grown up should enjoy (besides, Lindsay Lohan's anatomy was "reduced "to please the audiences ¿can you believe that?). So, if you're not a 5 years old kid, stay away from this one.

Speaking of her, Lindsay should choose better her roles. She's not a kid anymore, and she's talented indeed ¿so why keep choosing this childish movies? "Mean Girls" was alright, because it was witty, but her latter movies had been so dull! I hope she realizes that her characters should grow up as she might as well.
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Fantastic Four (I) (2005)
It's just the same old thing
28 June 2005
After seeing The Fantastic Four, I felt like I was watching over the same old movie again and again. Maybe it could have been amazing ten years ago, before "X2","Spiderman" "Hulk", "Batman Begins" or "Revenge of the Siths". But if you saw any of the movies above, it will be very hard to be surprised by this one.

First of all, the cast was not that good. Jessica Alba seems too young for Susan, and Chris Evans just doesn't seems to fit his role. Mr Doom is very laughable and it's not scary at all, specially because is interpreted by that guy from "Nip Tuck" we're all used to see as a "casanova". The rest of the cast (and the two most important characters, Mr. Fantastic and The Thing) are kinda unknown, but that's not really a bad thing. I think that the major problem with comic movies is that''s really hard for fans to get used to see a real person incarnating his/her childhood hero. So, the less famous the actor, the better.

About the plot, all I can say it's a bit disappointing, and it has all the flares and holes that this kind of movie seems to have. It's not a bad movie, but it's not original. So to speak, you won't find anything new in "Fantastic fours", but you won't fall asleep either.
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It's really not that good, and you get ill from seeing Cruise's face all that much
28 June 2005
I just don't get it ¿how come everybody seems to like this movie? I went to a screening last night and I really thought it was awful. The acting was very mediocre, specially Mr. Cruise's, and the premise was really neglected by his typical "stealing camera" presence. He just can't stand not to be in every single scene.

Warning: there are some spoilers ahead;

There are serious plot holes in this movie -and I mean SERIOUS. Beginning with the aliens, ¿Millions of years, and they weren't aware of bacterias? Come on, how stupid Spielberg think we are??? ¿And which was the alien's idea? ¿Did they even have a plan for destroying the world? I mean, if that was planned by then million years before, they could have tried a little bit harder. ¿Why they bother to chase people inside their houses when they could have just blown the whole town in a couple seconds? ¿How come Boston was all messed up and destroyed, and the kid's grandparents seemed dressed like they were headed to a church party? ¿Why did everybody walked so peacefully and calmed, headed to the same place, instead of hiding or running in circles? I guess that would've been a lot more realistic reaction. But no. All the people did in this movie was walking, headed nowhere.

Aware of that, there were scenes really ridiculous that reminds me of a "Tom & Jerry" cartoon: Tom Cruise and Dakota hiding from a Snake shaped arm of the aliens, in a basement, hiding behind mirrors and stuff. It was so lame! For a minute, I thought they would disguise as statues, like on Scooby Doo, or something like that. Really pitiful.

On the good side, there are some good effects, but most of them show up at the first half of the movie. We don't really get to care about the characters so much (I think much due to the soo loooong time Cruise 's on screen, nobody else got time to develop their roles, nor the kids, nor the mother of the kids, nor the crazy man living in the basement) This aside, I really think Dakota Fanning gives a brilliant performance. The girl is really amazing, you just can't believe that such an actress could be so young. when Dakota cries, everybody cries with her. She is the best in this movie, and the main reason that kept me from giving it 1 star.
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You 've GOT to be kidding
7 October 2003
I really couldn't stand to read all the good reviews this one had, and neither could believe that this tedious, disgusting and gruesome movie made up to an 8,0!!!!

I don't want to insult anybody with this, but...¿what the hell is on your mind people??? ¿Do you really like movies where there's no sense at all, no story, no script? Sure the cast is good, and the acting and the scenes are well done....but ¿hello? ¿Story? ¿Any bit of logic out there???

I was as puzzled as the day I happened to watch Lost Highway. I blamed myself back then, 'cause I really disliked that movie as much as i disliked this. But everybody seem to enjoyed it, so I thought that I was the wrong one. But after watching Mullholland Dr., I understood that the problem wasn't me (I really tried hard to enjoy it). The problem is David Lynch, a director who won't make movies, but long video clips. That's all that this movie is; So, he could make them more shortly, and warn the audiences that they won't be watching a movie, so better not pay that much of attention, there won't be any way of understanding it at all.

I keep thinking that all the people that use to give good reviews to this kind of movie really don't get the movie, and don't have a good time with it, but they think that it's cool and groovy to say that they liked it. Nevertheless, I can't comprehend how this horrible film made up to that rating. If things like this start to happen, then soon we will be flooded with bad movies that no one will understand. It's a real shame!
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Annoying, lame and definetely NOT funny
7 October 2003
This is a VERY BAD MOVIE. I only saw it for Cameron Diaz, but it's not her best work either. I don't know why she chose to work with all those morons, who are so annoying with their screaming and their dumb fights. I hated all the characters, I hated the story, I wished all the time that they all got killed to end this once for all.

I didn't laughed even once, and neither did the whole cinema. Everybody got out feeling dizzy and tired, but never amazed or with the feeling that the movie was good.

The only good think is that all those disgusting people end up badly. even though, that's not enough reward for the cost that watching this movie means. Stay away from this very bad thing.
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Does Horror means Stupid???
3 October 2003
After watching this lame attempt to scare, i finally became convinced that, for movie makers these days, horror is equal to stupid, pointless, brainless and disgusting. I wonder why we, the lovers of the horror genre, has to put up with so many atrocities, just for the sake of getting a good old fashioned scare. Nevertheless, not even this remakes will make it so far.

I always loved horror films, and being scared with them is something delightful and really amazing. Unfortunately, there are only a few (very very few) movies that can actually scare us. The most are overrated blockbusters with no script, sense or acting. The way producers decided to scare their public is definetely not the addecuate one, cause with all their plot twists, they only get laughs and pointings on how ridiculous their movies can turn out.

House on the haunting hill is a perfect example on this. The beginning is actually frightening, with the mental patients going nuts and killing all the doctors and the nurses. The idea of spending a night on a haunted house could have done it perfectly, but uncanny they decided to put up a annoying couple as the hosts. All their marriage problem is so stupid and boring.

After that, all came downhill, to finally turn up in a strange black mist that we should identificate as the evilness itself. I consider that fact very dissapointing and surprisingly childish! But to that point I was so undescriptable teased by boredom, that all I ever wanted from it was to end up soon.

I don't know how long this movie was, but it looked to me like it took an eternity to end. If you're looking for chills and thrills, you won't find them on the house on the hauted hill. If you really want to see something scary , try looking on that tedious Annie movie instead, at least that would be more frightening than this one!
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Annie (1982)
Tomorrow I will hate her as much as today!!!
3 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler alert This must be the worst movie I had seen in my whole life; it takes out the worst in me, 'cause everytime I see that dumb red-hair girl I feel like hitting somebody. She's so annoying, with her ugly smile and cheap haircut. And let's not talk about that tedious dog of hers!

There's no way I could buy the idea that this bold and rich old man could have fallen in love with this insipid and unbearable little rascal. She's a real pest, and gets to disturb everybody with her screams and whinnings. How come everybody at that house love her? I rather spend my time with Chucky. Ah least he doesn't get to sing those moronics songs every time he feels happy or sad.

I was hoping that those thieves that chased Annie succeed on killing her. Unfortunately that didn't happened, and at the end, she gets what she wanted (Trick the rich man and get all his money), and we have to tolerate a sorry end with them both dancing like idiots and shouting how happy their are cause they got each other. I wonder if that man will keep thinking the same after that sluttie Annie kills him and inherit all his fortune. ¿Oh, we didn't get to see that in the movie? Well, just wait for Annie part 2 : the real deal. In this movie, Annie kills his adoptive father and that idiotic secretary of his and with all their money, she build up a Strip club, where all the other orphans who grew up with her have to work as slaves of Annie.

Yeah, beware all of you, fools who believed on that red hair witch. Annie is no friend of mine or to anybody. Don't ever trust in a smiley face that sings that Tomorrow she will love you...'cause she will be meaning your money, not you.!!!
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Godzilla (I) (1998)
2 October 2003
Gosh, after seeing this movie i realized that size did matter after all, cause the bigger the expectations, the bigger the deception. This movie really sucked in all and every way, lacking all kind of common sense or logic.

The bad acting is annoying, but that's not he worst part of Moronzilla. What makes you really scream for help is the stupidiest and dumbness that the writters had on developing the story. ¡How many rip offs, all them failures, the spectator had to put up with! It's very clear to see that writters had a hard battle against common sense and brightness, and unhappily for the viewers, the writters did win that battle. Common sense is dead, long live to the common sense!

The most dull and idiotic fact is that Moronzilla cared so much to hunt Broderick & friends, and didn't care for all the military men that where stalking it. Yeah, Mr. Size-Does-Matter, it's very clear that your brain didn't match up to your size. Waste your time and energy hunting that bunch of losers instead of worrying about the army, cause of course Jean Reno & Co. are the real menace to you. Those guys down there with those canyons are really no danger for ya....¡ja!

Let's not mention the fact that a monster that big did actually hide inside a building and no one could tell where ¿Are we in blindness land? Hope so!

Oh, and Jurassic Park 2 was bad enough on its own ¿why did they had to copy it? That was a very bad choice. Bad enough to equal the other idiotics idea that took place during the production of this crap.
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Crash (1996)
Gruesome, dumb, freak & BORING
2 October 2003
Well, here´s a movie that makes a lot of sense...¡¡¡to the sex addicts nutcases of an ill-mental freaks house!!!!

I guess Cronenberg thinks of the world as a nest of rapist sexmaniacs or whatsoever, cause in all his films, people seems to be dominated by the urge of sex, be it with a person, a tree, a dog....or a car! ¡¡And a crushed one, for God's Sake!!!

I thought Shivers was unpleasant enough, until I saw this one. Then I realized that this man's career has been going downhill for a while. I'm familiarized with movies that are odd and strange, but this one is just not bearable. How can somebody come up with a movie that stands on people getting horny by car wrecks, iron legs and blood cuts??? Besides, not only the characters are mad enough to like that stuff, but they actually behave strangely throughout the whole movie, in every aspect of their lives. And let's not mention the slow paced and boring script.

I wasn't able to understand neither the story or the characters. All the purpose in this film is to reveal unsettling scenes to upset the audiences. It really get into my nerves to see that there's a lot of people trying to defend this silliness, which means that more garbage like this one is going to be made.

It was a huge disappointment seeing this movie, i guess it was the low point for a lot of persons who happened to work on it. I really wished that Cronenberg got himself into one of those cars and smashed it against a wall or something, just for not having the risk to see a thing like it again....Let's just hope not!
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Don't bother to find out who the girl is
1 October 2003
There are things that are better left unsaid, and questions that we better not seek for an answer. If you just wanna know who's that girl, let ME tell you, instead of watching this unbearable movie: That girl is a slutty, cheap, lame, pathetic and, of course, BAD ACTRESS, who happens to think that she is cool, pretty, gracious, funny or whatsoever. I mean, ¿how wrong can she be? Is very sad to see an somewhat good singer making such ridiculous interpretation. I wonder how her career didn't fell apart after making this big mistake of a movie.

It's no news that Madonna simply can't act, but this one is specially bad. The story is so boring and unbelievably stupid that makes you angry. If it were a little bit less idiotic, it could have made us laugh. But no. It stupidity reaches such levels that there is no way of tolerating this.

I just hope Madonna's daughter never get to see this film, otherwise she would be SO embarrassed.

Please avoid it.
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Feardotcom (2002)
When the poster is the best a film has got to offer...
30 September 2003
...That just can't be good. The only positive thing about Feardotcom, is the poster, that's really scary. But the rest of it...How sad!!!!

I really got upset while watching this. The movie kept going worst and worst, and it was shamelessly copied from "the ring". Yes, I know some of you might say that this movie came up before the ring showed up, but let's not forget that the original ringu was made up back to 1997.

There's lots of things that won't be explained in the movie, but you won't mind it at all, cause all you will be asking of it is to end up soon (not from scares, but from boredom). I actually started to play mind games during this movie, to not feel that i completely wasted all that time.

Well, many had already commented the multiples rip off scenes that this movie has, so i won't point it out. It's a shame, cause I think the idea would bear a couple rip offs, but the well done kind of. Unhappily, this is not the case.

All this movie is gonna bring you is pain and misery, cause you will end up feeling used and abused as I did. I mean, a whole dollar for seeing this trash is way too much. Seeing it for free is already expensive. I think that i must be paid for seeing this more than once. Paid a lot!
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Spice World (1997)
It's so deep and touching it made me cry.
30 September 2003
This movie is a real underrated and overlooked gem; you must discover it watching it several times, to keep unfolding all the layers that composes it.

Suberb actings portraits the essence of british women, representing every single one of them in the complete and well scripted characters along the movie, not to mention the perfectly well casted design of purposes for each one of them.

The movie draws along some of the most intense and closest moments in the cinema history, bringing along stories that could happen to you or to me. I really got into the story; it's perfectly matched and it cares to make sense the whole running time, leaving the spectator without a single plothole. It's so good to see that the producers decided to not treat the Spice fans like morons, and brought up an inteligent and sensitive script.

Some scenes are really brilliant, creating an unique atmosphere that brings your heart upbeat, tingling to joy some moments and downcasting to tears some others. I actually cried when the girls fought, It touched me so deep that made me feel all vulnerable inside. Thank God the film ends up O.K., and every time I remember that the Spice Girls broke up, I run to my nearest video store and rent this maravelous piece of art and watch it over again, so I can keep alive the fantasy that their are still up together.

Overall, this is a MUST SEE for any human kind. ¡Spice up your life!
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Barb Wire (1996)
Unsettling and revealing
30 September 2003
This movie is such a surprise. When you think you can predict all those miserable failures that makes to the box office, you get to know Barb Wire. The most ridiculous, pontless and shamefull movie I had ever seen in my whole life.

It's unsettling how bad this movie is. All I can say it reveals to me the moronic guidelines that predominate on moviemakers these days. ¿Can I think on something stupidiest than Barb Wire? Well, maybe if they make something like "Barb Wire meets Barney" or something like it; otherwise, I really couldn't think of something more idiotic than this movie.

Pamela Lee should be locked and never been allowed to get near a studio, after her horrible acting in this picture. The rest of the cast, hopefully, should be starving to death after they commited such crime against cinema.
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End of Days (1999)
I use this one as a revenge weapon.
23 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is so bad, that it's actually good for punishments and revenges. Every time I get mad at someone, I trick'em to see this movie, telling them that this is the first serious movie of Arnold. It's very funny to act like you're liking this garbage, telling your friends that it's your favorite movie of all times, and watching their amazed faces.

-Spoilers ahead- I really wouldn't want to talk about the script of this movie, but there's a line that is above the rest on stupidity; A corpse has carved in the signs "Christ in N.Y.", and, just by reading that, Superior mind Schwarzenegger could figure out that the girl they were looking for is named Christine York. The lines are kinda like this: "Christ in New York....Christin N. York..... Christine York, that's the name of the girl!" Owww, come on, at least if Arnold's character had some kind of special mind powers or something, but it didn't. It actually lacked any kind of mind at all. How could a depressed mind blowing cop be so smart and talk like a damaged gorilla? That part was so insulting that made me angry, and I was happy when his character died at the end of the movie. I only wished it had died it sooner, then maybe the movie could have had any chance.

Well, what else can I say, when you see movies like End of Days, you really start wondering if maybe is the end of days of Hollywood, for allowing things like these to get to theatres!
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WHY on Hollywood 's name! ¿WHYYYYY???
23 September 2003
OH MY GOD. When I saw this I felt bad for myself. How could I expose my brains to such abomination! I should have known, anyway. ¿Flying Piranhas? There's no way a movie about flying Piranhas could be actually good. Yeah, it's my fault.

The problem is, not only this movie was bad, it was BAAAAAD, so bad that made movies like Gigli look good. The filmmakers should hide all the copies, or even better, burn it, to completely erase this thrash from earth. I mean, to any person that participated in this film making, it's a negative point for their careers (and could actually flunk it if it's to be discovered that they had anything to do with it).

The only use of Piranha the Spawning is to be used as a blackmail device for getting some money from the disgraced actors that appeared in this movie (pretty sure they had been the last 20 years trying to forget this miserable mistake in their lives).
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Dragonfly (2002)
This movie is SOOOO overrated!
22 September 2003
All I can say about this ridiculous and pathetic movie is that it gets to all your nerves and makes you want to hit Kevin Costner for his bad acting and his bad criteria when it comes to script's selections. Dragonfly is a film about nothing, that tries hard to rip-off "The sixth Sense", but fails amazingly.

¿A romantic movie? It is not. ¿A scary movie? Don't make me laugh! ¿A comedy? Well, the idiotic story will make you laugh, but more at it than with it.

All the clichés in the world are mixed in this movie, which "surprising end" could be anticipated from the very beginning. I really doubt of Costner's capabilities if he ever thought that he could bring up his sorry career with this tedious and lame movie.

If anyone should fly is not the dragon, it's Costner. Kevin, please fly away from Hollywood, as far as you can get! We all will thank you!
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I can't begin to understand how could somebody like this movie!
22 September 2003
I really don't get it. Maybe is it that I'm just too stupid to understand these so-called pieces of art that so many people praised, but I have to confess that I hated this movie with all my might.

It is boring, slow paced, really dumb and unrealistic. Come on, how much drama can a movie take? And besides all the depressing storyline, we also have to tolerate Bjork's screaming whinnings (that some people may consider music, but I don't). Everytime I hear her singing it sounds like a cat's being killed by a bulldog or whatsoever.

Sometimes I think that no one enjoys or understands this kind of movies, but it is cool to say that you liked it , cause it makes you look kinda intellectual. Well, I can confess that I'm a mindless-massive-pop-top-ranking items consumer, and I enjoyed a lot films like Terminator, Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Caribbean, So what!! At least I don't have to say that this garbage was touching, deep or revealing. Because, you can take my word, is was a great piece of chunk!!!!
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Not so good, not so bad
17 September 2003
Well, I think if this movie was shown back to the 80's, it would have been a great disappointment. Because the 80's slasher movies, beyond all their cheesiness, had some kind of "glamour" that present horror movies lacks. But for the "after Scream Movies Standards", I think this movie is pretty acceptable. Some decent gore, very funny moments ( I loved the lines from Kelly Rowland) and a good make up for Freddy.

Nevertheless, the movie fails on scaring the audience. After watching FvJ, I felt the same way I did when i saw There's something about Mary or American Pie. The whole cinema laughed out loud, and every time Jason or Freddy showed up it was like an appearance from Jerry Lewis or Jim Carrey. This was endured by the humiliation suffered by Jason's character on Jason X, an awful movie that sent to the ground any intention on rising Jason's scariness. Actually, that film was SO bad that made me forget everything I saw from the past Friday the 13th Series, and all I can remember is his dull and idiotic performance on outer space. Obviously, that sets the match for Freddy, who may have done bad movies, but never denigrating ones. Like I said when I reviewed Jason X, I think that if Krugger really wanted to eliminate Jason, he should have brought a copy of Jason X and showed him. That would have been enough to embarrass him to the point of wanting to die, once for all.
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I can't believe this movie made up to a 5,0!!!!!
17 September 2003
All I can really say is that, If Jeepers Creepers made up to a 5, there's GOT to be a problem with the rating system, otherwise there wouldn't be any chance that this sorry excuse for a movie could have made up to that score!

JP part 1 was already bad enough for heaven's sake!! I was pretty sure , when i found out they we're making a sequel, that this movie would flunk at the box office. For my surprise, not only topped the charts a couple weeks ago, but it also has a somewhat good rating from the audiences.

I mean, Hello? IS there any sense at all on audiences? or is it just we're all So brainwashed that we're already accepting any kind of thrash that Hollywood is willing to sell us?

Please, let's take some respect for ourselves and stay away from all the cinemas that pieces of crap like this one is being shown.
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