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The Guardian (2001–2004)
Watchable but has issues
24 July 2023
My main issue with this show is that it just doesn't have any likeable characters that you actually root for and they are all so unlikeable most of the time.

Nick is arrogant and selfish. He occasionally shows that he cares about others but then does something to destroy you thinking he is a good person. From season 1 to 3 the character doesn't really grow as a person at all.

Burton is not very likeable either and neither is Jake. Lulu and Alvin get kind of annoying after a while. James isn't likeable either and does some pretty crap things. A lot of the clients also aren't particularly likeable.
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Third Watch (1999–2005)
Still holds up in 2023
6 April 2023
Loved the show so much when it initially aired, I was in high school and along with ER this show made me want to work in emergency. I've recently started watching it again as it's on Samsung tv plus and 7 plus in Australia and they have all 6 seasons.

The show holds up so well I think in part because computers and technology aren't often seen so it doesn't feel super old compared to some other 90's show. The characters aren't politically correct so you wouldn't see them in a show today burning Bosco was and is still the best character!!! He is so entertaining! Jimmy is so nice on the eyes too! The storyline's are real and raw.

If you've never watched give it a go I guarantee you'll love it. If you haven't watched since 2005 I recommend rewatching it's just so entertaining and still better than 90% of todays shows.
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
It's a true story!
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why so many people are criticising the story or script when it is literally based and so closely follows a true story! I love shows based on true crime but I can't say I enjoyed it. Because John is the worst kind of person and there are episodes I felt sick just thinking that this was true and I cried in the last episode because I knew something awful was about to happen. Thankfully the story is worth watching for the ending because John gets what he deserves and the innocent people are ok.

Eric bana is one great convincing actor. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch him in anything else ever again without thinking he should be awful.
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Just wow
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was born in 1988 and first saw Top Gun as a child. So I have waited my entire life for this sequel and I was so devastated every time it got pushed back. The only thing I can say is that Tom doesn't disappoint (does he ever!) and it was worth the wait!!!

Packed with nostalgia and great action. Nothing these days would come close to doing what this movie does. And it gives you an ending you deserve after all this time.
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So much fun!
20 October 2021
This series is the most fun I've had watching tv in a long time! I've just finished the first season and can't wait to watch the second. It's so quirky and different to any other show and the characters are written and performed so well! If you like crime shows but also like something a bit lighter this is perfect. A good murder mystery, a great friendship and beautiful New York scenery. What more could you want!?
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Scandal (2012–2018)
This show is absolutely ridiculous but surprisingly addictive!
2 April 2021
If shonda rhymes knows how to do anything it's create a show that is utterly ridiculous and unrealistic in every way but very entertaining.

As a medical professional I think greys is the best and worst show. I love the characters but the medical stuff frustrates me. But still I allow myself to switch off and enjoy the show.

And I think that's what you also need to do with Scandal. If you have an intelligent bone in your body you have to switch off your brain and suspend total belief. This show is so ridiculous in so many ways. But who doesn't love some political drama, lots of cliffhangers, mysteries and plot twists.

I'll admit it is better in the first few seasons and just gets to preposterous levels by about season 6. The utterly horrible and treasonous acts committed by employees of the White House are insane I'm so glad that it's not unrealistic as it would be just plain scary if our world leaders acted this way.

Nevertheless it had me hooked after about 3-4 episodes and I binge watched the entire series in a few weeks.

I'd label this one a guilty pleasure. Don't watch if you can't switch off your brain as it will only leaving you saying wtf a lot!!!!
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Legacies (2018–2022)
Don't believe the bad reviews
12 February 2021
Yes this show is different to TVD or TO but it's not as bad as the other reviews would make you believe.

I've just finished season 1. It has a bit of a Harry Potter vibe due to being set in a school. Instead of focusing more on vampires it focuses more on witches which is nice. You get to see Hope Mikaelson and the Gemini twins story continue. And of course Alaric.

The only thing that they should have done differently is to have guest stars from TVD and TO appear. Would be great to have Caroline appear and maybe Freya.
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Upload (2020– )
Best new show in a long time!
19 May 2020
It's really enjoyable and easy to watch. I binge watched it and really didn't want it to end. The main characters are ones you can love and become invested in. The show is a great mix of comedy, romance and mystery. And I love seeing all the cool future stuff. Definitely worth a watch and I think will appeal to almost anyone.
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Stumptown (2019–2020)
Worth it for the soundtrack alone
17 October 2019
I must say I didn't expect to like this show as much as I do. It's refreshing to see a show about someone who is damaged and self destructive yet cares a lot about other people.

The soundtrack is filled with 70s and 80s which I love. Dex drives a piece of crap car and listens to a mixtape which plays random songs that are paired perfectly with what's going on. She's tough, smart and stands up for the little guy, despite having her own issues she's a likeable character.

The supporting characters do a good job. And the back story behind her best friend should prove to be interesting.

All in all this show shows a lot of promise. Excited to see where it takes us.
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It's ok
11 September 2019
Let me start by saying I love shark movies and I loved 47 meters down, however this movie doesn't live up to it.

I think the filming of the cave scenes was ruined by the fact that it was so dark it was hard to see what was actually going on and there were just too many close ups instead of wide shots which i guess is because it's in a cave.

I feel like it could have been better but it's an ok movie definitely worth watching if you like shark movies but don't watch it if your not into these movies as you probably won't like it. Unpopular opinion but Jaws 3 is still my favourite shark movie ever!
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Ok for a Netflix movie but not funny at all
20 August 2019
Netflix should just stop making movies and stick to tv shows. This movie is one of their better movies but that's not hard.

And it isn't a terrible movie either it's definitely watchable but for a movie that's meant to be a comedy it just wasn't funny. The script isn't good and there's just too much bickering between the main characters it takes away from the murder mystery. It had potential but just didn't work for me but being a Netflix movie I already had low expectations.
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Bolt (2008)
Such a cute movie
5 August 2019
Shows how strong the bond is between a dog and their human. So cute and enjoyable for the entire family.
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Veronica Mars: Years, Continents, Bloodshed (2019)
Season 4, Episode 8
23 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I had reviewed the season after 6 episodes and thought it was great.. literally until the last 5 mins. I knew something was going to happen but I just didn't think they would do that!!

I mean I can understand the writers point of view that Logan didn't really fit anymore but why did he have to die!!?? I would have preferred if he decided not to marry her, at least then maybe they could still have a chance one day but now that's done.

I will probably still watch the next season if there is one but I just wish this one ended so differently. And tbh I was kinda hoping that Maddy would turn out to be the bomber as that would have been twisted.
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Veronica Mars (2004– )
Season 4 is amazing
23 July 2019
Shows that take a break and then try to come back usually don't do great but Veronica Mars is the exception. The movie a few years ago was great and season 4 kicks off a few years later.

Kristen Bell and the rest of the cast do a great job and look great too. The new characters are interesting and the storyline is awesome! What I always loved about Veronica Mars was that it was never obvious who the perpetrator was and there were always a few suspects and you could really never guess who it was before you found out and season 4 is no different.

It's a great show and original fans will love it but even if you've never watched it before you could start watching now but I'd recommend watching from the start as it's a great show and there are a lot of original characters that pop up in this season which really adds to it.

I'd say it's less like a teen drama now and more just a crime show. I hope they make more seasons.
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The worst show I have ever watched
30 June 2019
I could get through half the first episode before I had to turn it off because it's just so bad! Don't waste your time.
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Blood & Treasure (2019–2022)
Fun easy to watch entertaining show
30 June 2019
It has treasure hunting, nazis, terrorists and is set mostly in Europe. I'm very much enjoying this show as it's different to anything else on atm and doesn't take itself too seriously! Give it a go if you like Indiana Jones, National Treasure etc
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Reef Break (2019)
Pilot episode is ok
22 June 2019
But it's so obvious that it's an Australian show with bad American accents. Should have either used American actors or made it set on a an Australian island and used Aussie accents. Also I don't think Poppy Montgomery was right for the role.

If you can get past that it's an ok show and was somewhat entertaining.
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The Meg (2018)
Great for a monster movie
15 June 2019
I think a lot of these negative reviews are from people who aren't necessarily fans of monster or shark movies. Because for me they are a guilty pleasure and this movie is one of the better high quality ones. It's not going to be for everyone but for it's intended audience it's fun and entertaining! I've seen almost all shark movies made with the exception of some of the really low budget ones and this one was pretty good. I loved that it was a huge shark, there are some twists and I thought the acting was good. I'd say it's on par with deep blue sea. 7/10
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
Season 3
10 June 2019
Unpopular opinion as it seems from most other reviews but I'm enjoying it so far. I'm not from the USA though so maybe that's why!? My political beliefs do lean more to the left I guess so maybe that's why these shows having a leftist agenda don't bother me. But I do understand people's frustrations as when I watch fictional tv I don't necessarily want to be reminded of real world politics, I'd prefer to just watch a good entertaining storyline regardless of whether it's realistic.

Yes the show has changed from the first two seasons but that is to expected when a new network takes over. I'm not sure why all the swearing is necessary and do agree that they didn't need it but the storyline's have been good so far (I'm up to episode 4).

Some characters are gone and there are some new additions, Anthony Edwards I think was a brilliant choice and I enjoy seeing him in front of the camera again as ER is one of my favourite shows ever.

There is still a story arc as well that involves Hannah Wells although so far it seems to be non related to the first two seasons story arc which I'm more than ok with because it still has me intrigued.

So far I'd still rate it 7/10 as it's still entertaining, not boring and I am liking seeing Tom Kirkman run for president. I'm still glad it got a season 3 and think Netflix has done a solid job so far.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
James Spader is amazingly entertaining as Raymond Reddington
5 June 2019
A great criminal thriller/action show that has had a few subpar episodes here and there but in general is very entertaining. The casting of James Spader was pure genius! I cannot imagine anyone else being able to pull of the role. The supporting cast are good as well. Many people complain about Elizabeth Keen's character but she is essential to the show. I guess she could have been played by a different actress but I quite like Megan Boone.

The FBI cases are interesting and range from homicides, terrorists, conspiracies and much more. Then there is Red's storyline's. He always has an alterior motive and you never quite know what his intentions are. He is a bad guy but one you root for.

The story arc just keeps you guessing. After six seasons there are still so many unanswered questions. Just when you think you know the truth, you really don't.

I'm glad that it is getting more seasons as season six was suppose to be the final season but I believe now there are two more seasons. I just hope they answer all my questions!

Definitely give it a chance if you are into crime, spy, action type shows. Definitely not your typical procedural crime drama.
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Designated Survivor (2016–2019)
So glad we got season 3!
5 June 2019
This is a great show! It's part action, part political thriller. Jack Bauer aka Kiefer Sutherland has finally become president!

So it follows the day to day dealings of him as president. But the way he becomes president is what makes the show. An attack that kills everyone except the designated survivor is carried out which leaves the most unqualified person as the president.

The show then also follows law enforcement as they try to uncover what happened. I guess you could say it is somewhat procedural but has a great story arc.

The first season was amazing! The second season not quite as great but still good but I have high hopes for season 3 as the season 2 finale left us with some cliffhangers.
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24: Legacy (2016–2017)
It isn't bad it just isn't great
5 June 2019
As a huge fan of 24 I was super excited for this series. As much as I love Jack Bauer I think after 8 seasons and another half season it was time for him to leave and I think his time ended on a high note.

This show had a lot of potential but I think because the original was just so good it could never have lived up to it. Maybe if you haven't seen the original you might enjoy it more but for me I would prefer to watch the original.

I never watched 24 for realism, it is after all an action show not a reality show! So expect what you would from an action movie and don't overthink it. Lots of shooting, killing, terrorists etc an ok plot and ok characters just not the same charm as the original.

Still worth a watch though, it's only 12 episodes so give it a shot! Still better than half the crap being produced these days!
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ER (1994–2009)
Still the best medical drama EVER!!!
3 June 2019
I first started watching when I was 14, it was 2002 and season 8. I had been going through a lot at home and this was the first show I'd watched that actually inspired me. The characters weren't perfect and often had complicated personal lives but they were realistic.

This show inspired me so much that I decided I wanted to work in an emergency department and that's exactly what I did. I'm now a nurse. This show is pretty realistic as far as the medicine goes, although I think every medical show is slightly unrealistic as to make it entertaining.

I have seen a lot of reviews that say that the earlier seasons are the best but I'd have to disagree as I think season 7-9 are the best but I thoroughly enjoy the entire show. Even the episodes that aren't the best are still amazing in comparison to newer shows.

I also am a fan of other medical shows such as Chicago Hope, greys anatomy and code black however they do not compare to ER. It is a classic and still translates well even 10 years after it finished.

Definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it. I think I've watched it at least 5 times from start to finish by now and it still hasn't gotten old and me being a nurse hasn't ruined it like it has a few other shows.
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NCIS: Los Angeles (2009–2023)
Season 2-8 are the best
24 May 2019
I love this show because it's so different to the original as in my opinion it is too procedural and I just never got that invested in the characters.

Whereas NCIS LA is totally different. This show has a 24/Scorpion feel to it. It doesn't just deal with homicides but drug cartels, terrorists, kidnapping etc. They often have cases that take them overseas, threaten their lives or nation security and are always going undercover as they are a covert branch of NCIS.

The characters have interesting back stories, especially Callen and Hetty. The introduction of Marty Deeks at the end of season 1 was genius and created a comedic element as well. Kensi is a great character as well and I like the nerds, Eric and Nell.

So in my opinion this show has everything. Yes it's procedural in nature but has lots of back stories and arcs each season. You really become invested in the characters which I think is important in a tv show as you care about them and want to watch them develop.

The only reason I haven't given it 10 stars is because season 1 isn't as good as the rest and then most of season 9 is subpar but gets better towards the end of the season and then season 10 has been good. I'm excited for season 11.
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Worst movie I've ever seen
23 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If I could give this movie zero stars I would. I can't believe people watch this crap! There's no real storyline and barely any dialogue. It's basically a whole lot of people trying to kill the same person for two hours and no one succeeding. He gets stabbed, hit by cars, shot at by multiple shooters at the same time but apparently he is invincible. People get killed in the middle of grand central station and no one notices. And some of the assassins have the chance to kill John wick but don't take it because he's so famous it's an honour to fight him and then he kills them. Absolutely the most stupid, illogical and violent movie in existence. I worry for the fate of humanity if this passes as good entertainment.
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