The Bling Ring (TV Mini Series 2022) Poster

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Of course they would agree to do this documentary.
JoshHP23 September 2022
These jerkwads are so empty headed they thought the filmmakers were going to shine positive light on them.

It takes a special kind of moron to talk in front of a camera and think people are gonna empathize with you, no growth and sadly they are procreating and bringing children into their f'ed up life.

Both the guy and the girl(and the mom) show how stupid and careles you have to be to be involved in something like this.

The epitome of a empty headed human raised by reality TV. If you want a summary of how bad this is; one of the dimwits thinks Kim Kardashian is a genius because of x tape...
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A watchable but terrible series
paul2001sw-130 May 2022
A group of bored teenagers have the ingenious idea of robbing the homes of Hollywood celebrities whene they have announced on social media that they plan to be away. The motivation isn't even getting rich per se, but because they can. Eventually they get caught. But instead of pleading for mercy, they try to leverage their fame by shooting a fake-reality TV show based on their experiences. Sofia Coppola starts making a movie about the story before the court case is even complete. The prospect of heavy sentences ends when it is discovered that a leading figure in the investigation is already working as a paid advisor to Coppola. The celebrity victims also cooperate with Coppola, milking the opportunity for further self-promotion. Finally, most of those involved appears in this documentary, displaying neither a sense of responsibility nor any sense of self-awaeness. It's both fascinating and terrible; and the documentary makers are well-aware they are adding to the general terribleness, and don't care either. The series is watchable enough, but if everyone involved was consigned to obscurity hereafter, it might not be such a bad thing.
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The Terrible stealing from Awful
NewNostalgicReview26 September 2022
Vapid, spoiled wannabes from LA Stealing from Ultra rich celebrities mansions and end up selling each other out to not go to prison. There is not one person to feel sorry for in the story except for the viewer. Doc should've been 2 parts max. Only saving Grace was the 2 reality producers literally laughing at everyone while everything is falling apart. Had a solid message in the end, but it doesn't seem these people learned a thing and are still obviously very proud of their endeavors. But it's also hilarious to think these millionaires were in some way effected by a few stolen handbags and Rolex's.
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This was fascinating
jordanomiller30 September 2022
Yes everyone involved --apart from the prosecutors--is absolutely horrible but the Bling Ring story is crazy and the doc is worth watching. The now-grown-up kids have absolutely zero shame and a million excuses for their crimes but I gotta give them credit for great story telling.

Regarding their awful lawyers, I am horrified how badly these kids were represented by their legal counsel who were clearly just as obsessed with celebrity as their loser clients. But since one of the lawyers was chosen based on HIS LOOKS (he's not that great BTW) what do you expect.

This is a good doc for someone who didnt know the Bling Ring story --especially the reality show angle--and wants to get the full scoop.
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What were you expecting?
obzcurity28 September 2022
I can only assume a lot of the negative reviews didn't watch this and had no interest in watching it, cause while they are right, it obviously was always going to be the point.

Everyone is insufferable, particularly the mother who was never involved in the actual burglaries and there's something horrifically nostogilic of a simpler time where these guys becoming celebrities was unique, now in the influencer era they are prehistoric.

The celebrities they burgled are now a who's that of Hollywood, this serves as a time capsule more than it does a documentary.

It's probably all lies, everyone is definitely terrible, and hell, even the celebs are presented in a way you have no sympathy. But like every train wreck.....
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Still trying to become "famous"
soberlyf-591-11027924 September 2022
First. Alexis mother is the most pathetic creature, if there was a law that could put you in prison for being a horrible human being, she'd do life. Alexis herself is a liar, she spent a decade denying everything and they have no remorse for making the celebs feel afraid to be in their own homes, Audrina Patridge was traumatized.. Alexis claims (now) that she was a drug addict because his fathers girlfriends sexually abused her, she was facing 48 years and didn't bring this up then? BS. She claims her current job is helping addicts in NA, I've been a member of NA/AA for 35 years, sponsors are not paid in NA/AA. She recently "pitched" a reality TV series about addiction, still seeking fame, it;s called Narcotics ANONYMOUS for a reason honey, one of our rules is "we maintain anonymity at the level of press, radio and film". Shame on her. They stole over $3 million and not one got more than a year in jail, Alexis served 30 days. Nick is clearly still proud of what he did, he laughs throughout the entire show.
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tarynsnewhome30 November 2022
Is anyone else watching Alexis Neiers and wondering who she is trying to convince? Everything she does and says seems like a premeditated script to prove how good she looks...She seems to be attempting to convince the audience while NOT ONCE making full eye contact with the viewer. Then when you are introduced to her mother, it's sadly clear what influenced Alexis' desperate need for approval and from such a young and overtly sexualized age. Andrea Arlington comes off as a narcissistic, desperately egocentric woman which used these young girls for her own advancement.

Watching I am saddened to see the way of thinking younger generations are bringing to the table.
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Screw these people
ramrphat9 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lol, these "kids" who have to be slightly older than me at this point, learned nothing. "Yeah, it's wrong, but society wanted us to be this way." No, your mother made you that way. Most people settle for where they are in life or strive for better, but not fame. My parents enlisted in the military and told me to commission. That's their wish and me moving up. You can carve out your place in this world without needing to be famous. And you don't become famous by stealing. I didn't know your name before this, and I'll forget it after this. Glad to see what drove this and led to the movie, but good grief, they're insufferable. And the guy that led all of this? He was absolutely the worst. No wonder others involved didn't want to speak. They probably want to put this behind them and now their names being associated with these two again. Glad the doc highlighted the narcissistic tendencies of the wannabes.
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Too bad to handle
anne-ecobichon22 September 2022
Too vapid like the protagonists themselves! Ok the underlying paparazzis, rise of the social media theme could have been interesting if well executed! But this is essentially a life-story of the protagonists and they are the total disaster.. they exemplify greed, unapologetic behaviour and they try to "redeem" themselves with worse and worst actions!

Brand naming, shamelessly wearing the spoils, looking for fame.., basically whoring themselves out in order to get a better deal at trial and "victimising" themselves! They are so hollow and such horrible persons! The Mom really takes the cake! No wonder the offsprings are so brainless.
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Fascinated by Jerky People
kiwifreund26 September 2022
I really never paid attention to the crimes when they were happening, so I learned a lot when I watched this series. They were incredibly bold. The thieves also thought of themselves as invincible, I think. And the way the two different sides to every stories plays out in this little series might leave your head spinning a bit, but I think I figured out that one person just has a big ego, and the other person has perfected her brand of lying. One thing that bothers me is that Rachel's lawyer was trying to portray her as an innocent child, but then said "Truth and justice will rue the day" they tried to appear, or something like that. It's actually incorrect use of that little saying, so if you read this, please stop saying that in that context like a hot potato. If you DO want truth and justice, you don't want those things to "rue the day," which would mean that they regret the day. You want truth and justice to win. Overall, I give this the same attention I do a murder mystery, but it's a shame their actions didn't make them notorious so I can't clutch my purse in suspicion.
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What The.....
iheartkatherine-6300624 September 2022
I don't understand what Netflix is doing these days airing junk like this because the main male character is laughing and smiling and basically proud of himself and what he did I think he should be tried again and serve more time.

I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to watch the second episode of this because it seems to glamorize being a criminal and they have all of these ill logical reasonings to what they did and breaking into anyone's home and stealing is a crime it doesn't matter how rich they are, is still a crime is still wrong there's still a victim it's a scary thing to realize that you've been robbed and they kinda just don't give a care.
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fascinating and disgusting at the same time
DasGlasperlenspiel22 September 2022
You have to keep in mind that criminals can spread their stories here and may even have been paid to tell them in this series. The story of young people who broke into the homes of Hollywood stars and stole very expensive things should be well known by now. But it's also undeniable that the urge to become famous in and around Hollywood gives this whole story a special twist. The injected lips and lifted faces of the interviewees give clear indications of the mindset of those involved. It's easy to think of Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry as a precursor of hell when you look at it. That's why this little series is worth it.
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The toxicity of stardom
Fairbrit27 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this Netflix mini-series can anyone actually separate the 'bad' from the 'good' guys? Appalling parenting, greedy extravagance, stars rewarded for very little, producers who will film family breakdowns just for ratings, police & lawyers with steel hearts. If you or I leave our doors open, neither the cops nor insurance companies would care. But celebrities are afforded compassion that is not available to you & I. What this shows is the toxicity of genuflecting at the feet of fame, stardom & excessive wealth. It sickened me to watch this. & I feel sad for the youth of today & the lack of great guidance and love.
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Netflix, STOP promoting these criminals and wannabe lame fame losers!

Now the media is promoting criminals and low life skunks to make money?

Yea. Hollywood or whatever film industry is really getting greedy. Good job on giving fame on losers and criminals.

Not only is this degrading, but this is influencing younger generation that doing such criminal activity is FINE to get more fame.

Youtube and Instagram is doing great job at making younger generation to become more stupid, and now this.

Absolute trash. I just cant see these criminals trying to act like what they did is OKAY and got what they wanted in the end.

Films like this should be illegal, or at least make it into horror story where you should NEVER do.
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well if you like porn...
ops-5253522 September 2022
Then you will surtainly like this for the social media driven audiences allround the world, the production drivelling their fangs into peoples misery and fortune, a story about wannabe stars becoming crawling under the skin on the real superstars of hollywood, stealing clean every doug and x-med, purses and jewelry, clothes and personality, leaving the crime scenes in such an obvious rude way, but when the end comes and the bails are flying higher and higher and the ratting out on eachother reaches an ever convulsing climax of hate and bitterness...

...then this series will suit you , as well as me the grumpy old man, who writes film and tvserie reviews like im into E. Or slaves for TMZ. Its true crime documented, the culprits memoires are recorded in persona, and its verified by the justice league of california... its true and its entertainment for all its worth so take it for what it is...just note that im still pretty independent a reviewer...cause im old...and grumpy , but i fancied the nerves of these daredeviling snatchsnitchers.
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A glance into the delusion of grandeur of the unnacomplished
redlinesi1023 September 2022
There is nothing redeemable from this except parenting lessons.

The two main characters represent a larger part of society that is lazy, entitled and have absolutely no self awareness in the culture they cultivate with their psychological need for attention. While a laughable attempt was made to present this as "bad behavior" and instead celebrates the worst aspects of our society that create and stand for absolutely nothing.

Finally, the people in this documentary lack of self awareness is breathtaking. No shame, no embarrassment. A chronic cancer of the personality that is now being celebrated.
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Waste of time and film about nobody criminals!
bseifert-2105921 September 2022
Why give these pathetic theives more spot light when all they really wanted was fame to begin with, but had no talent or any way to acheive it without breaking into peoples homes! What a sad world it is we live in where they do a documenry and let these theives tell their stupid, boring, pointless story. And what a shock the boy and i mean boy droped a dime on his so called best friends at the drop of a hat to try and save himself. Tells you everything you need to know about the character of the people involved who got way to much coverage and are still nobody! And the fact that this was made on top of a movie about these clowns shows a real flaw in society today.
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Irredeemable Drivel
helenahandbasket-9373422 September 2022
There's not one facet of this that I can remotely hold up as even somewhat worthy of minuscule amounts of attention yet somehow this manages to not only get the green light but made into multiple episodes- either Netflix is so devoid of decent projects, someone in charge has loads of blackmail material and/or the people paying the money haven't seen anything worthwhile so there's no way to compare this narcissistic, abhorrent programming to shows/movies that warrant time and talent.

There's so much finger-pointing and shame blaming it's nauseating- somehow they attempt to draw lines from overspending/pointless debt to blaming it onto celebrities for somehow forcing them into wanting to live like there's no end to the party and money is simply theirs for the taking. From blaming capitalism (eww icky lol) to becoming models for what can only be described as Hustler, there's an awful lot of blame on everyone and everything except them. There's even a decent amount heaped upon sexual preference (I thought I might be gay therefore this theft is okay because I was confused) and programming that showed celebrity homes so it's okay for them to covet others property.

There's a point where this vapid mother tries to validate her cult religion with a 'vision board' and says she has a million dollar bill, except it's missing a zero lol. That's a pretty perfect analogy for this series, actually; being so wrapped up in nonsense you can't decipher the difference between 100,000 and 1,000,000. A TV show doesn't equate to knowledge of anyone any more than whipping out Google maps gives you a property you now live in. Just because you say this nonsense doesn't make it true.

Hollywood and their ilk have become so enthralled with themselves, they've completely ignored the majority of us who pay their salaries and rent/buy the apps, that they think this is what gets them money. I didn't even make it twenty minutes before having to turn it off, in favor of stapling my tongue to a tree. Which coincidentally was more entertaining than whatever this is supposed to be.
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The Criminal Acclaimed America
fkdnrgm10 January 2023
This docuseries was just another movie to glorify the crimes committed by privileged people. Although it was meant to shed light on the pressures of being famous it's really the truth being told.

It's no different than teaching Christopher Columbus supposedly finding America and the genocide of the natives. Can't forget about slavery the rise of criminal notoriety and fame.

Assignations of political leaders and presidents in America, Mobsters, Mafia, Drug Lords, serial killers like jeffrey dahmer real crime all made into films to glorify and give notoriety to criminals for money. Crime Is the foundation of America. GET USE TO WATCHING FILMS ABOUT CRIMES IN AMERICA.
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Horrible, despicable, delusional humans...
jamesvass-6231629 September 2022
And then there is that mother.... Highly watchable show, it went through the various moving parts of the "bling ring". The MAIN player and ring leader isn't even part of the documentary, but the 2IC, Nick something did an excellent job at being candid about some pretty obnoxious behaviour. As the episodes rolled on you will undoubtedly find yourself needing pain killers from the headaches you will develop from over shaking of your head... These humans are beyond contemptuous... The Nick character is at the very least, honest about being a criminal. But the rest of them, Alexis and that mother of hers stunk up my TV... Hug your kids...
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Vapid Narcissism
twin-chaos25 September 2022
Vapid Hollywood Nobodies still being Vapid Hollywood Nobodies!

This "cast" of OG Influencers continue to be VAPID, yet extremely boring and annoyingly obnoxious. None of them had shown remorse then and they still don't show remorse now.

The narcissism and delusion is off the charts. The mother Andrea is a damn mess...she now calls herself a "Dr." JFC, parenting done very wrong!

The cast is extremely awkward, yet boring. They continuously lie or distance themselves from the actual crimes. Also, the close up camera work is quite jarring.

These people are just awful. When I'm feeling bad for the now Z-List celebrities, you've royally f-ed up.
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Glorifying celebs to the extreme..
Elof8123 September 2022
A docu about and starring vile horrible people. Dont be fooled, this is not a crime-docu... this is mainly about Fame-thirsty hollywood-wannabes who only thinks about money and want to talk 95% about their wannabe-lives and 5% about their crimes, with the exception perhaps Nick, who actually seem proud of his crimes.

The docu has some sort of pop-style narrative, focusing on it being cool to become a celeb, more than actually focusing on the people actually getting robbed, and the people commiting a number of crimes, without ANY remorse, lying and telling different versions. The remorse coming from Alexis seems more fake than anything else.

It is watchable, though, as a view into the extreme narcissism of these people who honestly should have been put away a LOT LONGER in jail than what they ended up getting. Shameful.
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Not worth watching
tlharrison-5954623 September 2022
I watched this because it popped up on Netflix. I vaguely remember some celebrities having their homes broken into, but I don't remember hearing much of anything about those who committed the break-ins/burglaries. I never heard of "The Bling Ring", whether it be the ragtag bunch of criminals we learn about in this docuseries-- or the subsequent movie named after them.

What we see here is a poorly directed and edited series, that is reminiscent of the days of E! Whether or not this production was meaning to pay homage to that era of pop culture or not, is not known to me. The he-said, she-said scenes are so cringy and uncomfortable-- they really play things up for the camera.

Hard to take the criminals in this series at all seriously. They are each given their moment to reflect on their prior decisions, and speak on how they feel about their actions today, looking back. Given that both Alexis and Nick decided to be part of this series where they speak openly (and sometimes not so openly) about their part in FELONIES committed, shows that they haven't come very far very-- they are still seeking that fame.

We get to meet Alexis' mom Andrea, who is an absolute TRIP. I have never heard someone make so many "me" statements. The way she tries to present herself would make you think that she isn't being interviewed about crimes her daughter committed.

The producers of Alexis' ill-fated reality show are in this... for some reason? Their commentary is gross, and listening to them makes me glad that toxic reality tv isn't as prevalent as it was in the 00's.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend watching this. It comes across as unapologetic and superficial.
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The best film about the Bling Ring
willjeff-762691 June 2022
This is a series not a film and its the best true crime documentary series about the Bling Ring. Goes into lots of detail about the crimes but also looks at the fame and celebrity culture, also really well made and thoght through - really liked it and would highly recommend.
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pathfinder-9232626 April 2022
I watched the first episode but I can't face anymore. The show is made in an interesting way but the it's like watching smug faced teenagers justifying theft in the way that a looter thinks it's ok to do what they do. I.e. " I can't afford what other people have, but I feel that I deserve it, so I'm just going to take it." This might be for some people but I refuse to add to the viewing figures.
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