Beyond the Rising Moon (1987) Poster

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Very ambitious, very low budget science fiction
AlsExGal1 January 2023
Pentan (Tracy Davis) is a genetically-modified, lab-grown assassin working for one of the mega-corporations that rule the known galaxy a hundred years from now. When an alien artifact is discovered on a distant world, she goes rogue to try and secure it for her own and try to win her freedom. Also featuring a bunch of people you've never heard of.

This film was made on a shoestring independently by people who seem to have really cared about it. Visually it lifts a lot of its style from Blade Runner and Dune, while the script borrows heavily from the works of William Gibson and Frederik Pohl. The extensive miniature work is both laudable and laughable, and it has a certain charm. It's a shame that the pacing and the performances couldn't have been better, though. Apparently this was re-released in the mid-00's under the title Outerworld with extensive editing and effects work being replaced with CGI, to the film's detriment. That's only what I've read though, as I haven't seen that newer version, nor am I inclined to.
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This could have been a good movie
adamwho15 June 2021
There are the bones of a decent movie here.

If there were a couple decades later a student filmmaker could really make an awesome movie out of this.
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Memories of the Kennedy Center premier
romlc47529 August 2004
My friend Kevin was the stunt coordinator for the film, so I lucked into being invited into town for the Kennedy Center premier of this film. I had read a copy of the shooting script (back when the title was still PENTAN) and had visited the sets on an "open house" night for some of the sets. I was wholeheartedly intrigued with what I was hoping would be a great low-budget SciFi film. What I saw on the silver screen was what could have been a great pitch film for a bigger budget release, but with much of the miniature effects very poorly done, the film was doomed. With the advent of digital filming and home-grown CGI, I'd love to see this film remade. The story had great potential, but alas not the budget to grow beyond a low-grade B-movie. With a little polishing on the script, it would have made a great multi-part episode for a show like the Outer Limits or some other SciFi anthology...even a 4-hr miniseries.
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"The Special Edition" is "special" all right...
NardacBlefscu6 June 2015
Originally released in 1987 as "Star Quest: Beyond The Rising Moon", this movie is a minor indie triumph with ambitious and charming old school, "Space:1999"-style model work and effects supporting stiff performances, pedestrian direction, and a derivative, predictable screenplay. That version is currently available on Youtube.

The "Outerworld" version now on Netflix and other sources is an appalling attempt to update and revise the film a la George Lucas's tweaks to the original STAR WARS trilogy and is about a thousand times less successful (and Lucas attempts were abject failures). No attempt has been made to mesh the original effects with the tacky and immediately-dated 2005 CGI and the film source appears to come from a very dated, late 1980s master. At the very least, a new film scan should have been struck and the original, unadulterated version made available to exist along side this "special edition" abortion but that is not the case. Ugh.
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bbriddell16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I writing a review as the only reason I took the time to watch the movie was related the reviews I had read.

In one review the main female character is noted as an Android. Nope, she's a synthetic human.

The "special effects" not Space 1999, they were better.

The story was more of a quarter baked notion, not even half baked. The story is like a frozen hamburger you put in the microwave for one minute and then eat. The whole story is contained in the first 15 minutes. She's a synthetic human that doesn't have rights as a person = slave. She wants to be free. She gets a hold of valuable information and then goes rogue. The company goes after her. She wins the end.

To state the story was a mess and thrown together would be giving these kinds of films a bad rep. It was so disjointed it's section was obvious and cliché but so off the wall you didn't know what the next transition would be from one video section to another. There are serious gaps, like the grand canyon, in plot points. The ship needs supplies for the trip, so the guy lays down to sleep; the next morning there's a fight and they take off without getting any supplies/fuel or anything. The woman has a chip in her head that will kill her in 72 hours after activation, so they go to a planet to the person that put her genetic code together to save her. The guy (Birkman) takes her there, hands her over while she's sleeping, the next morning they meet and agree to go to the planet where the alien ship for salvage is. What happened with the deadly chip? If there was a story board, then there would be five index cards in a freshman college paper format; Intro, 3 supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Suspension of disbelief: Nonexistent. For example, when they get to the alien ship for salvage there are blue skies with clouds like on Earth and a con trail from a jet plane in the shots. Near the beginning when they are taking off to get away from the big bad corporation she kills two guys; so the film took the time for her to dispose of the bodies by opening a bay door and throwing two obvious dummies to land on an obvious mat one at a time; like one wasn't bad enough.

Acting wooden & stupid. Directing would have been better by a 12 year old. Story Elementary school style.

There were a lot of low budget OK films in the 80s; this isn't one of them.

Doctor Who with Tom Baker has more story, better acting and directing; as well as better special effects than this movie and that was late 70s to 1981.

***I only watched due to the positive reviews. Save your time and watch anything other than this. Seriously not even so bad it's good; just pointless.***
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Old F/X doesn't mean bad
hocfocprod18 July 2011
I happen to like miniature F/X when done well and while this movie sort of tips its hand that you're looking at miniatures, I liked the overall visual feel. I think some of the F/X were probably handled with very early CG mixed in (if anyone knows I'd be interested to know). There are some decent "dog fights" between the spaceships and a few good action sequences.

Overall, where the movie's lower budget showed through in my mind, was with the audio and acting. The one thing that can'e be chalked up to it having been done over 20 years ago is the acting. At times it just screams "B-movie!", but as another reviewer said, that adds to the charm. If you like older sci-fi and movies with their own stylized atmosphere, you'll probably enjoy this film.
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Low Budget but not Bad
nebula-3702927 September 2018
I saw this on TV as Outerworld. The special effects seem dated, but were actually decent for a 1987 low-budget movie. The story involves an "artificial human" engineered for "corporate warfare" including stealing, killing and seducing. However, Pentan (Tracy Davis) decides she is tired of killing for the corporation's profit, and wants to be free. She obtains information very important to her employer, but doesn't turn it over. The rest would be spoilers.

This was apparently Ms. Davis' first big role, and she was apparently out of the business eight years later. She is well-suited for this character, and has a striking appearance, in a good way. Later roles were as "sales clerk" and "store manager" which is too bad; I would have enjoyed seeing her in something substantial.
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An independent B-movie with surprises
macmillan-320 November 2005
At first glance one might think this is going to be just a cheap SF B-movie, but if one considers how it was made (practically "in the backyard"), it is simply fantastic.

A lot of care went into the production, even with the very limited constraints these independent filmmakers were working in, and one can notice this.

One thing: this is not a movie of the "Spielberg-Lucas-etc.-Roller-Coaster-Ride-with Special-Effects"-kind, so if you expect something of that sort, you will be disappointed. Though it comes with an action-style plot, this is almost a quiet movie - which is one of its charms, if one can appreciate that.

The story, about an female android seeking freedom and teaming up with a space pilot to find a lost alien spaceship, battling an evil corporation on the way, is no big deal, but quite nicely done, human and believable in its context - more than can be said about some multi-million-dollar-productions. The acting sometimes is a bit on the heavy side, but strangely this somehow adds to the atmosphere this film manages to produce (rare in a SF-Film nowadays), and even helps in creating a sense of wonder, which you wouldn't expect in a movie on that budget ... The special effects are done with miniatures and they are in in their way almost stylish, so that you know you're looking at models but you don't care; one can admire what has been done here with a extremely tiny budget and how the filmmakers even managed to achieve a certain visual consistency in their film.

I bought this video by chance, not expecting much, and now find that I've seen it several times already and will continue to see it again from time to time, because in its own unpretentious, not-quite-professional way it manages to take me into another world of infinite possibilities, and what more could one ask from an SF-movie?
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1987 computer screens a tad hokey in a spaceship
Bernie444410 January 2024
Original title "Star Quest: Beyond the Rising Moon" (1987).

Also known as Outerworld (1987).

An above-average hybrid named Pentan ( Tracy Davis ) is trained to do the dirty work for the corporation with the threat of being dispatched on failure.

She sizes on an opportunity to escape and become normal but rich and makes her break for it. The rest of the movie is the obligatory chase scenes.

All of this is done in 84 minutes.

Seems that the actress Tracy Davis is sort of a mystery girl. She came out of nowhere made a few films and disappeared. I makes you wonder if we are not looking at the real Tracy in this film.

If you like this type of movie then you cannot miss Serenity (2005).
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Am I the only one that caught the Space 1999 background?
lvcambot-228 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This "Effort" was made in the 80's.. but Geeze!

Checking through the limited Sci-Fi fare available on Netflix streaming download I finally had a chance to see this.

What is wrong with this movie? Maybe a better question would be "What went Right?"

Here is a list of what I think was wrong to very very wrong:

A totally incoherent music score.

Did anybody else catch the "Solaris" theme roll by?

It's like Gerry Anderson's Model shop collides with a 3D effects program that stumbles into a Roger Corman and the latest Robert Rodriguez film projects.

In order of WORSEness:

1. Overall Audio Quality 2. Musical score? 3. Actors? Scenes? 4.Script? Story? (I mean come on!) 5. Directing? (I mean ditto ditto!!) 6. Ships going "Pa-Tank" when they land. Just like they did when you played with them in the sandbox as a kid. 7. A character named "Brickman?" ala the James Cameraon Abyss movie. 8. So the main lead was this "Hot" Sexy babe. In the end you settled for an untalented, wooden, MILF with BIG HAIR?

9. Fighting Scenes = Bump & Fall Down.

10. What exactly was this film about again?

Now that film distribution is finally breaking through to the HOME Big Screen Internet Connected TV and your hand-held smart Phone.. I'd love to know if this movie is NOW making money?

How much did this 16mm epic cost in 1986? How much did it cost to re-edit it for today?

Is it making money? Is it making money Now?


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So much amazing greatness
BandSAboutMovies8 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
2074: Corporations control the world instead of governments. Genetically engineered superbeing Pentan (Tracy Davis) serves her creator, Kuriyama Enterprises, as a corporate assassin and covert agent. Her latest mission involves finding an abandoned alien ship, the second that has crashed landed. The first made those that found it rich beyond their wildest fantasies; the kind of rich that can change Pentan's life.

The only problem is that because she's turned her back on her creators, a nanite bomb in the back of her head will kill her in just a few days unless scientist Robert Thorton (Rick Foucheaux) can save her.

Together with space jockey Harold Brickman (Hans Bachman), she plans on finding the treasure while avoiding the massive star cruiser Promethian and the killers who want her back. And oh yeah - instead of just pretending to have feelings, she's finally developing them.

Outerworld originally was StarQuest: Beyond the Rising Moon and if you had Sci-Fi back before it was SyFy, you may have seen it. Director and writer Phillip J. Cook took this shot on film effort and restored, remixed and added new digital video effects to improve the movie.

Cook's Gerry Anderson influence is all over this movie, as the ships look like they could come from Stingray or any other of his shows. As a kid, I used to stare in wonder at a book of spaceships that had art by Colin Hay, Chris Foss, Angus McKie and Peter Elson. This movie takes those gorgeous pieces of space fantasy art and makes them as real as possible (and as a low budget will allow). There were thirty hand-built sets and over 270 effects shots which were all achieved for around $175,000. That budget is the most science fiction part of this entire film as it's incredible that they were achieved for such a low price.

Pentan is the one who is strong and capable, yet unable to trust as she's never been programmed to. Brickman takes on the role that women usually do in science fiction, needing to be rescued and protected.

Plus, this is lean and mean. 78 minutes. More movies should be that length.

Beyond working for Don Dohler - and then working as a DP for Godfrey Ho on Undefeatable - I assume that Cook played tons of Star Frontiers. This is the second review of his films that I've claimed that he played a deep cut TSR game - Despiser feels so much like Gamma World it could be a module for that game - and if I ever get to speak to Mr. Cook, I plan on asking him tons of questions about the Legion of Gold and the Knight Hawks.

What I love about all of his films is that they return you to the joy and wonder of being a child. I get the same kind of sense of amazement that I received when I watched Starcrash at the drive-in. And even when people decry the story or the effects, I can't hear a single thing they say. This movie is beyond criticism. All I can do is tell you why it's important to me and ask you to watch it.
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Not bad for an Indie
tonyu-227 September 2006
Note, from the beginning, that I gave this film an "8". That's because it was shot on a shoestring budget and limited resources by a guy who took it seriously and worked hard on it. Low-buck effort it may be, but it used that tiny budget to best effect, and the result IS a nicely done piece of sci-fi that, although technically dated today, will still hold up well if you overlook the fact that CGI, which is second-nature today, was something which this film did not have the advantage of enjoying.

Most of the F/X filming was done with miniatures, and I mean miniatures, along with stop-motion film work to depict the characters on "large" sets which the production simply did not have, which DID come off pretty well when you consider the limitations they were working with. Some of the F/X models of vessels were hardly larger than a human hand. Other models/sets were assembled from carefully selected ordinary consumer hardware and old military/NASA surplus items that were arranged and configured to good effect.

It was a fine effort that actually does have a decent story line that makes it interesting to watch, particularly considering that it was such a low budget film where innovation, hard work, and dedication helped to make up for the lack of Star Wars style F/X and major studio facilities, with much of this film having been shot in farmland not very far from where I live.

I had a chance to meet and speak with the director/writer at an expo/screening here in town, and he talked about many of the obstacles he and the crew had to overcome while making this film, particularly with doing the sets and F/X, interesting stuff and all in all an enlightening lecture for independent movie makers and/or anyone involved with film.

This film doesn't show up often, but when it does, you should take a look. It's made the way movies used to be made before current day standards turned many small film maker's dreams and labors of love into multi-million buck big-wheel efforts glitzed with fla$h and "kewl 'splosions an' stuff". This film is not too far removed from being a bit of an icon of how it used to be done... with some decent visuals combined with an interesting story.

I applaud it not because it's a great film, but because it turned out as well as it did with such a small amount of resources to work with. I thought enough of it to seek out and purchase a copy on video, took a while but it was out there. Check it out, and give credit where it's due.
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Inspirational Suspension of Disbelief
djkinney13 November 2013
Watching this on Netflix streaming, within ten minutes I could tell that this film is exactly what young filmmakers should be watching to see what can be done with very little. Excellent because People today have forgotten what "suspension of disbelief" really means. It has become code for accepting the unacceptable. Instead, what it really means is allowing the story itself to shine through limitations or handicaps. The story here shines to an extent, but it is really the genuine talent that produced this film that remains a worthy object of attention.

It looks older than it is, mostly due to the film stock, and maybe that adds to the appeal.
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Not low-budget schlock!
This is obviously a very low-budget independent film, but it's orders of magnitude better than most movies of its type. The story is pretty cliché, but solidly told; the actors are good (not great, but good) and the SFX are respectable for the era and budget. Pentan (the lead character) is an artificial human who wants to be free. Her escape from the rat race is far more difficult that yours or mine, but her motivation is stronger. Most of us are wage slaves, she is a real slave, and I was rooting for her from the start. I didn't like the fact that the antagonists are pure blackguards – they never waver nor question their own motives – they are driven by profit and refuse to give an inch. I can't say there are any surprises in this video, except that it's better than you might expect, and I'd like to see what it would look like with a decent budget and top grade actors.
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Low budget does not always mean bad quality
raspail31 August 2008
When this movie was first released, I took a chance and rented it and was very pleasantly surprised to find a gem. You can't say that about most straight-to-video features, but this one was the exception to the rule. True, the FX are low budget and the acting can be a little uneven but even so, taken as a whole, this movie makes for an entertaining 90 minutes or so. The miniature and FX work are actually quite good for what must have been a very small budget and what the film lacks in production dollars is more than made up for in the hard work and effort it must have taken to get this film made. Plus female lead Tracy Davis makes for one very cute cyborg girl. I'd fly her anywhere in my spaceship!
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Very good effects for a low budget
LaoagMikey19 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Contains possible spoiler(s).

Several reviews mention how this is a very low budget movie. But look at what they did with that supposedly low budget. This is somewhat "made for TV" quality but the director scouted many locations which were used to maximum advantage to make a very good presentation.

There is some blue screen work which is not of the utmost quality but about average for the time it was made. That is not a negative, just a comment on the state of the art then.

The miniatures are obvious in some cases but well done. Many a toy store was raided, I expect, to get the various models needed and then lots of innovative painting ensued. There are some average to low quality mattes, too, consistent with a low budget. But also some traveling mattes or a good simulation of that process. Still, they are effective. That's what you have to do to make a low-budget movie.

The story gets off to a slow start, doing the back story but then takes off. Don't miss the first 15 minutes. The entire setup is there. And you get plenty of shots of a not-hard-to-look-at lead character.

There is a strange thought in the plot that the android could steal information then try to use that information for personal gain. And "she" thought that was legal and moral. It is a slight morality play in this regard.

The ending is somewhat abrupt and sappy. I was not totally satisfied with it. But I have seen worse.

However, even with the small faults, I can recommend this movie. You won't feel cheated.
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A significant low budget 80s film for its era
BigHarvey15 April 2021
For those 80s science fiction purists, this original uncut 1987 version of 'Beyond the Rising Moon' has scenes and old-school pre-digital visual effects that have never been released before. We're talking Gerry Anderson style. Later the film would be re-edited, re-scored and some of its visual effects upgraded digitally to make the film "Outerworld" which also is available on Amazon Prime. Needless to say, the film is incredibly dated and deliberate in pace. Shot on 16mm film, it was produced for a mere $114,000. It aired on the SyFy Channel for years and was featured in a 1989 article in American Cinematographer about its production.
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A real 80's Sci-Fi gem!
orbhunterx4 July 2020
Well worth the watch! I'm a nerd for movies so I'm pleasantly surprised to have missed this one when it came out. Sure it could have tried a bit more with developing an alien angle but for what it is I like it.
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It's pretty good
mitsubishizero28 March 2020
In spite of its low budget the movie has a charm to it. I feel like the dialouge's pretty good, the actors have decent chemistry in their interactions and the effects while corny still help further the story. It's interesting to see how Pentan (Tracy Davis) copes with her existence as a kilbot. Helping her be more human is a space trader named Harold Brickman (Hans Bachmann) who reluctantly allows her to accompany him. I feel like as they spend more time with eachother they begin to develop a rapport even sleeping with eachother at one point. Some of the dialouge's stiff and even laughable at times in terms of delivery but it gets the point across in terms of motives and story. The ships look dated but at the same time are cool. In conclusion, it's a good movie. It may not be a classic but it's still enjoyable nonetheless. I'd say if you like sci-fi check it out.
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I wasn't expecting to enjoy this one so much.
Alcaminhante28 August 2022
This is so obscure that I had no idea this movie existed. And I thought I had seen all the sci-fi b movies out there. As far a b movies or z movies go this is particularly fascinating. It's clear that was made by people who love sci-fi and the effort to present a lot of variation, sets and locations is commendable. The special effects are also really peculiar , with some toy ships , that strangely really work.

Overall it's a really fun movie where we can see there was a real effort to create something special with no budget at all.

And the music score even steals some bits from the Solaris remake soundtrack.

To my surprise I enjoyed this one a lot and if this was available to buy on Blu-ray I would buy it to keep it on my b movie sci-fi collection of forgotten space movies.

I would love to know more about this film. The blade runner cheap look, the alien type graphics and everything in it make for a really cool guilty pleasure when it comes to the so called bad movies. I Loved it.

It's clear that it was made with real heart, and cheap visuals or cheap production values don't always equal terrible movies.

Give it a chance. Understand you are going to see an indie production and you're good to go.

I found it today on YouTube so go search for it.
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Shoestring budget movie but worth the watch
tompfreeland17 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Originally storyline, low budget movie but full of surprises such as the fight scenes around the asteroids, as well as the sound effects of the spacecraft and weapons, if I didnt know better, l would think a famous movie production company and former owner, pinched the idea and sound effects for his movie, which came out years later !!
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Science fiction hidden gem
segaseeberg6 June 2024
An absolute gem of a science fiction b-movie!

I am very much into these low budget movies of the 80's and 90's and this one was a total surprice.

First and foremost. I was blown away by the EXCELLENT SGI. Very, very impresse for a late 80's movie. Actually I really do not understand how they got away with these effects at the time. Looking at much later films and video games from the mid 90's (Commman & Conquer) and the likes these effects look chunkier and stiffer. I am speachless. Wow!

Also the mix of actual crafted models, CGI and matt paintings is just plain surperb. I am in awe. There is just something about the way they pulled this off. See for yourself.

And then there is the music. A fantastic mix of synths and dark wave tunes (was it even invented back then?). Way ahead of its time and it really sets the mood. Absolutely genius.

And on top of that. The movie is very entertaintning from start to finish. I very much recommend this gem to all who are into science fiction.
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Is the movie making me sleepy? Or is it keeping me awake to see if something happens?
bmbelko11 October 2020
Snooze. I'm 35 minutes in and...the cliches are killing me. The underacting is killing me. It's like the actors looked at William Shatner in Star Trek and said, "Let's do the complete opposite!"
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