The height of Ridiculousness
23 September 2022
This is my 2nd time trying to watch this show, and I remember why I gave up after the first try. I've been a big fan of Law and Order and SVU, but this show is just ridiculous. It seems it was written by a bunch of Frat Boys who were either drunk or just plain stupid. Every character seems to be placed in a ridiculous situation, and make ridiculous decisions, compounded by their ridiculous actions. Beginning in minute one and continuing till the end. The Shaw character is the only one who seems to have a brain. And what is stabler's fascination and idolatry of his CI, who is probably the most impetuous and ridiculous of all the characters. Get a room already. And the worst part is this show is a tie-in to the season premieres of the two other Law and Order series. Urgh.
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