A great start that leads into a more mediocre movie.
26 October 2017
I have been somewhat disappointed by Carpenter this year, "The Fog" was pretty good, a bit flawed, but still highly enjoyable. "Prince of Darkness" had some mediocre and dull parts, but had some great concepts, a good atmosphere and some good effects. "In the Mouth of Madness" has some of the same problems "Prince of Darkness" had, and much like "Prince of Darkness", it has many good elements that save it from being completely mediocre and elevates it.

I liked this one better than "Prince" since it has a really good performance by Sam Neill, his character was really enjoyable to watch and you sympathize with him because of his charm, without him the film wouldn't have been as entertaining, unfortunately.

I believe I liked the build up better than the action itself, once monsters start appearing and we find out more about what's happening the movie sort of becomes standard, nothing bad but nothing great either, much like "Candyman" this movie lacks more rules to its horror, it just feels like a bunch of random events and ghouls appearing just because.

The ending is a bit inventive, predictable, but still riveting to watch. The movie actually has some creative moments and some great special effects to accompany them, but it never becomes more interesting than its premise.

Overall, a good film that falls flat at moments but has some great ideas and very suspenseful scenes that save it.

PD: Points extra for Robot Monster.
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