Not even one of those "so bad it;'s funny" movies
5 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this on Netflix late one night and decided to give it a whirl to see how bad it could be, and I wasn't disappointed. I can forgive movies made on shoestring budgets (Check out Clerks or El Mariachi) but the makers of this movie are not only untalented, they are creative looters: take a popular movie, rip it off, and give it a similar title. The reasons this movie are bad have been given in the other reviews: atrocious dialogue, bad acting, extreme lapses in logic and continuity, etc. Check these out:

1. The satellite man "transmorphs" then is only seen once again. And when you do, he drops from the sky in one of those "Matrixy" poses.

2. When the Nissan SUV (with the logo covered with black tape) spits out the dead driver, don't park it next to the crime scene for the next shot-check the license plate number, it's right there.

3. The title card describes an "Airforce" base. Sorry, folks, it's Air Force-2 words.

4. As the two government people drive the "doctor" in the Suburban, they go through a checkpoint, apparently into the "Airforce" base, then drive past the same checkpoint numerous times during their conversation.

5. Our hero fires not only his assault rifle, but his grenade launcher while sitting in the back seat of a pickup truck that has no roll-down back windows. And there is no brass ejected.

6. Our hero is known by the government agents as an expert in UAV operation. How they know that is unexplained, but no matter, the subject is never brought up again.

7. When the first robot attacks the Airforce base (which has no Air Force personnel), it is shown walking and shooting, and they use the same shot over and over and over and over again.

There is a place for low budget movies, such as the ones mentioned above, but at least put some effort into making a coherent script and story. Don't make a shallow ripoff.
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