It actually makes the first film seem bad in comparison (not that it's bad, but you know what I mean)
9 July 2010
I can't believe some people said that this was worse than Kill Bill volume 1. This is honestly much better than the first film. It actually makes the first film seem bad in comparison, not that it is bad but you know what mean. Kill Bill volume one was great. It had a few moment that I didn't like but it was anything but bad. Kill Bill volume 2 hits the spot perfectly. It really summarizes most, if not everything that I look for in a "good" movie. It has cliché's, but that's the point. And they're played out excellently. It has that campy feel to it, a common trade in Tarantino's films. It even has a few 70's kung-fu moments which I just loved seeing. I admire Tarantinos love for classic cinema (or retro might be a better word). This movie unlike the first one has a few funny moments, but still manage to stay serious. And I mean that, it is a serious film. but then again, what revenge movie isn't. And I must say I really loved the ending. It surprised me as well, which is a rare thing to happen. I was sort of moved, or at least intrigued by the ending, and for that I am very happy, because that is such a rare thing.

So why is it better than Kill Bill volume 1? Well, I'll it's longer, hence manage to build up a better and more variable story. Secondly, I like the character better,a nd we finally get to see Bill. So I must say, Kill Bill volume 1 serve as an introduction, so Kil Bill volume 1 is what makes Kill Bill volume 2 so much better, because now we know what's going one. And third, if you for any reason should have read my review for Kill Bill volume 1, you would know that I criticized it's violence. I'm not against violence in any way, in fact it is important in many films. This is one of them. Unlike Kill Bill volume 1, Kill Bill volume 2 is not focused on the violence, butt he story. The violence supports the story, not the other way around. I understand Tarantino was trying to make a kind of anime live-action movie, interesting idea, but I felt it was over the top. Think bad of me if you wan't. But this movie, ditch that idea, and I could enjoy the movie, and even it's more violent scenes.

So what more can I say? I finished the Kill Bill volume 1 review by saying I'm looking forward to Kill Bill volume 2. Well I love this film. it should be considered a cinematic masterpiece, and is probably already a classic. 10/10.
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