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Food for critics & other auteurs
13 July 2022
"HappyThankU...etc" is a light and optimistic film about struggling New Yorkers in their early 20s. The reviews of this movie here, however, indicate this movie attracted a demanding film festival audience expecting something heavier that could thrill the pros. It's just not that deep or complex though.

Interesting that the script identifies some of the challenges it would get from critics and places retorts to them in the dialogues!

Maybe this lit a fire from critics; or maybe they wanted to blunt a rising ego from Radnor lol.

Zoe Kazan was good, but I would have dropped that to focus on the other two. The three stories intertwine but not require each other. The story of taking in a lost child could have gone in more interesting directions.

For instance, What were Josh Radnor's freinds saying about him? What happens when a guy who fancies himself a good guy go through when government agencies think otherwise, and he can't let go?--- Like parenting as a drug. Rooney Mara could have been more of a psychologist instead of a troubled person--- After all we don't see the troubles.

All the females claim they are magnetized to the wrong men; and these are the men, well-meaning, perhaps shuffled, who cause that belief.

Plotting opportunities were not taken in order to achieve the mood of young adults who have not found their place in NYC, finding some contentment. Josh Radnor, lead, writer & director, is still doing Ted Moseby of tv's HIMYM.
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I did not stay with it
25 June 2022
I have read here this series replicates the conceits of the (better) book. A movie treatment that follows what a book does best often fails. The time-jumping problems mentioned in so many reviews of The Luminaries may be overrated, but one way or another, watching this left me spaced-out and in need of existential recovery.

The pace is slow and things are a little off--- this "western" is victorian New Zealand after all. I wanted some insight into this region's version of the American western, but I don't know how authentic this is. As can happen with Canadian or ANZ productions, I feel like I miss the influence of the German contribution to the US melting pot, in trying to relate to it. It seems here the celtic nature is unleashed, with slumming anglos thrown in, all in a survival mode or flat fortune-hunting.

The show enjoys the fascinations of the day contrasted with the muddy streets and shady motivations of the characters. The viewer is not informed of much and the leads are not in secure positions.

Good? Bad? Up? Down? I have other things to do and stability to re-acquire. My spark feels dampened. I think this show is more for female viewers who want some viewing challenge from a novel source. This series probably qualifies as an intellectual diversion.

The acting is promising.
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Becoming Elizabeth (2022– )
Starz winning in material already well covered
20 June 2022
So far (ep 2) this might be the best medieval drama I have seen. That would be maybe a dozen, including ones with this series' setting, 1572 England.

The young king Edward VI is well cast & acted, and written, given his father was Henry VIII, whose death starts this. All the dialogue is succint and dramatic, and generally not so accented as to be muddled. That and the solid logic are not assured in English productions, but B. E. comes through for this American.

The faces of the romantic leads are quite expressive but still believable. This might be the major difference in this version of the events depicted. The actors do not get that many words to work with, so must emote.

The suggestion is made that Mary queen of Scots could/should have been prevented from fleeing to France. That makes a big what-if. She's not in this though. In general, the world the characters inhabit is fairly small, and the Elizabeth character bemoans this. As do I as the show's biggest flaw. Politics & such are present only as they affect the given characters. There was one not-bad war scene.

Modern sensabilities exist in such as 1.5 characters made black and Eliz. Killing a deer. This is amusingly almost addressed in the dialogue though, so is easily forgivable.

There is an edgy tone throughout that might annoy smoe. The music is simple but uses modern instruments.

Very promising.
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Very "West Wing" with good humor & lib politics
10 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Rbt Redford was thevfirst choice for lead and would have been better... I got nothing from Micl Douglas, and kept thinking Martin Sheen was the president because of the TV show. That would be better choive too.

There were some lol humor on occasion, and bad politics. But this was mostly about romance, and one was Douglas, so I cannot rate highly.

The last speech with the comeback music playing to accompany, is why Dems so often disappoint. Reiner did not demonize the opponent in script but the president did, in his self-image as better good guy. The point was he was dating a one-sided activist, and she was being hidden and the affair denied, not that he was dating at all. The character could not accept that, believing the worst of the right.
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Something wicked this way comes
10 May 2022
Circus movies are like sports movies... They do not seem to capture the excitement of the original. Since that is true of movie versions of books too, maybe movies are better off inventing their own subjects.

Like the semi-old Disney movie about a travelling circus I quoted, this movie disappointed me overall. The three lead actresses were splendid, but the male lead was a total cypher. In Bradley Cooper's defense, he got few lines until his character was performing. Maybe the point was that he had little humanity, or was uncomfortable with words, but his character certainly pounced on word use for his job. I suspect it was the foreign director not comfortable with the ways Americans use english.

Plus, every character was into deception, maybe to each other.
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Their Finest (2016)
Serves numerous purposes; Blitz-era London.
18 April 2022
The setting is WWII London with "the boys" trapped in Dunkirk needing a ride home. London is getting shelled and jobs are increasinly available for women.

A small struggling studio is filming a war propaganda movie required to be "authentic and optimistic". The mission expands to include gaining the American market as the production builds momentum.

I even enjoyed this shoestring movie's segments, simple and silly as they were, apppropriate for the 1940s. Ironically the bigger movie producers might have been thinking the same thing, using an English not needing close captioning.

The Finest Hour writers want to serve a feminist purpose and it doesn't hurt anything--- except to botch the (near-)ending. Which, is what most movies do anyway, regardless of any purpose a movie is put to.

The thing is, without this angle, the plot may have been too slight, and the movie never made, and it was worth a watch.

Drama, romance, & tragedy are present but not the goal or achievement... Varied comedy including some lol humor... Accurate history to my knowledge, limited by the inclusion of a "women's side of war" mentality realistic to the era... a couple larger ironies in effect... Solid acting, including a male lead more specific than general, bravo. Indeed they make light of traditional leading men.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
Breakfast Club for adults in Bristol, UK
9 April 2022
A random group of Bristol citizens is doing community service light labor to avoid jail. Bristol is maybe the fifth-largest English city but is rarely heard from, or at least, has no Premier League team. A parrallel story with the McGuffin and the drama is that drug money from a gang changes hands and forces decisions. The end is not resolved well, as there would not be such a cutesy ending for this set-up IRL, but this show is about disparate people coming together and some logic is sacrificed. This is seemingly written for a British audience but the situations and humor should be widely appreciated with a variety of quality comedy. It is likely called a dramedy but the drama is typical tv.

The characters are stock but quite varied. One right-wing type is present for intended balance, but he is written with an even meaner dad, and made to change to be acceptable to a hard-line activist. But he is not the dynamic lead; an 18-yo girl is. The romances are not convincing but at least they don't kill off the old folks.

I hope to see more of the Stephen Merchant character as a bumbling self-effacing lawyer. The baddies were pretty good, and a Melissa McCarthy type out to steal scenes.
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Gunpowder, Treason & Plot (2004 TV Movie)
Two parts, about 100 minutes each, set 1561&1605
31 March 2022
I saw this on Tubi in the US, in an apparently much edited version, as one long movie. Other reviews talk about the prevalent sex & blood in it, that must have been cut out for this version. I suspect the original had a choppy look to it anyway, but the result not only reduced any shock value but made it even choppier or more "modern" per 2004. The director seemed to want to do things differently than a standard history. Variations that could make a Brit angry matters less to a broader audience.

Part one featured Mary Queen of Scots taking over in Scotland 1561. The sets were disappointing but it should be noted that IRL, MQS was less than thrilled with her Scottish royal accommodations after her raising in France. Characters were believable. Complaints about actor accents in period pieces are easy to set aside because IRL English royals mostly used French anyway.

This part had very little to do with the main half, except to take the story straight to the grown-up version of what MQS worked so hard to create, James 6+1, first king of combined Brits.

Part two has a new cast and shows religious strife around 1605. Minor characters make their cases straight to the camera, relieving us of time spent with their backstories... I'll take this exposition method. We learn the events creating the Guy Faukes UK holiday. As for the odd title: "English Folk Verse: Remember, remember!

The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!"
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High Strung (2016)
Top prize for movie genre: "handsome actors in a fine arts school"! It gets a scholarship.
3 December 2021
Let's stick to genre standards in judging, so to not miss out on being entertained by their music & dance productions.

This has a lead, Keenan Kempa, with fine dancing skills--- she can just stand there with a foot beside her head--- and is pretty and can act a little though cannot do everything the script writes for her. The script should not ask for that much, but it is called "High Strung" after all although that refers to the two male violinists that battle for her. She is medium strung. Another title chosen and the writers might have done the actors some favors. The male leads are probably there for their looks, but they achieve that. The teachers are ideal, and mean of course, like other genre demands (like sync dancing spontaneously, New York setting, etc).

Sonoya Mizuno, the lead's best friend, plays "Jasmine" obliviously, a good choice for the trope and her age, 30. Very sexy Japaner from England who can dance too. Unfortunately her name is made "Jazzy"... did they intend a black girl or an exotic? Happy they went for the latter and included a couple of black hip-hop sets and another male speaking role.

Oh the point: There are a variety of dance themes shown... original, thought-out for the project, and well executed. I am sarcastically sure the finale violated length rules of the depicted big competition... thankfully so. Nowhere to go from there except admittance to a hard school. There are likely more people seeing movies with ballet, on the cheap, than actual ballets!
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Serbian duo; from Kosovo to Skopje, Macedonia to SanDiego; no talk of Islam
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Since this is called a documentary without apparent tarting-up, facts can be fairly relied upon. Much has to be assumed because it is not shown, but the duo is willing to be transparent, so for instance the major issue, why they broke up after going through so much, is not hard to figure.

Ivan has few prospects and dreams things instead of doing them, but his dreams run dry and where never promising anyway. He is ultimately a druggie. He was probably exciting to a young Ivana, who can be so fearless she might have been fearful to most of her peers. She is tall and quick-minded, fairly attractive but does not go for glamour by Socal standards. She is ambitious and wants to be a California realtor. There is talk of him cheating but he talks about it more than she does, saying it is his right, probably by then stoned in his segments. Suddenly, while showing her dream-board, she says Ivan is no longer on it. A new guy is in, I think a handsome ex-soldier of Serbian descent, but I wasn't paying attention because his intro was a surprising turn to me by normal movie standards. (What would Ivan's would-be's agent say about this lol?. But this is a doc, IRL, and the producers seem to be playing it straight). She is fine to follow but frankly I suspect if the new guy has flaws, they are not disclosed, as the doc was likely Ivan's idea and the procers found his dizziness amusing. Ivana probably loses interest in the project except for a realtor's advertising value.

Plotwise, Ivana gets married and gets her citizenship and seems to be more aware of her financial fortunes than before. Earlier desires have faded.

Ivan goes back to Serbia as well as, primarily, downhill, and reminds us forgetful Americans about the Serbian war or whatever it is called.

Our Clintonistas declared war on Serbia in the 90s and dropped many bombs on them without bothering using drones. They just declared America at war and started dropping bombs. The pilots were said to hate the job and nearly everyone has lost memory of it. It is an embarassing episode for American history IMO. Serbia intentionally leaves up bombed-out buildings for tourists and kids to see as a reminder. This is probably Ivan's job, reminding everyone, and making a connection to his story.

Background--- Kosovo has unclear status now, a part of Serbia that Albanians have been colonizing because for Serbs, living in Belgrade is a big step up and it is easy to buy their land there. America has confounded things there and it may be an independent "rump" country now. IDK, ask Bill.
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Body (I) (2015)
Enjoyed the first part
2 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind watching others have fun with words, and it was well-written & clever for nothing actually happening. The rest of "Body" was watching three regular-looking college-type girls mess up often, immorally and unsmartly, with a couple men made helpless.

This is not a slasher movie, though it has many typical elements of those, except blood or frights or even a bad guy, until things go awry. The girls cannot come clean, nor come up with a decent lie, and have typical human & female limitations, so watch a fiasco unfold.

I liked Helen Rogers as Holly, the most variable of the three, and the least losing it.
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Hong Kong walk-and-talk rom-com
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Agree with the imdb summary--- if walk and talk can be called a movie category. If so, "Before Sunrise" may have invented it, or at least inspired this project. Actors are lovely Jamie Chung and a type like John Krasinski ( Jim in "The Office"), who is the one who lives in Hong Kong and speaks Chinese. Both stars are maybe 25-35 (?), clever, and claim to be attached. Theyare depicted in every scene, as is the bright night-life part of the city.

Disagree the movie lacks passion or the ending was wrong. If you're animalistic or wanting to see people suddenly glueing themselves to each other, okay, that might fit. But if it seems like there is too much sex portrayed in human relations, this will look refreshing as inhibitions are challenged but NOT abandoned to a silly rush that never films as well as intended. Also there is a tradition of not even kissing in Chinese films, which this is in part at least, given the Asian surnames of the producer & writer.

It is version of what we have seen before, but featuring a culture that is not just foreign but possibly at odds with our own. There are however an increasing amount of whites marrying orientals these days, so this movie could be portentious.

I do not frequent romantic movies, but this seems a good one so I thought I'd say. There are going to be fans of seeing more latching. This is not that. But Hollywood (hopefully) did not trample another culture like usual, hooray!
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Absurdity intended. 101min., Chinese comedy
6 October 2021
This is what could result if the Coen Brothers replaced Woody Allen as the inspiration for overseas moviemakers. Actually I don't know if they have, or they affected this movie, but the movie suggests it in style. Maybe the movie's rampant humorous situations have domestic antecedents; but nowhere is the authoritative China that usually gets presented.

This is a Chinese "indie" movie with chinese and english subtitles, which I found too small to catch completely sometimes. I liked that some of the characters, like me, were not clear on language... the characters were all backwoods types; think "Raising Arizona" or the like. No baby present, but there was a persistent body to keep track of. I am not a Coen fan myself but this would fit in with that body of work.

Locations were simple and rustic; a bigger budget may not have been better. Acting was good with Ye Gao fabulous as a fearless innkeeper with a fearful husband. His scene plotting murder with the "alternative chinese medicine" seller was hilarious.
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One of several interwoven tales includes a Korean handmaiden, 145 min
6 October 2021
The sttings are splendid, set in a Korea being occupied by Japan, and mostly in a mansion that is half-english and half-japanese. There is much going on about social status and nationality and the productionis careful about what languages the character is using even though it is all subtitled.

A rich book-loving older man has arranged to raise and marry a niece with a fortune. The other main male is pure con-man who has contrived a way to get the same fortune. The niece's handmaiden was brought aboard to help steer the target. This is all set up early; a spoiler would be still a long time away, as who is conspiring against who changes. The word "underestimated" is used a lot, meaning advantage to whoever is the most deceiving, strategic, and cold. A love is found---unless it's a trap. The deceptions are not so horrible since there is a clash of cultures anyway.

There is sex and guessing is encouraged, but no comedy or horror. It is long, divided into three parts with a different perspective... The first protagonist is the handmaiden Soon with aliases (Kim Tae-ri), but others get their reveals. It just feels wrong to call this movie asian, when it is deeply Oriental and set a hundred or so years ago. Deeply asian is less of a thing.

I thought movie a bit overconcerned with greatness, but at least it does aim high, and does give multiple perspectives. To me it did not have distracting holes.
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Can we be astute about this, um... ladies
5 October 2021
The movie has a porno setup, but it's not. The movie goes into directions that pleases itself and more or less away from customer expectations or genre, except for perhaps schoolgirls dealing with, or being, mean girls. The main conflict seems to be the problems of building a business that relies on nobody knowing it exists but the filmmakers do not let anything bog down the movie. This could be called their theme.

The actresses were splendid and apparently not casted for physical perfection, which quickly gives the movie a serious look. John Leguizomo and Cynthia Nixon have bigger roles than are credited for, so I speculate that the project's goal were shifted during filming. Thankfully they seemed to cut back on the slapstick/hyjinks/fantasy angles but left adequate nudity for the story. The soundtrack is probably a good compilation also.
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Miss Stevens (2016)
take care pretty Lillies
5 October 2021
Miss Stevens is Lily Rabe, a youngish single HS english/drama teacher who struggles to stay professional on an acting competition road trip with three students including Timothee Chalomet, who needs antidepressive meds, and the atmosphere brings things out in the leads. Also Lili Reinhart, sane and on point; and other stereotypicals.
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First Snow (2006)
Winter's coming
1 October 2021
JK Simmons & Piper Perabo in limited screen time make this movie better than it really is, but it's not a "big" movie that made me wish for more.

Two guys previously had a crime go wrong, one perhaps giving up the other, and now the wronged man is out. This will be a difficult situation for Guy Pierce's main character, and is made worse by the psychic reading by Simmons' journeyman and a more scientific one by a doctor. Will he die before the first snow? We are in Minnesota so there isn't much time to dither.
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Who to root for
1 October 2021
The vengeance guy (Gerard Butler) was no ordinary Joe and I found it hard to root for him--- or anyone else, one problem of the movie set-up. He eventually went way further than necessary with a plan that was doomed beyond rationalization or possibility of success (assuming he really wanted to "change the system"). He was probably better educated but no better than the opening-scene home invaders, the always-bad baddies, who likely had reasons of their own for being bad--- but (fortunately) the movie was not their story. The audience gets quite manipulated and the "law abiding citizen" (ha) gets the ex-soldier-y superman treatment, with Jamie Fox as the smooth ambitious future DA.

The DA type was of course wrong to get the badder baddie a short sentence for turning on the other baddie, and the system is messed up blah blah. The ending was set up so somebody could saunter away while stuff blew up behind him. So who got to do the victory walk?
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Red Lights (2012)
A Columbus institute's profsnl skeptic vs ESP showman
30 September 2021
Some people probably could have used more DeNiro, some more Weaver. But this movie does have a topic to cover, the debunking of supernatural powers by finding rational reasons. It has become a grim battle for legitimacy, with weaknesses of the players coming into play. The ending has become reused in Hollywood, perhaps a newish trope, and I think a copout that services keeping the previous action at a max level and probably confuses viewers unnecessarily.
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