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Shameless (2004–2013)
Overrated in the Extreme
19 April 2007
Judging from the media hype and the comments on IMDb you would honestly be forgiven this programme came from television heaven.How very wrong these people are.Take one dimensional characters insert them in some sink estate and show us how they live their miserable existences with a script composed mainly of cheap and tired clichés.Thats basically what shameless is.The amount of profanity used in the show also shows how desperate the writers are does little to help the careers of the actors involved.The Gallagher and Maguire family are a lazy creation.They could be easily be based on any dysfunctional family.The reason why it has been prolonged by a series is genuinely beyond me.
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A Touch of Frost (1992–2010)
Well Written T.V.
14 February 2007
David Jason's character Inspector Frost is unforgettable.Armed with dry humour,sharp sarcasm and rare chinks of emotion and compassion he goes about investigating cases in his own unorthodox manner.His cavalier attitude to his work often sees him at loggerheads with his superior chief inspector Mullet.The tension between the two is often the catalyst for some comedical moments.What wins you over is the sheer dogged determination of Frost to his work.He is a lonely man,living alone with his work the only thing he devotes his energy into.

A far cry from the happy go lucky character Del Boy he played in Only Fools And Horses David Jason excels in his role as the gritty,hard nosed cop determined to get results no matter whos feathers get ruffled.The stories are well written are filled with twists and turns leaving the viewer desperate for Frost to solve the case.

A shame if this show was ever to be to cancelled
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: The Royale (1989)
Season 2, Episode 12
Recommended Royale
12 February 2007
The Royale is one of the best episodes from season 2.I actually watched it on sky one way back on the 5th of June 2005 and I'm only getting round to writing my review now.

Upon discovering debris from a 21st century NASA spaceship near a strange planet.Entering the planet Data,Riker and Worf come across a hotel style casino from the 1980's.Investigating further they find a book written by a NASA astronaut called Hotel Royale.It then dawns on them they are in a living version of the book.Having seen out the conclusion of the book the officers are able to return to the enterprise.

This episode stands out as it was refreshing to see a realistic version of Earth and the plot involving the characters living out the novel was pretty creative on the part of the writing team.Also the supporting cast have a sizeable part and played it well.
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Mr. Bean (1990–1995)
Pure Comedic Genius
12 February 2007
Rowan Atkinson's creation Mr.Bean has stood the test of time and will be forever etched upon the memory of those who viewed it.

Living alone and appearing not to have a job of any description Mr.Bean goes around doing day to day activities in a rather comedic fashion.The mistake prone Mr.Bean induces heartfelt laughter when put even in the most simplest situations.Though he barely spoke any coherent words his jovial actions more than made up for this.

Even when driving in his beloved Mini Mr.Bean still manages to cause inadvertent chaos.Not very much is known about his background but his ability to draw tears of laughter from the audience at his funny shenanigans is well known.

Before he found fame Nick Hancock can be seen in a couple of the episodes
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Maniac Cop (1988)
A classic in it's own right
12 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A brutal police officer is running amok in New York mercilessly murdering innocents on the streets.Filmed on location in New York and working worth a considerably small budget an exciting thriller is on offer here.

Dectective Frank McRea sets about investigating what is happening and is convinced the killer is one of New York's finest.His superiors Commissioner Pike and Captain Riley dismiss this theory until the wife of a serving police officer Jack Forrest is discovered dead in a sleazy motel after discovering her husband was having an affair with a colleague.To appease the public outrage and feeling of extreme fear Forrest is arrested as a sacrificial lamb.However upon further investigative work McRae is unsure if indeed Forrest is indeed the killer.The evidence points to Matt Cordell a tough,old school officer who was arrested for violating a suspects rights and was subsequently murdered in prison.

However Cordell was not dead and returns to reek revenge on those who wronged him.Though the injuries he received may reveal why he is targeting innocents.He clearly has limited mental stability.

One of the best things about Maniac Cop is the quality of the cast.Bruce Campbell,Tom Atkins,William Smith and Richard Roundtree give inspired performances.Robert Z'Dar despite not speaking a single word is perfect for the role as Maniac Cop.His imposing and mean features add credibility to the character.

Memorable moments include when Cordell drowns a victim in wet cement and when he makes decisive use of the blade contained his nightstick on a drink driver.

A quality cast with solid directing plus plenty of thrills means you can't go wrong with Maniac Cop.
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11 January 2007
One night I stumbled upon this on the satellite station Bravo.Initially out of curiosity i decided to watch it.To be perfectly honest i wasn't disappointed.The main character is beautiful and her body is shown off well.You would think her talents would be wasted as a executioner but apparently not after watching the whole film!My only real gripe is the acting of the supporting cast particularly the actor who plays Melnik.Christ its bad!The prison guard Hank is woeful too.All he ever does is get drunk and make ill attempted passes at his co-guard Wanda though fortunately for us the viewer and for Hank he gets down and dirty with Wanda near the end. The music used is pretty tense and creates the perfect atmosphere for the executions. This movie is well watching alone for the beautiful,talented and very sexy Jennifer Thomas
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The X-Files: Little Green Men (1994)
Season 2, Episode 1
Back For More
25 September 2006
After the exciting finale of season one the x-files returns in season two with the same level of excitement.With the x-files closed down and the two agents reassigned to other areas Mulder's belief in the truth is fast beginning to fade.However when Senator Richard Matheson gives him a new reason to believe he risks his life by going alone to Puerto Rico.Scully has to get to him and fast.ASlso in this episode Skinner begins to develop his true character by being resistant to the cigarette smoking man.He obviously dosen't share his love of cigarettes!A great return for the second series and providing the scene for many great more episodes to come
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The X-Files: The Erlenmeyer Flask (1994)
Season 1, Episode 24
Season Finale
25 September 2006
What a great way to end the first season of the x-files.An apparent unrelated.minor car chase leads the agents to the discovery of what seems to be concrete evidence of a government conspiracy.The early sequence of the man being chased who then is shot emits green blood which has toxic properties is a classic.Also Deep Throat plays an important part i this episode though can the agents trust him after his lies in E.B.E?A stunning moment happens when Mulder enters the warehouse and before his very eyes is bodies in tanks of water.When he returns with Scully the bodies are gone much to Mulders disgust.He thought he had irrefutable,indisputable proof.This episode must be watched!
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The X-Files: Born Again (1994)
Season 1, Episode 22
Just plain bizarre
25 September 2006
Only on a very rare occasion does an episode of the x-files fail to generate any excitement or does the episode contain anything which is just totally boring to watch.A detective and his former partner both die in unexplained circumstances.The deaths are linked to the presence of a little girl who was there when the deaths took place.Mulder has devised a theory that a policeman murdered by his colleagues has come back reincarnated as the little girl and is exacting revenge.Now for the bizarre bit.The little girl has no connection at all and seems to just a random person chosen as the reincarnation.I think this was slightly lazy writing by the writers and this episode ranks as one of the worst in x-files history!
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The X-Files: Tooms (1994)
Season 1, Episode 21
The Return of Tooms
25 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The manaic Eugene Victor Tooms is released from the sanatorium he was sent to after being caught by the agents in "Squeeze".Upon release he is given a job and a new chance to settle down as a normal citizen.Albeit as a rehabilitated one.However Tooms being the genetic mutant he is has to kill once more to get the liver he needs in order to hibernate for another 30 years.A great moment occurs in this Mulder turns into a literal stalker and follows Tooms around constantly harrassing him and attempting to put a stop to his plans to kill again.It was great to see Tooms again excellently played by Doug Hutchinson and his death at the end is must see moment
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The X-Files: Shapes (1994)
Season 1, Episode 19
Howl At The Moon
22 September 2006
The agents set off to an American Indian reservation to investigate the murder who an Indian man who may have been mistaken for the legendary creature Manitou.A man who can shapeshift into a beast.The man who shot the creature claims to have been acting for his own safety and is adamant he didn't shoot a man.In this episode I can sense a mild form of racism between the dead man's family and the shooter and his son.I would describe this episode as pretty average.It dosen't excite in great amounts but a cool visual image is created when the man morphs into the manitou.Still a watchable episode for any hardcore x-filer.And the general dialogue between all the characters involved is decent.
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The X-Files: E.B.E. (1994)
Season 1, Episode 17
Extra terrestrial Biological Entity
22 September 2006
Information regarding a UFO which has been shot down over Iraq and secretly transported the U.S. has been conveyed to Mulder from Deep Throat.However previously where Deep Throat has appeared to be helpful and attempt to guide Mulder in the right direction isn't repeated in this episode.He blatantly lies to Mulder to cover up the truth of what really happened.Also in this episode is the debut of the much loved Lone Gunmen characters.Mulders paranoid friends who like showing off their technical knowledge with the express aim of aiding him on his cases.An exciting episode where many more questions are asked about Deep Throat and what his true motives are and the first sightings of the highly likable Lone Gunmen
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The X-Files: Lazarus (1994)
Season 1, Episode 15
Body Transplant
22 September 2006
FBI agent Jack Willis is involved in a bank robbery shoot out with robber Warren Dupre.Both men are rushed to hospital as a result of their injuries.Dupre dies when Willis pulls through and lives.When Willis leaves hospital and returns to his FBI duties his behaviour seems a bit bizarre and totally out of character.Mulder comes to the conclusion Dupre has come back to life in Willis's body.Scully has doubts about this as she reveals she had a relationship with him before.

Its welcome to catch a glimpse into Scully's past revealing a lot more of the character plus Mulder appears to take this Revelation well not displaying any jealousy or animosity towards her.

I enjoyed this episode a lot and the twist at the end provides a good ending
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The X-Files: Beyond the Sea (1994)
Season 1, Episode 13
Psychic Channelling
21 September 2006
I would say this episode is the most intense yet compared to standard x-files episodes one of the most challenging to watch.Different and daring,the usual x-files action and special effects takes a back seat.In it's place is dialogue and drama.The character Luther Boggs is one of the most fascinating ever written in the x-files and high praise must be heaped upon the writers of "Beyond The Sea"Not the most accessible of all the x-files episodes but without a doubt one of the engaging.The actor Brad Dourif who plays Luther Boggs is great and his scenes with Scully are an integral part of this episode.The drama and tension created between the two is brilliant and for once Scully seems to be a believer
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The X-Files: Fire (1993)
Season 1, Episode 12
Highly Flammable
21 September 2006
The episode Fire is a worthwhile episode which is worth watching mainly for two reasons.The villain Cecil L'Ivley and Mulders old flame Phoebe Green.The inclusion of both these characters is the making of this episode.Cecil L'Ivley is a great villain and his ability to conjure up fire for his own wicked needs is superb.The scene in the bar where the woman asks him for a light is fantastic.Trust me you gotta see it!Its interesting to see apparent jealousy from Scully as Phoebe attempts to re-ignite her past with Mulder.A possible love triangle you never seen coming!A skeleton in Mulder's cupboard indeed.It was also interesting to see Mulders fear of fire
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The X-Files: Eve (1993)
Season 1, Episode 11
Evil Twins
20 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now if anyone thinks that two little twin girls couldn't possibly be evil then watch this.And watch closely.Honestly you can pick the general feel of eeriness off this episode.The two actresses who played Teena Simmons and Cindy Reardon do a fantastic job.What I like most about this episode is you can never quite work out what is going to happen next.A lot of twists and turns occur throughout.The whole natural instinct possessed by the girls plays a central theme in the episode where they can find each other despite living miles away.A brief sighting of Deep Throat happens to give Mulder a little help with the case
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The X-Files: Fallen Angel (1993)
Season 1, Episode 10
U.F.O Ascension
20 September 2006
Usually any episodes of the x-files which involve U.F.O's are comprised of solid acting,quality script and plenty of tension all the way to excite the viewer.This episode from season one is no different.A genuinely interesting character alien abductee Max Fening makes an appearance and appears to be a huge fan of Mulders.Mulder acting on information from the mysterious Deep Throat sets about finding the pilot who crashed an unidentified flying object.The ending sequence has to be seen and is truly fantastic to watch over and over again.The ascension itself is a visual treat and leaves Mulder finally with tangible evidence to back up his beliefs.
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The X-Files: Ice (1993)
Season 1, Episode 8
Cold Aggression
20 September 2006
A true stand out episode from season 1 is what Ice is.An artic location,claustrophobic conditions and a general feel of paranoia looming in the freezing air makes this is a must see episode from season one.The previous occupants of the artic station Mulder,Scully and four others go to have either killed each other or killed themselves.A virus is bringing out murderous aggression and is responsible for bringing out deadly paranoia and fear.Mulder and Scully actually begin to question each others sanity.Tension is that high.The writers have to receive great credit for creating that sort of scenario where the atmosphere is so tense Mulder and Scully come into conflict in such a direct manner
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The X-Files: Ghost in the Machine (1993)
Season 1, Episode 7
Killer Technology
20 September 2006
A corporate boss is found dead.His death seems to have been caused by the computer which runs the main operations in his work building.I feel that the idea of Artificial Intelligencce running amok and killing people is a welcome addition to the x-files.It fits in well with the whole paranormal theme.Like if you can't trust computers who can you trust?I also enjoy the element of a former partner of Mulder's being brought in on the case thus letting the viewer grab another sneak peak into the life of Mulder before he was assigned to the x-files.Also there's a brief appearance by the elusive Deep Throat.Enough to keep hardcore fans of this character happy
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The X-Files: The Jersey Devil (1993)
Season 1, Episode 5
Jersey Devil-Myth or Truth?
19 September 2006
A body is discovered in New Jersey and a missing limb is apparent.Upon hearing this Mulder digs deep into the x-files archive and discovers a case similar to this and decides to investigate. The local police department display a distinct lack of interest in Mulder's investigation and at one point actually ends up a police cell. Many locals merely dismiss the recent death according to Mulder attributable to the mythical Jersey Devil as rubbish. Mulder is at one part of the investigation forced to go it alone as Scully has a date.A rare glimpse into her private life for the viewer. The Jersey Devil character in this episode resembles a primitive female though many other descriptions of the Jersy Devil in literature differ from this.

A decent episode with the additional bonus of seeing more of Scully in her private life
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The X-Files: Shadows (1993)
Season 1, Episode 6
From Beyond The Grave
19 September 2006
A woman is being protected beyond the grave by a entity which appears to be acting as some sort of guardian angel.Her boss at work dies and she feels his presence around her as people die inexplicably.Mulder has own theory on the case.Though no matter how much paranormal activity is involved Scully will try and offer up some sort of scientific explanation for it coming into conflict with Mulders much maligned open mind for the cause.Some good acting and the use of quality special effects makes this season one episode pretty entertaining.The idea of a dead person coming back from the grave in some form to avenge their death or help someone had been done a lot in the x-files.This was the first so originality goes to this episode
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The X-Files: Conduit (1993)
Season 1, Episode 4
A brother's quest
18 September 2006
This episode Conduit brings a part of Mulder's childhood to the fore.We learn his sister Samantha was abducted when he was young and he was unfortunate enough to witness the event.Also Mulder's determination to succeed in his field of work stems from this event.He clearly would go to any lengths to find out the truth about his sister's disapperance.Though Scully admires his intense determination and drive she feels sometimes Mulder's judgement is clouded sometimes.This is a reoccurring theme on the x-files and for that reason alone helped to sustain the interest of many viewers who watched the show.Conduit is a starting part of a long quest for the truth
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The X-Files: Squeeze (1993)
Season 1, Episode 3
Legendary Episode
18 September 2006
The first x-files episode to feature a monster as opposed to any extra terrestrial entities.An ordinary human being with the ability to change form and contort his body to adapt to many different physical situations.The killer also removes his victims livers to sustain his survival.This transpires to occur every 30 years.

A hugely memorable performance is delivered by the talented Doug Hutchinson who plays the manic Eugene Tooms to the best of his ability.His generic appearance really draws you in then you feel a chill in your spine as goes into killing mode.He clearly has a certain look in his eyes.

A truly defining moment for the x-files even though it was so early in its life
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The X-Files: Deep Throat (1993)
Season 1, Episode 2
Deep Throat Debut
18 September 2006
This episode is marked by the debut of the legendary deep throat character.A big favourite for many x-files fans.No concrete explanation is given as to why he decides to help Mulder or inadvertently help him in following cases nor is his real name revealed.In this episode Deep Throat advises Mulder to cool his interest in a case he's involved in.Mulder being the free spirit he is disregards his advice.

Jerry Hardin plays Deep Throat well and endears himself to the viewer as a mysterious,slightly dubious individual.Having seen him star in an episode of Star Trek The Next Generation i believe it was the right idea to cast him in the role of Deep Throat
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The X-Files: Roland (1994)
Season 1, Episode 23
Roland's Revenge
6 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
An autistic man who works as a janitor at a lab is the prime suspect for the murders of scientists who's work is being completed even after their deaths.

I think this subject matter was a good move for the producers of the x-files as it highlights the problems autistic people have. Zjelko Ivanek is one of the finest actors to have ever played a supporting role in the x-files.His portrayal of the autistic Roland is superb.

The twist where Roland and the late Dr Grable are actually long lost twin brothers is the making of this episode.Dr Grable returns in Roland's body and kills the other scientists and completes his work on jet propulsion technology through the medium of Rolands body.To everyone Roland is simply an autistic janitor.A great twist to a highly memorable episode where Zjelko Ivanek's great acting steals the show
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