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Way better than expected!
14 May 2024
This was way better than expected! All the while I was watching I was wondering why the ratings were so low. Emma Thompson and Pierce Brosnan or fantastic, as well as all the costars. Funny, thoughtful, and engaging. Plenty of belly laughs, and lots of real life type questions come to mind. I'm glad that this extremely talented cast seemed to give it there all even though this is a Romantic comedy, that perhaps didn't require their depth of talent. Definitely not totally predictable. I always Seem to stick to only IMDb ratings above 6.5, but reading several of these reviews my wife and I decided to give it a try and we were both grateful we did. We would highly recommend this to any of our movie, loving friends.
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What?? So shocked to see such a low score - Ridiculous!
25 December 2023
I consider myself a sci-fi fan - all the way from Star Trek to the Star Wars movies. Totally love shows like Edge of Tomorrow, Fifth Element, Contact, The Matrix, etc. This was quite good - great effects, well developed characters, not totally predictable plot line. I'd totally watch it again. Several star actors in the cast made it even better. Every sci-fi has some common elements and though some reviewers counted that as a defect, I don't feel that's true at all. One of the elements that draws in the viewer is the backstory of the main character Kora, who is an amazing combination of farmer rebel, and female warrior. Her choreography in many scenes is spectacular and shows her skills in dance acquired from 20 plus years of high level training.
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Midway (2019)
Great historical drama!
10 November 2019
Pretty gripping retell of an incredible battle that more citizens of the US need to know. Aside from the incredible battle scenes, the tension and grueling pressure of leadership placed on the shoulders of the military leaders on both sides adds great flavor to this epic film. You can't but help feel the strain on the wives of the pilots as well. Mandy Moore does an incredible job. I saw this in a theater sitting near silver haired veterans that were on the USS Yorktown, and USS Hornet. Grateful to all who have served!
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Moving journey with a very big friend
13 May 2017
I was pleasantly surprised as this wonderful movie unfolded, with wonderful characters, and some outstanding water color animation. Very thought provoking with lessons to learn for young and old. This young boy personifies so many experiences that viewers can relate to throughout the film. I am totally bewildered that there are some 1-3 star reviews here - I literally can't believe it. Very moving - I could, and will watch it again in the future.
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Total Recall (I) (2012)
Good grief - This was an awesome film
19 March 2017
Well....will all the crybabies please go home! So many ridiculous rants about this movie being different than the original. Shut the H**l up. It's a new film for a new audience. I never saw the original and I really enjoyed this movie. Great action, lots of sci-fi built in, and enough intrigue to make you want to rewind and look at it again. The leads are awesome and do a great job. Good Blade Runner vibe. I saw it twice about a year apart and I'm ready to see it again - and I consider myself picky about movies. Again - don't let the naysayers with all the exaggeration fool you (worst movie ever!!!), I think you'll enjoy this if you like the trailer.
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Incredibly enjoyable and moving
25 January 2017
I was looking for a great sci-fi story, hoping for a good drama/romance, and got all of it. This movie was incredibly enjoyable. It was easy to put yourself in the story, wondering what decisions you'd make if you were there. The situations were developed to allow you to really feel it. The chemistry of Pratt and Lawrence was a catalyst for tangible tones of romance, conflict, and survival in this space of nothingness. The movie really portrayed the immenseness of the setting, and made you wonder what it would be like. You'll walk away loving this, and yet still, again, wondering what you would do.... I'll see it again:)
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Bewitched (2005)
Enchanting and fun
12 January 2017
What a fun movie - especially if you've seen the original Bewitched. And the target audience is exactly that -- those that have seen the original. Nicole Kidman is cute, coy, and vulnerable in this great comedy that kept a smile on my face all the way through. Will Ferrall is as funny as ever and has some lines that wound up being those lines your family repeats and mimics. Michael Caine is the icing on the cake in his role as the father. Probably the best remake of an older movie/series I've seen in a long time. I am totally perplexed by the downplay this movie is getting - I was totally stunned to see anything under a 6.7 or so. I consider myself a bit picky about my two hours in front of a movie - this didn't disappoint and I've watched in probably three times over the past several years. Love it!
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Woman in Gold (2015)
This really impacted me
25 November 2016
I watched the trailer and immediately was drawn to this for several reasons - namely Helen Mirren is one of my favorite actresses and I knew she would do well in this role, and also the fact that this was based on true events dealing with such an incredible part of our history that shouldn't be forgotten. They story line was well laid out and kept me very invested through the entire movie, and I was surprised at how involved Ryan Reynolds becomes personally involved in the adventure. The history that was woven into the present day was absolutely top notch - magical. I was so affected after it was over - it really made me reflect on my heritage and about my posterity. I think everyone should watch this movie.
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A Romance that Holds You
7 April 2016
I'm reviewing this because even though I saw this film years ago, the emotion and theme has still stayed with me, and revives itself every time I see the title. I won't give a description, I'll tell you the feeling. We all seem to want what we can't have. For a love to grow, to a point of obvious discover, only to find that you can't reach out and touch it only intensifies the wanting. The "time travel" in this picture is well done, in my opinion. Not that it follows every rule, but that it makes the movie. Reeves and Bullock are great together, and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The lead up to the end in wonderful and spoke to my heart the strength of the love that slowly grew throughout this movie between two, not total, strangers. Enjoy it with someone you love, or want to.
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Standing Up (II) (2013)
Very valid and endearing and...Who the heck is the "Christians Beware" reviewer?
11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I thought I was strict - I almost didn't watch this after reading that one reviewer thought this was vile, sensual, and perverted. Nonsense. We don't watch R-rated movies in our home and I am very active in the LDS faith, I didn't see anything wrong with this movie. My daughters (14 and 11) and I watched this together and I am so glad I did. The empathy and thought this story invokes are necessary and welcome in this day and age where bullying and the simple social class tension is very prevalent. The ability to see situations and people in a different light is heralded as this story of teenage conflict unfolds. I was impressed with the acting of these two young stars and I feel in love with their courage and resolve to survive a demeaning prank. I've never read the book it is based on - The Goats by Brock Cole. My daughters both liked it a lot, though the older thought it was a bit cheesy. I thought it was heartwarming and I'm 50 :).
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Spot On if you Romantic Comedies
11 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
What a hoot - this has become a family favorite. Full of great little comedic elements and great acting by Bullock and Grant. I honestly cannot believe this has a 6!! Bullock plays a great by the book environmentalist lawyer and Grant is the wealthy, somewhat dense tycoon. They really have great chemistry and keep your smile on throughout the movie. As they work closer together, you can watch the walls go down and the huge differences of opinion fade, as humor greases the wheels. The "save the world" attitude of Bullock is further established by her parents, which add a nice accent to the meal, and make the tension between the two leads more palpable. There are several unforgettable scenes that become quotable and highlight an already entertaining movie.
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What If (I) (2013)
That little bit of magic and grit..
15 February 2015
I'm certainly a romantic, but have also seen so many romantic / romantic comedies over my 50 years that it takes something special to be special. On top of fitting into that very category, this film contained those real-life elements that made it so very believable. The chemistry between Zoe Kazan and Daniel Radcliffe was refreshing, and Zoe's fresh transparency in her role was really a highlight. This familiar tale of friendship hiding a deep burning and growing love will touch most viewers, and the character close to the center of the story will probably remind you of someone you know. To watch the secret love that Radcliffe's character harbors come peeking out of the shadows creates a tide of anticipation as the story unfolds - it makes you almost want to feel that youthful pain yourself. It kept me leaning forward through the entire movie. The long distance relationship that strains, the ridiculous and sometimes spot on love advice from friends, and the slow climax of the hide and seek truth make this a colorful gem of a love story.
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Quite good, but I can't agree it's a 10
16 January 2013
I cry at movies a lot. I'm a father of six in my late 40's who has quite a sensitive side, and have been that way most of my life. (I realized growing up that Chicks dig that:). I've seen the play and seen the non-musical with Liam Neeson and Claire Danes. This movie was a masterpiece in a lot of ways, but I felt like the musical talent wasn't robust enough to meet the challenge. The actors that sang put a lot of passion into it, but it was stifled by their lack of true musical talent. To be quite frank, if they weren't big names, and sang like that, they wouldn't have gotten the parts. There were some very good scene adaptations that were different that the other productions of Les Mis that I've seen. I'm upset that it didn't move me to tears frankly.
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What the heck? This is Way better than a 6.6!
3 January 2013
The trailer doesn't do this movie justice - and certainly the IMDb rating is way off. I don't consider myself to be some sort of film critic, but I love the arts and have been involved in music and stage a bit in my day -- so I find it perplexing when the IMDb rating seems to be off by a couple of points. Ledge is really an engaging film, with some twists and turns that you couldn't second guess. A really strong cast keeps it tight and all corners square. Loved the fact that the ah-ha moment wasn't just at the end - constantly you had to flip back a page and realize what was really going on. As a cherry on top, I think everyone enjoys a flick with a flavor of justice at the end :) Enjoy! And keep the names straight as the story unfolds.
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Salt (2010)
This movie delivers! Glad I didn't listen to the downers
22 November 2012
Action packed and fast paced, Salt is an equal to the Bourne movies in my opinion. A good plot with depth and history, and a mostly unpredictable plot made this very enjoyable for me. There are moments that perhaps you can guess the next sequence, but certainly there are many that leave you guessing - adding to the suspense. Jole does a great job playing the role and making it real. I put off watching this because of some of the reviews - wow, I strongly disagree. Shrieber pulls off a strong performance, and really adds a lot to the movie. Adding in that Jole does a majority of the stunts earns this a high score.
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10,000 BC (2008)
Better than the reviews say!
22 September 2012
I held off on watching this movie for a long time, being swayed by the low score and the mostly negative reviews. Wow, glad I took the time. It's not a 10 for sure, but the imagery, the "early civilization" theme, and the "courageous hero against all odds" elements were great. The CGI was better than average, and the drama and love story gave it some backbone. I thought there were some very inspiring moments in the film, and some great dialogue. I would suggest subtitles, as there are some low mumbling parts that aren't clear but important. I'm a fairly intelligent guy, and I only watch movies that get at least a 6.5 on IMDb, and I almost never watch TV, and it still boggles me why the score is so low. It's like everyone expects this to be an accurate historical fiction saga. C'mon, this is like a John Carter or something like that.
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John Carter (2012)
Indiana Jones in Space! (actually much better)
27 March 2012
Clean, action-packed, great characters and aliens, brave heroes and beautiful heroines. It's hard to believe the book it's based on, Princess of Mars was written in 1913. Everyone from James Cameron of "Avatar" fame, Ray Bradbury, and Carl Sagan, have all attributed much of their inspiration to this landmark book that was Edgar Rice Burrows' first book, even before he wrote Tarzan. Pretty awesome for a guy who was in the pencil sharpener business. Safe for kids. I feel like I'm a serious movie watcher, and I really enjoyed this - I have to confess, I read the whole John Carter of Mars series as a teen, and totally loved them - I'm a 47 year old business owner with a large family, and I'd see it again in an instant. Great romance element, and some unforgettable alien characters - kind of like how r2d2 is a part of Star Wars, there's some great characters that are part of this movie that aren't "main characters".
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Æon Flux (2005)
Very underrated - Almost missed a gem of a sci-fi
29 January 2012
Why this has a 5.4 rating is beyond me. Really? C'mon, I really haven't a clue. Great characters, intriguing plot, suspense, great hi-tech gadgetry, romance, -- what's not to like? I can surmise that the initial reviewers were big fans of the graphic novel of the same name, and it didn't match up as accurately as they wished, so they rejected it with a low rating. That's the only way I could explain such a low rating. Charlize does an excellent job in the role of Aeon, and portrays the adept assassin, as well as the troubled citizen, very well. The futuristic elements of the movie had an original flavor, and weren't too far fetched to grasp. The other main characters were very believable, and created a great core of intrigue throughout the movie. If you predicted the end at the beginning of the movie, you might get it right, but the journey there would be a different route. If you're on the edge, jump off, and see this.
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An Inspiration - I was so surprised.
16 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
People that love blood and guts horror movies rate them high, people that hate them rate them low - the same with westerns, and the same with this movie. It's a documentary about Justin Beiber - so, if you don't like Justin Bieber, you won't like this movie, I'll bet. My daughter rented this, and I was in a band in high school and college, and I love watching almost anyone perform, so I watched it with her. What really caught my interest was the amazing story of his childhood - raised by a single teenage mom, and how he taught himself to play the piano, drums, guitar, and trumpet, as he grew up. The footage of this is really outstanding in the movie. As the story unfolds of how he was discovered on YouTube by an executive in the recording industry, Scooter Braun,and then watch how he truly impressed Usher and L.A. Reid, the story becomes real. To see anyone watch their dreams come true is truly an experience, even if it's a young teenage pop singer. I was amazed that I would actually get emotional watching this. The perseverance paid off for him as he and his managers hit the streets in the movie, going to every radio station that would let Justin in, and arranging concerts - his first one on a very rainy day in front of 40 teens (and pre-teens). The movie's behind the scenes reality is very enlightening - comments from his vocal coach, commentary about his musical ability at 5 and 6 years old, watching his support team pray with him, witnessing a specialist tell him he has to cancel a concert because of vocal cord infection, and getting frank and sincere observations from those closest to him. Whether it's watching Secretariat, Rocky, or October Sky, the theme is the same - overcoming the odds, and being tenacious about your dreams. That's what the title is all about - Never Say Never. And even though it's very popular to hate Justin Bieber - I see it even with my own teenage son - he will still succeed, no matter what the IMDb score on this movie says. It just proves that he won't ever let anyone stop him chasing his dream. People love to get in on a negative dogpile -- just start bashing something, and everyone will just pile on and chime in like a bunch of chickens.
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Green Lantern (2011)
Better than I expected - some unique differences from other superhero movies
19 June 2011
It's rare that a movie surpasses my expectations, but this one did. As perhaps one of the less-known, less-popular superheroes, Green Lantern's origins added a lot to the story, and the noble theme to his mission endears the audience, and perhaps strikes a chord when the battle between "fear" and "will" is articulated throughout the movie. Blake Lively, of "Traveling Pants" fame does an outstanding job of being the beauty and brains, while still being the vulnerable maiden in distress. The personal struggles of the novice superhero strike a chord with most every viewer, and keep you rooting for him until the end. The graphics are a bit cartoonish at times, but this is a superhero action movie, so anything goes. The almost unlimited powers possessed by the Green Lantern keep you guessing during the intense conflicts with the bad guys, both of which are reaaal bad. Very enjoyable, and my 23 yr old son who watched it with me was very impressed also - he's usually very particular about the movies he watches. Fun and entertaining.
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Wonderful and engaging - a personal favorite
8 June 2011
This movie will surely touch your heart and put a smile on your face. The two main characters played by Witherspoon and Ruffalo keep the film moving along well, and keep the viewers watching. The theme of "seeing ghosts" isn't treated as silly; it's an engaging part of the movie. Watching the relationship develop between the two is done very well, and leads to a great ending. Not completely predictable, the movie, besides being a romance, addresses the meaning of life, and the question of how much dedication a career is worth. Ruffalo's character is very endearing, and really shines in the film, as he is battles his own ghosts. Really a tremendous film that you could watch at least once a year and still enjoy. Reminded me of another favorite with a similar "ghost" element "Heart and Souls". Jon Heder of Napoleon Dynamite fame as a great element also as a laid back expert on the occult.
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Thoughtful and engaging. So many people are closet dancers
7 March 2011
This movie has many great textures - the opposite sex attraction, the dancing, the dynamics and stresses of relationships, and then on a deeper level, the thoughtful narration of Gere's character concerning people and their wills, their lives, and their hopes and regrets. I was impressed by the acting of all the main characters, and was especially surprised by Lopez's performance. This movie is so much a story about the dreams and hidden desires of most people, who deep inside want to break out of their mundane routines, and do something that's in their heart. Personally I related incredibly to Gere's character -- sure, deep inside I would love to dance, to express myself, to become skilled at something I did on the dance floor in the 80's...but am afraid of what people would think of a 46 yr old father of six doing something like that. The music was outstanding and added a very specific flavor to the film, invoking a mood of thoughtfulness and self examination at the right time, and the spice of exuberance when appropriate. Closet dancers - enjoy!! I loved it and watch it once a year at least.
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Rocky Balboa (2006)
Incredibly Inspiring - even after seeing them all many times.
16 January 2011
What a surprise -- How could this final installment be so good? We all know what to expect from a Rocky movie after watching the first five, but this one went beyond them all for me. Being almost 50 yrs old, and seeing countless movies, it takes a truly inspiring movie for me to label it as "incredibly inspiring". Rocky personifies the wise man,the "dumb as a fox", icon in this great movie about overcoming. It is touching to see Rocky's interaction with Paulie, Marie, and Robert, his son. Besides being a warrior, Rocky paints the screen with compassion and strength of character -- the quotes are innumerable. "Welcome to Rocky Land"
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Fireproof (2008)
Surprised - Made for TV in some ways, but packs a punch
15 November 2008
I was inwardly rolling my eyes off and on during the first half due to the budget acting and filming. Then the message started to come through, and to some, the Christian flavor will send them away and others will engage. I enjoyed the story line, and tension at the end created a real draw that surprised me. Because of the budget look at the beginning, I didn't think anything could salvage this but I was wrong. Kirk Cameron did a good job as well as the supporting actors. The music was outstanding and added a lot to upgrade the quality of the film. And, uh...I cried at the end. This film dares to address several issues facing women and men and the divorce rate in this country. I think anyone that is committed to their marriage should watch this movie. Good stuff.
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Open your heart and the Bees will fill it with honey
31 October 2008
I don't go around throwing 10's around for movie ratings, but I extremely impressed by this movie. The emotional and visual scope offered by the story, the cinematography, and the acting, gave all viewers with eyes to see and ears to hear, a wonderful treat. I'm sure not everyone loves this particular type of movie, but if you haven't been desensitized by the CGI and special effects of many of today's movies, you'll appreciate the very core of this movie, which is the human struggle - especially the depiction of the search for identity, and the need to give and received compassion from those living on this big blue marble together with us. A reminder of the racism of a not too far distant time, and the timeless theme of love, death, friendship, and compassion, add the effective seasoning that helps us all relate in some very tangible way to this movie. Enjoy it with someone you care about, and taste the honey.
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