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Palm Royale: Maxine Saves the Whale (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
'I speak whale'
11 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This has been a fairly consistent but of entertainment until this episode. This is where it just became plan stupid. A whale beaches itself and that willl interrupt a scheduled beach party. However, 'Maxine' listened to tape about whales and allegedly learns to 'speak whale' language and when out at sea, invites the whale back into the water and it listens. This a the episode where in my terms, ' it falls of the cliff' of stupidity. If this was supposed to me some type of sci-fi or fantasy, it might fit in. Then later of course, the whale saves her life and she is rescued by a splashdown Apollo capsule. Go Figure.
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one of the top 'War' movies made
2 May 2024
If have any interest in the 'Vietnam War' type of movies, this is by far one of the finest made. It is derived from a book written buy men who were actually there for one of the toughest battles every fought in Vietnam. A writer and and a fighter get together to fight for what they thought we were representing. It also takes into account what it must have been like to be back in the United States when you were informed that your husband, son or brother just became a KIA statistic. It is a well made, accurate and well acted films about the battle in an unknown territory. Watch with surround sound if you have it. You will feel more like you are in the battle scenes.
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Pan Am: Unscheduled Departure (2011)
Season 1, Episode 8
so far, the worst episode of basically a decent series
28 April 2024
This has been a pretty good series so far but so many things were stupid on this episode that I had to lower my rating by at least two. I was a pilot back during the time when this is set so finding an airport and runway in the dark is virtually impossible and add that to taking off with nobody moving the airstairs and shortened runway get really stupid. But then again, it's just a TV show. Overall, the series and the actors do a good job to tell the stories and what it was like to fly back in the early '60s and.'70s. Flying use dot such a formal thing so men all wore suits and ties and ladies got dressed up. Thank god it's not like that anymore.
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Reacher: Fly Boy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Borders on sheer stupidity and ridiculousness
22 January 2024
There are several scenes that are completely stupid and at times, we were actually laughing. Reacher's ability to climb into a flying helicopter with nothing but his bare hands is from fantasyland. In other scenes, they are being shot at with thousands of bullets form automatic weapons and they never even get nicked. It crosses the border of stupidity and just being a farce. I would recommend you watch a rerun of a good show rather than waste your time in this trash. There are many many many better shows that make some attempts at reality. I need to lengthen the revue but there is niching good to say about it.
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The Curse (2023– )
There is no 'point' to miss in this trash heap
16 January 2024
Emma Stone is really good in this what I term as 'Trash Heap' and I use that term in an eloquent manner. A few of the episodes have minor periods of a chuckle and slight laugh, but the majority is just sheer stupidity and arrogance. Stupidity, in the efforts to show how 'reality' shows lack any true 'reality'. Then when 'reality' veers down the path of sheer stupidity and the arrogance of what is truly entertaining. I slowed my way though 9 episodes and then waded though the 'grand finale'. The "Grand Finale' went right down the road of sheer stupidity and a total waste of time. The time wasted was the 8.5 hours of watching the series until the finale became a total disaster. Don't waste your time if you want to one truly entertained.
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fun and very prop accurate
13 January 2024
This is fun film that isn't easy for 60 year olld man, like myself, to closely identify with. However my age closely identified with the scene where the girls are talking about the needs to have a 'bra'. I do recall when girls staterted to mature and did eventually need that type of undergarment. The best part about that scene is they are sitting around a table and the 'sodas' or 'pop' containers were 'TAB' or' Fresca' brand names. Yes, I am of the age to recall those brands and I personally enjoyed the Fresca brand and would love to see those come back. All in all, the movie is fun and entertaining.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Boring bordering on stupid with minor attempts at funny
11 January 2024
Yes, it some people like this trash heap, but I was roped into watching this dung heap. Margot is hottie, but other than that, there is no reason for any adult, sane male to watch this junk. My sense of humor has aged with me to the point of silly 'gags' that are supposed to be funny just aren't anymore. Yes, I forced my self to actually finish watching it on Cable so I could at least take a break and get of a leave to find something actually worthwhile eating. As a child, I love my Mattel Hot Wheels while my sister had her Barbies. I tried dolls with 'Major Matt Mason' to go into space. The movie Barbie had a few tracks that were momentarily entertaining but they never lasted for the whole song. Pink was never my favorite color and pretty much the entire movie is in pink. While watching it, I could wait for it to end. It didn't end fast enough.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
HBO often cancels the best series. This is one of them
9 January 2024
The series was great and I looked forward to watching more and more of it. Then it gets canceled for no good reason. Many times, HBO has canceled the finest series with my theory being they don't want to pay for it. This required a lot of CG graphic and good writing. My hope and set to be dashed, is to have some network pick it up. Alas, it is too late for that to save this series. This series and.'Brave New World' would be great if they ever get picked up. I doubt that will happen since they require intellect and integrity. I need to lengthen the review so I am adding the number characters to finish.
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I was nice giving it a 4 star rating
7 January 2024
If you like silly, 'chick-flick-like', family oriented films this one might be for you. I detest movies with blatantly fake 'foley' or falsely produced noises to fill in the actual audio. He is driving a family minivan that sounds like a Ferrari. They don't. That and other fill ins and substitutes get really annoying. Michelle M. Is fun to watch but Marky Mark trying to do family comedy is a waste of time. If PG trash is up your ally for viewing and you have nothing else to watch, this may work for you. He speaks German pretty well in one scene and I could actually udnerstand him. If you insist on AppleTV, I would suggest CODA, The Morning Show, Foundation or most of the others.
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Unsane (2018)
Not worth you or my time
1 January 2024
The only really cool thing about this movie, is that the entire thing was filmed using an iPhone 7plus, and Steven Soderbergh directed it. This is good advertising for Apple and the quality of the iPhone. Other than that, it is basically stupid and not very well thought out. My first true BS call was when psycho patients both make and female are set to the same room to sleep in with the doors locked and ZERO supervision or care. Use whatever term you like but male and famales psycho patient and even sane patients would never be housed in the same room. If you can believe it it went downnhilol from there. After watching it, I fully understand the reasoning it was bottom dollar priced to purchase. They should pay you to just watch it.
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Physical (2021–2023)
I fun series dealing with eating and mental disorders with great music tracks
1 January 2024
Rose. Byrne is a hottie that does very well in the comedic setups and also with the dealing with bulimia and mental issues. The series in usually reasonably funny and refers to the fast growth of female exercise shows and selling the video tapes. It is very 'a 'la Jane Fonda and the excersice craze she did so well with. My favorite part is the music tracks they use that are set right from the late 70's to the early mid 80's. I used to make all our party tapes at the fraternity I was in from 1979-1984 so I lived with those songs. Occasionally, I hear a track I really like and search it out and end up getting it. The story is fun, entertaining, we acted and generally keeps us watching until to series is done. Three seasons I guess will be enough for this one so I will just wait and see what Apple comes out with to replace it. I am really looking forward to 'Masters of the Air' that should fall in line with 'Band of Brothers', and 'The Pacific' WWII series. I hope they continue with some light, fun and funny comedy series that wifey can deal with and sit and watch with me. I am a Sci-Fi freak and do enjoy the thrillers and battle films.
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Another boring, BS movie with attempts to say something, or nothing
13 December 2023
This is one that if you make through the majority of the movie, you are just praying for it to end. We looked for how much is left multiple times to see how much more torture we would be exposed to. It's not just he ending bad, the entire film is a set of poorly related scenes and events that make zero sense. Just don't waste your time and eyes on this POS, BS boring attempt at a film. There are so many better ones to see that this is a total waste of time to make and even worse to watch. Nice cast that were very overpaid for what is supposed to be acting. This must have been a contractual obligation.
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Spread (2009)
A basic dream life of many adolescent males
13 October 2023
There is a gratuitous amount of nudity and what can be termed as 'soft core porn' that sets the style of this flick. It ice a basic dream of so many teeny-bopper' men that just want to have sex with 'hot' women that hav money they can spend. A not oo different theory of how females seek the better looking men-with-money to be their own 'sugar daddy'. This pertains to an adolescent male looking for his variety of 'sugar-mammas'. If you like nudity, r rated sex and a poor story, this will work for you. There is a bit of decent background music of acoustical guitar that caught me attention. The story gets slow and nudity drops as the film progresses. Just another 4 or 5 rating.
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Invasion: Crash (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
The video and AUDIO is fine.
23 August 2023
This is a new version of what is becoming classic Sci-Fi and futuristic possibilities for today's audiences. A previous reviewer disliked the audio on this streaming but the audio is of the highest quality avaible at this time for streaming. The top notch choice one can receive is in Dolby Atmos, or what is also known as 'Spatial Audio'. Dolby Atmos, or Spatial Audio is meant to be more a three-dimensional type of audio where there is r-c-l and rears with r-l and upward firing speakers to add to that. If one has a system or UHDTV that will decode that streaming it will affect the audio and in my case, sounds great. I am using Sonos Arc+Sub+Era300 rears. The Arc and Era300's process the Dolby Atmos with upward firing speakers. If one is using good old fashioned stereo, there may be an option. From your streaming service as far as what type of audio you wish to receive to better match your system. No offense meant in my explanation but I thought a proper explanation might help other viewers. The video is done in 4k where all TV are in these days so when you upgrade if you haven't, check the audio abilities of any new UHDTV you choose.
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Hijack (2023)
This is the most stupid show I have seen in years
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up with a pilots license and about ten minutes into the first episode I knew the show was doomed. The most stupid, childish and silly attempt at a story that is so far beyond reality don't waste your time. Please explain how UNDETECTED, A multiple number of loaded handguns, can get onto a large 7 hour flight after 9/11 is ludicrous. Even the thought that anyone would conjure up such a story is beyond any type of logic. Then, when the captain opens the door to the cockpit after beating up his female copilot it gets even stupider. I turned it off after that happened when I realized I was watching true fantasyland. Good actors, terrible story and Apple wasted their money on this one.
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High Desert: I Need a Hero (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Entertaining looking at locations but basically a bad show
23 June 2023
The show is entertaining for me to lookout locations set in the high desert area in Southern California. I had cousins in Apple Valley, CA right near. Victorville and Hesperia., There is no official listing on locations but it looked pretty obvious to me. The storyline is entertaining for the most part but he last show with the ending was a complete let down. It ended really stupid and made zero sense so doubtful there will be a second season. Ben Stiller was the producer but this is a total flameout for him after having serveral successful shows. His wife is in another one of his shows and as usual she is one of the better looking characters in the show. No surprise there. There are several actors that can be recognized fro other shows but that doesn't make this any better. We stuck with through all the episodes and the finale show was a complete let downer and was funny in any fashion. This one can be skipped and don't fell left out. I need to get to 600 characters soI will keep writing something even though there is little if anything to say good about this show. High Desert is low rating, bad show. Characters were good, writing was bad.
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I thought this might be good, but it definitely isn't
4 June 2023
I do remember when this happened even though I was just a young adolescent male. I thought this would be a well done story of the events that led to the resignation of Nixon but this story was just a version of buffoonery and stupidity. Yes they were not highly intellectual people but this portrayal of them is just a filler version of the events. I made it through the first few episode then watched the rest on my version speedy. It is not worth my time in any fashion. Woody does a poor job of his character and al the others are pretty dumb too. This is a big let down from HBO in their usually well done productions.
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"If I don't see ya, 'Good afternoon, good day and good night'"
5 May 2023
I classic quote from this movie that I have seen many times, owned several different copies, and can keep on watching over and over again. There are many great parts of this very entertaining film. One thing I did lookup, was the filming location that depicted his little town, My original thought was 'That is a very large set' but after research, I found it was "Seaside Florida' master planned community. It was a real community after all. The storyline of the movie is so good that it makes us think about our daily lives and activities that we think very little of. They may be the same for us everyday, but each little moment means something and can change that entire process. The quote I used is one of my favorite movie quotes that I can recognize anytime. Jim Carry did a fine job in this one along with Laura Linney and Ed Harris. My favorite is Natascha McElhone most because she is so hot.
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Are negative numbers available?
12 March 2023
Insanely boring, stupid and a total waste of 149 minutes. How and why these things get made is beyond my comprehension. Why people like these, watch these and allegedly enjoy them borders on true schizophrenia and insanity. If you that much time to waste, find another way to volunteer for something worthy of your time. This isn't one of them. The start is stupid, the story, if you can find one, is stupid, and why is even worse. The British accent is so think, I often wondered what language was being used. The academy really needs to think on who, what, how and why a heap of trash like this actually gets nominated. Unless it is for razzberry rewards.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
Should be renamed 'Chickie n Flickie' way too much spiritual bs
28 February 2023
There is so much stupid writing and total parody of spiritual BS we worship this that and the others. Lots of focus on very Hollywood lgbtq society and showing seaside multi million dollar houses. This is so far off of any type of reality that it's even a waste of my time to sit with wifey while she watches it. Luckily, I can read items on my kindle with audio to match it. If you have any intellectual prowess, this will bore you silly. I gave it 2star just because Jane Fonda's plastic surgery looks great. I need to write more words to complete this review but I have nothing good to say about this. That is because there is nothing good about it.
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Alien (1979)
The Sci-fi bar was raised and set very hi
14 January 2023
I saw this movie in theaters when it was released in 1979 at least four times. I was just turning 18 that year so yes I went on my own accord. Eventually, when VCRs, DVDs, Blu-Rays came out I owned it ineasch version, and it was worth it. Ridley Scott raised and set the bar very hi for any subsequent Sci-fi movies to come out after it. Any other Sci-fi flick I saw after this one was, 'How didi it compare toAlien?". This Is one of those movies that no matter how many times you see it, viewing it remains worthy while. Sigorney Weaver set the bar for female leads too. After her performance, female leads as badasses became not so uncommon. I loved the movie so much I even looked up how the creature was designed and learned the H. R. Giger was the primary influence on what the creature looks like. Several more Ridley Scott films fell into my favorite list too. This film is so good that I can count on one hand how many I have given a '10' rating to. I personally think that 'Aliens' is just good, but takes a different approach to compete storyline. I Aien, the fist time yiiu see the creature emerging, you will be totally surprised, and it's worth it. When you become a fan, I can only suggest that in a bare minimum of items to own, buy the first three of this series and you will be please.
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Devotion (II) (2022)
Based in true Devotion and if you are a pilot, you will love this
9 January 2023
One of the better or best versions of 'in flight' or piloting of a fighter plane I have seen. I obtained my private pilot's license over 40 years ago to I truly appreciate what it takes to flying, filming, and/or make piloting look realistic in a movie. This is up there as top notch in that field. In addition to that, it is based on real pilots in a real war.

Yes, the Korean War was considered '"The Forgotten War" but real men and women went to battle in that conflict and fought, died, got captured and injured in that mess. This story is real and based on the true Devotion that gets developed when embroiled in that type of conflict. If you are looking for a rom-com or sci-fi flick, look elsewhere. If you want to see realistic fighter planes in direct arial battles, this is for you. To get the best experience out of a film like this may be enhanced if you read a bit about the Korean, 625, Forgotten or 38th Parallel War. Having a bit of knowledge about the conflict will greatly improve your understanding and following of the story.

I highly recommend it.
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Great flight scenes but basically silly
25 December 2022
The flight scenes and air combat flying is fun to watch, ( I was a pilot), but he storyline and especially the ending gets very silly. The final flight in an F14 Tomcat gets very far fetched. Just a basically fun air combat movie to watch. If you liked Top Gun original, this will be OK for you to watch. There is no true 'enemy', other than god old g-forces. The Navy loves these movies since it usually attracts enlistment. I don't think this one will encourage an increase in enlistments. Overall, the storylines abysmal, they throw in dedications to the original Top Gun and the flying is fun. Other than that. I would skip it. I need to write more to get it to qualify so keep reading. I minimum of 600 characters are needed to count as a review. In other words, don't go out of your way to see and in my humble opinion, don't buy this movie. A disc purchase would be way out of bounds unlesss there is a massive amount of extras on there disc.
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The Fighter (I) (2010)
Fighting, love and drug abuse all in one
7 December 2022
One of the best films the shows what it takes to be a successful boxer, and what has to be sacrificed for success. This is based of a true story and what that man, his family, and the city had to go though. The usual athletic training and fighting is shown with another fight that is done with the battle of drug addiction. Crack and Meth have run through so a cities and have drained and killed many of the young people there. Many people have been though it and/or just around it a lot. The story is very well done and followed. The actors all do fabulous jobs in what it takes to accurately tel this story. One of the best scenes is at the very end. When the real bothers are seen and allowed an ending comment. I hav eseeen this many times and eery time it is worth it.
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Moonfall (2022)
Quite possible the dumbest Sci-fi film I have ever seen
14 September 2022
If you have the time, don't watch it. This is quite possibly the stupidest Sci-fit film ever made. So much of it makes little sense but what Sci-fi does: This one has no storyline, no meaning and we found ourselves laughing when scenes got so entirely stupid. The actors in this must have been in some type of humor when making this trash. The dialogue borders on insipid and moronic. Don't waste your time. I already did. I had to keep writing so I reaching 600 characters but there is nothing good to say about this. Blah blah blah blah. It gets so silly that I was even surprised it kept going. Some studio wasted some money.
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