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Overboard (2018)
Best Romantic Comedy in a While
3 June 2019
Now days, it's hard to find a good comedy. This is the exception. I loved this version of Overboard.
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When People Don't Care, other people get away with murder
20 October 2018
I just saw the Gosnell Movie. 1st of all; Kudos to Andrew Klavan for tackling this subject. He did an excellent job. 2nd acclaim to Nick Searcy, Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, Magdalena Segieda, John Sullivan, Phelim McAleer, Ann McElhinney, and all the actresses and actors that made the movie happen. And a special thanks to all that crowdfunded this project. Reaction: The strongest emotions my wife and I had during the movie and in the aftermath were anger and disgust. Of course, we were sickened by the way Gosnell callously killed these babies, treated these women, and lived and worked in filth. But what was even more disgusting was the complicity of the disgraceful Pennsylvania Health Department and its cowardly state government in Harrisburg, the legal profession, and the silence of the media. All this has been fueled by the pro-abortion lobby that has been bullying the American public for decades. And all for sordid gain. The cowardly judge even had to instruct the jury and the prosecuting attorney that this was not about abortion but about murder. That is how bad it's got. It takes a person who went to law or medical school to "figure" this out. People with a conscience that is not seared, know what it is. It's all murder dressed up in pretty clothes. This movie did a fine job in bringing this to the forefront to all who are willing to watch it. Sadly, most people will not watch it. It is not gruesome. That is, you will not see the violence done. The writers and producers purposely did not want to make this into a shock political tirade. The facts speak for themselves to most people. As hard as it is to believe, there are still some people who will view this film and still be for abortion. It's a heart problem and a movie cannot change this. Like many important movies of our time, the theater was virtually empty. People would rather see mindless movies like "Halloween" or the latest "Super Hero" movie. But this is the apathy and shallowness of our culture. When people don't care, as you see in this movie; PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH MURDER. Let that sink in.
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Did Queen Victoria, head of the church of England, defender of the Christian faith, die in her sins?
15 April 2018
Did Queen Victoria, head of the church of England, defender of the Christian faith, die in her sins?

According to the movie Victoria and Abdul she did exactly that. In her death bed scene there is no Arch Bishop of Canterbury and no mention of Christ or Christianity. In their place is a Sufi Muslim quoting from Rumi with the implied view that Muslims are a peaceful folk and that Victoria died a Muslim with no savior.

The movie could have been a good one with superb acting by Judi Dench and many light-hearted and funny scenes but it was flawed by the politically correct author, director, producers, and screen writer who want to push their anachronistic/pc views through a period piece.

What a shame that these kind of movies always have to be flawed by faulty worldviews that seem to be always anti-Christian and anti-Western.
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Full of Grace (I) (2015)
Peter'Struggles and Goes to Mary
24 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Full of Grace is a movie about Mary, the mother of Jesus. It sounds promising, but it disappoints on every level. On the superficial viewing level, it is slow moving and boring and on the deeper and more theological level, there are many parts that are unbiblical, troubling and difficult to watch. The title of the book is misleading as well. It is just as much about Peter as it is about Mary. It could be called "Peter's Struggles". The climax and highlight of the movie occurs about 2/3rds of the way into the movie where Mary gives a good "hearts, hands, flesh, blood" pep talk to the apostles, who at that point, seem to be collectively struggling with doubts and fears. It's a good talk about the Incarnate Word in Mary with flashbacks to the birth, crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. I should have known that it was Roman Catholic. They are the ones that translate Luke 1:28 as "full of grace" from the Latin Vulgate instead of the original Greek text which is more appropriately translated, "the one who is graced - favored - blessed". The passive participle indicates that Mary is the recipient of this favor or grace. But even as a Roman Catholic, I would have objections to this movie. For one thing; It presents a very weak Peter, who is unsure of himself. Remember, he is supposed to be the rock- the first pope. It also presents a Christianity where explanations don't seem to matter. It is a mindless Christianity that provides no reasons; it is almost other worldly and gnostic. It is an inner light in opposition to a light shining outwardly on a dark world. How does this square with all the doctrine, dogma, creeds, and catechisms of the Church? The movie is one long dialog between Peter and Mary with others chiming in. Peter doubts and questions; Mary answers and offers wisdom. Contrasted with the Bible, and the movie comes up short. Here are few of the problems: 1. On the cross, Mary was presented to John, the apostle, not Peter. So, why Peter? And where is John? (John 19:26-27) Later he does show up in the movie with other struggling apostles. 2. Mary had other sons and daughters. Why are they not taking care of their mother along with John? And why does Mary now live alone with a servant? (Matthew 13:53-56) 3. Peter, along with the other Apostles were given the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truth. Why does Peter and the others now need Mary to tell them the truth? (John 14:25-26; John 15:26-27; John 16:12-15) 4. Mary is sick, and Peter is doubting just 10 years after the resurrection. This contradicts the Acts of the Holy Spirit in Holy Scripture. (For example, Acts 5:15) 5. Mary tells Peter that the light will fade, yet this contradicts the power of the resurrection, John 1, and the view of the Church fathers. (For example, St Athanasius said, "And to sum the matter up: behold how the Savior's doctrine is everywhere increasing, while all idolatry and everything opposed to the faith of Christ is daily dwindling, and losing power, and falling. And thus beholding, worship the Saviour, Who is above all and mighty, even God the Word; and condemn those who are being worsted and done away by Him. For as, when the sun has come, darkness no longer prevails, but if any be still left anywhere it is driven away; so, now that the divine Appearing of the Word of God has come, the darkness of the idols prevails no more, and all parts of the world in every direction are illumined by His teaching." ("On the Incarnation" 55:2-3) 6. The movie depicts Peter as the head of the Jerusalem church whereas the reality is that James, the Lord's brother, was the leader. (Acts 15). Clement of Rome, who is supposed to have succeeded Peter as bishop of Rome and therefore, according to Roman Catholic dogma, the first pope, called James, the "bishop of bishops, who rules Jerusalem, the Holy Church of the Hebrews, and all the Churches everywhere". 7. Speaking of James; the movie has the disciples toasting James the son of Zebedee and asking him to pray for them. At best, we can say this is an anachronism. 8. Peter eventually overcomes his struggle and serves the eucharist to his fellow apostles and extreme unction (last rights) to Mary. 9. It ends with Mary dying outside of Jerusalem at a young age. What happened to the Ephesus tradition? I feel like I should like this movie because Mary does tell the story of Jesus in a unique way but there are too many obstacles in the way for the impact. Perhaps this is the trouble with Roman Catholicism; the gospel is there, but it is dressed up with so many trappings that it is not clear and appears to be only intended for the initiated.
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Stalin- not Hitler for a welcome change
15 June 2017
The Communists starved the Ukrainians under Stalin. The New York Times via Walter Duranty, covered up their crimes. Bitter Harvest is a fictional action- drama based on one man's story that lived through it. Now, finally a movie that is not about Hitler (national socialism) but about the real threat America faces from the left- International socialism ( communism) - still being covered up by the same lying media. Walter Duranty is best known for his stringent denial of the genocide of the Ukrainian people, known as Holodomor. Duranty refused to report on the man-made famine that killed up to twelve million people. Duranty also claimed other journalists who reported the truth of the USSR, such as Malcolm Muggeridge and Gareth Jones, were liars. Muggeridge went on to call Duranty "the greatest liar I have met in journalism." Some of Duranty's most well known lies and falsehoods about Holodomor are: "There is no famine or actual starvation nor is there likely to be." --New York Times, Nov. 15, 1931, page 1 "Any report of a famine in Russia is today an exaggeration or malignant propaganda." --New York Times, August 23, 1933 "Enemies and foreign critics can say what they please. Weaklings and despondents at home may groan under the burden, but the youth and strength of the Russian people is essentially at one with the Kremlin's program, believes it worthwhile and supports it, however hard be the sledding." --New York Times, December 9, 1932, page 6 "You can't make an omelet without breaking eggs." --New York Times, May 14, 1933, page 18 "There is no actual starvation or deaths from starvation but there is widespread mortality from diseases due to malnutrition." --New York Times, March 31, 1933, page 13 Duranty also admitted privately that the genocide was happening. Bruce S. Thornton wrote: Walter Duranty stands as perhaps the quintessential fellow-traveler, killing news reports of famine and writing that Ukrainians were "healthier and more cheerful" than he had expected, and that markets were overflowing with food—this at the height of Stalin's slaughter of the kulaks.
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Silence (I) (2016)
The Most Disturbing Movie of the Year A Christian Critique:
8 May 2017
Why Christians would recommend or celebrate this film is beyond belief. They really should be ashamed, especially the Pope and his Jesuits. This is one of the most shameful chapters in their history and proves to me that they needed the reformation of the Bible in the vernacular of the people, that they rejected. Yes, it is fiction. The movie is based on a fictional novel by the Japanese author Shusaku Endo. What is clear is that Japan was at that time closed to the outside world, was a feudal system, had decided to reject Christianity, and reverted to reliance on its indigenous belief system, a syncretic mix of Shintō and Buddhism to bring cohesion to the nation and support its totalitarian methods. It is also clear that there was a priest named Ferreira, there was a great persecution of the church, many Jesuit priests apostatized, they trampled on an image of Christ, called a fumie, and Christianity was officially snuffed out for 200 years. The rest is fiction. How much is Endo and how much is Scorsese, I don't know. Beyond the history, which I find fascinating, I look for worldview and inspiration. This movie fails on both points for me. As far as inspiration goes; the opposite is the case. The movie left me disturbed and depressed. As far as worldview goes, there is a lot here but contra many Christian reviews; it was a story of capitulation rather than exaltation and therefore the exact opposite of the Christian message which ends in resurrection, hope and inspiration. I would not recommend this movie unless the person is mature and thoroughly grounded in the faith. It is potentially hazardous to one's spiritual health. I also look for lessons to be learned. I found a few. Totalitarian lessons: In America it is tempting to think of Buddhism as a benign philosophy that helps us relax and meditate; but in reality it can be a dangerous philosophy that can end in totalitarianism just like any other ism when in power. This movie shows this in graphic detail. The Buddhists that controlled Japan in the 17th century were totalitarian and brutal. They tortured their victims. They deserve to be categorized with all the other regimes like Nazism, Communism, Islam, and Catholicism when it contradicted itself etc.

Theological Lessons: 1. Apostasy is real. But unless one repents of this, you do not belong to Christ. Holding a crucifix at the end but living a life of compromise with a brutal regime is a ticket to hell,not heaven. Jesus left very clear instructions about renouncing Him,saying: "Whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." (Matt. 10:33) Leaving the faith is not faith. Wecannot accept the decision Rodrigues made and think everything will be okay in the end. This is what makes Silence so potentially dangerous.

2. God has spoken in His word and in the person of Christ and His sacrament. Silence is silence. It is the opposite of speaking. It is a Buddhist and eastern non-logical idea that god speaks in silence. Yes,there is a still small voice sometimes, but it is not silence. All of creation is a universe – one symphonic voice and song. 3. Christ would never tell someone to, Trample on Him. He would never say, "It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men's pain that I carried my cross." We know this because this is sign of apostasy, not faith. Hebrews 10:28-29 says, "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? Earlier in Hebrews 6:4-6 we read these words, "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, If they shall fall away (apostatize), to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame."
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Ben-Hur (2016)
The Glory Has Departed.
24 March 2017
I think the problem with this movie begins with the change from a tile falling off the roof to a random zealot shooting an arrow. With this seemingly minor change come all the other changes that make this movie a shell of its former self found in the book.

What is lost is the grandeur, the awe, and the providence of God that mysteriously moves Judah Ben-Hur towards his encounter with the Christ. In its place is a crazy zealot and Morgan Freeman giving advice on how to win a chariot race and how to live life.

The original Ben-Hur was supposed to be a "Tale About the Christ". But it has become a morality play about the rivalry of two brothers and about a guy that changes from being angry to a guy that learns to forgive. No need for Christ here except a very liberal one that gives Judah Ben-Hur and us an example of being kind, compassionate, and forgiving. Frankly the story could have been told without Jesus.

There is the cross but no reason for it except the cruelty of the Romans and Jesus saying that he is doing it out of his own free will. And there is no resurrection only the reference that the thief will today be in paradise. Is the thief the guy who shot the arrow?
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Inspiring and Encouraging!
19 March 2017
Where were you when Columbine happened? I remember it well. I was at science camp (Lake Hume, CA) with about 20 of my Middle school students in the cafeteria surrounded by hundreds of other students and faculty from all over California. Needless to say, the whole place sobered up in a hurry.

But little did I know that it would take 18 years for me to realize the true significance of that event. That realization came when I watched this movie. The story of Rachel Scott is an amazing testimony of how God can take a horrific event and use it to reach millions of people with the gospel. It is interesting to note that her life has touched 22 million people; exactly twice as many as Hitler killed. Watch the movie to see the contrast between Hitler's and therefore Eric and Dylan's idea and Jesus and Rachel's idea of making the world a better place.

It is also an amazing testimony of how God prepared Rachel for the way she would glorify Him. Friends, He is doing this with all of us who follow him. If you want a film that inspires and encourages you; you can't do much better than this one.

I highly recommend this movie as one of the best Christian movies out there. The divide you see between the critics and the general audience is telling. Many of us have learned to discount the critics through the years realizing that they cannot be trusted to give a proper assessment. Also, this story is itself an example of how the secular media gets it so wrong most of the time simply because they have no spiritual discernment and work for bosses that are often hostile to the Christian worldview.

On a technical note: In my opinion, this movie is another example of how Christian movies are getting better and better.
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Noah (2014)
"GNOSTICISM 101 or "THE DEVIL WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG!" or "THE BIBLE TWISTED" or JUST PLAIN SATANISM taken from the Jewish Kabbalah; Zohar – A Jewish Gnostic Myth.
11 July 2015
"Do not give heed to Jewish fables, myths, and commandments of men who turn from the truth." Titus 1:14

A Jewish Gnostic Myth.

WARNING: This is NOT THE BIBLICAL STORY – This is a twisted Gnostic version.



The Creator is NOT the TRUE GOD. The Creator of the material world is an ignorant, arrogant, jealous, exclusive, violent, low-level, bastard son of a low level deity. This Creator tries to keep Adam and Eve from the true knowledge of the divine and, when they disobey, flies into a rage and boots them from the garden. (BIBLE: For by Him (Jesus) all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible." Colossians 1:16 "I am Jehovah, that makes all things; that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the earth" Isaiah 44:24)


The serpent was right all along. This "god," "The Creator," whom they are worshiping is withholding something from them that the serpent will provide: divinity itself. The serpent is "Sophia," "Mother," or "Wisdom." The serpent represents the true divine, and the claims of "The Creator" are false. THE SERPENT IS THE HERO OF THE MOVIE – NOAH ONLY AFTER HE BECOMES "ENLIGHTENED" BY THE SERPENT. (BIBLE: "That ancient serpent, called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world." Revelation 12:9 THE RAINBOW

The rainbows appear when Noah sobers up and embraces the serpent. He wraps the skin around his arm, and blesses his family. (BIBLE: I've set my rainbow in the sky to symbolize the covenant between me and the earth. Gensis 9:13)


THE MOVIE is a Gnostic experiment! In Gnosticism, only the "elite" are "in the know" and have the secret knowledge. Everybody else are dupes and ignorant fools – especially Christians, like myself. The "event" of this movie is intended to illustrate the Gnostic premise. I wonder how many know this? THE BIBLE: Jesus IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE SAVED – "He is 'the stone that was rejected by you builders,

which has become the cornerstone. There is no salvation by anyone else, for there is no other name under heaven given among people by which we must be saved." Acts 4:11-12 "Beware lest there be any man that spoil you through philosophy, and vain deceit, through the traditions of men, according to the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ for in Him ]all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily and you are complete in Him Colossians 2:8-9)
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Joshua (I) (2002)
It's All About Love, Healing, and Community
19 June 2015
A movie that helps you major on the majors which are love and community. Joshua (Jesus in Hebrew - really Yeshua)is just that; a Christ figure ( or maybe even Christ himself) who comes to a small town and brings healing, love, and community. He helps the black Baptists build a church; carves a Peter statue for the Catholics and helps the Pharisaical and hypocritical priest find freedom from his fears and another priest his true calling. He also, helps a "faith healer" learn what real healing is and that he does not need to resort to manipulative tactics.

It's a feel good movie and one that is good to watch now and again. It's not that the law doesn't matter ( the hypocritical priest's view) or that it's wrong to have a revival meeting ( the faith healer); even the bureaucratic Roman catholic church has a place; it's just that these are all peripherals and not the center. Thee center is Christ and Loving God and your neighbor as yourself and even the resurrection hope.
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Truly a Movie for the Times
2 November 2014
I really enjoyed this movie. It was really a movie for its time.

In the DVD Bonus Features it tells the story of the indoctrination, intimidation, denying of rights and even persecution of Christians and other conservatives on college campuses across this country.

This movie demonstrates the power professors have to intimidate students. It also shows how most people go along with whatever they need to in order to get a good grade or keep a career. Only a few have the courage to stand up for what they believe.

Judging by the majority of other reviews out there, it is obvious that most of the reviewers are themselves cowards who go along with the crowd, can't think for themselves, and repeat the same tired lines they probably heard for some college professor.
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Feel Good About America Again and Know Why
5 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You've gotta see the movie; America: Imagine a World without Her! I just saw it! Pay the money. I did and I hardly ever do. I usually wait for the dollar theatre or Red Box. This was definitely one of the top documentaries I've seen.

In it D'Souza tackles the 5 big criticisms of America. Frankly, I was wondering how he was going to do it in a 2 hour doc.

Believe me these are the big ones:

1. Genocide of the Native Americans 2. Stealing land from Mexico 3. Enslaving African Americans 4. Enriching itself and committing atrocities in overseas wars and 5. Capitalists stealing the American dream from the workers of America.

I told you they were the big ones!

He also basically trashes the required "history" reading in hundreds of universities in the form of the pseudo historian Howard Zinn and does an expose of the Methodist "minister" and his famous connection that influenced an impressionable Hillary Clinton in High School and at Wellesley . There is so much more. I give it 6 stars (3 thumbs up)
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Very good documentary about a very controversial President by a man that shares many similarities with Obama
3 July 2014
Very good documentary about a very controversial President by a man that shares many similarities with Obama but none of the leftist, anti- colonial, anti-Christian, anti-capitalist biases of the President. I can't wait to see his new one; America: Imagine the World without Her. This documentary looks at Obama's background, influences,thinking, and actions and projects what kind of America we might have if he gets his way. The good thing is that no one ever gets his way for very long. For example: The third Reich only lasted a couple of Decades. In this country we still have many more checks and balances than did Germany. Never the less, it still is a troubling thought to think that we elected a man with such un-American ideas but what does one expect when post- modernism, hedonism, and leftist ideology dominate the nations universities. . It's really too bad that more documentaries aren't produced like this. Like most good movies and documentaries, I had to purchase my own copy because they are just not readily available in smaller markets. It would have been nice to see it on the big screen. Fortunately, the new movie is on the big screen and I hope to see it.
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So far just a repeat of the Carl Sagan "Cosmos is all there is" idea
12 March 2014
I can't understand why this is getting such good reviews. There is nothing new here. This is just the same old story (propaganda) we heard 30 years ago from Carl Sagan. It's the same morality play that has been fed to us for 50+ years now since the play "Inherit the Wind". Can't we have a science program without always making it a tool of propaganda?

As far as I can tell this began in 1925 with H.L. Mencken's so called coverage of the Scopes trial and has not let up since. This time Neil Tyson adds a few lies about Giordano Bruno into the mix.

This from Jay Richards; "We're barely seconds into this farrago and we have our first lie. "Everyone" knew the earth was the center of the universe? Wow, who's going to tell Copernicus? Kepler? Stigliola? Diggs? Maestlin? Rothmann? Brahe? All of them believed in models of the cosmos that were not considered orthodox, and lived at the time of Bruno. All of them escaped the fire, and indeed weren't even pursued by the Inquisition. Right here we have the major lie at the heart of modern anti-religious scientific propaganda: the war between faith and science. We're supposed to just assume this ignorant backwards world of the past hates smart people. Tyson himself says it: "How was Bruno spending New Year's Eve in 1599? In prison, of course." Of course! Because that's what the Church does to smart people! Bad church! Bad.
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The Greatest (2009)
Strange but informing nonetheless
8 August 2013
This movie is about grief. It is tainted by an unnecessary sex scene, unnecessary sexual innuendos, unnecessary nudity, and unnecessary vulgarity. It reminded me of the Northeast and when I was younger – the Jersey shore – the feel of living in the mid Atlantic states (It was filmed in Nyack, NY). It also reminded me of 1 Thessalonians 4:13 ff and the fact that we ( as followers of Christ) don't grieve the way the world does who has no hope. The "hope" provided in this movie was a replacement of the son with a daughter (his girl friend) and her baby. It was a very strange movie at times because of the culture difference – rich, worldly, post modern, mathematician, given over to base sex instincts etc. but a family movie nonetheless and one that looked at grief from various angles and how different people handle it. "But we would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that fall asleep (have died in Christ); that ye sorrow not, even as the rest, who have no hope." (1 Thessalonians 4:13)
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