
31 Reviews
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Mammoth (2006 TV Movie)
Weirdly entertaining
29 August 2011
Well, What is there to say about this movie?

The stamp sized script is CRAP The acting is CRAP! The filming is CRAP!! the special effects are CRAP!!!



Stil, there is something, something indefinable, something unfathomable... that makes the load of crap that is this movie, work. I have tried, and tried again and again, but for the life of me, I can not figure out why i thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

See it and try yourself. Maybe you can break the code, to why this movie was so fun to watch.

Well, that's it for this time.

Paladin Steelbreaker
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Merlin (2008–2012)
Well made series, but with a disappointing disregard to the legend
20 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Well, It is a really well made series. In fact it is a pity it seems there will be no second season. The acting is excellent. Specially i will mention Anthony Head, who portray the intellectually and emotionally very complex Uther Pendragon at times chillingly well. He managed to portray the originally kindhearted man that because of tragic happenings in the past, becomes darker and darker in his pursuit of vengeance. A vengeance he disguises protecting the kingdom. I doubt anyone could do this role better than Anthony. It seems made for him.

But. And that is a big but. through the whole series it annoyed me greatly how the makers of the series, blatantly disregarded the legend. Okay it not nearly as bad as what was done with the newer Jason Bourne movies, but bad anyway. They got a few key details completely wrong. Nimueh was not evil. She wasn't exactly a nice person, but she fought for the light. Morgana on the other hand were evil as evil could be. And Mordred were the bastard son of Morgana and Arthur, who were just as evil and insane as his mother.

Major faults, makes what otherwise would be a solid nine maybe a ten, to the weak 7 i gave it. I am starting to be fed up with the way the writers of Hollywood changes things from books and legends just as it fit them, with total disregard to the original writer, or in this instance, The original Legend. I wish they would stop doing that! it is exceedingly annoying!!!

Thats it for now. Paladin Steelbreaker
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An utterly beautiful, completely disgusting masterpiece
19 August 2008
Okay, what can be said about this?

I really did not like this movie! visually the movie was a masterpiece of near perfection. So was the acting. Chow Yun Fat was so utterly disgusting and evil that I really got cold shivers of disgust down my back. I knew he was a good actor, but this was just creepy!!! And that all the other actors did just as well in portraying their character, added to the horror of this movie.

It was like watching a Chinese version of MacBeth and Hamlet rolled into one. the Shakespearian air through the movie was just overwhelming. And as in Shakespeare's dramas, everything that possibly could go wrong, went straight to hell! I have only seen two movies so utterly void of hope. Namely the 1960's version of Hamlet, and Kurosawa's Ran. But this one topped them both because of its brutal visual and psychological imagery.

This is by far the most disgusting movie i have seen in years, yet it is one of the better. If you see this movie you will remember it for a very long time. Make sure you are not depressed, and has not eaten, before you sit down to see this one.

Because watching it, you SHOULD do. It is a true masterpiece !!!

In all honesty i should have given this movie a straight 10. But because of its utter hideousness,I can't get myself to give it more than a solid 8.

Thats all folks.

Paladin Steelbreaker
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15 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, what can I say? I WAS RIGHT!!!

They should never have made a sequel to AVP. This was just, just. words don't describe it, but I have to try. This movie sucked big time! The plot was minimal. The violence was chaotic, and meaningless. and the acting was horrible. They pulled out just about every clichè there is. even the busty blonde chick. Okay, she didn't flash her titties, but she did die very predictably.

As in the first movie, the camera was a nightmare. Where in the first movie one didn't know what was up, down, left or right, in this movie there were such an overabundance of close up shots, that we never got to see the whole monster.

The whole movie seemed rushed, as if its goal was to put the most violence into the shortest time frame-possible, without concern to the storyline. and hello, pregnant women and children? it should have added tons to the horror meter, but failed miserably to do so, because in the whole movie there wasn't one single moment of believable display of feelings. there was no personality to the victims, that could allow us to connect to their horror on an emotional level.

Not even Reiko Aylesworth could save this movie, and it didn't look like she tried, or were allowed to try. Her role was much too two-dimensional and downplayed. She were supposed to be a solider, for crying out loud! And the worst part of that, is that i am sure she could have pulled off the soldier act really good, if the script had allowed it.

All in all this is one of the crappiest movies I have seen in a very long time. It is with severe doubts I give this one a 2. And that is only because Reiko Aylesworth is maybe the most beautiful woman ever to have been born.

Do yourselves a favor folks. Do not waste good money on this movie. You will only be left with a mother-load of irritation over the people that actually against all probability managed to make something as stupendously stupid as this movie.

Thats all folks.
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Clearly the best of three
16 September 2007
Well, this one annoys me! It is one heck of a spy thriller. Matt Dammon continues to portrait Jason Bourne in a surprisingly good almost shockingly so way. From being a barely mediocre actor, he in these three movies have grown to be a splendid actor. And in this last installment, he simply is Bourne. Well, at least the movie version. The only thing that pulls down, is that Matt doesn't know martial arts if his life depended on it. But what could have been disastrous for the series, have been saved by one heck of a genius behind the camera. The fast moving close in camera, successfully hides his lack of fighting skills in most instances.

the plots have become better for each movie also, and it is with a heavy heart i have to give this one 8 stars. Because I am sorely tempted to give it an ZERO.

Why?! You may ask. And the answer is, the entire trilogy is a bloody mockery of the ingenious books by Robert Ludlum. Almost nothing from the books has made it into the movies.

I sincerely hope someone will make a real modern movie version of the books. That done properly, ladies and gentlemen, would be a sure 10.

Thats all for now. Paladin Steelbreaker
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Uninspired and almost dull
11 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say. I AM DISAPPOINTED! I was expecting way more than this garbage!!! No, to be honest, it isn't that bad. The problem is that it could and should have been so incredibly much better.

The biggest problem is that they piled three major villains upon each other. They should have stuck to only Sandman, Venom, or Goblin. NOT ALL THREE OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!!! It simply became too much, and it totally killed the suspense and plot. Instead of a well thought through plot with a real character development like in the two first movies, everything seemed rushed and half finished. In my opinion they should have staid with Venom as the villain. He was the best of the three anyway.

And what in the world were they thinking when they made the Goblin one of the good guys? If memory doesn't serve me wrong, Harry became just as psychotic and evil as his father, once he became the Green Goblin. And I don't remember him die either, although I may be wrong there.

Well over to the stronger sides of the movie. The fight scenes were as always fantastic. Sandman was just the way i imagined, and so was Venom. And Mary Jane's failure as an actress, were like taken right out of the comic book, with her being too ashamed to tell Peter, and being jealous of the attention he is getting as Spiderman. Although both Mary Jane and Peter were characterized a bit too much goofy teenage like(i don't think Harry became Goblin until after MJ and Peter were married), Tobey and Kirsten did an overall good job catching the essence of MJ and Peter. But I will say that Tobey has a thing or two to learn from Kirsten when it comes to acting. I feel he did a better job in the first movies. His heart just didn't seem to be in it this time.

the filming and the soundtrack as always managed to bring me into the Marvel Universe, and the atmosphere of the movie were god. In fact it WAS a good movie, but nevertheless a big disappointment.

Thats all folks Paladin Steelbreaker.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Surelly the best acting performance of Di Caprio so far.
4 March 2007
Well, I went to the cinema, hoping for a reasonably good movie. Lets face it Di Caprio, in the past, never really was more than a pretty boy face and a lousy actor.

But in the later years his acting has been steadily increasing in quality. He seems to have really grown up, as an actor. I mean, with The Aviator he proved once and for all, that not only can he act, but he has become a darned good actor.

In Blood Diamonds, he does one of the best performances by any actor in recent years. The way he managed to balance total cynicism with just the amount of humanity for the viewers not to despise his character, was awe inspiring. In my opinion he should have gotten an Oscar for this film. Not to diminish Hansou's performance, but Di Caprio really shone. And as Hansou got a really well deserved Oscar, I feel that Di Caprio did just as good a performance, maybe better.

Jennifer also did a splendid job. Here is maybe the only weak point on the script. I felt she was maybe a bit underused. Had she been given a chance in the script, i got the distinct feeling that she would have done just as well as her male co actors. But what she did, was a piece of flawless acting.

All in all, I will give this movie a strong eight. I will stop at that, because it lacked the bit of emotional weight that would have given it a ten. Nevertheless, i think this is going to be one of the better movies in 2007.

Run to the Theatre and watch it! You will not be disappointed.

Thats all folks
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Storywise much better than the new movies
4 February 2007
Well, finally I saw the old Bourne movie/miniseries with Richard Chamberlain as Bourne. And I have to say i pretty much LOVED it. Chamberlain's Bourne was much closer to the one in the books than Matt Dammon ever was. Okay, Dammon is a better fighter, and he plays much better than I had thought before seeing his Bourne movies. But these movies are just about totally ignoring the plot of the books, which annoyed me greatly.

In Chamberlains Bourne movie they mostly stuck to the book, with few variations. I thoroughly enjoyed myself as I could follow the plot from the books from point to point. Especially I liked the way Marie St. Jaques were portrayed by Jaclyn Smith. Okay it got a bit overly mushy on both her and Chamberlines side, but all in all they both did a fair job. Franka Potente were a LOUSY Marie in the new movies. Partly also because of the infuriating way her character were written in the script.

The only complains I have, the before mentioned overly romantic air over the movie, and that I always had the feeling I was watching a seventies movie instead of one made in 1988. The col ours, the clipping and the way the movie progressed, it was so incredibly seventies spy movie.So therefore i give this one a 7. Otherwise it would have been a sure 8maybe more.
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Not one for the weak of heart!!!
27 December 2006
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen. The setting was perfect. The costumes, the way people behaved, the lighting, it fit the period so fantastically, that one felt brought back in time.

What more, the plot was absolutely fantastic. the viewer were kept on the edge of his seat right from the beginning and to the end. There always seemed to be another level to the story. The viewer were taken on an emotional roller-coaster ride deep into the darkest part of the human psyche. Everyone in this movie were acting on a level far higher than most Oscar winning movies.

And The script has to be one of the best written ones in the last 20 years. It was so tightly written, with such a nerve wrecking sense of foreboding doom, that just as you started to think you had figured it all out, you were taken for a wild ride in another direction, right up until the shocking end.

As I left the Cinema, i was downright exhausted, but i will be forever thankful that I didn't go with my first decision, and stayed home.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, then you better do it fast. I promise you, you will never regret it.

That's all for now.

Paladin Steelbreaker
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One of the better movies I have seen in a while.
16 December 2006
Well, I am certainly getting more and more impressed with the acting skills of Jean Reno, that's for sure! He shifts so easily between hero and villain. In this movie one never quite figured which one he was. At least I didn't. And the other actors, whom i am sad to say I don't know, did their part almost as good. All in all it was top notch acting all around, and that is seldom to see in an action/thriller. Usually it is the lead man or woman that carries the movie on his/her shoulder.

And the story went in so many different directions that I was kept on the tip of my toes for all of the movie.

The script was very tightly written, the pace never dulled, and the foreboding atmosphere brought forth by magnificent use of camera and lighting, went as a red thread through it all. It made me believe this was something it was not.

The reason I am giving Empire of The Wolves a strong 8, instead of a pure 10, is because of the scientific mumbo jumbo. It was the only part that seemed a little off. It was just a bit too much science fiction like. Now i love a good science fiction flick as much as the other guy, but it did not quite fit in here, i feel. They should have come up with something a bit more realistic. It isn't that easy to mess with memories.

And yes, i know that it probably were made that way on purpose, to throw the watcher off the scent, as was certain other unrealistic elements in the movie, that I won't go further into. But i feel they fit better with the mood of the movie.

Anyway, if you haven't seen Empire of The Wolves, do it as soon as you can. Because this is still a seriously well made movie. It is a shame it has such relatively low rating on the IMDb. It deserves better.

Paladin Steelbreaker
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Phew! What a Ride! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
10 November 2006
I knew what I was going to, when i entered the cinema. This was going to be a movie with five minutes worth of mediocre script, more or less shallow dialog, uninspired acting, and ridiculously exaggerated Computer Animation sequences.In other words, a movie hopefully just barely worth the price of the ticket.

I knew what I was going to, and yet I left the cinema with the feeling of having seen one of the most entertaining movies this year.

Yes, the script would probably not entirely fill and A4 sheath of paper, and were filled beyond capacity with clichés. The acting was mediocre,(well except Samuel. You can give him a golden script, or total bullshit, and he always does the humanly most possible out of it.), and the computer animated snakes were so incredibly painfully fake. Okay, they looked real, kind of, but their behavior were so ridiculously ludicrous that I couldn't take them serious.

Still those scaly m***'s managed to keep my heart racing for almost the entire movie. They always gave me a shock, even though I knew when and where they came. What made them work as well as they did, was some of the best timing I have ever seen. With no other comparison, if the Scream movies had just a fraction of this timing, they would have been a whole lot better than the complete utter rubbish and waste of tape they are.

Those snakes made me jump time after time. Now I was sitting in my wheelchair instead of the seat, and it nearly cost me a bashed in scull. As that snake went straight for the camera, i came dangerously close to tipping backwards, and ending up with my feet in the air, LOL.

One more thing that makes me give this one an 8 instead of a questionable 2, is the fact that it was blissfully free of the usual self-absorption we usually see in American movies nowadays. Instead the movie didn't for a second take itself seriously, and aimed for most possible entertainment. Thankfully it didn't try to be a seriously scary movie, which would have been a catastrophe.

So therefore I give this one a solid 8, for its sheer entertainment value. I can promise you all, I left the theater with my face nearly splitting due to the grin that was plastered on it.

If you haven't seen this movie, you should do it as soon as possible.

Paladin Steelbreaker
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Medium (2005–2011)
Excellent series
18 October 2006
Well, it is the best series ever when it comes to portraying a person with paranormal abilities, living a "normal" life.

Patricia comes off as very believable in her role as Allison. The series is nicely toned down on the paranormal, without going too much that way either. All in all a very balanced out series, with splendid actors, and very good episode scripts. You come to emphasize with Alison and her family. You follow them through ups and down, and just feel that you get to know them. And still there is just the right amount of paranormal things going on, to make it fetching.

The best thing, i feel, is that although Allison obviously is extremely gifted in the paranormal. She not only reads surface thoughts and communicates with dead people, but even deep dives into minds when it is necessary,she isn't portrayed as this all-knowing, all powerful "mutant,lol" But rather a normal woman, that has been gifted/cursed with these abilities and has to cope as best she can.

In comparison, Jenifer Lowe Hewit's Ghost Whisperer, comes of as a much more shallow, two-dimensional person. Ghost Whisperer is just so much more of a light weighter. The plots are weaker and the acting doesn't even come close. And this comes from a person that actually really like Ghost Whisperer. but Compared to "Medium" it is just a pale shadow.

The only reason I don't give this one a 10, is that this is a TV Series, not a movie. But compared to other TV Series in this genre it is a sure and certain 10 1/2.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Almost not worth the money.
14 September 2006
Well the action is good, and the story is not exactly bad. But the movie totally lack the charm and originality the old series possessed in abundance.

I did not laugh one single time during the movie. Seldom i have seen a movie that were so totally without any form of humor. the movie took itself much too serious, and the acting performances were almost poor. I got the feeling all the actors wanted to be somewhere else than being in on this movie.

All in all, I was thoroughly disappointed over this movie. This movie should never have been made. Sadly i must say this is the worst movie I have seen this year.

That's all for now - Palmar Olav Løklingholm
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Pretty nice entertainment. If you like movies about the supernatural.
4 September 2006
Well, I took the time and watched both movies in quick succession. And the thing that struck me was how smooth the movies were. In the first movie the universe of the movie were quickly established with a steady hand. And from then of, the movies were true to the premises of the universe. Even in "Evolution" they didn't go far over board,like it usually is in "monster" sequels. Okay, Marcus was pretty extreme, but somehow he fit in. And despite being really powerful, I didn't get that Invincible vibe from him. You know, the one that kills all suspense.

Anyway, instead of going full out with the special effects, gore and whatever, like in the second Blade movie, Underworld and it's sequel were more about telling a story. All the time i got the feeling the director really wanted to tell a story, instead of just loading up on big fancy fight scenes. Even with all the special effects, the blood an gore there was in these movies, they still managed to seem almost downplayed. Oh yes, there was tempo, and loads of action. It just didn't feel rushed. everything happened in its own time.

To sum it up: Good acting, steady yet creative camera, a good thought through script, the details of the "universe" was wonderfully put together, top notch special effects that weren't over exaggerated, and excellent costumes and sets.

The reason I still don't give these movies more than a six, is a certain emotional coldness throughout both movies. The main characters' emotional reactions seemed muted, and caused the watcher to be less taken by the movie. Underworld and it's sequel lacked that little bit that makes you really concentrate on the movie. Selene seemed oddly apathetic on several occasions. We never got to see real emotional responses from her. even her anger seemed cold and controlled. Do not misunderstand me. I do not think Kate is to blame for this. She did the absolute most out of what she had to work with. No, this emotional absence was something that could be found in almost all the characters to some degree. the exceptions were that black vampire security chief or what he was, and Cornelius and his men. They seemed to be slightly more emotional. And Kraven was kind of amusing with his petulant child routine.

Still I failed to be really captivated by Underwold. If they make a third, which i hope they do, i wish they will give a bit more character depth to the main characters.

That's all for now Palmar Olav Løklingholm
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Better than the original movies, but far from Lois&Clark
28 July 2006
Well. What can I say about this one? "Superman Returns" is a good deal better than the original movies.

I feel the director took the old movies and incorporated some of the feel from "New Adventures of Lois&Clark". Thankfully Brendan portrayed a much more believable Superman than Christopher Reeves ever did. I breathed out in relief when the bumbling fool Clark Kent never showed up in this movie. Instead we got a somewhat darker, much more smooth and definitely brighter Clark Kent. Kate Bosworth also did a pretty good figure as Lois Lane. Not up to the standards of Terri Hatcher, but far better than Margot Kidder from the old movies. She just stood there like a fool, screaming for help all the time. While Terri actually managed to help herself, and Superman quite a few times. Kate compares much more to Terri, but still falls a bit short.

Kevin spacey is pretty good as Lex Luthor. He is a lot better than Gene Hackman who just were Jarjar Binx annoying and stupid. Yes, Kevin comes dangerously close to being better than John Shea in the role as Lex, and would have been, if the script had been up to the standards of the TV-series. But all in all, Kevin did a good job. the only two characters i were disappointed with was Jake Olsen and Perry White. Jake could go, but Perry was so completely insignificant. He was like a blank canvas. There just wasn't anything at all, of the bubbling powerhouse of an editor Perry White is supposed to be. It has to be the lousiest choice of actor in quite a few years.

The flying sequences followed tradition, yet were smoother and more stylish. And of cause the special effects were a whole lot better than the old movies, even the TV-series. Sound Track was as always very good. But I got a sneaking suspicion that the composer is the same Lucas used for the Starwars theme. I never noticed that when i saw the old movies. I am not sure whether i like or dislike that they dropped the glow of the Kryptonite, but it may be for the better of the movie. I haven't decided yet. Superman's sickness, helped the credibility of the movie, but should have been taken further. when he finally left the hospital, we should have seen some lingering weakness in him. The boy, were a nice, if hot exactly unexpected twist. But Clark should have told Lois about is double life. Especially now that they have a son. Guess who is going to go completely ballistics when she finds out. Kryptonite got nothing on a furious Lois Lane.

Lois's fiancé made me grin a few times, I can't believe they used James Marsden. I just kept waiting for the first beam coming out of his eyes,he he. Well at least I had a few chuckles.

All in all this movie is well worth watching, but as revitalizing of an old franchise goes, it doesn't come close to what they did in Batman Begins. Now that ladies and gents, is how you revitalize a dying movie series.

Well that's all folks.
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What a crime!
26 May 2006
It worked fine as an action flick. But it is totally and utterly rubbish according to the comic books. The guys that wrote the script must not know the first thing about the story. Especially when it comes to Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix and Caine Marko/Juggernaut. Really!!!! the movie didn't do them justice at all. Both of them were infinitely more powerful than the movie showed. That goes for professor X to. Well to be honest, the only three in the movie that was described close to the original, was Bobby, that fire guy, and Magneto.

The script writers should be ashamed. We who went to the cinema should get our money back. This was perhaps the worst movie ever, based on a super hero comic book.

Thats all I have to say now. Palmar Olav Løklingholm
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Without doubt the worst of the three movies.
5 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I'll be nice and start off with the good things I have to say about the movie. I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy myself in the theater. But that is probably saying more about my lousy taste in movies, than it says about the quality of MI3.

Okay, I said I would start with the positives As always the special effects, were incredible. And the Mission Impossible theme is still the most thrilling spy-movie music ever written. Yes even better than the traditional James Bond theme. Well, I think that anyway. That theme just gets my adrenaline pumping every time.

But after saying this, it just goes down the drain. I don't think I have ever seen Tom Cruise play this lousily. He should never try to act in an emotional scene, he just doesn't cut it. The guy is like an emotional block of liquid hydrogen frozen granite.Besides, said emotional scenes seemed so out of place in this move that i barely could keep myself from bursting into roaring laughter, every time.

SPOILER WARNING: The resurrection scene at the end, is still now, an hour later, giving me the urge to laugh like a hyena. It is a stupid try to reproduce what Ed Harris and Mary Elisabeth Mastrantonio did so splendidly in The Abbyss.


Now, back to MI3.It helps a little that Tom does the action part pretty well, but it doesn't take away the ridiculousness of the whole movie. The plot is so recycled and so minimal that it isn't even funny. It wouldn't even fill a full written page. And within the first minutes we get a clue the size of the Milkyway, about what will happen in the end. Why such a splendid actor as Laurence Fishburne agreed to be in on this move is beyond my comprehension. Some of the things done by Ethan hunt here, would have fit nicely into The Matrix, but in the "real world" it just isn't possible,to the point of being ludicrous.

Finally, that villain were so two dimensionally boringly acted by whomever did it that it was laughable.The actor didn't seem to make an effort at all.

So why the heck I enjoyed this movie, I do not know. I think I need to have my head checked.

That's all folks Paladin Steelbreaker.
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10.5 (2004)
This could have been fantastic. It wasn't.
27 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can I say. The special effects were good but not spectacular. The acting was at best mediocre. and the camera shoot was just plain irritating. Adding to that. the whole story were so incredibly riddled with logical impossibilities, that the credibility of the whole scientific part were shot right out the window. We do know what damage a 9.0 earthquake can do. we all remember that horrible catastrophe. Imagine then an earthquake that are a hundred and fifty times as powerful!!! that is how powerful a 10.5 earthquake would be. It would be the end of the entire planet!!! I usually don't have a problem ignoring logical faults in a movie, and just go with the flow. But throughout the entire series, i was thoroughly irritated by the total lack of logical sense in the plot.

And finally, to ad insult to injury, sort to speak. Why the heck did they have to solve the problem with a nuclear explosion?!!! It is as if these American action directors actually believe that anything can be fixed by applying the use of nuclear weapons!!! I have seen it in all to many movies by now. And quite frankly i am fed up with it! And this one definitely was the glarringly worst example ever.

If you are bored out of your mind, this may help a bit. At least if you are able to laugh of the entire debacle. Otherways, I would say.


That's all I've got to say about this mini series. Paladin Steelbreaker
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If you have read the books, for gods sake don't watch these movies!!
6 November 2005
Yep! If you have read the books and still want to watch the Bourne movies, then there is one very important thing to remember.


If you manage to do that, like I almost did, then you will enjoy these movies, because against all odds, they are really good.

But if you can't put aside the contents of the books, then you are going to become one hundred percent steaming barking mad and totally incensed. They have messed up the entire story line of the books so entirely, that they should not have been allowed to neither claim it was built on the books of Mr. Ludlum, nor get to use the name Jason Bourne on the main character.

Sorry about this. All the reviews for the Bourne movies seem to have nothing but good things to say about them. and if they didn't claim to be guilt from the Jason Bourne books, then I would agree wholly. These are really good action movies. But I felt there needed to be some serious warning out there, for those of us who had read the books.

To us, these movies were an utter disappointment.

Paladin Steelbreaker.
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One of Samuel L. Jackson's best performances.
22 September 2005
This is one seriously strange movie. I guess it had to be, since the main character are a paranoid schizophrenic. The movie runs like a weird old fashioned murder mystery. And of cause there is an investigator, our schizophrenic caveman.

Thankfully the director doesn't go over board in his attempt at taking us into the messed up head of the main character. this and the fact that Samuel knows not to overplay, makes Ledbetter's mental illness believable, yet lets us see the brilliant mind he still possesses.

I give the movie an 8, but still I am a little disappointed. I feel the plot lacks a few twist and turns. If it had that, then this would maybe rate as high as a 10. I also would have liked to see a little more interaction, and cooperation between Ledbetter and his daughter.

Anyway, this is a well worth watching movie. I feel it takes the old murder mysteries into the modern movie world and does a decent job in revitalizing the old genre.

I think you should watch this movie.

Well that's all for this time.
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The Island (2005)
All in all a pretty decent movie
6 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well what can be said about this one. It wasn't a bad move, thats about the best I can say about it. After reading a bit about the movie, I was looking forward to watching it. I bought my ticket and a bottle of Urge, and sat down for what I expected to be one of my better movie experiences this year.

That didn't happen. Yes there was some good action, and the base concept of the move was quite good. And then there was that Laurent guy, who in my opinion did the best acting in the movie, maybe except for Ewan MacGregors double role. I never expected Ewan to be able to be such an complete asshole. so yes that was good acting. Sean Bean was an utter disappointment. He is usually much better in playing more or less psychotic persons. but this wasn't what stopped the movie of going from decent to good. I don' know what it was. All the things needed to make it a really good sci-fi was there. It just...flopped. I never really was caught by this movie. I wasn't pulled in. I kept sitting there in the movie theater, thinking; something is missing. Maybe it was that neither Scarlet nor Ewan seemed to be really interested in doing their best. They just went through the motions of making a movie. A few times it actually seemed as if they wished they were somewhere else, especially Scarlet. But to be fair, I can understand it if she was a bit uninterested, since she never really had to do anything in the movie. I got the feeling the director just wanted a pretty female co-player to Ewan.I believe Scarlet could have done considerably better if the script just allowed her to. Inside the complex in the beginning, she didn't seem so bad. but as soon as they were on the run, she just stumbled after Ewan and wasn't any help at all.

Okay, enough complaining here. All in all, the movie WAS worth its money to watch. It just could have been Sooo much better.

That is all folks.
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Batman Begins (2005)
Excellent!!! Just plain and simple excellent !!!
16 July 2005
Well, I always loved the Batman movies. But in the later years, as I grew up, I have found them more and more over the top comic book like. Okay,Batman IS originally a comic book, but they tried too much to make a cartoon out of a real movie. Especially when it came to the villains.

Don't get me wrong, I laughed my head off, at Jim Carey as The Riddler, and Tomy Lee Jones was okay as Twoface. and And Jack Nicholson as The Joker was excellent, even Arnold was okay. But Danny Devito's The Penguin, made me want to puke. As always, Danny did a good job, but the character almost destroyed the movie with its outrageously disgusting parody of a comic book villain.

Well, enough about the old ones. Batman Beginns, Is on an entirely other level of quality. The plot is extremely much more thought through. Every detail has been made more believable. Especially how Bruce Wayne came to be Batman. To my great joy, they dropped the more or less psychotic avenger attitude of the previous Batmans. Here is at last, a sane Bruce Wayne!!!! The guy who played him, did an excellent job portraying a person who actually manages to defeat his inner demons. All right, there sure is an element of vengeance in his fight against crime. But his main motivation is to do something with what has happened to his beloved city. He like his father, sees the pain and suffering of other people, and does what he can to help.

Ironically it is the main villain who helps him become a whole person, who learns him how to discern vengeance from justice. That being said, Liam Neeson was incredible as an villain. He perfectly portrayed a person who in a way had noble intents, but who had strayed off the path, and into madness. It was this example that showed Bruce how not to be. Liam's character had let himself be consumed by vengeance, whereas Bruce thanks to seeing that, managed to stay on the right track.

I must say that when I first saw Liam, I gave a inward sigh. I should have known better, but I highly doubted he would be able to portray a villain, as he always seem to be some sort of a "hero". But his characterization hit bulls eye. I actually shuddered in discomfort a few times, from seeing the fanatic madness, of his character. In my opinion, he is by far the best Batman villain so far.

There is not much to say about Kate. She did the job in a good but not very memorable way, and I think that she looked much too young to have the kind of job she had.

Gary Oldman on the other hand, did the best characterization of Commissioner(I know he wasn't that yet in this movie) Gordon, to date. It always amazes me to see how much of a chameleon this actor is. If you see this movie, and then you see The Fifth Element It is almost unbelievable that it is the same actor who plays Zorg and Gordon.

Morgan Freeman is one of those actors that hightens the quality of a movie simply by being there. And so it was in this movie to. He has this PRECENSE on screen, that very few can duplicate. He managed to make this in fact very small role, into one of the major characters of the movie.

The butler. I am sorry to say I don't know the name of the actor. But I was glad to see that they had kept true to the only realistic character of the old movies. Although there was a new actor, he managed to pick up right where the former was, with his characterization of a loyal butler, who becomes sort of a surrogate father to Bruce. And this time we got to see more clearly the deep friendship that was between the two of them. Alfred, really was more of a dear family member, than an employee.

I am sorry, I seem to have taken off completely here. I'll try to stop now. JUST RUN TO THE NEAREST CINEMA AND SEE THIS MOVIE. THIS IS WITHOUT DOUBT THE BEST BATMAN MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And think of this! They are already planning a new one! I sure as anything will be there!!!

Well, thats all folks.
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An Immortal Masterpiece
14 December 2004
Well, this one is a true diamond! Ever since I watched it the first time as a 7 year old, I have loved this movie. I am now 29 and still do. I don't know how many times I have seen this movie, but it manages to catch me every time.

This simply has to be the best animation movie ever made! Yeah, i am aware that recent animation movies are a lot more technically advanced. but the fact that it took more than 20 years, and a heck of a lot more technology, for the rest of the world to duplicate what Ivo Caprino did with his dolls, stands as a bullet proof testimony that the guy was an incredible genius. Ad to that the marvelous script written by Kjell Aukrust, an equally genius man, and you have a movie that will continue to amuse people young and old, for decades to come.

Yes, I have been impressed by the good animation on recent animation movies, and some of them even have a darned good plot, but they don't even come close when it comes to sheer entertainment value. And even when it comes to animation, this movie,despite it's age, are better than some of the new ones! It should not be possible, but it is!!!

There is something about that low key humour and warmth of heart, that lack in recent kind movies. Nowadays it is just full throttle action from start to end. The plot often seems to come second or third. Flåklypa Grandprix makes you fell strongly for or against the characters, whom are so wonderfully described, that you feel you know them personally.

Now, there certainly are plenty of action in this movie, but even the Action sequences is made with a twinkle in the eye.

I realize that much of the humour of the movie is very "Norwegian", and as such may be difficult to translate. And sadly I have been told that Norwegian is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world. This is probably the reason that it is relatively unknown outside Scandinavia.(shakes my head sadly) but I know there is both an American and German version. I have not seen any of those, but still I urge you all out there, if you ever get the chance to see this wonderful movie, then DO IT!!! I am fully convinced that you will have a fond memory for the rest of your life.

I apologize to all Americans that read this, but Disney Company could never make an animation movie half as good as Flåklypa Grand Prix. Not now anyway. Disney's latest productions looks like they don't even care making an effort, and keep resting and snoring on Walt's laurels. That was a man, which genius even Ivo Caprino had to look up to.

Well, thats it for now.

PS! The Car Race at the end of the movie, are so good that you actually find yourself forced to the sides of your chair by the G force.
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Okay, but not impressive.
16 November 2004
Well, there isn't much to say about this one. It is an okay action movie. The special effects, and costumes were fabulous, but the rest didn't measure up to it.

Lance Henriksen gave probably the worst acting performance in his career. He always seems to have a very strong presence on the screen. This was not the fact here. He seemed to almost disappear in all the ruckus. As if he were bored to hell by the whole movie. I was actually relieved when his character died.

The woman that had the lead role, sorry I don't remember her name, performed much better. Although by no means worthy of even looking at an Oscar, her acting alone saved this movie from being a total let down. Even though she gets totally squashed by the looming shadow of Sigourney's Ripley character, she does deliver the goods in a convincing manner. Instead of trying to act like Ripley, which would have been a catastrophe since no one can fill her shoes, she chose to do it her own way. And it worked!

But the camera work were too bad. I got totally confused, trying to find out where the heck they were! There seemed to be no point what so ever, what way they walked. they just stumbled, ran and fell around, with no plan! Luckily the sole remaining young predator seemed to know where he and the environmentalist went. But it didn't help on me almost getting a vertigo feeling. And we very seldom got to really see the hieroglyphs, as they always were too far away or in an impossible angle to see. Mostly they just looked like decoration, ugly decoration.

Still, all in all I enjoyed the movie, with all it's weaknesses. Let's face it, one doesn't go to this kind of movie, expecting to get a excellent written plot. The plot here were minimal, but did work to some degree. Although, I never understood why that Alien Queen never had escaped before then. And I am wondering why that queen didn't die from all the bullets and energy blasts she got struck with in the end. If i don't recall wrong, Ripley killed queens left and right with a gun. Not to mention that there was no way in hell this queen could survive the blast from the predators bomb! It was designed for that purpose, for crying out loud!!! As the queen was pulled down into the deep, the possibility of a sequel were jumping almost painfully at me. THE ALIEN QUEEN RETURNS FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA TO SEEK HER REVENGE!!!! BWAHAHAHA!!!!

And finally, the one thing in the movie I really couldn't swallow, the ending. It just HAD to come! AN ALIEN/PREDATOR HYBRID!!!!

I enjoyed this movie, but I hope to God they never make a sequel.

Thats all, folks.
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Simply one of the best, maybe best action movie ever!
7 November 2004
So what negative things do I have to say about this movie? The answer is null, zero,silch,nada,nichts,ingenting, well, you get the picture. This movie is truly a MUST SEE, for everyone who like action movies.

In many action movies, the hero tends to be so mighty, one never really doubts if he/she will prevail. In this movie on the other hand, Willis manages to give a great deal of human vulnerability to the tough as nail John MacLane. Making you sit there with your heart in your throat, wondering: How does this end?!!!

SPOILER WARNING The scene where MacLane sits down on the stairs and just cries, knowing that the plane where his wife is, will soon crash, is perhaps the most heart wrenching scene I have ever witnessed in a action movie. END OF SPOILER

Bruce Willis truly proves in this movie, what a splendid actor he is. In my experience very few, maybe no other action actor can show such an ability to not just act the character, but to become the character.

Although this would have been a good action movie no matter who played John MacLane, It is Bruce Willis that lifts this move up to a level, where it will be held in high regard for a very long time.

It is very rare that a sequel is better than the original, this is the fact here. Although Die Hard certainly is a very good action movie, it lacks that nagging doubt. Does this end well! The same is with the thirdmovie, which is in my opinion the weakest of the three. It is kind of funnier, but lacks most of the nerve from the first two movies. Even so, the third move is also more than worth watching.

If you have not yet seen Die Hard 2 or it's prequel/sequel, then you are seriously over due. Run and rent them!!!!!!
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