4 Reviews
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Slamma Jamma (2017)
Entertaining, important
6 June 2017
i watched this movie 24 hours ago and am STILL thinking about it. I loved it!

i had never heard of this movie until it was advertised on T.V.

you don't wanna mis this movie, trust me

i went to the cinema without knowing what great film a was about to see. I saw it with some friends who said that the film got quite good ratings. I saw it and understood just a little bit after that they were right.

this is a real heart warming story that should leave everyone feeling good at the end, recommended for everyone.

a movie that has the American dream written all over, but it works anyway, and it shows what is the best thing about us, it's a strong movie, and it's gonna make you drop a lil tear, unless you're ice cold, but it sure is a winner movie and it shows how winner mentality can unite people, even in times where movies have dismissed God.

in the past several years, there has been an influx in the US box offices of sports movies, particularly footballl. These movies often carry cliché messages and dull character interactions. slamma jama, is exactly the opposite of these drab movies.

this is an entertaining movie about an important topic. It is really great to see that a movie can show an important, and still current, issue and still be entertaining. This is mostly due to a nice plot and story, well thought through, that don't shy away from hard interesting situations and the very good performances from the entire cast.

i feel that the emotion put out by the actors created and held the audience's attention as they battled through hardship after hardship. Overall, this movie ranks an ten out of ten for realism and entertainment.

the use of music is also very good, both the music in the movie and that from "outside". All in all, interesting cast, good acting, story and directing and an interesting topic

if it is at all possible, please go out and see this film. It doesn't matter how old you are. People of any age can enjoy it. The story is interesting, it doesn't get too serious and the acting is top notch.

even the film's final credits hold audience attention.

watch the film, then watch it again. You *will* remember and cherish this film for years to come.
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Traffic (2000)
18 February 2012
I've been remiss in not discussing the acting earlier. This film has an amazing ensemble cast where everybody is working at the top of their game. However, Benicio Del Toro definitely stands out with the breakthrough performance. I don't think it's accidental that the movie begins and ends with shots of him. He plays Javier Rodriguez, a Mexican police officer caught in a futile and corrupt system, and it's as compelling of a character as Michael Corleone. Del Toro is exceptionally relaxed and subtle, keeping his thoughts and feelings private from the other characters in the films, but sharing it with the camera. Del Toro navigates the audience through a world of impossible choices and moral corruption, quietly simmering with intense conflict just beneath the surface. Benicio's been an indie stalwart for years, but this film should shoot his stock through the roof. If there's justice in this world, he'll be rewarded with Best Actor Awards aplenty.

Michael Douglas is also terrific, adding another strong performance to his gallery of flawed men in power. He shows genuine fear and vulnerability in a harrowing scene in which he searches for his daughter in a drug dealer's den. I've never seen Erika Christensen before, but she makes an impressive debut. Don Cheadle and Luis Guzman (they should star as a team in every movie!) are as loose, limber and spontaneous as ever, providing plenty of comic relief as well as keeping it real. Catherine Zeta-Jones takes a complete 180 from her past roles and admirably plays against her looks, appearing very pregnant while thrown into gritty surroundings. Dennis Quaid is appropriately slimy as a corrupt lawyer.

Anyway, film geeks and anybody else starved for a genuine piece of filmmaking should breathe a sigh of relief and give thanks that Soderbergh has come to save the day.
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18 February 2012
There has also been some criticism of the fact that all the actors speak in Received Pronounciation English accents (even American actress Vera Farmiga, whose English accent is completely faultless). This is true, although to be completely accurate, all the actors would have to speak in German and the film would have had to be subtitled as a result.

In truth, however, none of these criticisms actually matters a damn. For even though all of the above is undeniably true, the film still works. And my, how it works. When it finished, I sat in my seat stunned (I had the same reaction after watching "Disaster Movie" last week, but most definitely not for the same reason, I assure you).

The Holocaust as seen through the prism of 8 year old German boy is a novel approach and although we all know what is happening at the camp nearby, at the beginning, he does not. And every step he takes, he gets closer to discovering the truth, losing his childhood innocence in the process.

What I liked about this film is the sophisticated and multi-layered portrayal of the German characters. None of them are one dimensional wholly evil characters but nor are they wholly good either (not even Bruno who tells lies on several occasions, one occasion which results in brutal punishment for one of the prisoners as a consequence).
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Silkwood (1983)
18 February 2012
Intense 1980s flick that is based on the true story of Karen Silkwood (Meryl Streep in an Oscar-nominated role), a woman at a plutonium plant who began to talk about what really went on at the facility where she was employed. It seems that nuclear tampering would lead to the poisoning of the plant's employees and the pollution of the environment. Silkwood was about to talk to the New York Times about the Oklahoma plant when she died under mysterious circumstances in a car accident. The audience knows what is going to happen, but it is getting there that is the fascinating part. Mike Nichols' Oscar-nominated direction is arguably the best of his career, with the exception of his work on "The Graduate". Cher (also Oscar-nominated) proved that she was a legitimate actress as Streep's lesbian co-worker. Kurt Russell also gives his finest performance as Streep's on-again-off-again boyfriend. However with all that said, it is Meryl Streep who gives one of her finest performances in this memorable, remarkable and important motion picture. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
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