
14 Reviews
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The Butler (I) (2013)
Were we watching the same movie? Because I LOVED it!
22 August 2013
I'm a 16 year old girl, and I'm nowhere near a history buff, and I loved it. I had learned about all of these events in history this past year, and after learning about the concept and the inspiration and the all-star cast, I organized a huge group of friends to go see it. I couldn't have been more pleased.

The acting was perfect. Everything about it was spot on and perfectly casted. The stand-outs were Schreiber as Johnson, Rickman as Reagan, and, believe it or not, Oprah. She was amazing!

It really captured the era perfectly. This was one of the most crucial points in US history, and it was portrayed wonderfully.

There was a good amount of humor as well.

Tugged at the heart, and the mind, and the tips of the lips. A masterpiece, simply.

Also, a note. I. am. a. Republican. I know some were upset at their portrayal in the movie, but I have to disagree. I think it was perfect. I could have done without the HUGE Obama endorsement at the end, and it was definitely politically biased. But hey, it's Hollywood, what are you gonna do?

Overall, a definite must-see.
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love it Love It LOVE IT!!!!!!
12 February 2012
Just to be noted, I am a 15 year old girl so my input may be different than what you actually think of this movie. To start, this movie was brilliant. Throughout the theater, that had a wide range of children and adults and teens, there was not one moment where the laughter stopped.

The 3D wasn't needed, but it was a nice touch, not really a gimmick. The effects were incredible, the island was gorgeous and it really looked like they were immersed in the island, and all the creatures were very well done. Cinematography: 15!!! oh ooops....10.

The acting was great. The Rock was shown a different, touching side and personally I liked it, he was very funny. He can sing! Josh Hutcherson is such a great, young, gifted actor it's actually insane how awesome this kid is. I love him. Vanessa Hudgens was much better than her regular High School Musical role, though she was stereotyped as the eye candy, which i didn't like, but she gave a great performance. She and Hutcherson had great chemistry. The grandpa, Caine, was very funny and is always a great actor. Finally the comic relief: Luis Gozman (Spelling?) was very funny and really fit the that caring, over protective father role well. Yes, it was a bit cheesy at times Acting: 9

Now for the story. I had no idea that this was related to Journey to the Center of the Earth, 2008, a movie that i also loved. This story was all its own. It was wonderful, slightly predictable at times, but wonderful. I liked the story. It brought in different elements but wasn't too complex or hard to understand. There were great relationship developments between boy and girl, father and son, father and daughter, grandfather and stepson. It taught good lessons and was very cute. The story was creative and different. I wish it had been a bit longer though, some more character development scenes would've been nice. But overall I really liked the story, I thought it was different and unique. Story: 9

So that's a 28/30, that's a 93. If you're 4 or 104, you will love this movie. The only thing to worry about is a few scary monsters, but its great. This movie was gorgeous, well-acted, and nonstop funny. Don't miss this one.
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ActuAlly the worst movie I've ever seen
11 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers in this part, no worries I'll warn you. K so I really can't describe to you how much I hated this movie. It was just so bad, which is a shame cause Anton yelchin is cute. Basically this movie is about a kid named Charlie(yelchin) who's goal in life is to be popular and have a girlfriend, even though hes unexplainably rich. His mom (Davis) is sort of funny, that's why it has 1 star. He gets a reality check in public school after being kicked out of private for making fake IDs. He gets a psychiatrist and decides to become the school psychiatrist having appointments in the girls, bathroom. Then he relays symptoms to his psychiatrist after reading a book ( cuz now he knows everything!) and the psychiatrist prescribes him drugs, that he gives to the kids at school. He basically starts a black market in he school and gains what he always wanted love and worshipers. Sounds good to you, funny maybe??? NOT. I thought the plot was stupid, but if you thought that sounded good it's not even funny. This movie actually sucks. If you ever have a chance to see it, don't. 1 star for Davis and Downey Jr. Even the they really only deserve half a star......

Spoilers!!! In case your really not convinced this movie sucks, here are some reasons why: it gets so confusing when Charlie is arrested, the psychiatrist is an idiot, too many pointless scenes (and his movie was only an hr and a half), and the end it seems like Charlie starts a revolution or something, and I couldn't figure out if Charlie's dad was dead or in jail

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Dino Dan (2010–2019)
Pretty Good!
22 September 2011
I guess this is an OK show, it's pretty good, and takes place in Canada, that's always cool to see a different setting. Its about this kid, Dan, who can see the dinosaurs no one else can. He experiments with them, teaches the kids about them, and talks and plays with them. Its quite interesting really, and in a lot of the episodes what he does with the dinosaurs has to do with what Dan learned in school that day. I keep asking my little brother "How come the dinosaurs don't eat him?" no answer. He LOVES it though,and my other little brother likes it too, aged 5 and 8 respectively. I even learned some stuff I didn't know about dinosaurs, like this Dinocalled the "Dromnyasaurus" (sp?). Its Dan's favorite dinosaur, and its really cool its bright purple. So they do educate them about dinosaurs, and the show is really light-hearted and cute. So I'd say if you're under 7 or around that age, and you're a guy, mostly guys like this stuff, but I'm a girl i like it too, then you'll enjoy it. Better than it looks.
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Mamma Mia! (2008)
Can someone PLEASE explain to me why this thing landed a mediocre 6.4?!?!?!?!? No spoilers!! Promise!!
1 June 2011
To start, I should probably tell you about me so you don't say she's bias. So... I am a fourteen year old girl. I love ABBA. I had been begging my mother to see the musical for years after I got the soundtrack from my aunt. I knew every song by heart walking into the theater. All I got from my mom in terms of summary is "Its about this girl who wants her dad at her wedding and has three possible dads."

So... my review. I am telling you right now, all those people who hated it, I don't know what movie they saw. This movie was absolutely amazing. It is a happy, feel good, singing in your seat kinda movie. I loved it: it was funny, the cast was spectacular, the settings beautiful, and those songs left me dancing my way through the parking lot. NO lies. So to review this movie for you I am going to "borrow" aka "steal" a review method I really liked from Brooklyn Sherman (this right here thats me giving credit OK :) ). So here it goes:

-->Characters: 18/20- For me, it was nailed. All the characters had their own personality and life to them. They were fun personalities that had interesting characteristics that you could easily step into their shoes, see life from their angle. I only gave this two off because Sophie's best friends (whom you will meet in the first scene, no spoilers here!) weren't developed that much, but its not bad because they weren't the main part of the movie.

-->Story: 20/20- This is a truly great story. It had lots of fun, twists and turns, cool key plot points. The basic plot line is this girl has three possible dads and wants the right one at her wedding, as I said before. Its a fun story and has a great foundation for the music and characters. Anyway, the story idea was awesome. Just look at its running on Broadway!

-->Acting: 19/20- The acting was amazing. The four leading ladies were great, especially Meryl Streep as Donna, I think she should have had an Oscar for this. Amanda Seyfried also did a great job in one of her breakthrough performances. Firth, Bronsan, and Skarsgard were also great as the three leading men. Both Sophie and Donnas (daughter and mother) friends were great, they were very funny. The only 1 point off is for Brosnans attempt at singing, he was in tune and stayed on key, but hes not the best singer in the world. If you see this movie, which I hope you do after my review, you will be looking at stellar acting by a great cast.

-->Moral and Family Orientation: 17/20- The movie is VERY funny and a great for a family night. I mean it doesn't exactly have 'morals' but it does teach you things like appreciate what you have, don't give up, treasure life and such like that. The only issue someone might have with this is its not suited for younger children (6 down) as there are many sexual references. But it is good family fun and good for boys and girls alike.

-->Music: 20/20- Yay we have reached this i was looking forward to reviewing this part!! I love ABBA the music is classy, catchy, fun, and has great instrumentals. The music is fun, lively, and positively toe-tapping! (why yes, i did write toe-tapping!) And the music fits neatly into the context of the story, and gives the events surrounding each # some life! The songs are great, and there is one very comedic song.

-->Overall: 94/100- Thats an A in my book! Overall the movie is funny family film with a great story line and songs that will leave you on a trip to iTunes so you can hear them all day long! (I seriously did this, again NO lies. I went and bought the soundtrack and listened to it the whole day)

-->Bonus-Cinematography: 20/20- This movie has absolutely beautiful scenery, if nothing else watch it for that. I mean this is gorgeous. It is set in a small island off of Greece where the water is crystal clear and the sun shimmers on the waves, the palm trees sway in the wind, and its the kind of movie scenery that makes you wish you were there.

So, thats a pretty good score is it not? I loved this movie, as did everyone in the theater, my friends, and entire family. Every single one of us loved it. I hope this review has made you want to watch this movie, and I hope you enjoy Mamma Mia!!!! p.s. Every time you see a bad review, look at its award winning streaks on Broadway and change your mind!
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Marley & Me (2008)
Anyone who gave this movie below a 5 has something seriously wrong with them.
19 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
OK so this is my review: the movie is excellent. It is beautiful. You will cry. but thats OK! because its amazing. if you would like to know what it is about, look at all the other 9 or 10 star reviews, those people are correct in what they say.

now i would like to say this, many people criticized this movie because the dog *spoiler* dies. and people say this is frightening to children. Also because there are many sexual terms. Now this is meant to be a heartwarming film, and it truly is, so please don't take one these one star haters take to heart. If you would like to see it and don't know if you want your young children to see it, please look at IMDb parents guide. it is there for a reason. i am 14 and had no problem seeing it. yes it makes you cry, but this movie is beautiful and is worth EVERY tear. I don't care what you haters say give this movie a chance and ignore these crude comments.
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Why so much hatin????????????
11 May 2011
K seriously haters you need to BACK OFF what is wrong with you? that one person who said my children will never see this movie again?? I was 7, my sister 4 and my brother 2 and we all laughed hysterically at this movie had sympathy for stitch and he was so cute! I mean none of us were scared whatsoever. don't listen to those complete idiots who said this is not child fare, because unless your kids are infants and will cry the whole time anyway this movie will leave you with no issues.

this is truly a brilliant movie, I have watched it time and time again and it is absolutely amazing. stitch is very cute and the dog collar is awesome Lilo is also a great character and I love the sisters relationship. This is a beautiful masterpiece that will you mesmerized. Please don't listen to those other bad reviews. This is truly a work of art.
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Rio (2011)
14 and loved it.... predictable and adorable
8 May 2011
This is without a doubt the most predictable movie on earth, but i don't care, this is so cute. so adorable. and the animation is beautiful. this is truly a masterpiece. yes, its predictable (I could guess what they were gonna see) but it is so much fun!!! The movie focuses on Blu, the last male blue macaw who lives in moose lake with his nerdy owner Linda. he loves his life there, is pure domesticated, but cannot fly. He is wanted in Rio Di Janeiro (i cant spell it!) to mate with Jewel, the last female blue macaw. this is just good fun, teaches great life lessons, and the scenery of Rio is absolutely amazing especially the statue of Jesus standing on the island. I love the idea of the gliders are a way to way fly, that was beautifully done. the characters are great, George Lopez as the toucan, Jesse Esseinberg as Blu, Anne Hathaway as jewel, Luiz the dog is great, and the humans are nicely done. I also like how this film focuses on some poor life in Brazil but does not overdo it to make it scary for children. it focuses on animal trafficking, a huge problem in Brazil, and a main character named Fernando is a young boy who is an orphan and has no one to go to, lives on the streets, and turns to crime for money. but he is such a likable character and gets so much sympathy. I am 14 and laughed at this movie, the whole time.... okay it was hysterical. so did my best friend who i went to see it with. so all you haters who think this doesn't deserve a 7.4, back off, because it certainly does. worth a watch for sure!
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Everybody Loves Raymond (1996–2005)
I am 14 and I liked this... what is wrong with you people!!!!!!!
2 May 2011
In short, I'm picky about shows I like. But this, this excels past all of my needs. The characters are hilarious, especially peter boyle, and always leave me laughing. down right, it is simply a funny show. Oh my god and seven foot tall robert who has to duck every time he walks in is priceless. Basically, all these people who said multiple stars were only given by CBS employees, don't listen to them. They have no taste whatsoever, no humor in their life. I am not a CBS employee, I am a 14 year old girl who completely enjoys "everybody loves raymond". I won't summarize for you, because everyone else did that, but one character was left out: Amy. Normally when sitcoms add characters in later seasons (as Amy is added as Roberts wife in a later seasons) the show goes down hill. But not Amy Mcdougal, she is absolutely priceless. She brings such humor to the show and has such a fun spunky personality that will keep you laughing, and her parents and brother bring even more fun and laughs to the show.

Everybody loves raymond is worth a watch.
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Annie (1982)
How did this beautiful classic get such a low rating???
2 May 2011
I find it appalling and ridiculous that the Disney movie got a higher rating than this and that this movie got a 6! that is just plain stupid. "Annie" is a classic, inspirational story. It still is one of my favorite movies, and one of my favorites as a child (well, when I was younger, I'm 14 now). Aileen Quinney (sp.) did an amazing job, she has a beautiful voice and brings such a prescense to the songs she sings. Hannigan and Rooster and his wife whose name I can't remember right now had me cracking up that entire song, they bring a hilarious scene, where Hannigan is clearly drunk, and bring the screen to life with a song that's supposed to be sinister (you will find that I am referring to "Easy Street" but I don't want to give too much away). Hannigan was also my main problem with the Disney version, Kathy bates was too strange, Burnett did a much better job, bates was just too strict and serious, while Burnett was more out there and brought some charisma to the part. Oh and I loved Daddy Warbucks, he was a great addition to this movie as well as Grace.

All in all, Annie is beautiful movie that is worth a watch. Please, do not listen to these idiots who tell you it sucked and Quinney can't sing, because she can. Just enjoy the movie, it's great and I promise will become a family classic.
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Absolutely Positively Fantastic
22 April 2011
Im no history buff, but I'll go for anything about Lincoln, leaves me in awe. But this movie was incredible, and I'm a 14 yr old girl. I loved it. The scenery was amazing, I felt like I was really there. For all you haters, I don't care if she did own a ranch in Surattsville or whatever, the way she was tried truly conveyed the message the creators of the film were trying to pass on. Don't you people get it? It's not about whether it is quote on quote historically accurate eh blah blah blah it's about bringing an amazing picture about an amazing story about one of America's most memorable moments to the screen and that task was accomplished. The cast was amazing, definitely top notch. I couldn't help but drool over James Mcavoy for that matter, and I loved the girl from gilmore girls in the part of Sara. Go see this film, it's worth seeing.
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Home Alone (1990)
My favorite Christmas movie of all time!!!!
23 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was not alive when this came out, age 14. But this is by far my favorite movie to watch at the holidays. It's just so funny! I jump in my chair and laugh and I mean the paint cans, the tools, the fake cardboard people, the ornaments to make their feet hurt, and most of all, the M he burned on Pesci's hand!!! I just can't stop laughing. Unrealistic it may be, but that doesn't matter.

Kevin McCallister (Maculay Kulkin) is so cute! and Joe Pesci brings such a Pesci like presence to the screen, funniest bumbling idiot ever. I also love the performance by the other children.

Downlow, it is just a great movie. I mean come on my grandmother loves it!

p.s. Check out 2 also, very funny. Takes place at Trump Tower!
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I could watch this all day if I could!
23 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why this movie got so many bad reviews! Sure, I may be 14 and not exactly a political genius, but it was downright funny!!

The lines were hysterical (this is where some of the spoilers are): Like when the other lawyer tries to see if what's her name is 'sufficient' as a expert in automobiles and she totally owns him with that answer about the engine thing! Or when Pesci keeps going "I'm done with this guy."

And I've always been fond of Joe Pesci: he plays some of my favorite characters. Like the guy in Home Alone! He's just flawless, easily fits the part, and shows an overly cocky Italian man. It's just plain funny! Like is said, Tormei was great and she was just perfect for the part, the whole idea of an out of work hairdresser who's an expert in automobiles is really cool. I'll be honest, I am in LOVE with Ralph Maracchio, or at least when he was young. And he did a great job.

I mean just the whole idea of a court case and this lawyer who's been trying to get a case for i don't what it was like 5, 10 years!

Flawlessy done, good for all teens, but kids would laugh at it too and honestly, if I had to watch a movie straight for one day, I would watch this one. It just makes me laugh!
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Don't know why people don't like this...
16 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am telling you right now, I am 14 and saw this movie when I was 7. I understood it PERFECTLY. I don't know what these other people are talking about. It is one of the most wonderful traditions my family has is watching this movie. I did not read Victor Hugo's novel, my dad urges me to read it. But I just didn't it is above my age and beyond my years. Maybe in college.

Overall, this is a wonderful move: - I enjoyed the soundtrack. It was catchy and the music was interesting. - The animation was OK but not that bad. - Quasimoto is very sweet and I like how he is portrayed. - Those gargoyles were AMAZING and HYSTERICAL and they added a nice touch to the film. - I like the noble Pheobus (sp.) hero. - Esmerelda was beautiful, interesting, and you could really see how she would like Quasimoto.

All in all, a WONDERFUL film. I may not have read the book, but I appreciate this story.
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