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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Selfless (2002)
Season 7, Episode 5
Oh my! What an episode..
3 November 2016
This episode is marvelous television writing. One of the last episodes of the show that we will say "what an episode" after watching i. Anya is pretty much my favorite character apart from Buffy. I really feel the struggle of being without a self she is going through. We see that since her human life Anya didn't know who she was, what was her personality. She practically wasn't a human when she actually was one. A deep subject, being told through a demon. But it's all thanks to Emma Caulfield's brilliant acting. She wowed the viewers once again after her breathtaking performance in "The Body".

Really few can be said when an episode's writing is top notch. Sorry to see this is the only Anya-centric episode, since she's a very interesting character played by a very talented actress. I get very emotional during the last scene with Xander and Anya. One of the show's top episodes. Near perfection.
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Futurama: Bender Gets Made (2000)
Season 2, Episode 17
Deserves much higher points, brilliant!
1 December 2014
Another Bender-centric episode that i just love. It's very brilliant writing once again. Bender's conning and violent ways are noticed by the robot mafia and soon he starts working for them.

He's doing great and his boss really likes him but complications arise when the boss decides to destroy the planet express ship. With Leela and fry taken hostage, Bender tries his best to save his friends. I just love when Bender takes the spotlight because he's so damn funny.

This episode is again a genius addition to the show and its second season, which is as good if not better than the first season. I give it 9.5/10. Brilliant!
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Futurama: Mother's Day (2000)
Season 2, Episode 19
Rage Against the Humans
1 December 2014
It's Mother's Day, actually Mom's day, you know the evil rich Mom from the season one. She's bored and feels like making all the machines rebel against humans (Bender included).

They start to destroy the planet Earth when Mom reveals she once had an affair with the professor. The crew plan for professor to seduce mom and stop all the machines with the remote she hides in her bra. But professor realizes he still has feelings for her, softened after having sex Mom decides to stop all the machines but also finds out this was all a plan at first.

It's unbelievably brilliant writing once again. I'm glad this show started when the Simpsons has gone downhill. 9.6/10.
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Futurama: A Flight to Remember (1999)
Season 2, Episode 1
Another brilliant episode!
25 November 2014
The show gets increasingly better as the crew takes a vacation on the ship Titanic, yeah, the Titanic. The episode, of course is full with references to the movie from Leo's head to "like French girls" painting.

My favorite character Bender falls in love with a high socialite lady in this episode. The plot is told both brilliantly and hilariously. Leela and Fry's affection for one another gets stronger as both feel alone on the vacation.

It also has a climax similar to Titanic as the annoying captain Zapp steers the ship to a black hole just for kicks and the crew members are saved by Leela but Bender's lovely lady friend perishes. Like I said another brilliant one in a series full of brilliant episodes. I don't understand why such a marvelous show keeps getting canceled. My vote is 9.5/10. Wonderful!
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Futurama: Fear of a Bot Planet (1999)
Season 1, Episode 5
Whole lot of fun!
25 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
You really can't go wrong with a Bender-centric episode. This is one and it's brilliant. He's the funniest character on the show in my opinion.

Bender is sent to a planet consisting only of Robot population where they all hate and missioned to kill humans. Soon Bender gets discovered to be working with humans and Fry and Leela must act as robots to save him.

Based on racial discrimination and with sharp and wit writing and full with satiric lines, this is one of, if not the funniest episode of the first season which is also brilliant. I give it a 9.6/10. Must-watch!
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The X-Files: Die Hand Die Verletzt (1995)
Season 2, Episode 14
8.0?! Were viewers blind?!
13 July 2013
First of all, I loved the end with Mrs. Paddick Morgan and Wong saying goodbye. Two of the series most brilliant writer (Squeeze and its sequel Tooms, Beyond the Sea, Little Green Men) leaving the show for their own show, which gets canceled and makes them come back in the series' fourth installment. And they're leaving with yet another stylish episode.

The first episode to touch dark things like witches, Satan, cult, sacrifices. It gave me the creeps. Mrs. Paddick is an amazing villain, one of the series' scariest so far and can compete with Pfaster of the previous episode and Eugene Tooms.

It was what a monster-of-the-week should be, clever, intense and engrossing and season 2 mostly managed to accomplished that, while season 1 had several cracks in the genre.

Overall, a very strong episode of a very strong season. A wild ride. 9.4/10.
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The X-Files: The Erlenmeyer Flask (1994)
Season 1, Episode 24
No, this is the best episode of the season 1!
6 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry I said Ice was the best episode of the season 1, earlier. I didn't really think or care about the series' mythology during that watch. This episode is an amazing example of writing with full intensity, suspense and drama.

Sad to see Deep Throat, as he started to became a more "human" person like some critic said that his death made him seem "real" but as he finally met Scully, I started to like him a little as a character.

I hope I see more episodes with this type of darkness, unsafeness in the future and really get these mythology episodes while also enjoying brilliant MOTW episodes. I give this episode a well, fully earned 10/10 point and also praise Gillian Anderson's acting as Dana Scully.
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ER: On the Beach (2002)
Season 8, Episode 21
Single most tear-jerker episode and maybe the most emotional episode of all times
7 January 2013
Cried, cried, cried, cried my f-ing eye balls out! I'm still crying writing this. Previous episode was just a trailer of what is coming next. I don't think I cried to anything this much (and I watched the entire series of Six Feet Under-if you know what I mean). The dream sequence at the ends, all the dialogs, everything was just amazing. Just a big WOW!

With the amazing writing by John Wells this has been an historic episode of ER. If I write more, I will cry more. I was like "enough!!!". If a show makes you this much sentimental, it worths something. One thing I didn't like! Where the f-ck was Julianna Margulies and George Clooney?! This is their (at least Doug's) best friend for Christ's sake! It just gets me furious! Okay, I'm crying again, now thinking of the funeral. Goodbye, Mark Greene, you will be missed! :( My point is I wish I could give it more than 10/10.
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My least favorite of his from the six ones I've watched
3 October 2012
I've watched six films by Woody Allen. The first five (in the order of time I watched them) are Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Manhattan, Vicky Cristina Barcelona and Midnight in Paris. I watched this one today. I have to say this is the one that lacked in creativity the most. Some characters' storyline was dealt fast and abruptly. It was absurd sometimes.

I did read about the critics this movie got but I went to it anyway because it was Woody Allen and he was acting in it so I wanted to see it a little more. The movie is not that bad, I know there light clichés and weak story lines but there is also the pure Woody Allen cinema we know in it.

If you wanna see the master's latest work, go see it. Don't let a 54 Metacritic point and bad reviews hold you. It's not as good as last year's Midnight in Paris (which I call "a beautiful and sweet masterpiece") but it's not disaster, either. My points is 7.5/10.
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Sensual, sweet, heart breaking.
16 September 2012
I don't know how he does it but Alexander Payne brings out the most funny and sentimental stories at the same time. In this movie we watch characters try to cope with their beloved ones while trying to dispose the mystery she left.

George Clooney gives an astonishing acting as always and the young talent Woodley is also worth watching. The film is throughout sensual it starts calm, continues calm and ends calm. I love this spirit in Payne's movie and I love how puts his characters in hard positions and make us watch their efforts to solve the problems inside them.

The Descendants is definitely a movie that is worth watching. I hope Alexander Payne doesn't make us wait such a long time for another movie. My vote is 9.5/10.
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Knocked Up (2007)
Great movie; really stands out of its familiar genre movies
1 September 2012
Having admire Katherine Heigl since Grey's Anatomy, and seeing this movie got 85 out of 100 from Metacritic, I wanted to give it a shot.

What I got was a great movie with creative script and very good acting. Both lead actors are really fit to their characters (I know first choice for Allison was Anne Hathaway). The film flows and you don't understand how the time passed. It's sweet end by itself is worth seeing. There are no clichés they do in other rom-coms and I like how Seth Rogen's character Ben grows from an immature an irresponsible person to a sweet generous guy.

Like I said it's a really good movie and it worths spending your time. I hope I will see more of this creative, insightful romantic comedies in the future. My point to this movie is 8.5/10.
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Gone (I) (2012)
Great acting by Amanda, average movie by the writer
29 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had prejudice about this movie. I knew this was going to be standard mystery thriller. Anyway, I had empty hours before my trip, so I went to the cinema, this was on next.

I have to say Amanda Seyfried surprised me, loved her acting especially in the police station scene where she was talking to the cops. But unfortunately, great acting doesn't save the mediocre writing.

It started with some energy so I kinda liked it. But then clichés started as a cat came out from a room in a silent house. Really, guys?! The finale was quick and abrupt and was so simple. I mean her sister was under the house and she killed that mysterious monster that easily. Long story short, see this movie if you want to spend your empty time on something. 5.5/10.
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Mad Men: The Suitcase (2010)
Season 4, Episode 7
Pack your things and leave.
26 June 2012
The Suitcase is the best episode of the series so far, in my opinion. Everyone has their suitcase, everyone is ready to leave. The ones who leave take somethings from us with them. They take the priceless joy they give to us and give us the pain. That's what Anna did to Don who ignored the call from Stephanie and had a unforgettable night (at least for the viewers) with his only friend alive Peg. The development of this two's relationship in this episode is brilliant and also emotional at the end.

The Suitcase is about death, grief, being left alone and important friendships. And I give Matthew Weiner a standing ovation for writing and creating this amazing and brilliant episode (and in general the show). My vote is 10/10, undoubtedly.
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Six Feet Under: Crossroads (2001)
Season 1, Episode 8
Choices and commitments
4 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Nobody is ever what they seem to be." -Parker McKenna

This episode is like its name about turning points, developments in relationships, new beginnings.

Claire is going to on a hike with her schoolmates. She hangs with a guy she thinks he is different and interesting, but she learns he got to Stanford University with the help of this hike. She also befriends with Parker McKenna, who she thinks that she is a Gothic freak. Parker also learns Claire thinks she is a princess. And then says the quote top above.

Branda and Nate's trust issues come to light when her Aussie friend comes to town and Nate finds out they sleep in the same bed. But they both get over their fears and blocks.

Ruth is confused between Hiram and Nikolai. One is a elite guy and the other is a bit crazy, live-the-life-fully type.

Dave meets a new guy. Also, Fishers deal with Rico, who is been offered a job at Khroeners. Ultimately, Rico quits.

I love these thematic episodes of Six Feet Under. In my third watch, I'm loving this episode and the series more and more. 9.5/10.
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Six Feet Under: A Private Life (2001)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best episode of season 1; about something that has to be focused on
4 May 2012
This episode is very special to me, mostly because I'm gay. When I watch Marc's death scene at the beginning, something in my heart breaks and shakes me, it's something really deep that a person is being killed because of something he didn't choose.

I'm not a religious person, in fact I'm an atheist but David's struggle with faith and his sexuality and the conflict it creates are beautifully written and portrayed, because homosexuality and religion are two opposite and conflicting things. Kate Robin is one of my favorite writers of the series, she touches carefully such sensitive issues.

I also love the other story lines. Billy's getting more sick and Brenda's accepting his situations are too real. Very good performances from both Griffiths and Sisto.

I also love Claire and Gabe's relationship, it's something nice found in the ruins. A Private Life is one of the series' highlights. My point to this flawless, beautiful and very special episode is 10/10.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Who Are You? (2000)
Season 4, Episode 16
It's not just an entertaining episode, it's also an insightful one
8 January 2012
Wow, what can I say about this episode. Buffy and Faith switch bodies and Sarah Michelle Gellar portrays one of her biggest climax at acting, she's just pure brilliant and this with this acting she shows she doesn't just have the looks and also can act. The episode starts tragicomic and continues as that. I loved how Gellar literally put Faith to Buffy's soul, she was very convincing and also Eliza Dushku was really good as well.

I also really loved Faith's redemption and confrontation with her former self and past that she actually hates. We find out that Faith is not just a wild girl with no soul, she's actually very emotionally depressed person. I love complicated characters and Faith is one of them. I loved her scene at church and fighting with herself as she declares she finds herself disgusting. It was so deep. But I really wish Faith would have made more appearances after this, season 7 is just too far.

Joss Whedon did a great job as always and it really paid off well, we had the chance to see that Faith is actually a human with feelings and a soul. My point to this soulful(half literally) episode is 10.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Innocence (1998)
Season 2, Episode 14
A flawless episode, and the best of the show of so far
28 December 2011
In my second watch, I see now that this is a flawless and an excellent episode. I love Joss Whedon's writing and as a person who wants to be a television writer this is one of the episodes that I'll also admire and look up to.

I mean there are no empty scenes, everything was full with emotions, Sarah Michelle Gellar acting has never been this frustrating(in a good way) by far. She is an astonishing actress, needs more credit.

As this episode, we will know nothing will ever be the same and that's why people call this episode as the "fate changer".

"Innocence" is another prove for the people who thought this is a silly fantasy show(I was thinking that in my first watch). Everybody who is interesting in television writing should see this, I'm serious. 10/10
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The Sopranos: Long Term Parking (2004)
Season 5, Episode 12
Best episode so far
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I both love and hate this episode because it's amazingly written and ends the character of Adriana La Cerva (one of my favorites). Drea De Matteo's performance magnificent and so is Michael's. They really deserved their awards.

After he executes Adriana, I hate Silvio more and more. I was left heart-broken. Even her agent felt sorry for her. This one was seriously the best episode of the show so far. I might agree with that stupid Empire Online list. It's stupid because Six Feet Under was at number 27. What the hell, right?

There are seriously a lot developments in this episode, they're very hard to take. I must say I don't know what will happen in season finale because Long Term Parking was so eventful. 10/10.
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Better than I could put it in words; this episode is a television milestone.
11 August 2011
I can't understand what kind of a genius Joss Whedon. He created this songs that are true to the characters, some revealing secrets and emotions, some are just fun, some are bittersweet.

Once More, With Feeling is an extra-ordinary episode that you won't see everyday in television. This type of episodes are not to be missed. After watching it for the second time, I love it even more.

Sadly, with this episode BtVS's creativity peak episodes are completed, at least in my opinion. Sure there are some brilliant episodes ahead but this episodes one of the show's climax.

I know there are still people who think Buffy is silly teen vampire show, I was one of them, but just get over your prejudgment and give this show a try, because your missing some of television's best episodes. 10/10.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
A masterpiece, a work of a genius, a TV series that deserves standing ovation!
7 August 2011
Where can I start about The Wire? Should I first say this is a work of art? or top three dramas on TV? or deserves to be seen more than once?

But all of us first thank David Simon. Not a good citizen, ex-police, or an average observer could create a masterpiece like The Wire.There were times I laughed, saddened, surprised with the unforgettable characters he created. He's a genius, and we all know it.

Also the excellent writers who are the foundations of this show. Never gave us sloppy jobs or mediocre scenarios.

Show couldn't be this effective without the perfect actors who did their best to portray their characters the best.

At first I didn't give The Wire more chance and I throw it away but I re-watched the first season and then I was shocked to see how a golden this show was. 10/10.
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Manhattan (1979)
A brilliant romantic piece by the most important New Yorker.
5 August 2011
At first I just want to say smells New York with its freshness, passion, romance thanks to Woody Allen.

This is my fourth watched Allen movie and I must say it takes the second place after Annie Hall.

I must say I am happy to see Diane Keaton as another romantic interest for Allen's character and she plays the part perfectly.

Allen himself is always been a good actor and is great again as the messed up Isaac.

With all the discussions, art, love, friendship, landscapes from Big Apple Manhattan comes us a romantic masterpiece. I'm becoming an Allen fan more and more. 9.5/10.
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Persona (1966)
It's the art in cinema for sure
30 July 2011
What can I say about this work of art. I just have to say as this is my first movie by Bergman he is a genius in cinema. I only watched Wild Strawberries and Persona by I am amazed by the brilliance and the hard work given to this films.

Light and darkness are playing big roles in this film like Alma and Elisabeth. The scene were the same story is told by two different shots, just, Wow!!! I was speechless and told my OMG Bergman truly is genius.

I can honestly call it as the art in cinema because the whole film is a work of art.

Today is Bergman's death's 4th anniversary. I think I did my duty and watch this.
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Calm and magnificent
23 July 2011
I always like 'two people having a special bond' type of movies and Lost in Translation is like a gold for that plot.

I can't congratulate Sofia Coppola more about how she created this sweet loneliness in both directing and writing.

Bill Murray's acting is on high level but Scarlett Johansson is great, too. I can see from their face how lonely and bored their characters feel.

This movie has got to have one of the best endings. Slow but effective, happy but heart-breaking. And this is one of the most heart breaking movies i ever saw.

I plan on watching it for the second time. Because it's a great portrayal of loneliness in a strange city and no movie can show it better. As whole, Lost in Translation is a hopeful, sweet, calm, perfectly-created masterpiece that has great acting, writing and directing. 10/10.
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The Wire: Misgivings (2006)
Season 4, Episode 10
The best The Wire episode so far.
13 July 2011
I started watching The Wire last month, i can see why season 4 that much critically acclaimed. Because it's a magnificent season, with the one of the best story and writings on a TV show.

Misgivings, alone has been a highlight of the season and the best one i saw of 10 episodes. Addictive, sentimental, cold. All of them combined in this masterpiece episode. The kids' acting skills are growing more and more. And whoever played Michael was great in Misgivings.

The last scene couldn't be more beautiful and effective as Michael's look on his mom. And Chris beating the s**t out of Michael's dad. I'm sure the last three episodes will be as good as this one. Actually deserves an Emmy for best writing. 10/10.
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Six Feet Under: Everyone's Waiting (2005)
Season 5, Episode 12
A magnificent farewell !
30 April 2011
I watched Six Feet Under in a month but the show effected me so much, it will be remembered more than that.

For the first and only time, an episode begin with a birth. The daughter of Nate and Brenda. Brenda deals with Nate's negativity. David deals with the demon (hisself). Claire gets a job offer from New York but it got cancelled because of the place was handed to another company, but she still goes. Ruth is unhappy because of the big loneliness she suffers. Federico is opening his own funeral home.

There is a farewell dinner for Claire and the characters toast for Nate. (Which made me cry a lot.) I couldn't keep my tears when Claire says goodbye to her family. And final moments which we see the future of our characters is just brilliant.

Thanks for the great writers that i will check out every show they'll work in. Thanks to the cast for playing these characters this great. Thank you Alan Ball, for creating this masterpiece. A magnificent episode. Goodbye, Six Feet Under. 10/10.
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