
6 Reviews
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The A-Team (2010)
The A-Team Movie Review...
13 June 2010
Its finally summer, and movies are popping into theaters everywhere! This one is definitely worth your time!

Characters: Hannibal(Liam Neeson), Faceman(Bradley Cooper), B.A Baracus(Quinton Jackson), and Murdock(Sharlto Copley) are pretty much your typical group of action heroes. You have Hannibal, who is the "seasoned" military planning expert, then you have Faceman, the cocky, comedian. You also have B.A, who is literally the bad ass brute, then finally Murdock, the "crazy" one. Im not going to get into detail with them one-by one, but I will say that there chemistry and bond between all four of them work brilliantly. Sure they are typical recycled character types, but once again it works and that is all I have to say. As for the other characters does it really matter? Its an action movie you will get what you get the villain is the villain and thats that.

Moving on to plot: My only complaint about the plot is there is no realism in it at all. The A-Team does just stuff that could never ever happen in real life and I think the military and modern day "villians" wouldn't be as stupid as they are in here. But I did not care because after I saw the trailer I knew they were not going for realism.

My last complaint...: Is the action scenes. While they are definitely typical for an action movie I could barley make out what was happening when I was watching them fight. Because they did close up shots but also moved the camera and made it very shaky. While its not the worst editing I have ever seen(Batman Begins was the worst fight scene editing..) it still brings the movie down making it hard to watch.

All in all this movie is just an ordinary generic action movie..but a well played action movie. I will eventually get bored of the genre but until then Im going to like all of them. Its definitely a popcorn flick. go see this movie with the overpriced popcorn. Its a good movie with few flaws. 7/10 stars.
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Sands of Time strikes a high note!
7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Before I went to go see this film I was disappointed seeing a lot of negative reviews from professional critics. It scared me just for the fact that I was hoping for a good video game to movie. Well I ignored them and went and saw god they were completely wrong...

Before I go into the review I would like to point out some things: 1. On average from the critics I have seen them complain about this movie being historicaly inaccurate. Really? you are going to nit pick that much? It was not intended for being a history lesson. ITS FICTION! Who really cares? I didn't, and even the video game was not intended for being a history lesson. So stop your complaining! 2. This is by far the best video game to movie I have seen ever put on the big screen. Let me tell you why... First off is the characters- Lets start off with Dastan(Jake Gyllenhaal). Out of all the actors in the world to pick for Dastan the prince, he was to me the very best pick. He didn't just look the part, but he was the part!(with alittle help from the script but Ill get to that later). Just the way he portrayed the prince made me really happy. He felt exaclty like the one from the video game. He was arrogant, but in a smart way. Never going too over the top with one-liners but when he said them they were witty. Although, some of them were at random when he said them to the princess, but its not exactly his fault. Next is princess Tamina(Gemma Arterton) Why what a quite interesting character. She was smart, also very cocky and arrogant like Dastan. The way there relationship went through out the movie was genius! They just had good chemistry, though it seemed like they did not get enough time to really get into it. The relationship between Dastan and Tamina was sorta rushed, thus not taking full potential of it. But the way she changed over the movie was good, she starts off disliking Dastan for just one reason really. He was a Persian who attacked there city. But as the movie progressed and Dastan learned of what was really going on they both changed. Making there characters completely opposite of what they were at the beginning. My only complaint with Tamina was that she fell into the category of "damsel in distress". Which is not that bad, but in the game she fought along side of the prince instead of waiting for him to do everything. The next character is Nizam(Ben Kingsley). He is the evil guy or the antagonist. I don't have much to say about him. Just a predictable villain wanting the royal chair. Kingsley was not amazing but he was not bad.

Moving on to plot: Ahh the juice of the movie. The plot. I just want to go on and thank director Mike Newell and producer Jerry Bruckheimer for taking this movie in a very serious matter. When I first saw the trailer I had the intention of thinking it was going to be like Pirates of The Caribbean. What I mean by that is more jokes, less serious attitude. But boy was I wrong. They did it serious and there was not as much jokes as I thought there was going to be. and to there credit most of them were well placed and funny. The plot is pretty much the plot to Prince of Persia: Sands of Time(video game). but the thing is they added different things to it to make it not an exact copy of the games plot. I don't want to spill the beans on the plot but its not as predictable unless you have played the game...Well OK I will spoil one thing about the movie, and that is the Hassassins. Oh babogies these guys rocked!!! They were swift cold-blooded assassins out to kill Dastan and Tamina. They also reminded me of Assassins Creed by the way they killed, except when they used the sand vipers. In all the plot was well written, action packed, and very different from your average action/adventure flick.

Next is a subcategory: The action- This was the one thing that really got my attention and liking the film. The action was nicely crafted and very acrobatic. Not much CG was used(thank god! I have seen enough of that CG crap from Avatar -.-)Well yes there was CG in the movie but not even that much. Most of it was stunt acting. The thing that stole the show though was the parkor scenes. Parkor is the stlye of fighting that the prince used in the game like wall climbing, wall running, swinging from polls etc. But while that was the highlight of the movie, it disappointed me to see that they under used the parkor.But in the scenes that it was in, it was awesome!! Lastly is the tone and attitude and look of the movie: This movie was gorgeous, the bright and huge city of Persia looked oh-so-real and the desert was and mountains looked great! The attitude was again very serious which just so happens to play to the movies advantage. Not many jokes the fights were brutal. the movie was also not afraid of killing people and showing it. which I liked a lot! The costumes looked believable and all and all it just looked great!(thank you again Jerry Bruckheimer!) To conclude, Prince of Persia is what a video game movie SHOULD BE LIKE! It was very serious the acting was superb and the fight scenes were great! My biggest complaint was less parkor and more traveling. I would definitely check this movie out. Fans will love it too! 8/10
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Nightmare remake.
17 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Yes it seems that horror movies have gone at there lowest..For the past 2 years all I have seen is horror remakes..Why do we need them? why? They never turn out good..although this one was not as bad as everyone put it out to be.

First off, The new Freddy. Is he good? No not at all, but only because of what he had to work with.(the script.) I found him quite interesting and he has some potential being Freddy, but if he does not have a good script to work with then how can he make magic for his role? he cant, no one can. It just seemed like he was forced to say those silly one-liners. I think there was one were it was acceptable and I did not mind it, but the rest of them were just from Freddy vs. Jason. Unacceptable...Most of them he just said out of random. But then again it wasn't Haley's fault..So all in all Haleys got potential as Freddy...the writers just need to do a better job and make him scarier and keep out as many one-liners as possible.

Secondly, the teen characters(well, they are not so teenish.) I have been thinking about this for awhile..why does "teen" actors always put out a crap performance? It just bugs me how they butcher every character if it is a teen role. Now, the teen cast was not too bad. I think that Jesse Braun(Thomas Dekker) was a complete waste of a character, really. I think the casting crew just said, "well hey Jesse Braun was a character in the original elm street. So he will be in the remake even if he has no point in the movie." Come on!! If he was gonna have no point in the movie then why bother put him in. I also thought it was hilarious on how he got caught by the cops. He just runs right in the street probably saying in his head "This is were the cops are gonna show up. so i better stay here." He didn't even make an attempt to run away. He just ran in the street and gave up. I just think he was pointless only because he died like five minutes after he went to jail. Next is Kris Fowles(Katie Cassidy) When I first started watching the movie I thought they were not going to bring back Nancy(Rooney Mara)...which is completely fine because I thought they were going to be at least somewhat original. But no. she dies like 15 min. into the movie! Not only that she stole one of Nancys scene from the original(classroom dream scene). I think the writers were screwing around now. Because after she died Nancy finally came into the movie and I was personally slapped in the face by Hollywood. I completely had the impression that Kris was going to be the main character. She already did half of the work that Nancy was supposed to do. And not only that Kris was just a dumb blonde character. She also looked like she was in her mid 20's not teens. Her acting was...well I cant really tell she wasn't in the movie long enough to tell. Nexy is Nancy, she was really bad. Like she acted like she really didn't care that her friends were dieing all around her and she didn't really want to make an attempt to save herself. Next is Quentin Smith(Kyle Gallner)...out of all the characters this was the only one I really cared for. Kyle did a good job of showing how paranoid he was getting as Freddy was screwing with him. I liked him. I felt sympathy for him. These are the things I SHOULD have been thinking with all the other characters.

Next is the plot: Boy oh boy we have a mess. The plot pretty much follows the original movie. They stole just about every scene from the original and threw it in the remake. Which is fine especially if its a remake. But they sucked the creativity out of most of the scenes. They just computer animated them instead of the real thing like in the original. Another thing is they sucked the suspense out of the "dream scenes" They felt like you were being babied threw them. As soon as someone fell asleep the scenery changed or the creepy music kicked in. It did not bother me though because I had low expectations from this movie. The writers did have a good thing going with Freddys back story but they didn't follow threw with it. As soon as we learn about it they go to a remake scene. It threw me off every time they did that. Overall the plot had some potential but they just screwed it up with the cheap filler remake scenes.

Lastly is the look/atmosphere of the movie. This is what the movie excelled in in my opinion. It looked great just with a couple of scenes that were very dark and sometimes I could not tell what was happening. I actually did not mind it because they were at least trying to make it look suspenseful. Although Freddy did not look too good but was acceptable. The whole atmosphere was dark, gritty, and sorta scary to me.

All in all it was a pretty bad movie. They had several things that would have been good for the movie...but they just didn't follow through with it unfortunately. It looked great and the atmosphere was cool but looks do not mean everything and here is a prime example. 5/10 but Id say if you are a Freddy fan go check it out in the theaters.(I didn't and I'm glad i didn't.) but if your looking for a good remake. Watch it on the internet like I did without wasting your money.
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Gremlins (1984)
Gremlins..ahh good old monsters that ARNT CGI.
10 November 2009
This movie was absolutely false advertisement. they advertised it as a family movie..well they sure put it that way at the begging of the movie. Till they eat after midnight! Holy crap when i was a kid and saw this movie...well the first time i saw it i was 5. didn't think it was scary at all and loved it, until that night when i went to bed..i had nightmares for the rest of elementary school. and i hated the movie from then on out...but as i hit middle school i basically mentally prepared myself over middle school about it and finally 8th grade year i watched gremlins: the movie that scared the sh** out of me when i was little.... And boy i don't know what i was missing. but this movie is one of the best i have seen. Just the cast was great the animatronics on the gremlins was flawless, and i love this movie now as a 16 year old. i watch it all the time and every time i watch it, its pure genius. I highly recommend this movie.
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worst batman movie by far.
6 November 2009
OK let me start by saying first off, this movie is obviously no...terrible.

I remember watching this as a kid when i was little..i absolutely loved it! Only because i was a fan of batman and i didn't know any better.

now watching it as a 16 year old, very bad, all the stuff i didn't notice when i was a kid, i noticed every flaw in the movie. Lame lines from freeze, action scenes were over-the-top, but acceptable, robin was a little bitch and complained about everything in his dialog(but i cant say much i complain a lot. i guess teens complain all the time...we just don't know it.) ivy was stupid, bain was just a action figure promotion. basically this movie was just promoting to kids "hey we made a shitty buy our merchendise." which when i saw it i did...oh well this movie should only be seen by 3-5 year olds. Because they arnt mature enough to see flaws and they LOVE over the top action scenes and superheros. bad movie end of story.
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Good Slasher film
6 November 2009
Let me say i am a HUGE fan of slashers. I don't know why i do, they are just so entertaining to me. Fredy Krueger is one of my favorite slasher villains ever, but is the movie actually worth to watch? First off, i will be writing 2 reviews. one from my point of view as a fan of slasher films, and one from a open minded view.

1. OK as a fan of Krueger and slasher films, i must say i love the hell out of this movie. Just the atmosphere and the creepyness of Krueger just really hit the spot. It wasn't much of a scary fim..but it still had its moments. The killing scenes were nice and gory and violent. the way Krueger scares people is also interesting. He freaks them out in there dreams until they just think nothing can happen to me...but when he kills them in there sleep they die for real. just such a brilliant idea to me. 8 stars out of 10.(remember this is coming from my fan side.) 2. OK to look at it openmindedlly. It was above average..I thought the plot of the movie was decent..nothing amazing but nothing bad. suitable for a horror movie. The cast of the movie was great. Robert did a excellent job as Krueger and it looked like he really got into the character. Everyone else in the movie did a fine job also. the lighting and effects in the movie are pretty good as far as a 1980's flick. The music was kinda weird don't really have a comment on it. The climax of the movie was eh..pretty good but not that great. I thought it was kinda rushed out. As soon as she figures out she has to bring him to the real world. the climax just hits you across the face. not in a good way. i feel as soon as the climax began, it ended at the same time. because it went by so fast. Not the best horror movie or movie of all time, but definitely worth seeing for any movie-goer.
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