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Just deal the cards already
11 January 2007
Steve McQueen plays the title role in a movie with ups and downs. The opening scenes are well done, and the ending poker scene is unquestionably classic, but the middle is seriously bogged down by the romantic scenes between McQueen and Tuesday Weld.

during the awful middle segment of this movie, and amidst all the hype the characters are making about the big game, you're just begging the director Norman Jewison to just deal the cards already. I want to say that the end game is worth the dreadful and practically useless romance, but I'd have to say that it's roughly as good as the romance was bad.

but don't get me wrong, 'The Cincinnati Kid' is certainly an interesting flick. You should check it out when it comes on cable.
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I cannot believe I am commenting this film....
18 August 2006
What is there to say about "Snakes on a Plane" ? NOTHING. All you need to know, is that this film is about some crazy-ass motherf***ing snakes, on a big crazy-ass motherf***ing plane.

period. Oh, by the way it stars Samuel L. Jackson as a FBI agent who's escorting a key witness to a trial in LA. He happens to be flying on Pacific flight 121. Although an assassin has left some slithery surprises in the cargo hold in an attempt to kill the witness.

I seriously can't believe that i enjoyed this film as much as I did. The hype for this movie is notorious. In the future, people will say "man, the new film (insert future film) is getting a lot of good reviews... although it's no where nearly as hyped as that movie 'Snakes on a Plane' ".

It could be said that the incredible support for this film is in fact a joke, because one would expect the obvious just from hearing the plot: the film will be an extremely cheesy B film that will forever be remembered for it's corniness.

Cheesy? sure. Corny? maybe once or twice. But you try naming a film that's more original or more fun and I'll SHOW YOU BABY Jesus.

The film was a mixture of interesting action / horror and comedy. the viewer will be expecting all of the one-liners... the stereotypical characters with stereotypical motives... and all the slithery insanity. Somehow it all works. this is a film that takes itself seriously. and it's the fact that this movie has such a heart of gold for its characters and its mission to have fun that the viewer can't help but admire "snakes on a Plane".

Sam Jackson must have had a lot of fun making this film. he's very supportive of the project and totally understands the concept of the premise. He's super cool in this movie as always, and when you hear him scream the infamously notoriously obviously cool line of dialog that everyone has been hearing about, you just want to stand up and cheer. I myself was clapping with a large number of people near the end of the film when he bellows "I'VE HAD IT WITH THESE MOTHERF***ING SNAKES... ON THIS MOTHERF***ING PLANE!!!!!!!!" Another reason why i think this film is so good is because it hides nothing. the makers of the film knew that the material was pure B-movie quality, and that there was no way anyone would accept it as just another hard-boiled action thriller, or deeply-moving piece of cinematic mastery. instead, the film tells it like it is and asks you that you just sit back and enjoy the ride. This is a movie that is not trying to be a Hollywood product, it is simply a movie.

it is really rare that you find a movie that has such honestly... and even more so rare to find an honest movie that is as much fun as this one.

8 motherf***ing stars out of 10.
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Batman (I) (1989 Video Game)
5 January 2006
Frankly, I bought the game because it said "Batman". i had no idea of what i was going to get when playing this game, but i have to say that it's a pretty good action game for the NES.

Batman has three gadgets for fighting crime, and asides from the gadgets he can punch people and crouch. it would have been nice if he could;d do some combos, but you can'e be too hard on a game that's going on 17 years old. Batman can also do a neat jumping-up-the-wall move when there are two walls in close proximity.

My only (ironic) complaint is that when you die, you don't lose your gadgets or get sent back to the beginning of the stages. it makes the game seem incomplete, and since you don't lose gadgets or get sent to the beginning of the stage, there is really no point in getting the screen that says "Game Over: Continue? Quit?" because you don't lose anything.
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Saw (2004)
um..... wow
23 November 2005
The concept is pretty sadistic. two men are chained on opposite sides of a filthy room. they both have to play the game of a sadistic serial killer who "teaches" the value of life through his murders. One of the two men,Lawrence, has to kill the other, Adam. Adam could kill Lawrence first, but neither of them can accomplish this without first sawing off the ankle of which their chains hold them.

When i heard about this movie, i thought to myself "Okay this movie is just an excuse to show sadistic, brutal and disturbing murders". That might be true, but the story as a whole is quite interesting. before i continue, i'll come right out and say that most of the plot developments and concepts in this movie are either highly unlikely, or flat out bull s***.

this movie cares about the two men whoa re chained up. there is plenty of explanation of their lives, and we learn about the motives of two detectives as well. as a result, we the audience find ourselves caring deeply about them. I'm talking about the kind of "caring" feeling where you're begging the movie not to kill off your favorite character, although it's most likely going to happen.

The twists are, for the most part, unpredictable.

The acting is great. this is of course my opinion, but I couldn't see how some critics could bash the actors for not doing their job. Cary Elwes was fantastic. Danny glover was good, as he usually is. in fact I don't think i can say a negative thing about any of the cast.

Now, again, the plot concepts and developments are highly unlikely or flat out bull s***. But you may find yourself letting it go because this crap is just so interesting.

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Batman Begins (2005)
4 November 2005
When Batman first hit the silver screen, in his own movie named after himself, he was treated as a secondary character because jack Nicholson cost ed the producers a lot of money for screen time. in his second outing, he was placed in a soulless nightmare and didn't seem very heroic. Then his last two movies were so corny and out of whack that we thought we, the viewers, would forever shudder when we hear the name Batman.

Friends, those days are now history.

BATMAN BEGINS ****/**** It's Batman's origin story. Not only does it follow its original material from the comics (which is always the best way to go with these type of movies), it is consistently dazzling with its action, its drama and its incredible cast.

This has got to be one of the greatest ensembles of actors ever to be involved in a film. Christian bale becomes a superstar, Micheal Caine portrays his loyal butler with true grace and soft power, Gary oldman nails the character of Jim Gordon both in vision and in performance, Cillian Murphy also grabs our attention, Liam Neeson portrays the mentor (again) with perfection, Morgan Freeman... what can you say that has not been said already?...... It's just amazing.

The action here, for what it is in its heart and soul, is easily 10X better than CGI festivals like the new Star Wars movies. Most of it is all real, using miniatures and sometimes full scale Batmobile action, stunt men flying etc. etc. It's the kind of action that has you feeling emotions you've never felt for a long... long time.

The characters are all three dimensional. Everyone has motives, backgrounds, and reasons to do what they do. Batman is rightfully the best developed character. Ultimately you have to ask yourself "How in the hell can a man become inspired to fight criminals while dressed as a bat?". As crazy as it sounds, the movie provides very good answers.

Now it is long, but worth every Milli-second. We first get to know Bruce Wayne through multiple flashbacks. Then we move on to his training and some of his early days of crime fighting. We don't see the suit for a good chunk of the film. But rest assured, the majority of the film does have Batman in it.

We get to know everything about him. the explanations of his Wonderful Toys are freakin' awesome! Some of his items, including his cape, are based on actual technology. Personally when I saw publicity shots of the new batmobile I thought it was the most atrocious piece of crap ever to grace a Batman film, and I imagine some of you probably;y feel the same way now. But let me tell you, that car is amazing. It's ugly because it's designed to plow through everything like a tank on speed-steroids. You have to see it in action to truly appreciate it.

Fantastic movie. basically anyone who's been missing that spine tingling feeling you get from perfect action movies should go out and rent this now.
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S1m0ne (2002)
Doesn't really take off, but Pacino makes it worth while.
13 July 2005
Victor taransky. He's a once successful Hollywood director who has been struggling as of lately. His most recent picture is half finished when his lead actress deserts him. Meanwhile a huge fan of his, a terminally ill computer genius approaches him with the technology that could enable Victor to create an actress.

The genius dies, but Victor inherits the software. At the end of his options, he uses the software to create "s1m0ne", a practically perfectly beautiful actress whose every aspects are controlled by Victor. At first he anticipates to keep her artificiality a secret, for his own beliefs regarding actors and respect for the film business overall. But when S1m0ne becomes a huge sensation, the challenge of secrecy becomes more challenging and challenging...

I'm an Al Pacino fan. You can usually have faith in his acting abilities and script choice because his choices are usually great and he always pulls off a flawless performance. And as the desperate director Victor Taransky he gets to have a lot of fun with the role. As the plot becomes more complicated, his character undergoes incredible feats to keep his actress a secret. When he pulls off these feats, weather barely or by a golden landslide, is when we enjoy the film the most. For ultimately there's really not much else to enjoy.

The plot doesn't really take off in the way we'd like to see it take off. There are nearly endless possibilities with the situations featured in the movie. The dialog is spot on, although some of the biggest laughs should have been better.

It also alternates between being a somewhat Satirical comedy, to a comedy drama. the constant bounce back and forth between these moods is quite noticeable, and therefore drains us a little because we're not sure what to think or feel at times.

But if you have a Friday night to kill and this movie makes its way on your television, by all means watch it. Pacino makes it interesting simply by being Pacino. He has that old style of great wit, humor, and chameleon like acting that we're all going to miss very soon when he and the other actors like him fade from the spotlight in the wake of the arrival of today's Beauty-over-acting chops celebrities.

**1/2 out of ****
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'haunting' does not begin to describe the effect of this WWII epic.
15 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
During the second world war, a selected group of U.S. soldiers is sent to bring back a comrade who is stationed behind enemy lines. This man's brothers have been slaughtered on D-Day, and he is being sent back home.

The plot is noticeably silly. in war, especially THIS war, high ranking officers would not send a squadron out to retrieve one man who holds no vital information about the enemy. Nor would they send squadrons out to retrieve men whose blood has been slaughtered.

But It is not the plot that drives a person to see a movie of deeply realistic and harrowing violence. A person watches this movie to go back in time. Many people (thankfully) will never have to fight in wars, and therefore would never know the true meaning of terror.

"Saving Private Ryan" is said to have been the most accurate war picture ever to be created. Watching it is almost as close as fighting a real war. you are with the countless men who are destroyed when the U.S. storm the beaches of Normandy. You sit through all of the personal conflict among soldiers. You witness the emotions change and tempers flare. And most of all, you experience a time warp.

A movie crafted this well is a true gift; a piece of entertainment that is so well done that it makes us forget that we are sitting at home watching a movie with Hollywood actors. This film will become your world. as terrifying and depressing as it is, it will become your world.

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Walking Tall (2004)
Little detail in scenes and lack of originality hurt this otherwise fine movie
13 February 2005
The Rock is Chris Vaughn, an Ex Navy SEALS commando type who has returned to his home town in Rural Washington. Upon returning, he sees that the Mill in which his father worked has closed down, drugs are rampant, the cops are a bit too laid back than usual, and a casino dominates the land. His not-so-much-of-a-friend from highschool, Jay Hamilton owns the casino and basically owns the town. Finally fed up when he is pushed too far, he decides to become the new town sheriff.

The Rock is not quite there yet, but is shaping into the next action star of our time. Now, when you see Johnny Knoxville's name being advertised in an actual movie and not a "Jackass" type fare, you wonder to yourself if he's going to sink the film. In "Walking Tall", he surprises by turning in a pretty good performance. It's just the script that's the problem here Hollywood tried before to make a movie about one man basically owning a town because he's so rich and powerful. That movie was called "Road House". if you saw that movie, you'd know that I wouldn't need to say much more. but if you haven't, "Road House" was crammed full of ridiculous plot deices, unrealistic violence, and just a lot of bad dialog that is still frowned upon today.

I have got to say that "Walking Tall" is much better than "Road House" by a landslide. The script's dialog scenes were way too brief, but still a bit interesting. The action scenes are pretty good. Nothing truly believable, but still good. The bad segments concern The Rock's courtroom scene and his relationship with the stripper.

The movie would have been even better if it had slowed down and taken some care in some of it's scenes. Everything was shot from uninventive, "let's get this over with" angles, and the editing was just crap. Take the the football scene near the beginning, for example. it's opportunity for the audience to have some fun with the characters, but it turns into a quick sequence of very short cuts that makes it not very fun. When the Rock gets taken down at the end of the game, it just looks like they were covering up a mistake.

in the end, it comes back to the script and the film crew. I felt more care and inventiveness was needed for all the scenes.

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Man on Fire (2004)
Pretty good story, but direction is annoying.
13 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Denzel Washington plays Creasy, an alcoholic bodyguard in "Man on Fire", who is hired to protect a wealthy family's young daughter Pita, played by Dakota Fanning. The family lives in Mexico, where we are told that a kidnapping occurs every 80 minutes; frequently.

Creasy is stone cold and straight to the point. we learn that he has in a sense lost some humanity while performing his line of work. While driving Pita to her destinations, she eventually befriends him. Pita's kindness gives Creasy some light at the end of the tunnel and makes him feel more humane.

However, Pita disappears from creasy's life when they are ambushed and Pita is kidnapped. Creasy heals, but swears vengeance on those who have kidnapped her.

All in all, Man On Fire was a bit disappointing from what i expected, but the film is still very good. Denzel puts in a convincing performance, but half the pleasure of the movie is in watching him and Dakota Fanning interact during the first act of the movie. She is so adorable, and their dialog is so real that it leaves you wishing that the eventual kidnapping never happens.

When it does happen, though, you become instantly depressed that Pita is dead and that Creasy's life is ripped up all over again. When Denzel sets out to avenge her, you aren't on the edge of your seat rooting for him, surprisingly. You definitely want to see what he does, but the fact is that you know you liked the first half much more.

Something else that is interesting is that the Police are on to Creasy, but they are merely piggy backing him because they're glad he's giving the kidnapping network proper justice. Remember, a kidnapping in Mexico City occurs every 80 minutes, which means that these cops have had to deal with a lot of broken hearted families and the fact that there's nothing they could do about it.

This movie would probably earn 4 stars from me had it not been for the terrible film making style and bad use of sub titles. The colors flicker, the scenes warp, and unusual sounds and unusually loud sounds rip onto the track. Tony Scott, the director, was probably just trying to make it look interesting and life like, but it was just annoying and distracting.

The subtitles were oddball as well. the people speaking Mexican and other languages get subtitles, thank you. But at certain points in the film some of the English was subtitled as well. it seemed subtly insulting because you got the impression that they didn't think you were paying attention.

in the end, i'll give it ** 1/2 out of 4. Not bad.
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how could a sequel to such a great movie be so BAD??
27 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Danny Ocean is back, along with the entire gang from the Ocean's 11 2001 film. Now, the gang has been pinned by terry benedict and they must pay him back, with interest. it is too hot to steal in the US, so they travel to Europe to knock off three casinos.

As interesting as this plot sounds, you get the complete opposite of what you would expect. Surely you have heard from the well respected critics that this movie is "sly" "hip" and "cool" because of the star power. Some of them say it is better than the 2001 film.

The star power was half the fun of the first film, granted, but the other half was a story that had twists, turns and humor. You could watch the 2001 film, think about it when it got slightly plotty, and figure it out. in the end, you had that great deep feeling you get when you see a good movie.

Now, the film makers have taken the cast's ability and wrapped it inside of one of the most twisted, dull humored, and confusing heist stories of all time. You sit and watch the film wondering if they needed to have as many twists as it did.


During the film, there is a very important scene near the end where the gang appears to be stealing a golden egg of sorts. this egg has many fake replicas to it, so you are trying to figure out if they will get the real one or a fake one. You are also wondering if the Night Fox, who is the gang's rival stealer, is going to get the real or the fake.

In preparation, Danny and the guys create a holographic image of the object, so you would suspect that they are going to take the egg and replace it with the holograph. I mean, the crew explained it that way to begin with.

However, it ends with the entire gang getting arrested before they even enter the building. Tess Ocean, impersonating JULIA ROBERTS, is inside with a fake baby under her blouse. The confusion of it all prevents me from revealing what happened inside. But it turns out that the REAL EGG WAS TAKEN BEFORE ALL THE PREPARATION AND ALL OF THE SCHEEMING, AND THE "HEIST WAS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME!

This is the grand daddy of all the confusion, and the other moments that compare to it are nearly as confusing. The "funny" moments throughout the film are dull and require much thinking about simple jokes that aren't even funny.

I don't know If i've never hated a movie as much as I hated this one. Figuring out twists in films, especially heist films, is a fun way to get involved with your movie going. But the twists and turns in this fodder are simply ridiculous.

Please do NOT see this film. This is mean, anti-entertaining garbage that is disguised as a sequel to an excellent film.

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Cape Fear (1991)
Excellent for the most part.
2 October 2004
Max Cady. A rapist who has just completed a 14 year sentence begins to stalk his defence lawyer and his family. Why? The lawyer, Sam Bowden, had found a file all those years ago that could have won Max's trial. But Sam knew that Cady deserved the time that he should have received. Max, who educated himself in prison, now has a crazy side of logic that makes him believe he is right in what he is doing, and it soon becomes apparent that he will not stop until Bowden gets taught the "true meaning of suffering and justice"

This is another brilliant movie from Scorsese. Robert DeNiro plays another infamous psycho at his terrifyingly best, and earned an academy award nomination for best actor. Nick Nolte is also quite good as Bowden, providing numerous layers to his character.

The film's strength is not from the caliber of the actors alone. the camera work is *astounding*. Every angle, every zoom is perfect for this suspense rocket-of-a-movie. The script fuels all the tension in each shot as well.

Unfortunately, at the end it gets a little silly with Max finding his way on the boat that Nolte and his family are on, and the chaos aboard it. Otherwise this is a near-perfect thriller. Recommended.

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Pretty Good.
14 August 2004
A Team of scientists travel to Antartica after one of Charles Weyland's satilites find an unusually strong heat spot that is revealed to be a pyramid. Among the scientists is Alexa, a firm ice climber whose job is to ensure that scientists are safe when they go on expeditions around the world.

Her insticts tell her that something isn't right about the whole situation, but she comes along so that everyone is safe. It soon appears that they are not the only ones who have discovered the pyramid.

A smalll team of Predators have arrived for a ritual hunting season against the creatures from the Alien movies. The humans have accidently triggered the pyramid to shift and transform like a giant rubix cube. During the shifting, the Alien Queen is thawed from a frozen like sleep and starts laying eggs. If you know the Alien franchise, you know what will happen to some of the scientists.

A war begins between the two alien races. With the humans cut down in size due to the crossfire, they must struggle to survive and find a way out of the temple, which continues changing shape every 10 minutes.

the beginning half of the film is alright. Maybe closer to bland as they explain everything that is going on before the war commences. But the second half is great if not a little predictable at some moments. Watching the alien races battle is more fun than you would think, for everytime it seems that one side is winning, the other side bounces back with glory. And then it happens again, and again, then vice versa, and one more time for good measure.

hands down the best part of the film is when they are fighting. it is also pretty interesting to see the Predators interact with the humans after they realize that they will not survive without each others help.

The pyramid has a few unexplained areas however. One example would be how it is always changing when there isn't a true power source that is capable of doing such a thing. the film explains that this pyramid has been changing shape every hundred years so the Predators can come back and perform coming-of-age hunts with the Aliens, who are released again and again as a result of the transformations.

Overall not bad, but it could have been better if some areas were a little more explained.

**1/2 out of ****
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A Film of Incredible power. Probably the greatest Vietnam Story ever made.
13 August 2004
Robert DeNiro, John Savage, and Christopher Walken play three best friends who live in Pennsylvania as steel mill workers with their other friends played by john Cazale and others. The film chronicles their lives as they deal with life before, during, and after the Vietnam war. The result is a very human-like, amazing drama.

Robert DeNiro naturally gives a great performance, especially at the end (If you've seen the film you know what part I'm talking about). Christopher Walken received an academy award for his performance, but I feel that john Savage was robbed of that award. Walken played a good empty minded person at the end, but i think that Savage played the best man-under-pressure-in-the-war type character that I've *ever* seen.

The editing is crazily quick at times but really provides an insight as to how quick and violent some of the battles of the Vietnam war were. the vietnam scenes are excecuted with expertise and actually succeed in making you, the viewer, feel like a forigner.

the power of this film is so great that all the other vietnam war movies look very fake in plot and especially characters. basically, "The Deer Hunter" is a character study, but it's one character study that you'll never forget.

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Collateral (2004)
Interesting; One of the greatest films of the year, and one of the best roles for cruise.
9 August 2004
Collateral Opens with Vincent, played by Tom Cruise, as an already mysterious man. He makes an obviously fake exchange of briefcases with Jason Stratman, who pops into the movie as a quick cameo. Although you've seen this type of exchange before, you know that it's going to be a great movie. it cuts to the chase immediately. No lolly gagging, just "Shoot Cruise getting his materials". and that is how Cruise is established in the movie.

We come to Jamie Foxx and get to know him, since we already have a good feeling who Cruise is. Foxx plays Max, a cabbie who dreams of making a very exclusive and terrific limousine company. He gets his last fare just before He picks up the mysterious Cruise. The fare, who is Jada Pinkett Smith, gets to know her driver and they both gain an attraction.

Pinkett gets dropped off.

Max picks up Vincent. it starts like any other night for Max.

Vincent is revealed through the film as a contract killer who has five stops to make and doesn't intend on letting Max escape him. The fewer people who see and get to know Vincent, the better. Add a team of cops who are pursuing the answers to the murders, and you've got yourself one hell of an interesting and intelligent suspense film.

Cruise has been getting a lot of hype for his performance as Vincent. I couldn't agree more with all the positive comments because he is quite simply astounding. You can't tell that the guy playing Vincent was once the guy who played Nice Guy Jerry Maguire, or dumb but cool pilot Maverick from Top Gun. The Guy you see playing Vincent would strike you as a guy who actually kills people for a living because he is right on the ball in his performance.

As the film progresses, we learn more about why Vincent has the line of work and how he could possibly look at all the violence and all the bloodshed as another day at the office. He's a sinister character with a disturbing set of personalities to his name. And when you get used to one of those personalities, he suddenly breaks out of it and becomes the killer.

I think that Cruise could get an oscar nomination, if not an oscar win. He is so good and so interesting to watch you just feel that he deserves all the positive comments in the world.

Now, I can tell you that this great character has been placed in one of the best films of the year. The plot is consistently interesting and always has you wondering if someones going to do this action or that. Even the cops are interesting to watch as they try and figure out whose killing all these people. Overall, once you see Vincent get that briefcase in the beginning there is always a sense of suspense in the air.

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The Cooler (2003)
Pleasant Surprise.
9 July 2004
I rented "The Cooler" not knowing what to expect. I kept reading the cover whenever I had the chance and I was interested in the main points. It's a Casino story staring two very good actors, Will H. Macy and Alec Baldwin. Casino stories always seem to be interesting so I finally decided to rent this one. I was more than surprised by how good it was. I was surrounded in a world of that good old feeling you get when you see a really good film. That good old feeling that you never seem to get anymore with today's movies.

The film tells the story of William H. Macy as Bernie, a man who is depressed for a living. He works as a Cooler, a man who changes the luck of anybody on a Casino floor who is having a winning streak. He's a professional at his job, possibly the best. But It is no way to live because he is always depressed and has nothing or no one looking for him in life.

Enter Baldwin's character, Shelly. We learn that him and Bernie go back a long way. Shelly owns the casino that the Cooler works for. He's determined to keep the building on it's feet because new business men have arrived, claiming that the casino needs a total face lift. Baldwin delivers a great speech about why the place should not be replaced, saying that it is the last building in Las Vegas with real style and class. With the pressure on, Shelly is desperate not to let his Cooler leave because it would mean certain replacement if good money is being lost.

Along comes a beautiful waitress who meets Bernie. They eventually fall in love. Life shows the Cooler that there is still such a thing as happiness, but this isn't good for Shelly and his Casino. The reason is because as soon as the Cooler fell in love, he lost his ability to save money for the casino. Infuriated and under extreme pressure, Shelly then tries to make life miserable for the Cooler all over again.

This is a story that has been well orchestrated and made with true talent. The acting is on the money, the twists great, and the emotion believable. "The Cooler" is really a surprising casino story that ensures a great time.

Sure, it may be a bit fairy tale-ish. I'll have to admit that the twist ending concerning the Cooler and his girl, while interesting, is a bit much, But the average viewer will not mind. It's all part of a well told story.

Highly recommended. ***1/2 out of ****
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Secret Window (2004)
An Amazing Film.
27 June 2004
Johnny Depp stars as Mort Rainey, a successful author who has had a very bad year. He caught his wife, whom he's been married to for 10 years, in bed with another man. That leads to a divorce that is not yet settled yet. After that, he moved to a lonely home where he can concentrate on his writing, but all he seems to do is sleep.

And finally, he is awoken by a strange man in a black hat who claims that Rainey stole his story. 3 times in his introductory sentence, in fact. Mort is surprised by this strange visitor because he hadn't performed any plagarism since one episode long, long ago. The stranger wants justice and soon starts taking the matter way too far.

Johnny Depp is great as Rainey, the character who is deeply angered by his wife's disloalty. Johnny performs all of his roles to a constant level of greatness, and although I haven't seen all of his work, I can tell that there is something about this role that makes it one of his best. The character has many layers that we gradually discover as we watch the film.

Now, the matter of the stranger. By now you must be aware that he is psychotic because he is determined to get justice from Mort Rainey at whatever cost. The Stranger, named John Shooter, even goes to depressing acts of violence toward Mort's private possessions and even matters concerning his wife. The question may rise:

"Why is this man so p!ssed over a little story?"

Mort is accused of stealing the story "Secret Window" from Shooter. In the movie, the story was widely successful and had Mort not supposedly steal it, Shooter would be rich.

But the viewer feels that can't be all of what's going on. It's a good motive, but there seems to be something missing in the picture of John Shooter. But one of the movie's greatest strengths is it's fantastic twist in the story. It is the genius of the twist that makes me write the review for this film.

In conclusion, many viewers should be impressed with "Secret Window". Great characters whom we grow feelings for, a story with excellent surprises, and an overall feeling of enjoyment when the movie ends.

***1/2 out of ****
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Good Return of Tarantino's Style.
3 June 2004
Uma Thurman plays the main character, known only as The Bride. Tarantino insists on having her being recognized as the Bride because when she introduces herself in the beginning, her name was bleeped out.

Anyway, her wedding was abruptly crashed by her former gang, the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (long enough name?), led by Bill (David Caradine, who we don't see but hear). The Bride's gang killed everybody at her wedding, but they failed to kill her. Now she's really p*ssed off and dedicates her next 250 or so minutes (divided in half, hence "Vol. 1") to see to it that she Kills Bill.

Uma Thurman is a like-able character, and the film has a like-able story, but this Tarantino film is very much different to his previous work. The atmosphere is a little too colorful, as are the 30,000 gallons of blood used throughout. What I noticed is a slight lack in snappy dialogue although. Normally I wouldn't take to noticing this little aspect, but being that it's from the director who gave us Pulp Fiction, there were dialogue standards that needed to be met.

I found the little annime sequence annoying. it was well drawn and it fit with the mood of the film, but the amount of blood was incredibly ridiculous. The film excells on the bloody content as well. The Bride is P*ssed off, I know, but a few hundred gallons less of fake blood would have had the same effect.

In conclusion, "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs" fans will enjoy "Kill Bill Vol. 1", but perhaps not as much as the earlier stories.

**1/3 out of ****
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Pleasing Sequel.
2 June 2004
John McClane (Bruce Willis) is again caught up in terrorists and bombs when the brother of Hans Gruber (the bad guy from the original) emerges to seek vengeance. As the brother (known only as Simon) runs him all over town with explosive games of Simon says, John meets an unlikely ally in the semi-racist Zeus (Samuel L. Jackson), who is forced into helping McClane with the riddles.

With enough action to blow you through the back wall again, this time the story gets a bit too silly with all of it's twists. Bruce delivers another good performance, but the series should stop here while we have good memories. Samuel L. Jackson is also good as Zeus, providing us with humor while providing McClane the help that he needs in this tough situation.

Overall it's a good time, but the silliness overshadows any remote possibility that this film is comparable to the original.

** 1/2 out of ****
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Snatch (2000)
A Good Time, Although Confusing.
1 June 2004
Franky Four Fingers is a jewel thief who is sent to retrieve a pricey diamond. However, instead of pulling off a relatively simple heist, he sets off a chain reaction of crazy events that involves Irish gypsies, assassins, stupid robbers and a stray dog that squeaks.

An appealing cast delivers the humor and the action in this British film by Guy Ritchie. As appealing as the cast is, and as good as the twists are, they're inside of a story that gets more confusing as it unfolds. I had to watch this film perhaps 3 times before I finally remembered who works for who, why they do what they do, and how they're associated with the diamond.

Still, this jolly good film is worth any time of the Gangster fan. worth the viewing for Pitt's amusing performance alone.

** 1/2 out of ****
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Die Hard 2 (1990)
Crowd Pleaser
30 May 2004
John McClane (Bruce Willis) arrives to Washington's main airport to pick up his wife, Holly. But upon waiting, McClane stumbles into a team of mercenaries who seize the airport and threaten to chaos if a drug kingpin isn't given to them. John fights to save the lives in the air and on the ground, while famously asking himself "How can the same sh*t happen to the same guy twice??!"

Bruce Willis hits the mark for the second time in the series. His character is just as enjoyable and funny as when we saw him in Die Hard one. Most of the other characters remain interesting all throughout the film, providing suspense and humor.

The screenplay is made of real wit, as we know from listening to the characters talk to each other. The plot changes numerous times too, perhaps a few too many times; as it becomes silly near the end.

Still, "Die hard 2" is a great sequel in this saga of action movie gold. had it not been for some of the silliness, then this might have had a shot at being just as good (if not better) than the original.

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Troy (2004)
25 May 2004
"Troy" depicts the great assault on the city of Troy. Orlando Bloom plays Paris, the prince of Troy who falls in love with the princess of Melenas and convinces her to come with him to his home city. This action sparks a war and gives Troy the chance of defeat.

"Troy" is an excellent story of the battle, but what makes it even greater is the chronicles of all of the characters. The performances scream out "Oscar Potential". Brad Pitt is especially interesting as Achilles, the seemingly invincible warrior. Eric Bana makes his "Hulk" movie performance look like garbage by revealing how good an actor he really is.

The set design is exceptional. They cast a spell on you that seems to transport you back to that era in Greek mythology. Authentic castles, hot deserts and big spacious grounds that are always awaiting a bloody battle.

As great as the "Pro's" of this movie are, the movie seriously loses pace for 5-6 deadly minutes. This moment occurs right after a key battle scene in the middle-to-end.

Overall the movie is great on nearly all standards. It's quite enjoyable even if you don't follow Greek mythology or even believe in the stories. ***/****
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One of Murphy's Best.
24 May 2004
A black Detroit cop travels to Beverly Hills California to investigate the murder of his long time friend. upon arrival, however, Axel (Murphy) discovers that Beverly Hills is quite different from his routes in Detroit.

Eddie Murphy shines in one of his best roles of all time. The plot remains interesting but gets slightly silly when it comes to the finale. The cop duo that follows Axel everywhere are a bit too stupid and unfunny, but Murphy's hilarious moments make up for their performances.

To keep the pace, the film features one of cinemas most famous and loved music scores: "Axel. F". Although Murphy's recent films have been pretty bad, he will always have bragging rights to this excellent example of action and comedy.

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Carlito's Way (1993)
Sheer Excellence.
22 May 2004
Pacino plays Carlito Brigante, a Puerto Rican drug dealer who has just finished his time in jail. Carlito shocks the criminal community when he claims that he's quitting the life. His former girlfriend, whom he re-romances, couldn't be happier with Carlito's decision.

But as good as his intentions are, Carlito is being attacked at every angle by former associates and young punks. He receives further complications when his cocaine addicted lawyer and friend gets caught up in a life or death situation with a made man who wants to escape prison.

An exceptional gangster flick that doesn't rely on shocking violence to please the audience. Not surprising in the least, Al Pacino is in fine form and delivers us a character whom we deeply care about as the movie progresses. There are hardly any flaws in the cast, actually.

Along with the great acting, we are given shocks, twists and turns that will leave you dizzy. The only minor flaw is that this great saga stretches on a bit too long.

***1/2 out of ****
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The Godfather (1972)
An Unquestionable Masterpiece.
4 May 2004
Vito Corleone. He is the Don of the notorious Corleone crime family and has ruled among the other 5 families of crime. When the Don is critically wounded in a mob hit, Vito's only son who hasn't gotten into the business begins to take over.

A very in-depth, masterfully told saga of the mafia with an all-star cast: Marlon Brando as The wise Vito, Al Pacino the innocent son who loses his innocence inside business, James Caan the hot headed brother of Pacino who wants his sister to be safe, Robert Duvall the half brother atourney who looks out from all the financial angles. These and many other fine actors create the perfect cast for such a fantastic movie.

The film excels in everything. Violence as well, so viewers be warned.

Strongly recommended ****/****
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Dr. No (1962)
The one that started it all.
22 April 2004
Sean Connery plays Secret Agent famously named James Bond. He is sent out to investigate the death of a fellow agent but soon discovers the secret behind mysterious energy waves that are interfering with U.S. Missile Launches.

This was a good film considering the plot. But clearly, this is not the James Bond that everyone is now used to. There are few, close to no gadgets, some fights, and a lot of mystery.

This isn't the greatest Bond, although still good. But the longest running film series had to start somewhere, right?

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