
28 Reviews
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If its not broke, don't fix it!
11 October 2006
The first ten minutes, including the opening credits sequence, are the only part of this story that even hint at attempting to tell us the story as to where the Hewitt Family terror began. 15 mins in, and you are watching nothing more than a remake of the 2003 remake, only this time around we get Jordana Brewster instead of Jessica Biel. The scariest part of this movie was how obviously formulated the story and production were in comparison to the '03 remake. 4 friends, 2 boys and 2 girls, on a road trip where 3 of them end up in the back seat of a cop car and on their way to dinner at the Hewitts. After the 4 are gruesomely reduced to 1, we find ourselves once again following Thomas as he chases a scared-to-death-but-still-sexy-in-a-cut-off-tee starlet as she runs aimlessly through the slaughter house. She fights back, runs some more, and then hops in a car to get the hell out of dodge. The twist, no survivors, but I don't think I need to tell you that one!

The movie does have a creepy feel and there's a bit more gore so its worth checking out, but only on DVD from your local video store. I suggest using a free rental coupon! I firmly believe that if something isn't broke, then don't fix it. The 1974 Texas Chainsaw Massacre was and still is an icon in the genre of horror and is, hands down, far more creepier and disturbing than New Line Cinemas big budget attempt to cash in, yet again, on a $20,000 independent film that reigns in the top 3 of any professional critic's top ten scariest movies of all time!
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Eight Below (2006)
A film worth the view!
27 July 2006
I have to admit I was a bit skeptical about this film when I first started to see the trailers on television. I remember thinking 'Snow Dogs' all over again, only this time we get Paul Walker instead of Cuba Gooding Jr. Even the tag-line 'based on a true story' still wasn't enough for me to take the movie seriously, nor believe it would be worth wasting a free movie rental over. It wasn't until I started hearing an overwhelming amount of feedback from members of the local video store I manage that I finally decided to give it a try. Now, even at this point, I'm only taking it home to watch because I'm tired of telling members I haven't seen it. So one hour and forty-five mins. later I realize what the fuss is about. This was one of the most touching and heart-warming stories I have seen or heard in a long time. I wont reveal any details, but I haven't heard one person give this movie a bad review, and its still a hard one to keep on the shelf to supply the demand over the weekend. I've even had men tell me that shed a few tears with this one. Take my word for it, this film is worth the view!
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Great family film.
20 July 2006
This movie is your basic Disney formula where the main character has to overcome almost seemingly insurmountable obstacles in order to achieve their dream, greatness, and recognition. This is quite possibly the oldest story in the book, but Disney does it very well. I'm not at all entertained by the sport of golf, if 'sport' is what you want to call it; however, Shia LaBeouf actually gave an impressive performance considering his antics as Louis Stevens on The Disney Channel series Even Stevens. I hope to see more of him in the future with leading role. This film has a very heart warming touch and is perfect for quality time with family and friends, even if you think golf is a brainless activity.
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Spidey vs. Sparrow
8 July 2006
This film has already broken the opening day box office record, pushing Star Wars Ep.III to the #2 spot, and well on its way to beating Spiderman's 3 day total of $115m. I really hope to see this film take the biggest box office total for opening weekend simply because the movie was that enjoyable. Johnny Depp is definitely in-tune with his craft when bringing Jack Sparrow to life on the big screen, and this time around he's even more hilarious. I thought the story was well thought out filled with adventure, big laughs, and all the characters we loved from the first film. I can't express enough, without spoilers, how much I did and you will enjoy this film. So hold on mate ye in for a wild ride, savvy!
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Hostel (2005)
Horrible and Pointless, this one will actually lower your IQ!!!
21 April 2006
Skip it! Skip it! Skip it! 20 mins into this film I knew it was going to be a simple minded attempt at storytelling, of course, I should have known when I read Written & Directed by Eli Roth in the opening credits. Cabin Fever was the first of Mr. Roth 's writer/director credits I saw and if I weren't a 2nd chance kind of guy I would have stopped there. After viewing Roth's Hostel I can't understand why someone still allows this man to write, 3rd grade students write with more intellect. Please keep in mind this is just my opinion, but for the love of God will someone stop Eli Roth from writing anything else.

As for the film, boobs, alcohol, blood, and gore without any elements needed to tell a story, like a plot, are all you get. Do not try to make sense of it because you wont and you'll just end up frustrated. I guess we, the moviegoer, are only entertained by bare chests and some of the worst special effects I have ever seen. I think we should find this film insulting, as if we don't actually look for a good story with our blood-n-guts! Hello, SAW!!!! SAW was a damn good story. Take my advice and skip this garbage Tarantino thought needed a budget to become a film. Horrible, pointless movie!!
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Stay Alive (2006)
Skip It!!
1 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of the horror genre. I love a good movie that makes your skin crawl and has you occasionally looking back just to make sure there's nothing behind your couch, or how about those that make you leave a light on when you go to bed. There are very few storytellers that can pull this off, but those who can are known as the masters of horror. Wes Craven and Bram Stoker are a couple of names that come to mind.

"If you die in the game, you die in real life." Does this not sound like something you've heard before? I'll give you a hint. He had razor fingers, burnt skin, and lived on Elm St. Oh yeah, and you don't want to fall asleep cause if he kills you in your dreams, you die in real life. I'll bet if there's a Stay Alive 2 the villain of the story, Elizabeth Bathory, will probably where a hockey mask!

The one thing I found most intriguing about the story was how there was no mention of vampires. Anyone who favors the vampire genre and does their homework knows Elizabeth Bathory, or The Blood Countess, has a strong tie to vampire folklore and was even researched by Bram Stoker when developing the most infamous of movie monsters, and my personal favorite, Dracula. The Blood Countess would make an excellent movie villain as a vampire, not a ghost who haunts via the video game. Call me crazy, but play station, game cube, and Xbox weren't really big sellers in the 16th century Carpathian Mountains area where Elizabeth Bathory's Castle stood. Anyway, I felt there was not effort in telling a story with this film, only an effort to make money. They took our enjoyment of video games, added elements from Wes Craven's Nightmare on Elm Street, and a historical figure that was seen as evil who tortured and killed women, and often bathed in their blood to sustain youth, all these were loosely thrown together just to make a quick buck. I'd wait until you accidentally stumble across it while channel surfing.
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Same story, just more creative ways to die.
30 March 2006
Once you've seen Final Destination there's not much more of the story to tell, or twist, or reveal. All three films could actually be compiled together to make one long film, in other words, the story is told and the scene is set in part one, the two that follow just get more creative with how messy, bloody, and bazaar each person is slaughtered. And thats why I love these films.

Final Destination 3 is really no different than the two before it, except the creepy bald morgue guy who seemed to have a fetish for death does not make an appearance in this one. There's not much to say, if I told you how each person were sliced, diced, smashed, crushed, get the point, then I would be revealing the only reason any of us purchased a ticket. There is no denying those who seen this one in theaters were there just to see how bad death could be dealt. Let me tell ya, "There's some really sick and twisted ways these people die." Anyway, for those who enjoy gross and disturbing this one is worth checking out. Enjoy!
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She's the Man (2006)
Amanda Bynes is hilarious!
30 March 2006
Professional movie critics will probably have nothing nice to say about this film, but do they ever say anything nice. The best reviews can be found here under user comments or anywhere we the moviegoer post our own genuine thoughts, minus the self-inflated egos and paychecks.

If you enjoy the humor Amanda Bynes has to offer then you'll definitely enjoy this film. Sure the whole undercover drag routine has been done before, countless times, still I can't remember the last time I was at the theater and laughed so much. Jim Carrey failed me in 'Dick and Jane', Queen Latifah disappoints in 'Last Holiday' and these are the comedic heavyweights. I'm telling you, "Amanda Bynes is just so silly and innocent you can't help but laugh."

The writing is neither brilliant, nor poetic and the story is quite predictable. You wont find any monumental achievement in production for pulling off a seemingly impossible stunt or task, the soundtrack will most likely not climb the charts of Billboard, and Oscar wont be expecting any of the cast to start dusting off their mantles anytime soon. Bottomline, The movie is simple, plain, and something you'd expect from Walt Disney Pictures, but completely entertaining and very enjoyable. This would be a great film for mom, dad, and the kids to spend quality time together. Enjoy!
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I strongly recommend not missing this one!
1 February 2006
I thought this was such a good film that I even went back to the theater a couple days later to see it a second time. If you liked Underworld, then I can guarantee you'll love the sequel. The story picks up right where the first film left off, except for a brief intro that takes us back like a prequel to build the story a bit more, but then swiftly returns to the present and boldly wages the battle forward. There's ass-kicking, gunfire, a steamy almost nude love scene, lots of blood, and great twists and turns in the story that never leave you bored.

I would have to say the most impressive aspect of this film was the special effects. I thought the transformations from human to Lycan were extraordinary and so believable, it was hard to tell when CGI took over. Another bonus I enjoyed was the smooth transition of the story between the two films, where one ends, two picks up and it all feels like one big story. It wasn't your typical sequel that had a different story, but shared the same title as it's original only adding 'part 2'.

If you haven't seen this film I strongly recommend it, even if your not a fan of the Vampire/Werewolf genre. There is a great story to be told and a unique vision of the world of vampires and werewolves that mixes old school with modern times. See Underworld first then make sure to catch Underworld: Evolution in theaters.
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An effortless story.
1 February 2006
There's not much that can be said about this flop. The only thing this movie had going for it was Martin Lawrence. I didn't find the story very imaginative, nor was there much complexity to the characters. It seemed to me this entire picture was effortlessly thrown together with only one focus in mind, "Big Momma!" The story, characters, and supportive acting certainly left something more to be desired. I even felt sorry for Nia Long who was forced to deliver some poorly written dialog, and I normally find her to be a talented and entertaining actress.

Simply put, there is no other reason to see this film unless you love the comedic antics of Martin Lawrence. It is obvious this story was written around Big Momma, and gave Lawrence the opportunity to 'ham it up' with a character the audience knowingly will laugh out loud too. I can assure you that laughter is a definite and you don't even have to pay a bit of attention to the story. Oh, did I mention Big Momma's House is neither shown, nor mentioned once through this entire film.
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King Kong (2005)
Exciting and truly touching.
14 December 2005
I was born in 1974 so I never had the opportunity to see King Kong on the big screen. The remake starring Jessica Lang premiered in 1976 I believe, and I was obviously unable to catch it that time around. I remember seeing the original with Fay Wray a couple times growing up, and Jessica Lang's version I watched over and over again. I loved the idea of the movie monster somehow becoming the one we rooted for in the end.

I can't begin to explain how much I really enjoyed this film, and how great it was to see one of my favorite movie spectacles for the first time in theaters. Peter Jackson does a phenomenal job with this story and just creates an incredible adventure of motion picture. After the first 30 minutes or so, once the seed is planted, the momentum just keeps growing and never fails to grasp our undivided attention.

So, I say, "don't listen to those who may try to dull King Kong's spotlight, do yourself a favor and see this one in theaters because I guarantee your gonna love it." And I don't care how macho some guys think they are, if you don't shed at least one tear in the last 20 minutes, then you just have no heart at all. Just remember the theaters are dark and no one will see!!
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Not too bad
5 December 2005
I have to give Disney credit, the first time out of the starting gate without Pixar, they didn't do too bad. I think they could have put a little more effort into the story and character building so that the overall impact of the film would have been more rich and flavorful. I kind of felt the story was quick and to the point without much elaboration, leaving me with more of a bland impression. Still, there were some really good laughs, especially that huge pig with tiny feet. The awkward attraction of Chicken Little and the Ugly Duckling was silly, as well as some snappy one-liners shared between C. Little and dad. Overall, the tale was OK, and the animation was great. I think Disney lost formidable storytellers in their split with Pixar, as far as everything else, come on we're talking about the pioneers of animation, I think Disney will be alright. We just need to remind them why we liked Bambi, 101 Dalmatians, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, The Lion King, and many others. They were all works of master storytelling! One final note; the soundtrack for Chicken Little, one song in particular, One Little Slip by the Barenaked Ladies, this song I just need to say was horrible, horrible, horrible and should have 'slipped' off the list of consideration. That's all, Enjoy!
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Æon Flux (2005)
Rushed and Chaotic! This review WILL reveal the plot & twists.
5 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure where to even begin with this one, I found the only thing I could really tolerate from this film were the fight scenes, both hand-to-hand and gunfire, and Charlize Theron's acting. Aside from these two details, I found the film seemed rushed and chaotic in its storyline. I felt they tried to shove way too much information at us, and in no particular order. I felt confused and always found myself asking a friend next to me, Why did.., Who was.., How did.., and What movie did we come to see again? Finally, when I realized they were all clones, then Trevor Goodchild's notes were all destroyed by Orion, only to find out the notes didn't matter because some people were getting pregnant regardless of Trevor's efforts to find a cure for sterility, and did I forget to mention that Aeon was initially on a mission to kill Trevor Goodchild, but we ultimately find that they are on the same side as Aeon betrays her people, and Trevor betrays his brother, Orion, who eventually is the villain. If that doesn't sum it up, then just go see the film. Preferably a matinée, its cheaper! Don't take my word for it cause you never can tell, you just might actually like it. Once again, Charlize Theron. Homer Simpson says it best, "Aaaaaaaagghh!" Enjoy!
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
Predictable, but silly and fun for all!
5 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit disappointed with this one, but it did make me laugh and gave me that sigh of relief and 'aaaahh' in the end. Although the movie was quiet predictable, I would recommend it for the family to watch as a silly holiday film for all to enjoy. I would like to add, however; that this was not a script written to suit the talent of Ryan Reynolds. I think there could have been more thought and effort put into the writing. Anna Faris, Scary Movie 1-3, was definitely the comic relief and delivered a goofy performance much the same as you would expect from the Scary Movie franchise I just hope her next picture casts her in a role with more intelligence. Still, I can say she made me laugh every time she was on screen, except when she sang, WOOOW! Somebody stop her! Anyway, if you like Ryan Reynolds and/or Anna Faris this is just one to check out for the holidays. Enjoy!
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Provocative, Emotional, and Goosebumps Creepy!
10 September 2005
I remember seeing the remake to 'The Amityville Horror' and walking out of the theater feeling fulfilled, it's been a long time since I had to use a Disney movie to dull my imagination before I went to bed, hell, I left a light on that night. A creepy score, some disturbing imagery, and plenty of moments that startle, but not quite scare you are what made Amity spooky, yet in a fun way, a quick adrenaline rush. 'Emily Rose' relies on practically the same method, however; a different level of fear is taunted. 'Amity', also based on true events, still never left you with doubts that what you saw was just a Hollywood scary movie, 'Emily' delves a little deeper and perhaps far too close to our reality by provoking a more conscious awareness to our individual faith, if you believe in God and his ability to directly take care of us, then you have to believe that evil is just as prevalent and is exactly what God protects us from. If the writers, both story and screenplay, stay as true to the actual events as possible and you have faith, I dare you to ponder the possibilities and what if you saw it with your own eyes.

Jennifer Carpenter pulled off demonic possession so convincingly that I had to remind myself, "she's just an actress.", but then again, I don't really see that one everyday! So I'll take their word for it. Backed by terrific writing skills I felt this movie was well worth the buck. Open your mind, emotional drama meets scary with this film and delivers Hmmmm?
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Bad language and violence period. Weak story period.
11 August 2005
OK, I had to look a second time and I'm still scratching my head in disbelief, did this movie seriously get a 7.2 user rating!!! WOW, people please tell me those numbers come from kindness and generosity because this movie only had one great thing going for it, the soundtrack. I love a good 'R' rated film as much as the next guy, filled with language, sex, violence, nudity, hell I'd even prefer 'NC-17', but let the actors have some skills and the writer have a larger vocabulary consisting of more than curse words and slang. I experienced no fear, angst, or disgust and quite frankly I felt insulted that Rob Zombie seems to think all we need is bad language and blunt violence to be entertained. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) cost less money to make and used very little language, although, the blunt violence was there, it was accompanied by a score of disturbing sounds and descent acting. I felt the terror of TCM, I felt mischievous with a smirk of a grin at The Devil's Rejects cause they said a bad word.

Regardless of my opinion on The Devil's Rejects ability to touch it's audience, I do however think Rob Zombie improved from 'Corpses' to 'Rejects' as a Writer and Director. This to me is a good sign because it shows growth as an artist, and someday Rob Zombie is going to scare the hell out of us, I have no doubt, but not with Rejects. Wait for this to hit DVD or HBO!
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A remake that is worthy.
11 August 2005
The Wizard of Oz, Charolette's Web, Mary Poppins, and of course Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory were my favorites as a kid. I remember popping popcorn and spreading my sleeping bag out on the floor directly in front of the television to be sure I had a front row seat for the very rare occurrence of a network special presentation for one of these films. Gene Wilder will always be The Candyman that made the world taste good, and I still hear his voice to this day singing those exact words. Mr. Wilder, you've brought joy and laughter to millions throughout your career, and as far as Hollywood Legends go, you truly are the Everlasting Gobstopper.

Now about this time last year when word of the remake started to circulate the headlines I thought what is happening to Hollywood. You can't just simply remake such a beloved classic. Then word reached my ears that Tim Burton was set to direct and Johnny Depp to star as Mr. Wonka. I then saw hope, for they had chosen an actor I believe could pull off anything, and Johnny Depp delivers a fantastic performance.

The story, with slight alterations at the end, remains practically unchanged. Even the sets and wardrobe hadn't appeared to have strayed too far, however there seemed to be a darker feel or perhaps a sinister undertone to the overall film and specifically the character of Wonka. I'm guessing Director Tim Burton may have put some personal touches on the film that are unique to his dark, but intriguing style. And with the help of such a talented actor, that he obliviously favors, it's really no surprise the end result would dazzle the audience. Depp delivers us a more eccentric and sarcastic Candyman, where Wilder was more enthusiastic, humorous, and witty. Either way, all the pieces fit and a new generation will get to enjoy a wonderfully surreal Chocolate Factory.
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Stealth (2005)
Not the best, but worth checking out!
11 August 2005
I can see where professional critics may not be impressed by this film. It doesn't 'set the bar' or 'push any envelopes', and no we probably wont see Stealth making any waves at the 2006 Academy Awards. However, I found the film to be very entertaining, and though I'm not a critic for EW, MSNBC, MSN, ET, or AP, I do know that I paid very little attention, if any, to the fact that these damn theater seats couldn't possibly get anymore uncomfortable! My point, the film practically had my undivided attention until the final credits, if only I had more M&Ms, and in my opinion if a film captivates you, pulls you in, and removes your concept of time and the alternating numbness that moves from butt cheek to butt cheek, then its worth the time and money spent. The story flows very smoothly and progressively steady until it's climatic release leaving just enough time to wrap up some emotional loose ends, a quick tear or two, then a final laugh so the audience exits with a smile.

The acting, writing, and filming are all done well and incorporated very nicely so you not only see, but you also 'feel' the film. I wont say its one of the best I've ever seen but I'm glad I took the time to check it out on "The Big Screen." Trust no professional critics, ever, always be your own judge! And if you do need to gain some insight or just some simple straight advice, I always find the user comments here at to be most helpful and trustworthy. Why trust anyone who gets paid to voice their politically correct opinionated BULL, when you can get real thoughts from other people, like us, who simply share a common love and enjoyment for the movies and need no paycheck to share the experience. Always speak your mind truthfully and be respectful to the face of opposition, but most importantly enjoy and have fun, its what movies are for. Thanks to you all and enjoy Stealth!
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Batman Begins (2005)
Worth the money spent!!!!
16 June 2005
Give me Superman over Batman any day, I own all the Superman movies and I'm a devoted fan to the series Smallville on The WB, but I have to say "Batman Begins was damn impressive." The 2 hours and 15 mins I sat in the theater went by in a blink, the movie was that good. Keep in mind I love Superman and always frowned on Batman. I use to think, "Batman is no superhero. He's an ordinary man in a bat suit pretending to be a superman." I was wrong! I never properly gave Batman a chance.

This film is packed with action, suspense, and humor from beginning to end and is well worth the money spent. I enjoyed the darker more fierce Batman, and the fact that the movie didn't seem like a parade of circus characters just adds to the films realism. To those of you who would never give this movie a chance, take my advice, go see it. I toast my friend for forcing me to set aside my doubts, because I never would have allowed myself the chance to experience this truly wonderful film. CHEERS to my friend and Christian Bale for doing such a great job as Batman!!!! I still prefer Superman, but I have now made room for Batman. Take an chance and enjoy!!!!!!!!
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Remade to perfection!
27 May 2005
This movie is without a doubt one of the best thrillers I have been to see in a long time. It seems today that Hollywood is in a frenzy to remake as many of the old 1970's and 80's horror classics as they can. The last horror remake that I enjoyed was Dawn of the Dead, though this film wasn't scary, it did pack a punch that made it one hell of an entertaining film. The Amityville Horror original did absolutely nothing for me, but this modernized version with Ryan Reynolds made me leave a light on when I went to bed that night. I recall having to fall asleep to The Disney Channel, if that tells you anything.

This movie was your typical snowball, it started out pleasant and then just kept coming at you getting bigger and bigger and bigger, while I kept sinking further and further and further down into my seat. I don't think I had one fingernail left after the movie was over. All I have to say is, "That's how you make a scary movie!" Don't take my word for it, go and see this film. I promise you'll love it!!!! Oh, and Ladies, there's all kinds of eye candy!
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Technology is foe!
23 May 2005
I wasn't all that impressed with this final definitive installment linking the prequels to the original Star Wars Trilogy, but I still had fun and that's what really counts. Episode I, II, and III by no means comes even close to the magic of IV, V, and VI. I believe technology is to blame, and way too much of it. Lucas abandoned actual live sets for CGI and left his actors with nothing more than a green screen. No matter how technologically advanced our computers become they can never, that's right I said "NEVER", take the place of what is real. It may come close, but life is to precise in its detail to ever be captured completely. The original Star Wars was magic because of the ambition of it's creator and the lack of computer assistance, the greatest things in life will always be found in simplicity. Lucas spent so much time focusing on the computer graphics that he lost the realism needed to touch his audience. I felt incomplete when I left the theater as though the story still wasn't finished, however I still gave this film an 8, heavily influenced by my love for the first three films. If this film stood alone I would give it a 4, and suggest 20th Century Fox to declare a loss. Peter Jackson delivered 100 times better with Return of the King than Lucas and his Sith. I really wanted to love this movie! ):
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The Pacifier (2005)
Family Fun
14 April 2005
Since the 1930's Walt Disney's movie formula has always been the same, triumph over adversity. So it should come as no surprise that predicting the outcome of this story is as easy as, let's say, "grade school math." Think about it, have you ever gone to a Disney Film and not seen the story throw it's characters into the worst possible scenario only to find a quick fix with a lesson to be learned? Oh yeah, there's always that Happy Ending thing too.

I enjoy any film that makes me laugh, whether it be witty humor, or just plain cheesy slap stick. The bottom line is you leave the theater with that warm fuzzy feeling inside that just makes you feel good. The Pacifier will deliver this to it's audience, and you have to admit Vin Diesel in a Disney Picture was a shocker anyway. I'd give the film a 6, and Vin Diesel, aka Riddick , bumps it to an 8. Enjoy!
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Signs (2002)
A spooky message of faith.
8 January 2003
Although the previews make this movie out to be a creepy version of Independence Day, it is nothing of the sort. Yes the movie is about and alien invasion; however, there is by far a deeper meaning to this movie that can be so easily overlooked. It implies the belief that everything happens for a reason. Miracles are not just coincidence, but the act of a higher power. This was such a great movie, all I have to say is just Believe....In your God! Enjoy!
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Van Wilder (2002)
Side-Splitting Comedy
27 December 2002
For those who enjoyed American Pie, hold on to your seats, here comes another one of the high school/college genre films. This movie is one of the most side splitting comedies I have seen in a long time, I laughed so damn hard. Now I will warn you there is one scene in the movie that is not for the weak stomach. Even to this day, some of my friends will fast forward through this particular part of the movie. I'm not going to tell you what it is, but I assure you there will be no mistake when you see what I'm talking about. Hint: You will never look at eclairs the same way ever again! Despite that, I guaranty you will laugh your ass off. Don't miss this film!!!!!!!!! P.S. - Don't sit down to this movie being critical and looking for an Oscar, do it simply just to HAVE FUN!!
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Just plain silly.
27 March 2002
I picked this movie up at the video store because there was nothing else in, so basically it was a last resort. I popped this movie in and by the time it was over I had a pain in my side from laughing so hard. The four models who share one brain, the humping Great Dane, and the crush on the guy who is suspected of just killing someone are all tied together to make a side-splitting comedy. I assure you this movie is a hilarious goodtime. Oh! One more thing. Monica Potter, who plays the lead, is almost a dead ringer for Julia Roberts with blond hair. The way she talks and moves, its uncanny! Just had to throw that in. Watch the movie and see what you think. ENJOY THE SHOW!!!
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