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Loads of fun, but too much comedy. Can't wait for next one.
20 April 2023
I loved the first one, and I really liked this one.

This film didn't have the same vibe as the first one. It felt like it was missing something. Probably because we didn't have to experience the whole discovering my powers phase, which is always a wild ride.

The first film had a lot of comedy which I liked (cause of Levi) and tolerated, it didn't bother me. But this time around they went overboard. So much comedy that I can understand why people might not like it.

It failed to establish a proper identity for itself. It straddled the line between serious and funny, which resulted in the movie being unbalanced.

It's a very formulaic superhero film, but at this point how much originality can we expect. This didn't bother me at all, but it's very evident.

One more negative thing, why was this so long? There is no reason this movie should've been this king. They could have easily chopped off at least 15 minutes. Pacing was seriously lacking in this one.

The villains were very dull and forgettable.

Despite all of this, the story and action made up for all the flaws. This film was more action heavy towards the second half, but that's fine. It's better than being hit over the head with nonstop action.

Pretty much more of the same, it was a fun watch. Can't wait for the next one. But please, less funny and more story/action.

I definitely recommend this.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 6/10.
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More of the same. A little less mystery this time around.
12 April 2023
More of the same with subtle differences from part 1. The main thing I noticed was the lack of actual deaths. It felt like hardly anything happened in that regard.

This film was packed with action. My score is based almost solely on the amount of action. My favorite scene was the van chase scene.

I didn't like how the story played out, I felt like there was no real struggle in figuring out who the kidnappers were. Everything seemed so easy this time around.

The Eiffel Tower scene was kind of lame, but at the same time it was fun. I think it dragged down the movie a bit.

Not much more you can honestly say about this one.

This is a popcorn flick, you turn it on and just chill. It's loads of fun. If you liked the first one, then you'll like this one as well. I'd recommend it.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 6/10.
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Surprisingly Good. Kept me guessing until the very end.
9 April 2023
This movie totally flew over my head when it was originally released. I only checked this out because I want to watch part 2. But I'm really glad I saw it either way, it was a good time.

I went into this cold, didn't see the trailer or anything.

Let me start by being honest, they kept me guessing until the very end. I had no idea who the killer really was. I particularly enjoyed the little twist they added in the end.

The story is easy to follow and all of the characters actually made it interesting. They followed all of the the typical mystery movie troupes. I love me a good whodunnit.

The film follows Sandler and Anniston as they are the center of all the action. They spend the entire trying to prove their innocence. They have a bunch of mishaps that are usually accompanied by something comedic.

This movie just whizzed on by, it was over quickly. Maybe this is something I felt because I got so into it. The runtime was very manageable and not bloated like most movies.

The film looked gorgeous, and the backdrop was to die for. (No pun intended.)

Sandler and Anniston have really good onscreen chemistry together. It actually felt like they were really married.

Definitely not a ground breaking movie, but it was boat loads of fun. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

This gets a LennyReviewz score of: 6/10.
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Tetris (2023)
Fascinating watching. Highly recommend.
7 April 2023
Fascinating watch. I was vaguely aware of all the problems that Tetris had, but I could never have imagined that it was this deep.

The movie gets going right away, and never lets up. It's a back and fourth type of situation, which leaves you at the edge of your seat for the entire ride. They go back and fourth with a deal, no deal, insert backstab, now another deal, and etc etc. They eventually come to an agreement at the end. That adequately sums up this film.

This movie shows just how deeply messed up communist Russia was. All the secrecy, lies, and paranoia mad everyone act crazy. Some lies eventually caught up to people and they paid for it at the end. (Not a spoiler at all.)

The greed of the Robert Stein and the Maxwells, led to the eventual outcome. If you do business the right way, then you will usually come out ahead. It's just good karma.

I wish they would've chopped off a few minutes. However entertaining that it was, I think it was about 15 minutes too long.

Taron Egerton did a phenomenal job with role. (So underrated in my opinion.) He was just so convincing and a pleasure to watch. Everyone in the film was spot on. This movie was very well casted, from Taron down to all the Russians.

A very interesting story overall, and definitely worth a watch. Highly recommend it.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 7/10.
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Tár (2022)
An absolute BORE! Pretentious as can be. - SKIP AT ALL COST
18 March 2023
A pretentious and an abhorrent bore. Good God this was a tough movie to get through. Just when you thought that the movie was going to get going, it lets you down yet again.

I wouldn't say that this is unwatchable, but it certainly takes a lot of work to get through. It's a chore to finish.

This film solely relies on the acting chops of Cate Blanchett. As talented as she may be, she is not someone who can command this amount of attention out of me.

It wraps up so quickly at the end, that they could've easily cut the runtime down. They should've, this was an awful film.

I would strongly advise to skip this crap.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 1/10.
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Eh. I've seen this type of film before. Fun flick though
15 March 2023
First time ever watching this. Probably the last time as well. I don't understand the fascination with this film. It's simply a mediocre film at best.

That first scene was really hard to get through. But having seen the entire film now, I understand why it was necessary. It introduces us to the main three characters and gives us a preview of the struggles each one is going through.

Jim (Dean) is struggling with the fact that his father is weak, and always feels like he needs to prove himself. Judy (Wood) is at odds with the fact that her father doesn't love her as much because she is growing up. Plato (Mineo) is seeking the love a parental figure because his parents have practically abandoned him.

Each character finds something they are missing within the scope of the other characters. So the three of them essentially become a family. Simple enough story, but maybe I've seen the teenager tropes in so many movies throughout my life that this seems like just another movie.

I feel like James Dean severely overacted at certain times and it really turned me off to it all. I feel Like Natalie Wood was the star in this. She just caught my attention and it felt right. Mineo was half way decent, a bit whiny for my liking, but cool.

Films of this era are so simple and straightforward, with many films copying the style. I guess this movie doesn't resonate more with me, because I feel like I've seen this same (or similar) situation before.

All in all, it's a perfectly watchable movie. Typical teenager issues arise, and some serious consequences are paid at the end.

I wouldn't feel bad about recommending this film, especially since it's considered a classic.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 6/10.
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Instant Classic. Gut wrenching look at why war is horrible
11 March 2023
Everything about this movie was just perfect.

Note: I've never read the book or seen any iteration of this, so everything was new to me.

Let's start with the obvious, the cinematography is perfect. All the lights, scenes, shots, colors and everything was just absolutely stunning.

The sound was very next level. This is something I barely notice most of the time, but it felt so different in this movie. The sound just seemed to feel stronger and intense. The sound of bullets,

The makeup is also something that stood out to me. There was one scene in particular that really resonated with me. The scene where Paul is in the trench after crossing to the French side, and he has a mixture of grass and dirt on his face. The green in the grass stood out and almost made him look like Groot.

The film really emphasizes just how horrible war is. To begin, the uniforms they receive are from dead soldiers. Any food they eat, is almost like a feast for them. They see so many deaths at such a rapid pace, and become desensitized to it all. So much suffering on both sides. All the dead bodies piled up, is really a sight to see.

All the actors did a phenomenal job. They played their roles perfectly. Everyone had great chemistry together, especially Paul and Tjaden. I loved how their friendship played out. Kudos to the casting director.

The movie has a nice pace to it. There are breaks from the actual war, so it's not always boom boom boom.

The war ends for everyone, but the Germans weren't so lucky. The ending to this was just gut wrenching. Like seriously? At that point in time? Horrible luck.

This film will stand the test of time and will forever be great. All the factors that play into what a "great movie" is, this film has it.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 10/10.
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Middle Men (2009)
It's like Casino, but with the internet. Surprisingly Good
10 March 2023
What a great surprise this was, don't know how this slipped by me when it was released.

Quick Side Note: I'm surprised Giovanni Ribisi isn't in more things. He's a solid actor.

This movie checks off all the boxes of what a good film should have. Really surprised that this isn't talked about more.

Felt like this movie was inspired by Casino. It had all the same elements and was presented in pretty much the same manner. Only difference is that Casino dealt with mafia stuff and this dealt with the internet boom. (Well this had a mafia element as well.) The similarities are uncanny.

The story flows nicely with no drag and kept you engaged. Luke Wilson isn't what I would call a good actor (unless Wes Anderson is directing him), but he is decent in this. His narration was really good. This movie has a few laughable and oh crap moments. You'll definitely be entertained.

The movie shows what it was like for a credit card billing company in the early days of the internet. An idea so simple that I'm surprised no one had thought of it until that point.

They faced a few obstacles at first and were expanding too fast. They got help from the Russian mob and you can kind of guess how it all went down.

This movie shows that you need to be careful who you do business with. Also, it matters how you conduct business.

This is what you would classify as a popcorn movie. Just sit back, relax and enjoy. I would recommend it to anyone looking to kill some time after a long week at work.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 6/10.
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Whoever made this need to face the music. Absolutely horrible
6 March 2023
The only people who should face the music, are the people who made this abomination of a movie. It was a good old fashioned stinker.

They tried too hard to make it relevant for the modern day viewer, but fell flat on their faces. Those girls were annoying. There was no reason for this movie to exist.

They did manage to connect it with Bogus Journey in a very good way. I loved seeing Death again. I thought the angle of them going ahead in time was pretty neat. Everything else was just bloody awful.

Crappy film, and most heinous. Really forgettable and just a total waste of time. We don't need anymore Bill and Ted movies.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 2/10.
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On par or even slightly better than original.
5 March 2023
Another most excellent adventure from our two friends from San Dimas, California , Bill S. Preston Esquire and Ted Theodore Logan.

This time around, the excellent ones are killed by evil robot versions of themselves and need to escape hell, with the help of a new friend, Death.

I honestly think that this movie is on par or even slightly better than the original. The new characters, the elaborate adventure, and it's funny.

Two scenes stand out for me, the possession scene and the scene in Heaven. The actors who were possessed, just frigging nailed it. It was most excellent for sure. The Heaven scene was just enjoyable for me, don't know how to describe it.

This movie is pretty much more of the same, but just slightly better. A most enjoyable form of entertainment.

This is a much watch. Not many sequels are this good.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 8/10.
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A most excellent adventure. A most classic comedy in cinematic history.
4 March 2023
What a most excellent adventure. The best in the lot. One of the best comedies of the 80s.

Haven't seen this movie in ages. Let me tell you one thing, it still holds up well. I love me some time travel movies.

Having a phone booth as the vessel, was a genius movie. You always see some sort of vehicle be the Time Machine, so this was a most excellent touch.

This was well written, well acted, and given the time period, the special effects were decent. Reeves and Winter had excellent onscreen chemistry. (Good to know that they are really good friends in real life.) They somehow were able to get out of every situation, because the future them had already thought of the solution.

There is never a dull moment in this one. Perfect runtime as well.

Being a history buff myself, I loved watching them travel to the different periods of time. My favorite, was the Napoleon scene. The most memorable scene of the movie for me (and tons of people) was the mall scene. Oh man, it was pure chaos and so much fun. Very, very, very 80s but done oh so well.

I always felt like Rufus (George Carlin) should have been more involved somehow. I don't know how they could've pulled it off, but I just wanted more from his character.

Well my dudes, this was a most excellent movie and you should definitely watch it if you haven't. If you haven't watched it yet, then what's wrong with you?

Don't forget to Always be excellent to each other.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 8/10.
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Fun Film that gets ruined with a weird ending. Still good though.
4 March 2023
I suggest you watch this again, with no preconceived thoughts, and an open mind. You should like this. It's good.

I've never understood the hate that this movie gets. It's really good, minus the ending and Shia LaBeouf.

It follows the tried and true Indiana Jones formula (obviously). It had a bunch of action, a decent story line, decent acting (minus LaBeouf), and gorgeous sets.

One thing that made me smile was the return of Karen Allen. Ford and Allen have such good on screen chemistry, that bringing her back was a no brainer. She was also involved In the other side story with Indy. That line that Indy drops on Marion when he is about to escape the truck, was very deep.

The whole story behind the crystals was very interesting. I'll admit, John Hurts character did over do it a bit much. But that's just me being nit-picky.

I like how they began the movie by visiting the old warehouse. That was a very nice touch.

We get tons of action in this one. I have two favorite scenes in this film. First favorite was when Indy was in the fake city, and they detonated a nuclear bomb and he went flying. It was funny and the vastness of the scenery, really drew me in.

My second favorite scene, surprise, surprise, the jungle fight scene. This scene is just so epic. So many elements have to come together to make this scene work, and they all do. Despite my dislike for LaBeouf as an actor, he killed it in this scene.

The movie had some very nice film locations and set designs. The city of gold looked awesome. The deserted houses in Area 51 looked nice.

The ending for this just is just so weird and out there. I think when people think about this installment, they think about how strange the end is and forget how good the rest of the film is.

All in all, if you like any of the other Indiana Jones movies, then you should like this. It's essentially the same movie, just with a weird ending.

Definitely check this out, it's Indiana Jones for crying out loud.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 7/10.
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Great adventure. Any Indiana Jones movie is great.
4 March 2023
Another adventure from the great Indiana Jones.

Not my favorite in the bunch, but still a very enjoyable film. It follows the typical Indiana Jones formula.

I like how the movie opens up and shows us Indy as a young man. This was obviously done to set up the story, amongst other things.

Even though it isn't my favorite Indy film, I think it has the best quest. It's not very intense, and I would dare say mild, but the story is great. We actually got two adventures in this film. The mission to find the father, and the quest for the Holy Grail.

I could've done without the character of Elsa Schneider. The fact that she seduced, both father and son, was extremely disgusting to me.

My favorite scene was definitely when they were captured in the house and this led to the motorcycle chase. The way they escaped was fun to watch, and seeing Indy navigate the motorcycle with a sidecar was cool.

Come to think about it, I might like this film more than I thought. I'll rewatch the entire series later on in the year and review again.

Do I recommend this? Of course I do, it's Indiana Jones silly.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 6/10.
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A sequel that surpasses the original. - Obligatory Viewing- my favorite in the franchise.
1 March 2023
The adventure continues with Indiana Jones. This is by far, my favorite in the series. Also, I've watched this the most throughout my life.

Before this viewing, I never noticed that Temple of Doom takes place before Raiders. I also never noticed that the name of the Club was Obi Wan. I also never noticed that Dan Aykroyd had a cameo.

The opening scene was very interesting, in that, it felt more like something out of James Bond rather than Indiana Jones. But no worries, soon after they leave the club, they stick to the Indiana Jones formula.

Having seen the movie so many times, but through kids eyes, I never noticed how dark the movie is. The Thuggee using kids as slaves was absolutely horrific.

The Thuggee ceremony scene (1st one) has always fascinated me. The setting, colors, sounds, and everything about it, just really stood out to me. Not to mention the heart being ripped out of the chest. I wonder if the makers of Mortal Kombat, got Kano's fatality from this scene.

Short Round, was such a good addition for Indiana Jones in this one. His support really helped Indy, in so many ways. It was very touching when he told Indy that he loves him after getting slapped. You could really hear it in his voice.

The mine car chase is just so iconic at this point. So for me to say that it's one of my favorite scenes in the movie is really not saying anything at all.

Temple of Doom, despite being my favorite, is far from perfect. I acknowledge this. I never cared for the Willie Scott character. She didn't add anything at all, she was just filler.

I really love this franchise. You should as well. This is obligatory viewing.

This film gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 9/10.
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Part of Cinematic History!!! Harrison Ford is Indiana Jones first and foremost. Any other role is secondary.
1 March 2023
When I look at Harrison Ford, I think Indiana Jones first and Han Solo second.

An Iconic film franchise, that's still going strong today. We kick it off with this classic first entry: Raiders of The Lost Ark.

Let me start off by saying, any film in which the Nazis get their butts kicked, is already a great film.

The charisma and intelligence of Indiana Jones makes him a very easy character to like. Right from the get go, we see him at the tail end of an adventure. We see what he is capable of, and we find out his biggest fear. He hates snakes.

Raiders is an action heavy in the first half of the movie and in my opinion, they find the Ark way too easy. It becomes a "catch me if you can" in the second half of the movie. This is essentially what I call the Indiana Jones formula. All the films follow this formula, maybe not in order, but they do the same thing. That isn't a bad thing, but I'll admit, it's very formulaic and kind of predictable.

My favorite scene in Raiders has always been the market scene and the final scene. The sword versus gun bit, always puts a smile on my face. The faces melting and explosions in the final scene is part of cinematic history.

You can really tell Harrison Ford loves playing the role. He really shines as Indy. His supporting cast in this one does a phenomenal job as well. The chemistry between him and Karen Allen is undeniable. John Rhys-Davies (played Sallah) and Denholm Elliot (played Dr. Marcus Brody), are such good characters as well (albeit very minor).

Indiana Jones is part of cinematic history, as such it is required viewing for anyone with a brain.

This film gets a Lenny Reviewz Score of: 8.5/10.
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Prison 77 (2022)
What a Gem. Great acting by everyone involved.
1 March 2023
What a gem.

I found out about this movie while I was in a rabbit hole on Wikipedia. I'm sure glad I found it, and decided to watch it.

This movie is about people imprisoned during an era of extreme censorship and repression. (If they spoke out against Franco in anyway, they would be imprisoned.) Only, the regime went down and everyone is still locked up. They wanted to get amnesty for their crimes and fought for that. They also wanted to get treated better.

The main character lands in prison and is mistreated from the get go. He complains about the mistreatment and garners attention from the other inmates. Many of them can't read and enlist him to join the amnesty cause. He becomes the unofficial leader and faces a bunch obstacles inbetween.

It's a very interesting watch. The kind of movie that just keeps your eyes glued to the screen. Never a dull moment in this one.

The passionate acting from all parties, makes this a must watch. Everyone played their roles perfectly.

I highly recommend this one. Make sure you watch in the original language (Spain Spanish), makes a difference. (To me anyways)

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 8/10.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
Didn't connect with me in this first viewing.
1 March 2023
Some things should just be left alone. This movie was completely unnecessary.

I feel like the film tries too hard to be like the Shining. In my opinion, it never really established its identity. Stuck between the girl and Danny. It's almost like, who is the main character here?

The film gave off an 80s vibe, but in a bad way. You know, bad guys chase good guys, and good guy eventually wins. Plus, you have to have your quintessential kid as one of the heroes.

I felt like 75% of the movie was just an elaborate buildup, to just arrive at the Overlook. All of that nonsense, for those few minutes at the hotel.

I didn't connect with this film. I don't hate it and I don't love it. I will rewatch this again at some point and reevaluate.

Should you watch this? If you're a hardcore fan of the Shining, then yes. If you're just an admirer of the film, then do yourself a favor and skip this.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 5/10.
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The Shining (1980)
Not as good as I remembered. I saw a short version of the film. Will rewatch soon.
1 March 2023
In all honesty, this was only my second time ever watching this. I felt like I might have watched a different version of the film this time. I didn't connect to it as much this time around, and it was a lot shorter.

I absolutely love how the film opens up. That opening shot in the mountains, was just beautifully done.

I've always heard about how Shelley Duvall was bitter about this movie cause of the way she was treated and that all the accolades fell on Jack. She has no right to be mad about that. In my opinion, she doesn't deserve any praise for this role. Her performance was mediocre and forgettable. She should be happy that people remember her at all.

We all know that this movie is all about Jack. He was a walking highlight reel in this role. He did no wrong in this movie. His subtle facial expressions, his breathing, the way he walked, every little thing he did was just spot on.

My favorite scene was the confrontation between Jack and Wendy in the Colorado room. Jack mimics Wendy, and repeats the "as soon as possible" line.

After this second viewing, I currently feel like this movie isn't worth all the hype. I need to watch the regular long version again in a few months, and write another review.

Do I seriously need to recommend this film? Of course you should watch this. Just make sure you're watching the king cut.

This film gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 7/10.
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Extremely Dull. Finn Wolfhard isn't a good actor. - SKIP THIS
28 February 2023
The movie never really went anywhere. It was the tale of a mom and son drifting apart, that's pretty much it.

The son is a total self absorbed Gen Z kid, looking to make a name for himself as a singer. The Mom is totally aloof and married to her job.

They each fill the void they feel with something. The son fills his void by trying to win over the girl of his dreams with his music. The Mom fills her void by befriending a boy (her sons age) at her shelter and treating him like a son. I'm sure you can guess what happens at the end.

Everything is just so dull in this movie. The acting isn't great at all. Finn Wolfhard is okay in Stranger Things, but not here. In all honesty, I don't think he's a good actor. He isn't likable. Julianne Moore is capable of better.

All in all, I would say to skip this movie. It's so dull and just not worth watching. If you must watch, don't say I didn't warn you.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 3/10.
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That's what she said, I don't mind. - A MUST WATCH FOR ANY STROKES FANS
25 February 2023
As a fan of The Strokes from Day 1, this was a must watch for me. Of course, I absolutely loved it.

I never knew Albert's struggles went that deep. I learned so much about more about the band and appreciate them so much more now.

As a native New Yorker, I remember the time period when this was all going on. The city still had a special vibe to it. There was something special in the air. All of it is gone now. You basically have to almost be a millionaire to live really nice and rents are out of this world.

But for that period in time The Strokes had revived the NYC rock scene, and were on top of the world. At one point they were labeled, "the new kings of rock." Some people have even suggested that they saved Rock N Roll. Bold statement, but in my eyes, very true.

The pressure they faced after "Is This It" dropped is enough to drive anyone crazy. Julian was really tough on the guys, especially Albert it seems.

I have some love for the Yea Yea Yeahs, but mostly cause of the energy that Karen O brings. I didn't know much about how they came up, but it was very interesting to find out in the documentary.

All the other bands shown were of no interest to me, so I won't bother mentioning them.

This is a very informative watch, and pure nostalgia. The time breezes on by, no drag whatsoever. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

Apologies for this write up. Wasn't really a review, just some random thoughts about the doc.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 9/10.
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Wish I could give it a 0. - THIS ISN'T A MOVIE.
25 February 2023
This is not a movie.

Okay, so the story behind this "film" goes like this. The studio supposedly went bankrupt while this was in production. As a result, only about 30 minutes was actually shot.

In 2012, someone pieced together footage from the other films and made it into what we ultimately got. What we got was one big "flashback" of things we already saw.

There's exactly one original scene in this and it occurred within the last 5 minutes. That scene was total crap as well.



This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 1/10***

***I would give it a 0 if I could.***
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Atrocious. That Alan character was so painful to watch.
25 February 2023
What a horrible film.

My my, the mighty have fallen. What was a really good franchise, got a bit tarnished with this latest edition. I don't understand why modern Hollywood has such a hard time making decent remakes/reimagining movies.

That Alan character was just insufferable. He deserved all the treatment that he got. I mean just look at how he acted. It was so painful whenever he was on screen. Truly and utterly annoying to the max. Ugh.

This film actually has a plot, no really it does. Shocker I know. It revolves around Alan being bullied by a good portion of the campers. Everyone who was killed, was killed because they bullied Alan.

The film had a few decent kills. There was one death where a guy had his penis ripped off while being tied to a tree. In another death, the guy was eaten alive, from the inside out, by rats. That was a disgusting/awesome one to see. In another kill, a bed of spikes fell on top of a girl. In the final kill, the victim was skinned alive. Pretty awesome visual for that last one.

I'm iffy about recommending this one, because that Alan character was painful to watch. If you just want to kill time and watch some cool kills, then by all means, check it out. If not, then skip this. You can always just watch all the kills on some YouTube videos.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 2/10.
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Instant Classic, on par with original. - SO MANY KILLS!!
20 February 2023
It really shouldn't be this good, but it definitely was.

It felt like it had an extremely high kill count. At one point in the movie, I was literally saying to myself, damn.

Angela somehow finds herself back at camp, and you know what happens next. At first I thought she had a code that she would go by before deciding to kill, but I was wrong. She just kills at random, whenever the mood strikes. It struck her a lot in this film.

I love how she just kills so casually and in a nonchalant way. She acts so normal about it, a real psychopath if you ask me.

It's your usual step up of kids at camp, and all the accompanying shenanigans. So the plot, and everything else doesn't matter here. The people were pretty cool and somewhat relatable. I like the vibe I got from the actors in this one. What matters most are the kills.

In this film my three favorite kills are as follows. First, was the mutilation of the girl with a power drill while in a car. The girl literally asks Angela, "what are you looking for, a gun?" She replies, no a drill and kills her. The blood splatter was really well done here, and her facial expression made it comical even.

My second favorite kill, was when she lured the girl to the abandoned cabin, stabbed her in the back a few times and suffocated her in the porta potty. It was disgusting to watch and I could almost smell it through my TV. A really interesting and memorable kill, that's for sure.

My third favorite kill was really simple in all honesty. But it felt really freaking painful. It was when she threw battery acid on the guys face inside the abandoned cabin. Simple and effective, but oh so deadly.

I like how they paid homage to Jason Voorhess, Freddy Krueger, and Leatherface. Given the time period, it was a very appropriate thing to do. It was a nice touch.

All in all, this follow was an amazing follow up to the classic original. In my eyes, this too is also a classic. So much fun, and so much blood.

I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to sit back and watch a movie where they don't really need to think. Just plain ole fun and guts.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 9/10.
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A special movie. It works on so many levels. Definition of Classic. (1st time watcher)
18 February 2023
What a great movie!!!!

I think I may have seen this before and just don't remember it, I can't recall. But I'm sure glad I saw it now.

The summer camp setting is such a perfect place for these movies. It just works. It has space for the killer to move, and the woods provide an excellent backdrop for killing.

It has your typical vibe of early 80s kids. Rambunctious, drugged up, extremely horny and very mean to other kids. All of which played a factor in why the killer killed.

I like how the kills were very simple (for the most part) in nature, but still very effective. The two kills that stood out to me were, the stung to death by bees, and the curling iron one. Didn't think anyone could us bees in such a nasty way. The curling iron one was just downright ingenious and painful.

Knowing nothing about the film, the last scene (which seems to be pretty famous) totally shocked me. It would've never occurred to me to think that.

All in all, this movie (and hopefully the franchise) ranks up there as the best slasher film I've ever seen. A true delight to watch. Simple and straightforward, yet still able to provide a decent amount of gore/suspense/thrill. This is definitely a classic in my book.

I'm going to watch all the films in the franchise and hope they stack up well to the original.

This is a no brainer. You have to watch this.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 9/10.
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Freaky (2020)
Shouldn't be as good as it was. Very entertaining
18 February 2023
I saw this with the intention of crapping on it because I hate Vince Vaughn as an actor. I was dead wrong about this one.

But I was pleasantly surprised, this was a good watch. The kills were really nice, and bloody. The pacing was excellent. The acting was just okay, but the story was interesting enough that it didn't really matter.

It wasn't a completely original story/plot, but they added little things which really spiced it up. Everything from the first scene, and down to the credits was well executed.

I have two kill scenes that really stood out in my mind. There was one scene in which a girl was placed in a cryogenic chamber and frozen to death. When the door was opened, she shattered into many many pieces. So cool and original. The second scene was when she (really he) sawed her wood shop teach in half. You see everything and it was such so bada**.

A very enjoyable film that's definitely worth watching. It's shouldn't be this good, but it definitely was. Go check it out.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 7/10.
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