
7 Reviews
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Probably The worst christmas film ?
5 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I kinda enjoyed the film at the beginning (when they focused on each characters story alone) but it was boring and/or weird sometimes, like that scene where the parents had a conversation in the car about how they first met (boring) or when that weird kid tried to flirt with the girl at the mall and they started smooching in a gross way (that meant to be funny ?) ??

The most thing that pissed me off about this film is probably the couples that met at the airport meeting, she is the most miserable human ever and he keeps falling for her it's really annoying throughout the film.

I wish they would've focused on the sisters relationship or the parents problem for example.

And why would everbody makeout infront of each other ? Is that supposed to make me laugh ?, but all in all this film had some potential, at the beginning the story is great and could've been so much better but they decided to wrap up everything with the family making out and that dork chasing after that misrable woman.

From the family gathering and onward is what made give it a 1, REALLY bad .
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Barnyard (2006)
I don't know why people hate it
4 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how it got a 5, I mean it's just a silly film that is meant to be funny and i think it managed to do that, it's comedy after all what did you expect from the poster of the film ? It's not perfect of course but it gives some laughs, they could've made the film a lot funnier with the characters and the story that are given, i wished if they focused on comedy a little bit more throughout because it just feels like an odd mix of emotions from the father's death to silly dancing and loud music, if you expect something legendary this isn't for you, if you want to change the mood and/or laugh a little this film is for you.
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Treasure Island (1978–1987)
I don't know how to feel about it
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First of all why does jim keeps admiring silver even though he's a murderer and never cared for his life?, yes he did hate him for a while, but then he goes back to casually call him a "friend" even after 10 years of what happened and him being an adult he should've realized how he was manipulated ... i really liked the series throughout it was very well made, but the ending made me regret wasting 10 hours of my life...

The ending it's not satisfying to say the least, for example i expected silver getting jail time for the crimes he committed and jim growing up to realize who silver really was, or some sort of back-story for silvers past for why is he very mysterious or something like that, but NO instead they make jim desperately adore the murderer who betrayed and manipulated him ... and he was still searching for him even after 10 years, not only that but the bad guy (silver) gets rewarded at the end and he takes his "share" of the treasure, silver is a really interesting character and i really like these type of villains, but he shouldn't be rewarded for his irredeemable actions, so yeah that's the ending .. basically the protaginist AND the antagonist both lived happily ever after, the only diffrence here is that the antagonist gets rewarded, admired and praised, and the protagonist is chasing after a murderer.

Ok i don't wanna over-talk this but i'm just gonna say that i might've over exaggerated my reaction at first ...

I mean i kinda understand why jim admired silver .. he's smart, he's good at playing a persona, and most of the time he's quiet, therefore you can't really tell if he's evil or not, i really understand that ok? ... but the ending is still disappointing the bad guy didn't get punished, instead he got rewarded for his irredeemable actions.

I really liked the series throughout but the ending is REALLY bad, i was gonna give it a 5 but i'm really enraged while i'm writing this cuz i just finished the show, it's a 3.

I'm not sure if this anime is taken from a real story but it wouldn't change my opinion that much.
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It was boring
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really like asian themed films in general, i also like some idea's in the film like the giant eyeballs deep in the ocean and paper origami that's alive...

But nothing about the story or the characters was exciting, i mean they didn't give us a deep look into the kids background in an intersting way they just keep talking about it throughout the film, this film doesn't have it's own charm the idea of it is very overused and this film doesn't add anything special to it in my opinion, also there is no world building they just gave us the kid playing his instrument in the village and his interaction with that grandma i think it would've been nice if they gave us a better look in the village, i also feel like the film have a very fast storyline i mean they started with the action and adventure scenes without giving us a better and more interesting look into the kids life, his surroundings and background, i also feel like the characters were very limited, just 3 main characters through most of the film and they didn't meet anybody throughout their journey except the villains which limits the world that the film is based on, it's basically fast paced, limited world / characters ...
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2 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I do not know what this film is trying to tell, kids beauty pageants are bad?, Strong family connection? , either way it failed doing that, i mean i would've liked to see the film (for example) surrounding the uncle getting better with his mental health with the family, or the family having better understanding of eachother throughtout the trip or something like that, i think it's a great idea to make the film about kids beauty pageants but around 70% of the film was the family on the road and they didn't have any specific dynamic, and that's why i think it's boring.

Just a small thing i wanna add the family is weird and kinda mean, i mean the uncle tells the little girl about suicide and the mother encourages that, the father makes his daughter (a kid) insecure about her body etc..., like is this supposed to be funny ?
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Sugar Sugar Rune (2005–2006)
Bad world building ... too many plot devices
23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so i'm gonna start with the good stuff, i really like the aesthetics of this anime, the different characters and their features (vanilla -soft and nice- robin -the careless attractive assistant- etc...), the cute lil girly outfits, and the simple idea of magic, you could do so many things with that, right?

1- world building

This anime is a miss, there are no rules or regulations for the magic that's used, chocola and vanilla would cast random spells whenever they want that would probably do literally anything (infinitely-no stamina-), they made people fly, made their own café etc... i mean i would like to see them trainig for using magic and to give us more insight about what and what not in the magic world that would've been intersting.

2-bad plot devices

I feel like this show wants to move everthing towards a certain plot no matter what, even if it means murdering character development, vanilla throughout the whole anime has been the nicest character and best friend with chocola since forever but all of a sudden for a minor inconvenience she AGREED to be evil, leave her one and only friend and oppose against her homeland and everything she grew up with, they could've used SO many other ways to write that, like cast an evil spell on vanilla to FORCE her to be the queen or make that leader of the members be the queen instead of vanilla, but no they decided to murder her character, as if her friendship with chocola meant nothing.

3-annoying characters

i really don't know what's the point of that mouse and frog, they literally don't do anything except being annoying, they didn't even try to make them interesting, it might've been nice if they give us a glimpse of their past.

4-silly jokes

I just hate it when there is (for example) a heart-felt scene and there is a random silly joke out of nowhere, it happens a lot during this anime and it pisses me off, like there is so much room for jokes don't make it interfere with the story line.

5-I don't know what to name this

When vanilla went with Pierre and started changing chocola didn't seem concerned at all she just cried when she tried to save her but then she continued her life normally as if her lifelong bestfriend was not missing i know she couldn't save her at first but still she didn't even seem concerned ... i mean she sacrified her heart for pierre even though he tried to kill her so many times and in one episode everyone noticed she looked so lonely and sad when she was thinking about him, kinda breaks her character i think.
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I think it's the worst horror film ever
8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is so bad, all the characters had the worst reactions ever, for example when the first victims boyfriend got brutally murdered right infornt of him he didn't get ptsd, he didn't cry, he kept watching silently as she slowly dies then he screamed a little bit and that's it, the friend group is flat they don't show us them having any emotions or ptsd from what's happening around them, i also remember in one of the scenes the protaginist literally smiled when her friend died in the prison scene, was i the only one who saw that? Also why is she so rude to her mother? All she did was care for her ... i mean yeah she drinks a lot but she's not a bad mother, and glen.. just like others in the friend group he doesn't have any reaction for his surroundings i mean his two friends where brutally murdered even if they weren't that close they didn't show us any scenes of him crying, being scared or even worried for his own girlfriend that told him she didn't sleep for 7 days! He just snuck up to her home and then ignored her afterwards, the father and daughter's reaction to the mother dying is dry as hell, and the ending.. what?? I really don't get it, i liked the happy ending for a moment until they got us that weird twist, there are so many other things that are wrong with this film but I'm tired .. i'm just baffled that this film's rating is 7.
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