
6 Reviews
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Greatly underrated
18 October 2022
I thought this was a worthy entry in the LOTR world. I found it better than the Hobbit movies and almost as good as the LOTR movies. The acting, the writing, the special effects and just the overall look were all top notch. I watched the entire show in 2 days. Couldn't wait to see where it went and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. I'm honestly stunned that the show doesn't have a much higher rating, but we live in a society that loves to tear things down just because that's the way the wind is blowing at the moment. I think there was a rush to judge this quickly and it deserves much more praise than it is getting.

Can't wait for Season 2!
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Dune (2021)
Wonderful adaptation of a sprawling, deep story
23 October 2021
I'm a huge fan of the Dune novels, so I was cautiously optimistic about this adaptation. At last, we have a great adaptation that captures the spirit of the novels without dumbing down the source material. Frank Herbert would have been proud. Everything from direction, to cinematography, to acting, to score -- and everything else under the hot desert sun -- adds to the depth of the setting. I can't wait for part 2 when this story really takes off.
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A Tarantino stage play
4 January 2016
Personally, I thought this movie was yet another Tarantino classic. The dialog is as crisp and clever and sprawling as it is in his other movies, and the characters are just a blast. Make no mistake -- this is a fun movie even at three hours. My entire family ventured out for the 70mm roadshow experience. While I enjoyed the movie, I have to admit that I didn't really see much of a difference in the 70mm presentation. I don't know if that's a product of having seen it on a less than optimal screen, or perhaps I just didn't see much of a difference. Certainly, it did not detract from the experience. If you like Tarantino's other films, you'll enjoy how this hearkens back to Reservoir Dogs in that the story is mostly contained in one location and therefore relies entirely on its excellent dialog and characters to unfold the story. Go see this. I highly recommend it.
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Absolutely Brilliant
28 April 2011
I knew I loved this movie, but after revisiting it after about a decade, it still stands up -- No, it more than stands up. Like a good wine, it actually gets better with age. I just watched it with my 13-year old son, a budding film enthusiast, and he just flat-out loved it. Great story, top-of-the-line performances by Portman, Reno and Oldman, wonderful direction. Even the music is great! What more can I say? This stands the test of time and stands proudly among the best ever made. This time around, I was particularly impressed with the artistic mixture of drama, action and comedy. Besson knows exactly where the camera should be at all times to tell an entertaining, gripping and touching story that is both daring and caring. Hard to do!
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Mary and Max (2009)
Great story, great animation, great wit
13 March 2011
Quite simply one of the best animated features I have ever seen. I laughed, I cried, I was surprised (and that is difficult to do). I've seen a lot of movies, but I was quite literally left speechless by the boldness of the story, the witty tongue-in-cheek narration and the spot-on timing from start to finish. I plan on recommending this movie to anyone who I think will appreciate the sly combination of dark humor and uplifting central story. As a writer myself, I know how difficult it is to walk the line between humor and drama without falling to one side or the other. I can't say enough about my feelings for this film. I've written very few reviews, but felt compelled to write something about this gem. My highest marks. Extraordinary film-making!
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Excellent spin on the time travel genre
30 March 2010
I was a little skeptical when I heard the name of this movie, but it actually turned out to be very funny. The laughs were all in the right spots, hit the right notes, and kept on coming. What more can you ask for in a comedy? What I particularly enjoyed was how they played off the clichés that are usually associated with time travel movies. Also, the eighties references weren't ridiculous; they were just enough to make it work, and it seems like the writers did a lot of weeding to pick only the jokes that worked. Very refreshing since there are so many idiotic comedies that think they're more funny than they are. John Cusack was good as always, and the rest of the cast did an excellent job. In fact, I think I could safely say that this was not a John Cusack movie, but rather an ensemble movie that didn't really have a weak link. There were also a few moments (I won't spoil them) that were excellent references and surprises. This one is a must-see if you just want to have a fun night out and laugh.
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