Excellent spin on the time travel genre
30 March 2010
I was a little skeptical when I heard the name of this movie, but it actually turned out to be very funny. The laughs were all in the right spots, hit the right notes, and kept on coming. What more can you ask for in a comedy? What I particularly enjoyed was how they played off the clichés that are usually associated with time travel movies. Also, the eighties references weren't ridiculous; they were just enough to make it work, and it seems like the writers did a lot of weeding to pick only the jokes that worked. Very refreshing since there are so many idiotic comedies that think they're more funny than they are. John Cusack was good as always, and the rest of the cast did an excellent job. In fact, I think I could safely say that this was not a John Cusack movie, but rather an ensemble movie that didn't really have a weak link. There were also a few moments (I won't spoil them) that were excellent references and surprises. This one is a must-see if you just want to have a fun night out and laugh.
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