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Underrated Comedy Gold!
11 March 2021
Being a massive Edward Furlong fan (my favorite movie of all-time being 1991's Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and 1998's American History X being one of my favorites too) i decided to give the film a watch. only thing i'll say is: don't listen to the critics and negative reviews. this movie is easily the funniest i've watched in years, the soundtrack is an absolute BEAST (if you're into Hard Rock and Heavy Metal give it a listen too!), the plot is some of the finest comedy i've seen in a long time. truly an underrated gem - 8/10, a definite must-watch for any comedy and rock n' roll fans!
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watch Terminator: Genisys with low expectations and you'll like it more!
19 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While i am probably in the minority to have really enjoyed this movie, i do accept that it is largely flawed. my main problems with the movie are: *(minor) the lack of a colon in the title, same goes for Salvation. *Jai Courtney is severely miscast as Kyle Reese, lacking the seriousness and charisma of Michael Biehn's portrayal) *the film's PG-13 rating like Salvation's, rather than being R-rated. *the marketing campaign for the movie revealing arguably the BIGGEST twist in the trailers, the twist being that John Connor has been transformed into a villainous terminator himself. *some of the campiness of the film is a bit cringeworthy at times (some of the jokes and misused callbacks to the earlier movies). *the lack of using more practical effects than CGI, something the first 4 Terminator films were using pretty well. *not being directed as a sequel to Terminator: Salvation. would have been nice to see a sense of continuity!

the film comes in second-last place in the franchise for me, last place being Salvation. although there are a huge bunch of mistakes/flaws in the film, i can still really enjoy it after 5 years, like any Terminator movie really. the film gets a 7.5/10 from me, half a star more than Salvation. if you're going to go see this film, whether it be at a friend's, on DVD or somewhere on the internet - don't judge it by the standards of the previous, much better Terminator films (T1, T2) - watch it with low expectations and it'll sit with you a lot better!
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A Salvation 4 Terminator?
17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
While i do rank Terminator: Salvation in last place in the Terminator franchise, this is by no means a bad movie, giving it a 7/10! the movie finally tries to show the post-Judgment Day future war we always longed to see since T1. the machines are perfectly executed, with the T-800 endoskeleton in the film's last act looking amazing - you can hardly tell which parts are CGI the practical effects look so good! the one thing i LOVE about this movie is that the film uses the original approach to making a Terminator film - using mostly practical effects and CGI sparingly, something Genisys and Dark Fate lack a bit. the Harvester machine and Hunter-Killers make my jaw drop everytime! in the middle of the movie John is shown still listening to You Could Be Mine after almost 25 years, i think that is a pretty neat callback to T2!

Christian Bale takes over the role of John Connor, previously portrayed by Nick Stahl as a young adult and Edward Furlong as a child. you really feel the stress and emotions the war has had on him! the late Anton Yelchin is perfectly cast as a teenage Kyle Reese, even looking a bit like a younger Michael Biehn!

my only problems with this film are: *(minor) problem - the lack of the colon in the title. *the film's PG-13 rating, rather than being R rated. *the plot being a bit slow at times. *the future war in this movie isn't the war-torn landscape with plasma lasers flying through the night. we are rather given a daytime desert landscape. Kyle specifically states in T1 that the machines hunt better at night, but this one takes place mostly during the daytime.

still - the film is an enjoyable one, and i would have loved to see the remaining 2 films of this trilogy come to fruition!
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T3 - A Movie A Lot Better Than People Give It Credit For.
16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having watched the original Terminator, its sequel T2: Judgment Day and T3: Rise of the Machines at 7/8 (and T2 being my all-time favourite movie!), i will always feel nostalgia when rewatching this one. While the first 2 are helmed as classics in the sci-fi and action genres, T3 and its 3 successors Salvation, Genisys and Dark Fate bring up many debates between Terminator fans.

After having destroyed Cyberdyne's research in T2, John Connor lives off the grid in the year 2004. A new model Terminator designated the T-X is sent from the year 2032 to find and terminate as many of his future Resistance lieutenants as possible, including his future wife Kate Brewster. Unfortunately for John the T-X locates him, being its primary target. John and Kate are rescued by an updated T-800 - the T-850. Now they must evade the T-X and stop Judgment Day once again.

T3 is far better than most people give it credit for. Many people site this movie's portrayal of John as one of the main problems - but it only makes sense that John is portrayed as angst-ridden and not as confident as his T2 counterpart, having been told his whole life that he will become the leader of the Resistance, but not happening yet.

My only main gripes with this movie are the lack of blue hue James Cameron used in the first 2 films, and minor continuity errors (John saying he was 13 when the T-1000 attacked him, despite T2 clearly showing that he was 10. John saying Cyberdyne was destroyed "over 10 years ago", despite T2 taking place in June 1995 and T3 taking place in July 2004. Several DVDs and IMDb say that John is 22/23/25, although taking place in 2004 makes John 19).

While i would have loved to see Linda Hamilton back as Sarah Connor in this movie, it's never really bothered me all that much. Give T3 a chance, it really isn't as bad as people make it out to be.

For me T3 gets a 7.5/10! Give it a chance!
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The Terminator - 36 Years Later
23 March 2020
36 years later this movie is still a cinematic masterpiece. though released in 1984, the movie has definitely stood the test of time.

Arnold Schwarzenegger plays the T-800 so well that it has become his most recognized movie role! Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn as Sarah Connor and battle-hardened soldier Kyle Reese have excellent chemistry together. you really feel the danger that both of them are in, especially in the movie's last act.

James Cameron delivered not only a great sci-fi-horror-action movie, but one of the greatest movies in history. having watched this as early as 7/8 years old, along with its sequels Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, the Terminator franchise has become one of my top 3 favourite franchises of all time! a definite 9.5/10 from me! a must-see for every science fiction and action fan.
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Doesn't Deserve All the Unnecessary Hate At All!
5 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Terminator has been my favourite movie franchise of all time since i was 7/8, with T2: Judgment Day being my all-time favourite movie. i've loved every single movie, as well as the TV show The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Terminator: Dark Fate is a really solid movie! i watched it in the cinema in October - and i wasn't a bit disappointed! i've watched it at least 10 times since, even buying the DVD this week and rewatching it. this movie delivers on a story-standpoint, on its amazing action set pieces and character development! Linda Hamilton's portrayal as a hardened seasoned Sarah Connor, Gabriel Luna's menacing new villain Rev-9, along with Mackenzie Davis' badass character Grace, and of course the legend that is Arnold Schwarzenegger - by god they all deliver in this action-packed gem!

while nothing will ever top the high bar set by T2, or even the original, Dark Fate comes close and sits right behind them! while the opening scene might upset long-time fans a bit, DO NOT LET IT INFLUENCE YOUR TIME WATCHING THIS MOVIE! there's a lot of people saying this is "the worst Terminator", "get woke go broke", blah blah blah - it doesn't even NEAR deserve all the hate it gets! if IMDb let reviewers give half stars, i would absolutely rate this movie a solid 8.5/10! never has Terminator felt this good since 1991 - and i love every entry!
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A Film Accurately Portraying the Intensity of Racism
4 March 2020
This film is just... wow. knowing Edward Furlong from the Terminator franchise and Terminator 2: Judgment Day being my favourite film of all time (10/10!), i gave this one a view expecting an intense film... and by god does it deliver!

Furlong's and Norton's brotherly dynamic is a heartfelt one. their portrayals are amazing! this gem should definitely be seen by everyone. racism in the US has always been a severe problem, and this film shows just how much of a problem it is.

everyone should watch this movie in their teens. racism isn't born, it's implanted into people's minds by others and it just grows from there on. the colossal impact racism has on humanity is frightening, totally unnecessary and life-ruining.

this film gets a serious 10/10 from me. even my mother watched it with me and loves it aswell! Furlong and Norton definitely deserved the awards they won with American History X. a truly great movie!
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H20 - The Best Halloween Sequel!
25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just... wow. H20, despite it's stupid but funny title, is the best sequel of the Halloween franchise. disregarding every movie after 1981's Halloween II, H20 should have been the end of the franchise.

the movie takes place 20 years after Halloween and Halloween II. Jamie Lee Curtis' portrayal of a deeply traumatized and haunted Laurie Strode is beautiful. Steve Minor, known for being among the many directors in the Friday the 13th franchise, delivers on every aspect in this movie.

my only complaint about this movie would have to be Michael Myers' mask in some shots. during the production about 4 masks were used - one of them being a horrible looking CGI mask, presumably put on during reshoots of scenes. if these were left out or edited better it would have been so much better.

what really makes this my all time favourite Halloween sequel is the action-packed ending. Laurie finally confronts the evil that is her brother, taking matters into her own hands. this is really portrayed so much better than the 60 year old Laurie in Halloween 2018. this Laurie did it first - and better. the film's eventual 2002 sequel Halloween: Resurrection, in my books, doesn't exist. H20's ending is so powerful that it negates any sequel after this.

anyone who reads negative reviews of Halloween: H20 - give the movie a chance. it is a real treat, still 22 years later. (H20-22?)
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T2 - The Greatest Action Movie Of All Time!
25 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Terminator 2 has and always will be my favourite movie of all time. not only is it a compelling story, but the visual effects and the CGI still hold up almost 30 years later! the CGI of a movie which came out in 1991 is still more realistic than movies from 2020!

the movie's characters are likeable, charismatic and total badasses! from Edward Furlong's 10 year old John Connor, to Arnold Schwarzenegger's all time best portrayal of the T-800, to the frightening realism of Robert Patrick's villainous T-1000 - this movie has it all!

what really puts this movie above every other sequel in movie franchises is that it is a natural progression of the character arcs created in 1984's The Terminator. James Cameron, for me at his peak, created a beautiful, impactful and simultaneously menacing sequel all in one. the action never stops. you really feel what the characters are going through.

the first time i saw this movie was 14 years ago, when i was 8. ever since then it's been my favourite of every movie in the industry. i am definitely in the minority when i say that i love every single Terminator movie to date. people give the later sequels released after T2 so much more hate than they deserve. the characters take fate into their own hands by the end of the movie. although i love every movie in this long-running franchise - there will never be a Terminator movie able to beat T2. T2 is Terminator at its highest and mightiest. an absolute 10 out of 10.
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Hours (2013)
Hours - A Heartfelt Drama-Thriller.
23 February 2020
This film is an absolute treat! any fan of Paul Walker should definitely give this movie a watch. a heartfelt drama-thriller showcasing just how much a father is willing to give to keep his daughter alive. if anyone sees any negative reviews - don't buy into them. this movie is definitely one of Walker's best portrayals throughout his filmography!
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