
9 Reviews
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Great movie
7 January 2006
There are a lot of good movies that are overlooked. Green Street Hooligans is really great and for some reason the reviewers from movie magazines didn't say some good things about it. Elijah Wood proves that he can act and breakout of his Hobbit image. He gives a strong performance. I don't think any former child star could have played such a demanding role than Wood. I don't think Macualay Culkin could do it. I was shocked to discover that the director of this film is a woman. Lexi Alexander did a good job in this movie and it's a good thing this movie came out in the U.S and U.K cinemas. Elijah Wood Fans should see this. I know they will like it.
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A very risking and dangerous movie to make.
8 November 2005
I love this movie, Like Play Misty For Me this is a different kind of Clint Eastwood movie which is not a western or a cop movie. This is an espionage thriller with a surprise ending. He plays an assassin who comes out of retirement to avenge the death of his friend. In order to catch the unidentified killer he must participate in a mountain climbing expedition which the killer is also participating. Clint really took a big chance while making this movie. He did all the dangerous mountain climbing stunts. If I was directing and starring in a movie I wouldn't do a stunt that is dangerous. I urge Clint Eastwood fans to watch this movie, they won't be disappointed.
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This movie sucks and rip off to black hawk down
22 October 2005
I am from Nigeria, and I am so disgusted of the way the story of Nigeria was told. Nigeria is not in a middle of a civil war. It is a peaceful country. It is not like the African country in Black Hawk Down, that one really happened because I know about it, but in this dreadful movie, everything was so made up. That asshole Antoine Faruq knows nothing of Nigeria and he calls himself an African American, He is just an American who is an African wannabe. The cast including Bruce Willis knows nothing about Nigeria as well. When I watched his interview and heard what he said about the country, I was very angry. I decided to renounce the Bruce Willis fan club.

If you're from Nigeria or are close friends to Nigerians, don't watch this movie.
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The best World War II action adventure
22 July 2000
This movie was really excellent I couldn't stop watching it, the action was great and all the shooting was terrific. Bo Svenson and Fred Williamson were two of my favorite action heroes of the 70s. My favorite part in the movie was when Svenson was in the train and he set the bomb to blow up the train station where the Germans were waiting for him. If you are a 70s action fan then watch this movie.
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Fist of Fury (1972)
Bruce Lee's best performance in a best revenge movie.
7 July 2000
After seeing Fists Of Fury(a.k.a The Big Boss) on T.V, I was surprised that they showed his next movie The Chinese Connections(a.k.a Fist Of Fury) and I really enjoyed and I still love it, Bruce Lee was amazing, and his martial art skills were terrific, but what really amazed me the most was seeing him beating the s**t out of those japanese people, and fighting that Russian. This is the best movie Bruce Lee has made before starring in Enter The Dragon, and if you're a Bruce Lee fan please watch this movie, you'll love this.
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The Big Boss (1971)
Bruce Lee's breakthrough performance.
7 July 2000
This was Bruce Lee's first leading role and the movie was a huge hit for his career. The Americans call it Fists Of Fury, but where I come from we call it The Big Boss and I refer this title to the American one. This movie really influence me when I was a 8 years old, and I was really crazy about kung fu and Bruce Lee which he became my hero. The Big Boss is a great movie and I kept watching it for 12 years and then after that I got tired of it, but when I watched the American version known as Fists Of Fury I found out that there were some scenes which wasn't shown on the British version, and it has made me refused to stop watching it and helped me to continue to enjoy it.
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Charlton Heston is excellent and James Franciscus is terrific
4 July 2000
When I was 6 years old I saw this movie before watching the first Planet Of The Apes and I found it very interesting, It was the best sci-fi thriller I've ever seen, and I've never stopped watching. Eventhough I've seen the first one ten years later and I still like this one better. When I saw the beginning of it I see Charlton Heston for the second time after seeing him in El Cid, I see him looking at the damaged Statue of Liberty and hear him shouting "Damn you all to hell" I asked my dad what was wrong with him and he explained to me that in the first one Astronaut Taylor(Heston) thought he landed on another planet ruled by talking apes, but discovered that he has really landed on earth after seeing that statue. I really loved the action and suspense and there was a great performance by James Franciscus who plays Brent searching for Taylor. I love all the scenes in the movie especially the one where those half humans, half mutants remove their masks and show their ugly faces. I disagree that they rated it G, it should be rated R or PG-13 because of all the violent scenes. My brothers and I were surprised of the way it ended. Some people may not recommend it but it is better than the last three sequels.
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A violent movie that I'll never forget.
2 July 2000
I remember watching this movie when I was about 8 or 9 years old. It was so brutal and disturbing and what scared me is kids playing with a dead body. I had no idea why they were killing their elders or pursuing two tourists, I was just too just too scared but I was brave enough to watch the movie till the end so that I could see if the tourists would escape from the island. I wouldn't let kids under 18 watch this, because it totally a bad influence to them.
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The Goonies (1985)
Spielberg and Donner's best work since E.T and Superman
1 July 2000
I really enjoyed this movie, it was one of the best 80's adventure movie I've ever seen. The storyline was great, the musical theme was terrific, and the actors in it were funny and well performed. I liked the way the seven teenagers calls themselves The Goonies, I don't know what it means but it sounds like a perfect nickname. I liked all the charaters including Mouth, Andy, and Brand but my favourite is Data played by Jonathan Ke Quan, he was really funny and hilirious, using all those gadgets as if he's Inspector Gadget. Kids will love this movie and I would also recommend other Steven Speilberg and Richard Donner's movies like E.T, Superman, and Jurassic Park.
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