
58 Reviews
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Good follow up to the first
26 June 2000
Okay the first Nightmare On Elm Street film is a classic. And the second one sucked. As far as I'm concerned this part 2 should never have happened and this one part 3 should have taken its place for a sequel. This movie brings back Heather Langenkamp ,John Saxon,and of course Robert Englund, and was written by Wes Craven. Those 4 factors always seem to make a good Nightmare movie. Rent this or buy it because you'll want to see it over and over again.
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A good idea gone bad
23 June 2000
After the crappy Halloween 3 the fans of the series thought that the Halloween series was really dead. But hey, they made this movie bringing back Michael, the great Donald Pleasence and an okay story line. However all these things can't make up for the bad acting and very bad ending. But if your a fan of the Halloween movies this one is better than "The Curse Of Michael Myers" right?
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Jim Carrey's best
22 June 2000
I have to say that I wasn't a huge fan of Andy Kaufman but after I saw this movie Jim Carrey kind of opened my eyes to Andy's creativness. This movie is a real eye opener and should be seen by everyone who enjoys a good comedy and drama too.
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This movie is really far fetched
22 June 2000
This movie is really far fetched. First off the fans are introduced to a "man in black" and it takes the writers almost 7 years after this movie to give the "man in black" a purpose. Anyway Michael Myers gets a soft spot which screws up what made this series so good. A monster who doesn't have any emotion. This movie gives him emotion.The only good part about this movie is of course the return of Donald Pleasence. Other than that its just another mindless sequel.
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The Faculty (1998)
Good sci-fi flick
11 June 2000
The Faculty is a well written and directed science fiction movie. The acting is well done as well. Since the movie Scream came out movie studio's have done what they could to find the next "Scream" and all those studio's have failed. However Dimension Films (which also made the Scream movies) find original ideas and make the movie as good as they can and The Faculty is a fine example of that.
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Better than parts 2 and 4
21 May 2000
First off there never should have been sequels to the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre I think most fans of the film will agree with me on that. Second if I had to choose a good sequel that came out of the sequels I would have to say that this one is the best. It brings back elements from the original such as being stalked in the woods, and the killers have half a brain too. If you have seen the first one and want to check out any of the sequels, check this one out. Avoid the others. But if you can help it, avoid this one too.
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My second all time favorite movie
17 May 2000
This movie is one of the best movies of the 20 century. This movie keeps the viewers on the edge of their seats until the ending credits. Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster give great performences and the director gives us 100% of good movie making. This movie gets a 10 out of 10.
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Not a bad sequel
17 May 2000
Hellbound: Hellraiser 2 picks up where the first one left off which is something I like about sequels. But as this movie goes on, all we see is gore that we really don't need, and a confusing story. The ending is really bad, but hey what did you expect from the guy who helped write the next two very bad Hellraiser films. We as fans should have seen this coming.
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Drowning Mona (2000)
An OK comedy
13 May 2000
This movie had a bunch of very talented actors at their best but I wondered if any of them read the script. Don't get me wrong this movie had some very funny scenes but that is it. Although Bette Midler and William Fichtner are very funny and give 100% of their skills. This is a movie to see on a rainy night or if your looking for a few laughs.
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Freddy turns to comedy
13 May 2000
I liked the first nightmare movie because Freddy was a dark evil man, and even though the second movie sucked Freddy still had that scary image. The 3rd one was good and Freddy had a few good jokes but for the most part he was still dark. Now we see a Freddy Kruger meets Jim Carry and it kills Freddy's image. Sure Robert Englund is great as Freddy, but they should have kept the evil image that Wes Craven gave to the character.
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I Still hate this movie
29 April 2000
Next to Halloween Season of The Witch this is the worst sequel in horror history. Once again Jennifer Love and her Boyfriend are being stalked by a killer with a hook for a hand. How these two people manage to live through out the movie is a shock. The plot in this movie blows and the acting is half-assed. This makes the first one look like a great movie which its not. I give this movie a 2/10.
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A real ride
29 April 2000
Star Wars Episode 1 is a great start to the new Star Wars Trilogy. This movie has the best special effects of any movie I have ever seen and the story is a great too. The lightsaber battle between the two Jedi and the Sith is the best part. George Lucus gives the viewers of this movie what he gave viewers almost 25 years ago, and that is a movie masterpiece that will last for years to come.
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What is it with made for video movies?
29 April 2000
Sometimes I just wonder why they even bother. This direct to video sequel to the excellent movie From Dusk Till Dawn has bad special effects, bad acting, and a bad story line. The only thing that links this movie to the original is the Bar. Stay away from this baby. Its not worth a dollar.
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Titanic (1997)
What a piece of crap this was
29 April 2000
I must be the only person on Earth who hated this movie. It was long and boring. If you can stand sitting for 3 and a half hours just watching Leonardo Dicaprio complain because he's in love with a girl thats too classy for him, then this is the movie for you. The only reason this made so much money was because of that Dicaprio guy and not the fact it was a good movie. If you want to see a good movie that involves a ship sinking at the end, watch Jaws. At least that had excitement. I have to say this is one of the worst movies I have ever seen >
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The Game (1997)
Great Movie
29 April 2000
The Game is a great movie that never quits and its a good thing it doesn't because that just would have made the movie suck. I could not keep my eyes off the screen as soon as it started and the ending will leave you speechless. Rent it or buy it as long as you see it.
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Critters 3 (1991)
Better than part 2 I'll give it that
29 April 2000
Okay I was a big fan of the first Critters movie. In fact I love it with a passion, but the sequels are bad. This one isn't the worst. I would have to say that this is the best sequel that came out of the series. Plays more of a comedy than a Science Fiction-Horror flick but hey what are you going to do?
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Beverly Hills, 90210 (1990–2000)
Been watching it ever since it aired
29 April 2000
I have to say that this is a great TV show. I've been watching it since the day it first aired and since than its been something I look forward to watching. This show has characters that can relate to almost anyone and thats enjoyable. Its really upsetting that this wonderful show only has 2 more episodes until its gone for good. For a while I thought that this show would be around forever. It will be greatly missed by all the fans.
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Almost as good as the first
29 April 2000
Usually when it comes to sequels to good movie's, well the sequels always seem to suck. Not in this case though. Fright Night 2 has the same humor and horror as the first and Roddy McDowall is once again great as the "Fearless Vampire Killer". This time around the vampire that Roddy McDowall's character killed off in the first has a long lost sister who wants revenge. A great follow up to the first so go check it out.
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The Simpsons (1989– )
Best TV Show EVER!!
29 April 2000
This show never gives you anything less than what you expect. It is filled with funny characters such as Homer Simpson, his boss Mr. Burns, and every so often a funny Sideshow Bob. The guest stars are even funny. If you haven't seen this show you should tune in, and I know that you'll be hooked.
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Hellraiser (1987)
Gory fun
29 April 2000
This movie is great. This movie gives the viewers scares, and disgust. That is what makes for a good horror movie. The movie doesn't get into boring dialog and stupid stuff like that to make it longer and the acting is great. The movie is about a puzzle box that can summon up demons from Hell and as one man learns its not as cool as it sounds. This movie is not just another Friday the 13th and stupid slasher flicks like that. Its a original story and I give it a 9/10
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Stand by Me (1986)
One of the Director's best
29 April 2000
This movie gets a 10/10 in my book. Stand By Me is a story 4 friends who go on a "journey" to find a missing dead boy. This was adapted from a Steven King story and I must say that this is also the best movie that has ever been made into a movie from a Steven King story. This movie makes any teenage boy that see's it be grateful for the friends he has. Very well directed and very well written and most of all, very well acted.
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Fright Night (1985)
Cool Vampire movie
29 April 2000
This is one of the best vampire movies I have seen in a long time. It combines comedy, as well as horror. The acting is great and the effects are too. A boy learns that his next door neighbor is a vampire and so he calls upon the help of a movie star (Roddy McDowall who is wonderful in this movie) who kills vampires on his own TV show. A great flick that everyone should see.
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The best of its time
29 April 2000
This movie was made during a time when every movie studio in the world was trying to rip off "Halloween" and horror movie fans were in for a treat when this very original movie came out. A man with a burned face and knifes for fingers enters the dreams of teens to get his revenge on the parents that killed him years back. Wes Craven has written a marvelous script and directed a marvelous movie. Robert Englund is great as the scary Freddy Kruger. A classic movie so check it out.
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Sigourney Weaver does it again
28 April 2000
Once again Sigourney Weaver stars in another wonderful Alien movie. One thing that makes the Ailen movies so great is you get characters that you like or hate and each movie has its own special features. This one is another example of what makes a good Alien movie a Good Alien movie. This time around you see Sigourney Weaver's character Ripley as a not so nice girl. Weaver does some great acting in this film and I strongly suggest people to see it.
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Want a stupid sequel, watch this
28 April 2000
After losing his mother (in a very stupid death scene) a young boy moves in with his father in a small Maine Town. There the boy and one of his friends start bringing dead people left and right. Need I say more. If they knew they were going to make a sequel they could have used some of the original characters. At least they as much as I hate to say it, could act somewhat. This movie has so much gore in it, it gives new meaning to the word slasher flick. Avoid this baby at all costs. Even if your a fan of the first one (and god knows there are a few of you out there)just make up a sequel in your own mind. I'm sure you could do a better job.
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