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Worth a rainy afternoon...
15 September 2007
Just saw this film at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival). The director was there and participated in the Q&A. The film was entertaining, I'll give it that much, however the major problems stem from it just doesn't feel like the film-making team really knew what kind of film they wanted to make. The tone is muddled and therefore you're never really sure how to feel about most of the situations. The sex scenes are probably the most interesting of the film, and mostly because that's really the only time where we really see the characters and what they're going through. Cynthia Nixon and John Leguzamo play a married couple, and although they're both cast well and play the parts well I find it very hard to believe them as a couple at all. I think that the writing and portrayal of their characters is fine, it just doesn't fit. The director/writer seems to prefer going after internal conflict rather than external, the main problem is that in the end we never really get a sense of how this whole story has affected everyone. We're left on a very vague not that I think hurts the film more than helps it. That and it kinda/sorta felt like a newer take on 'Pizza Boy' with Patrick Dempsy (and from a marketing point MILFS are way more interesting than... oh my... FILFs?)
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Snapped (2005 Video)
Inspiring to Young Filmmakers
15 July 2005
It's inspiring in the way that when you see something like this you can't help but smile to yourself thinking, if something THIS bad gets made then I might just have a future.

I pride myself in trying to see some good in every film I watch, however this is easily one of the worst films I've ever seen. The acting is wooden and two-dimensional at best. The characters are all stereotypes. The plot feels recycled, predictable, and unmotivated. There's no point to any of this. It's shot like it's a student film with no real motivation or idea as to what they want to evoke as far as emotions go in their cinematography.

This film made no attempt to make me FEEL anything, not happy or sad, not even frightened or anxious. THAT is what the point of cinema is, to experience something. And to quote one of the characters, "This wasn't an experience."
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Spree (2001)
A bowl full of not-quite rotten cherries.
26 February 2002
I saw "Spree" as part of a private screening for an awards show and it was one of the short films that had stood out for me.

It shows that the young writer/director possess' a talent that can shine behind that of the short film format. Strong perfromances from an amateur cast and they worked well with what they had to work with. Not bad. Not quite ripe, but far from rotten.
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The Gospel According to Steven King and Frank Darabont...
19 December 1999
First off I must say that this was, hands down, an amazing film - there can be no argument about that. Beautifully acted, directed and written, now all of that aside can this movie be seen as anything other than a re-telling of the New Testament set in a prison??? John Coffey, first off let's look at the man's initial's for starters, excluding the fact that Paul (Tom Hanks) tells us that he's God's mircale worker, it looks pretty obvious as to the real identity of who Michael Duncan was playing :). Next we have the apostle, aka prison gaurds, with Paul playing the role of Peter, who denies John Coffey the chance at freedom three times - and his punishment is to watch everyone die. (which I found to be the high point of the film). Our beloved mouse-killer Percy is Judas, and Wild Bill and the french guy that owned Mr. Jingles were the two criminals that died with Jesus on the mountain - one of who asks for forgiveness, the other who doubts him. Now as for Mr. Jingle - is he perhaps God himself? Who knows.... This movie is hands down the #1 film of the year so far, still waiting for "Man on the Moon" to open - Hanks was stellar but not Oscar worthy - defintly up to par with "Shawshank" it not only meets Darabont's previous attempt, but destroys it.
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What was anyone thinking? Is garbage the new excellence peak?
10 October 1999
What is everyone thinking that praises this movie as an outstanding masterpiece? This was not some great movie about the GREAT Americans, weither Stone meant it to be or not I'll tell you what this movie was about. This movie was about some trigger-happy war loving kid who wanted nothing more than to defend his country, without even looking into it he goes to 'see some action' and then, after he gets paralized and realizes that his life doesn't mean anything he starts to get mad. But who does he get mad at? Not himself. He gets mad because people 'lied' to him... the answers were there if he would have looked for them. Instead he's wheeling around for the whole movie feeling sorry for himself and expecting someone to give him a helping hand when it's his own fault. No one MADE him go to war. No one MADE him take that second bullet. And instead of getting on with his life and accepting that HE made a mistake he expects people to feel sorry for himself. His friend offers him a legit job and he pretty much spits it in his face. And where does this climax [that takes WAY too long] end up? With him going out to make a speech that we never hear. This movie is a far cry from being anything close to outstanding, and unless Stone was going for what I've said in this review than he failed miserably much like some of his other pictures.
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Movies at there best!
2 August 1999
I walked out of this movie not knowing what to think, a few of my friends were quessy from the stedicam work and my mind played for a question of wiether or not I had enjoyed this film. It wasn't until this afternoon that I had an answer, I didn't like this film. I LOVED IT. There was so much to it - we saw it as a bad-camp video [you know what they are like] and we saw the characters as just that - real people as opposed to actors following a carefully monitered script. We saw real emotions and all of the people involved in the production need to be commended greatly. Not only is this the best horror/suspence film of our time it measures up as one of THEE best films in general. All of the horror that this movie had to offer was the build-up and your after-thoughts. The conclusion is perfect - see this movie as soon as you can. It is amazing. We should be seeing the name Blair Witch at the Oscars this year.
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American Pie (1999)
A joyride of emotions and hormones.
10 July 1999
This was not the amazing comedy that it boasted to be. It was very funny and had the lewd humor to it that was expected from it's previews but it had more depth to it. An actual crafted plot. What really saved the movie for me was that at the end the boys realized that sex wasn't all as important as they were making it out to be and called the pact off - then all went and had sex anyway. I really liked the mini lesson on how you can never really prepare - it should just happen. The montage at the end was beautifully crafted. This is a funny date-movie. There are some pretty gross sections in the movies - but you'll see them coming, it's just waiting for them to happen is what it is all about. Eugene Levy was excellent in this as the Dad who wants to tell his son and seem cool at the same time. Although highly unrealistic at times the film showed some the morals that all movies about students should - I'm not going to say what they are - you'll have to find them for yourself.
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Not what I expected - IT WAS GOOD!!!
4 July 1999
I was kinda forced into seeing this movie, and I've watched the odd episode of South Park so I knew that there would be the regular d**k and fart jokes that went along with that kind of humour. But the whole time before the movie I couldn't stop thinking - how the hell are they gonna fill an hour and a half without getting boring and stupid - well, to my surprise they did it. I was very impressed the way they handled a plot and their characters. Although the language was very profane [but then again what do you expect from a South Park movie], they knew that to impress the audience they had to cover some new offensive ground and boy did they ever do it - I believe that Mr. Garrison walked away with the best line referring to women and his fear of them due to PMS. The movie clearly made fun of it's self with their cleaverly made "Terrance and Phillip" those crazy canucks. I am Canadian and so was the audience I was in and they loved it - there was some huge Canadain mocking but we're strong enough not to worry ABOOT it. [inside joke]. The whole movie was a comedic attack on the parents that boycott the television series from their children, anyone who doesn't see this is definitly blind. All in all it was definitly a worth seeing movie. It was rude, tasteless, racist and offensive - everything an episode of South Park should be.
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A different type of military cover-up movie
3 July 1999
This was a very interesting movie with some amazing actors fueling it. I went to this movie expecting it to be another bad movie about military cover-ups, and while it was about that - it wasn't a bad movie - I actually really enjoyed it. James Woods, who I normally despise had the coolest character in the whole film - while John Travolta's was also very interesting, and he was good as usual [thank you again Tarantino for having the brains to bring him BACK!!!]. Madeline Stowe was also really good but I've seen her play that character before... many, many times. The plot was not overly complicated and easy to follow - signs of good pacing from a decent director, it was an excellent tale of revenge - I enjoyed it - and if you normally don't like these types of movies - then ignore what you consider these types - because it isn't - it's on it's own class.
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Good laughs but not enough new ones
20 June 1999
Here it is - flat out. The movie was really funny, I won't deny that. But if it is stuck up beside its original it pales by comparison. The opening scene was annoyingly corny. I think this movie was also corny, the other one wasn't - this one was definitely full or corn. Also I was overly annoyed by the use and talk of other movies - too too many references, let's find a plot somewhere. The two new bad guys: Mini-Me and Fat Bastard were outstanding. They added a lot to the film's comedy. The movie ended in a definite set-up up for a third film - I really do not want them to do a third film. Some of the really really really funny jokes from the first one were made overdone this time - the key rule to a sequel is breaking new ground. There was no ground broken here. The Sshh becoming Zip-it was the best carryover joke, and the best new joke was finding other words for the male genitalia. Go see the movie - it's a nice laugh, try not to expect to much because that will ruin it for you - just see it as a comedy. And if anyone from NEW LINE is here please promise me this... if you promise to continue the series - do it well, not just for money and empty laughs... do it for new grounds and good laughs.
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"There's nothing to do when you're locked in a vacancy"
18 June 1999
The Breakfast Club opens with a simple quote from David Bowie that talks about the way that the youth are treated. This is what the generality of the movie is about. I love this movie, as should everyone that ever went to highschool. John Hughs clearly lays out five stereotypes that are given in every educational institute. The way the movie progresses is brilliant, the characters don't sell out to each other and their are no false emotions. These people spend a whole day together and speak of their greatest humiliations and talk about stuff they normally wouldn't, and then when a simple question is asked. "Will we still be friends on Monday, if we're friends now that is?". This gives the perfect set-up for a cheesy hollywood ending, but the characters are true to themselves and their stereotypes.

The scene with the janitor and Vernon is outstanding as he learns that if he keeps up his attitude towards students that there will be no one to look after him in his old age, we learn so much from these students: humanity, humilty, trust... it's a film for the ages. This movie will stand the test of time, and I'm glad that it is one that proves that you don't need big expensive sets and outragious special effects, all you need is a good story with good people to tell it - that is the fundamental of film and John Hughes has caught it in his 1:45 min of running time, I just wish he would make more movies like this and leave the Home Alone series to hacks like it should be. This is THE HIGHSCHOOL movie. Never pass up the chance to see it.
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Jon, Daniel, Cristian, Cameron and Jeanne light up the screen
12 June 1999
We start out with a seemingly innocent bachelor party with five friends and end up with six dead people, two men confined to a wheelchair, two bratty kids, and a crazy suburban housewife. It's an interesting tale with a definite black comedy to it. The cast was just outstanding as you started to see each character on their own merit - things, at times, seemed fairly obvious and you could see much of the plot coming, but you didn't care - it was a joyous romp, Jon Favru is amazing as always along with the rest of the cast - this movie was full of unsympathetic characters, but actors that helped to make you feel sorry for them. It was an excellent romp and joyride that shows you should never have a slippery bathroom floor!
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A Dreamer's Love Song
25 May 1999
A very touching tale and moving classic - having never read the play itself I felt intuned as to the characters and plot as it unfolded in front of my eyes in such a way that I was astounded. The beginning came along slowly, but nevertheless during the introduction of Puck I became hooked. During the love trance of Michelle Phieffer and Kevin Kline I felt myself wanting to be Bottom and donning those donkey ears. Michelle Pheiffer was outstanding and took my heart with her as she exited with Oberon. And the two most stand out performances go to Kevin Kline and Calista Flockhart - I was moved and touched. The Bard's classic has been told many times, but none in such a way that this is - well done by all.
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Another New Hope
19 May 1999
I went to this film not knowing what to expect - I didn't want to be overwhelmed as to expect too much, so instead I decided to just expect a Star Wars movie - and that is exactly what I got. It very much lived up to the previous films and set a new standard for them - it is a different generation and different things are happening. I will not talk of the end in case people are reading this before seeing it - but I felt it somewhat predictable. Natalie Portman was excellent, and young Jake Llyod did very well for taking on such a valiant role as the ill-fated Anakin Skywalker. All in all this was an excellent film and those who are fans I implore you to watch it [there are many inside jokes to be accounted for], and for those who are not - you will learn to fall in love with the magic that is Star Wars.
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Threesome (1994)
Out of the ordinary, but in the ordinary
15 May 1999
I first watched this movie when it came out, and then low and behold I was in the video shop looking for that "free" older movie, and I saw threesome - remembered it was interesting, so I picked it up. It's a very sexual movie, there's no doubt about that - but the sex is what draws people into it. The sex is just the surface of the film - it goes so much furthur into the human heart and mind. It touches on our real emotions and doubts, and thoughts, and hopes, and dreams. This was an excellent film which you leave feeling, maybe not satisfied, but understanding - congrats to all involved - it was an interesting moment in movie history
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Check Please!!!
13 May 1999
I went to this film not knowing what to expect, in which case my expectations were not very high - this was a good thing. This movie fell very short of anything to be even remotely expected. There was not one character in the whole move, with perhaps the exception of the lawyer, who's IQ would even register on a pez despencer. Near the conclusion of the film one can also notice that the Boom mike found it's way into the frame several times. If you've got some time on your hands then see the movie, but not in the theatre - you'll feel like your money was stolen.
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The Matrix (1999)
The first step of a brilliant saga.
10 April 1999
The first thing I had to say after this movie was completed was Wow. For a film that took five years to make it seems almost worth it when you view the finished product. A very intelligent sci-fi / action flick. Morpheus reminded me of an old high-school teacher I once had, the way he spoke in metaphors. From rumours I've heard it's to be the first part of an electrifying trilogy. I hope to see more from these two brothers in the future. It gave us hints of Star Wars and also the Bible - which is a strange conjunction. A good movie.
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Christine (1983)
A complete shot in the dark.
8 April 1999
A few years ago I was given a book as a gift from my grandmother, who has passed away since, I read the book - and despite its unrealistic plot - feel absolutely in love with it. As a person who wants to go into film I saw this book as an amazing film, just going by the words on the page. The book, of course, was Christine. Now the other day I am in the local video shop and pass by the movie of the same name. I pick it up and rent it. To my surprise it is one is the worst adaptations and films I've ever seen. What the hell were they trying to do with the excellent story? They did what ruins all Steven King adaptations and that's straying from the novel. I saw very little of the relationship between Arnie and Leigh and Arnie and his best friend. It didn't show enough between Arnie and his parents. And the only notable performance was that of the man that played Darnell. The movie should have been set up like "The Shawshank Redemption" whereas the narration is done by their friend, and sort of an outsider. But instead the movie builds up showing the friend in almost every shot and then all of a sudden he disappears for half the movie. And why on earth did we learn about the origins of the car so quickly - this should have been done near the end - and possibly in a flash back sequence, instead of just being said quickly - they were important events!!!! If this movie had have been done right it would have made an excellent film, but it was not so it's a terrible film, which can be put right up there with some of John Carpenter's other work.
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Backbeat (1994)
The Pre-Beatles Show
15 March 1999
Finally we see the side to the Beatles that no one really knew - what happened before and what they were before. Stephen Dorff gives off another simply brilliant performance as Stuart - the man who could have been but never cared enough he was "Just along for a few laughs". Being a Beatles fan I've always been interested in their personal lives and this movie gets more personal than any documentary or news reel could. As to how true the events are I'm not sure but it was a definitely enjoyable movie.
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Out of Sight (1998)
Another amazing Leonard Film. True to the finish
28 February 1999
I just finished watching this excellent, and star-studded adaption to the Elmore Leonard novel and I was overly impressed. Out of all of Elmore's novels turned films I believe that Out of Sight stays true to its nature and story best. My two most favorite aspects of the movie was the freeze framing editing that took place every now and then - it gave us a chance to look and it and think 'hey that was important' the other aspect, which I've always enjoyed, is it's non-linear notion. There was no A to B in this film; it jumps around without telling you, but soon enough you get used to it and start to enjoy it. I found the movie extremely enjoyable, but I have heard from people that they think it dragged - I disagree; it's an excellent story that keeps the audience interested from Clooney's first on screen bank robbery to his meeting with none other than Sam Jackson himself - another interesting aspect was using Michael Keaton to play, a slightly different, Ray Nicholet once again. I believe the Michael and Sam were not in the credits - oh well. All in all it was an excellent movie and I urge anyone that enjoys a good story, particularily a good crime story to go and see this movie - Clooney is the coolest, calmest gangster in the world.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Something personal to say
27 February 1999
Kevin Smith has done it again. The touch he seemed to lose with Mallrats has returned full force. In a very touching, and personal, film Kevin Smith has outdone himself. Changing his style a bit he finally makes a movie that takes place in more than one day - he has made a REAL movie. Not that there was anything wrong with Clerks. I loved Clerks for its simplicity, but this was just... wow. Not being a big fan of Ben Affleck I was completely impressed by him in this movie. Also with Joey Lauren Adams I was moved - yes her voice is a little too much and you can start the movie thinking "am I going to have to listen to her for the whole movie!" but it doesn't become an issue, in fact I grew to love her voice. The movie was very true to life - it didn't give us a fake, Hollywood ending, it was true to the situation. Sure maybe people don't like to see something a little sad or realistic, but I think Mr. Smith handled it just fine. And his cameo as Silent Bob was perfect - much longer than his others, but just right. I congratulate you Mr. Smith and look forward to Dogma.
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The new John Hughes team. A "Breakfast Club for the '90's"
21 February 1999
I consider myself a rather critical film buff and I don't like cheesy movies - but this one blew me away. Dare I say that it is the *coming of age* movie we haven't seen for so long. Yes, the film was billed as a comedy but there was so much more on top of that. This movie showed us a lot of the stupid things that happen to us in high school. Things like; stupid crushes, mega egos, ignoring the people you grew up with, the need for sexual confrontation, and embarrassment. It was dealt out to us in a humourous manner but it was so much more. Maybe it ended on a cheesy note with Preston getting together with the girl of his dreams - but sometimes we need that cheesiness. All in all it was an excellent movie and if you've got some time - pop it in the good old VCR, you won't regret it.
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Pleasantville (1998)
Back to basics - but not without quality
19 February 1999
Well everyone, Mr. Oscar has gone and done it again. They have once again over-looked one of the most important and amazing films of our time. I understand that the Academy wants to look good and promote other countries films, but let's not ignore the quality at home! This film worked on so many levels, and once you can get past the cheesy openings then you have before you such an amazing film. From start to finish I sat in my theatre seat literally glued to the screen. Yes, the film can seem preachy, but only if you let it.

There were two different films shown in this movie. The one on the surface - the one that everyone can enjoy. But then there is the next level - the film only the few and lucky will get to see and appreciate. I urge anyone who has any taste and or respect for film to see what I consider to be truly one of the most amazing and soon to be classic films of our time.
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Titanic (1997)
How much crap will we put up with?
19 February 1999
How can we live in a world where a piece of *%^@ film like Titanic can even be considered for an Academy Award? Now I understand that I must give some credit to Mr. Cameron for spending WAY too much on minor details (such as the ships's engine) which could have easily been avoided. This is the obvious case of a man who needs to spend as much money as possible for publicity? Anyone remember the last time that stunt was pulled? It was called "Waterworld" - and was equally as bad and chessy. The only difference was that "Waterworld" did not take place around a real event - and that is the ONLY reason Titanic won Best Picture, oh and how I can forget the ludicrous special effects!!! In my humble opionion no film that isn't at least nominated for Best Screenplay should be able to take home the Best Picture award. Mr. Cameron must have written his script after an inspiration of something he saw floating in a toilet. I'm sorry to say this Mr. Oscar, but you've lost my respect.
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The Sting (1973)
The con is definitely on.
19 February 1999
What can we say about a movie that says so little? EVERYTHING!!! I cannot say enough about what this film did to me the first time I saw it! From the first heist to the last I was hooked all the way through. Not only was the acting text-book but the cinematography was astounding. An outstanding film with an outstanding finish - one you might expect but could never hope for.
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