Along Came the Devil 2 (2019) Poster

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Mr. Green with a Knife in the Bedroom.
nogodnomasters2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The title begs two questions. 1) When does the devil come along? 2) Did I have to watch the first one to see this one?

The film doesn't open with a recap but at 40 minutes into the film, it talks about what happened in the first feature. Jordan (Laura Wiggins) comes home to her estranged father (Mark Ashworth) and family in hopes of locating her sister who is "away" with her aunt. The film opens with Reverend Michael (Bruce Davison) reciting the Catholic version of the "Lord's Prayer" most likely because it is shorter and was getting boring. Not as good as the first one which really wasn't that good to begin with.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity. Looks like there will be a part 3.
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Don't make a 3rd Sequel
Horror_Flick_Fanatic12 March 2021
I'm not quite sure how the sequel was approved given how bad the first film was. But to this films credit, the timing of the jump scares were slightly better done. But the film still stinks
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Let's hope the devil doesn't come along a third time
soxrocker5 November 2021
There was a lot less cliches than I expected, but the copious amounts of plot holes made up for that. Its only real selling point is the horror scenes (as in the horror makeup and effects), but like I said, the plot holes and missing information overshadow the good stuff. My biggest pet-peeve was the unrealistic usage of blood (I know, weird thing to be obsessed with in a horror movie, but it was pretty cheesy).

Did I like watching this? Eh.

Would I watch it again or any other movies in the series? Hard no.

Would I recommend it to others? Only if you like cheesy possession movies.
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Beyond basic...(plot explained)
mvike6 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know those sequels where none of the original cast wants to return, so they make the main character out of someone who was a minor one in the previous film? That's this.

It is taken straight from early 2000s possession 101. It's got all the tropes, and doesn't do anything well. Then even more lame is the final 30 so minutes become a pure slasher film. Oh the killer/possessed has your standard black eyes too.

It adds absolutely ZERO to the first film, which though also not good, was way better than THIS. No clue how this has a higher least part 1 had a halfway decent possession.

I promise this is nothing you haven't seen 50x or more...right down to it's tired jump scare ending scene...

Here's the plot quickly..

Begins w/ older sister getting the voicemail the aunt made in part 1. Who rushes home to meet her father who is now a "saved" man, and Father Michael. She's told her sister and aunt went out of town...the whole movie is spent with her waiting for them to return, and the waiting game for the father to go back to being nasty. Bigggg twist...the father gets possessed so he's evil again (yawn) and goes on a slasher movie rampage, he even uses an axe!!!! original eh? We find out Aunt is actually in a catatonic state of shock due to first film, though we never see her once...Older sister saves her younger half brother and they kill their possessed father...Father Michael gets arrested, and the possessed Sarah (and likely Ashely as well) gets released, attacking Father Michael with a jump scare ending. We are not shown what became of big sis and the little brother but assumed they escaped or whatever. The end.
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A Well-Crafted Mess
eabra4846314 October 2020
It's hard to know what to make of this movie. Overall, it is well-acted with good production values and it has a creepy premise. Despite all of this, it's just not very good. It's not scary, even the parts that should frighten us. What takes place on screen is just not compelling enough to pull in the viewer to allow us to feel threatened (and scared). We don't get to know enough about any of the characters to care what happens to them. Because the film fails to draw us in, it fails to creep us out.
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Again, Not Very Good
dana-kellish10 August 2020
I did like the sequel slightly more than the original. The major problem with ACTD 2 is that 70% of the film is simply dull, which is the kiss of death for a horror film. The ending improves on the previous hour and ten minutes or so, which made watching it just barely worth it. And why can't characters in scary movies EVER do what normal people would do and switch on a light?
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I wasted 1.30 hours from my time
o_kudaimati17 October 2019
Very bad movie i think this not movie its horror story for kids before sleep
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Move along, nothing new to see here
finetunes5 January 2021
Totally uninspired low budget movie and sequel with most of the budget used to hire one actor with any star power, Bruce Davidson ( who I love). He must have been a friend of the family to join because this production had nothing to offer. The script was an uninspired ripoff of The Exorcist. Without a decent script, the actors, who were okay, could contribute only so much. No exotic settings, just a few houses in suburbia America and no special effects to speak of. Plain vanilla storytelling with no style or character development. The production team should have studied "Babadook" if they wanted to see horror done properly.
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A solid, spooky Halloween treat for horror fans
basementreviews11 October 2019
So how does one watch a sequel to a movie he's never seen?

This is the question I asked heading into Along Came the Devil II, as I haven't watched Along Came the Devil, and nothing I'd read about it makes me want to. But I had an interview lined up with the sequel's lovely star, Laura Slade Wiggins, and wanted to do my due diligence prior to our conversation.

So I read some Cliff's Notes on the first one, pushed play on the screener, and was pleasantly surprised... at least for the most part. Things start with a bang, slow down for about 30 to 35 minutes, and then deliver all the goods in the final act. So solid first act, great last act, and a slow middle.

The film is aided by the great Bruce Davison, who can act his way around anything. He plays a troubled priest left over from the first movie, who's faced the Devil and believes that evil force has returned. Kudos as well to Ms. Slade Wiggins. She does some solid scream-queen work here, and is a strong female lead, keeping the SQ tradition alive.

Writer/director Jason DeVan might not offer anything new, but his film looks great and moves at a pretty fast clip. And he can stage a scare. The man's studied the genre, and knows what we're here for. Next time, there needs to be boobies though, Jason. Just FYI.

I'm going to give Along Came the Devil II a Good. I'd of liked a slightly faster paced middle act, but this was still a slick, creepy and well-made movie. Shawn concurs, and gives it a Good as well.
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Run don't walk and stay away from this movie
djbvk2120 October 2019
Absolutely horrible- waste of time and money. No point to this movie at all
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Along Came the Devil 2 Review
reynoldshorror11 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
No one is going to say 'Along Came the Devil 2' is a groundbreaking sequel, but what writer/director/producer Jason DeVan serves up is unsettling to say the least. Oozing with dread and atmospheric doom, this film captures the ragged edges of a family thrust into the depths of horror.

Jordan (Laura Slade Wiggins) receives a disturbing phone call about a missing family member and rushes back to her old home town. Equally disturbing when she arrives is the remnants of her relationship with her estranged father (Mark Ashworth), who is trying to pick up the pieces and bring their father-daughter relationship to a place of healing. Plagued with flashbacks of his former abusive alcoholic days, we see that Dad is in fact, trying his best to move forward. Helping wounds heal is Revered Michael (Bruce Davison), the local priest that knows all too well of the family's troubled history.

Jordan decides, maybe prematurely, to stay at her father's home where we meet her younger brother, Xander (Cassius DeVan) and Mark's new-ish wife, Karen (Tiffany Fallon). I got the feeling that no matter what crimes filled the past, Mark and his family are trying their best to make Jordan comfortable in her awkward stay, despite some intense moments that crop up along the way. Films, horror films in particular, are often times terrible at painting realistic families, but this film does a great job of showcasing the hurt and hopefulness.

Before long, Jordan is getting together with old friends and learning terrible facts about her missing relative, facts that all come knocking in the brutal third act. The setup for the final act felt a little forced to me, but they all come together in a gruesome climax that I wasn't expecting.

This film does a killer job of keeping us on our toes, not relying solely on predictable jump scares, but rather through palpable suspense and even misdirection. Scares can be cheap, but DeVan knows how to set up the real terror. Fans of blood and guts will appreciate the twisted climax, as will fans of supernatural horror. All in all, this wasn't what I expected. Dutifully acted and directed, 'Along Came the Devil' was a welcome treat in the over-abundant Halloween movies tricks that we endure every October. My final score for this one is a respectable B-.

'Along Came the Devil 2' slithers into theaters and VOD on October 11th.
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shadowbender6266 December 2019
Just another overused plot. Poor effects, poor acting and bad script. This was a waste of time. Its only decent for a background noise.
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The wanna be critics are at it again
djmike-6347429 May 2022
If you judge this movie for what it is, a B movie. It's a solid 6 and maybe a 7. The acting was fine, the demon was a little weak but the rest of it was worth watching. I know I sound like a broken record, watch the movie and write your own review. Nuff Said Mike Out.
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What the hell is this gabage?
jantje_vredesburger27 July 2020
If you are one of those people who got a fetish for people crying and sobbing the whole f-in movie and don't want to watch a horror movie..without actuall real good horror (Besides the cheap, generic jump scares) Then this is the movie for you!! The makers didn't spend NO time at all, thinking about what makes a good horror movie. NO time at all.
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Don't Waste Your Time
terri-schmidt26 June 2022
Lousy script, lousy acting. Bruce Davison didn't help the film at all. The other actors desperately need acting lessons, they weren't believable at all. Just a complete waste of time to watch, so spare yourselves. If you're into bad movies there are plenty out there to watch that are at least a step above this one.
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Kind of a step up, but not enough of one
I_Ailurophile9 October 2022
It was curiosity that drove me to this, and certainly not any worthwhile expectations. I watched 2018's 'Along came the devil' and frankly hated it, finding it dull and lagging even in the moments of would-be genre thrills; full of terrible dialogue, even the climax and ending, good on paper, couldn't make up for the rest of the preceding length. So why watch 'Along came the devil II?' Well, apparently I'm a glutton for punishment, and I'll watch just about anything. If nothing else it's nice to see that there's some continuity not just in the narrative, but in the people behind it, as filmmaker Jason DeVan returns, as well as some cast members. The thing is, even at its best, this is a very mixed bag, and it sort of loses track of itself.

It seems to me like the cast are making more of an effort here than they did in the prior picture, so there's that; maybe DeVan has just loosened the reins about to as to facilitate such progress. Perhaps with the benefit of having prior story to build off of, there's considerably more strange goings-on in the plot to keep viewers engaged. I like the sound effects, and the music, and the hair and makeup work is swell. I even think there are some solid ideas in the screenplay, and at select points - certainly more than I'd have anticipated based on the 2018 film - the horror elements are realized suitably well to elicit some earnest chills and thrills. Why, this sequel even boasts a measure of atmosphere as the runtime advances. In some key ways, I dare say this is a definite step up from its predecessor.

For whatever is sincerely done well, however, 'Along came the devil II' is also rife with other problems. What's peculiar is that while there's more happening in these ninety minutes compared to the first movie, there really isn't any more plot: we're rather presented with a loosely organized tableau of supernatural spookiness more than a concrete narrative. The central conceit, of possession and the emergence into the world of a demonic presence, gets bizarrely sidelined for long enough for us to forget it was there in the first place as a connection to the antecedent. The production design feels like a bizarre step down, and the production values generally - more vivid, on one hand, but on the other hand, more harshly glaring - and Jay Ruggieri's cinematography generally feels weirdly aloof and imprecise at many points. A preponderance of the dialogue and scene writing is blunt and heavy-handed, especially in the first two-thirds, lacking nuance; even the blood and gore feels overdone. Moreover, there a not insignificant part of the length that feels more like a conventional horror-thriller rather than a tale of possession and supernatural horror. Once it feels in the last minutes like we're back on track with a through-line from the first film - once again, though good and smart on paper, the ending is executed so brusquely that it just falls flat.

Against all odds I think this is genuinely better than the 2018 movie. It has some of the same flaws, and some new ones, but in the very least there's more here to keep our rudimentary interest, if not also actively engage us. Still, for it to be better - how much is that really saying? I'd love to speak more highly of this than I do, but more than anything I keep flashing back to the way that despite all effort to connect the two features in their narratives, that thread is dropped or at least invisible for no small part of the plot in this instance. 'Along came the devil II' seems to have been developed more completely before it went into production, and I appreciate that more care went into it - yet as both writer and director, DeVan illustrates gaps in his skill set that leave this wanting in too many ways. There are worse ways to spend your time, including this title's progenitor, but then, I'm not sure why you'd really be looking to spend time with this in the first place.
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Don't waste your time, it's pathetic.
gribsta29 October 2019
This is the worst horror film I have ever seen. It's as though the writer didn't know any creative way to finish the film and if you do have to punish yourself by watching it then you'll get to the end and realise what I'm talking about. You won't be refunded the hour and a half that it costs to watch it.
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Disappointing, warning spoilers ahead!!!!
jellyowl6 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the first film which wasn't the best possession film in the world, but it set a premise and gave us room for a sequel. Then this film came along and all went wrong from there on in. Firstly it started off with some promise and a few jump scares setting the scene for the finale and then it got silly.

Where was the priest when the father got possessed and started to kill his wife and tried to kill his kids? Why didn't any of the characters turn the lights on? Why didn't Jordan and her brother drive off in the corner once they'd left the house? What happened to them both in the end?

It just became a mad axeman, stereotypical the shining type ending instead of a demon horror movie. The only thing is that it does pave way for a sequel so I will hope that part 3 is better and that we get some priests and exorcists who can sort these demons out. Who knows? Anyway it's worth a watch once but I think the film makers could have done much much better.
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Enjoyed it
jonwaddjg13 July 2021
I enjoyed the story line the graphics. I want to see what they would do with a 3quel. I want to know more about the demon.
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Solid Horror
cjstanford-6509719 September 2022
There's nothing really wrong with this film, except it's hard to believe how naive some of the characters are. The acting is believable, to a point. The priest's personal decline is a little over directed or acted. Jordan handles her role very well. Middle of the road, neither naive nor acolyte of the believer group. Jordan's father plays literally three characters and does it well. The movie's pacing keeps up interest and at no point for me did I believe it was either too intense that I wanted to FF to see the result of FF because it was too slow. The script shows the oddity . I thought it was a well balanced, somewhat scary movie. Some of the horror tropes things jumping out from the closet, bed etc are all a little trite.
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A Solid Indie Horror Flick!
scottiemayor22 October 2019
DeVan Clan Productions have really stepped things up from the enjoyable first installment. Along Came The Devil II does a great job showcasing the growth of these filmmakers as it offers more cohesion, scares and another dose of the awesome Bruce Davison. It even managed to get me with a jump scare, which is a rarity. While it's not perfect, it is one of my favorite indie horrors from the year so far. I think people tend to judge indie films too harshly. Perhaps because they don't realize how insanely difficult and impressive it is to complete a low budget film, secure distribution and put your art out there into the world. That or they're just those with keyboards and way too much time on their hands. Either way, I hope you can look past the trolls and support these talented filmmakers. I for one am looking forward to whatever they bring us next.
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A pleasant surprise in a sea of bad horror.
R0GUEZ27 October 2022
Was pleasantly surprised by these two movies. Not a game changer or monumental piece of film making by any means, but for what it is it's good and enjoyable for a lesser known (and apparently lesser liked judging by previous reviews) horror movie. I've definitely seen a lot worse, and this is better than most horror movies I've seen lately. I'd say it's definitely worth a shot if you like horror films, particularly films about demonic possession. Its definitely not for everyone, but on a night alone with a ton of streaming services offering the same old movies I've already seen multiple times it was good to find something that wasnt so bad it was unwatchable.
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wheels-8280315 October 2019
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geeksatthemovie21 October 2019
This is great new movie. It is nice to see new things and the feel of old school. The lighting was great. Often a dark horror is hard to see what is going on. They did great job of allowing you to see and feel the horror. Love the jump scares.
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Good Movie
delrae-704486 March 2021
Hope there will be a third. Good movies!! Great to watch for Halloween. My husband, daughter and I all enjoyed it.
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