"Loudermilk" Hit Me Baby One More Time (TV Episode 2020) Poster

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vert-696141 February 2021
People canceling the show because of this episode?? Uhhh, if your offended by the blatant overture to feminist wokeness for the idiot male, and don't see the irony and the absurdity of this episode, you should move on to something that won't hurt your head.
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lupo-1994917 June 2021
I love this show and it really hits home with me. The writing acting and directing are all beyond reproach. This episode is such an outlier in the series...it feels like someone hijacked the show. Its not that I feel one way or the other about woman's wages its that the preachy politicisation of this episode does not fit with the series. The show still had its funny moments for sure but it was far outweighed with the stats and narrative around wages. This show tackles sensitive topics like addiction, mental health and homelessness all the time and does it so well. This episode felt heavy handed and forced.
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9/10 Great Episode
Mr Nuff14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a man, and I was honestly surprised anyone disliked the episode. The episode is objectively hilarious, from Tony and Loudermilk's insults, to the counselor's exasperation. The dude into pegging was a hilarious satire of dudes on the other side. While some of the dialogue was over the top, Mugsy's growth seemed real and organic. People who don't believe that should remember that Mugsy didn't even want to meet his kids in the first place, then changed. Then he didn't want to call his kids, then changed. It's easy to see how upsetting his daughter could cause him to see things from her point of view. People need to feel impacted before they can care about an issue. The fact that Tony and Ed don't change was very realistic. The only thing they got wrong was that the lady committed battery, not (just) assault.

Only 9/10 because the job offers were too laughably sexist to exist in real life and Mugsy's initial reaction was pretty dumb, too. Though, after reading other reviews, I suppose that cartoonishly sexist people might really exist.
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Such an out of character episode
Jason2432114 January 2021
It's like they swapped out the usual writers for Lena Dunham, and she took delight in demonising men in almost every way possible. Horribly sexist trash. Totally unfunny. Such a bizarre episode.
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Ignore the haters
zapotec0088 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
All of the bad reviews here are too blinded by politics to realize that the emphasis of the episode was the salvation of Mugsy. He went back to his family and if a man going back to his family and owning up to his mistakes is too progressive, then don't watch. But enjoy living alone the rest of your life.
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Feminazi Humour - Is that an Oxymoron?
hef9513 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's OK to grossly overreact to a minor golfing incident as long as you are female. It's justifiable to physically hit someone in the head with a golf club as long as you are a female batting a male. A potty mouth is the same, if not worse, than an actual physical assault. The female judge barely appeared to realize that the female golfers needed anger management classes. Hit someone with a golf club in the real world and expect a night in jail, regardless of gender.

This is a comedy about recovering alcoholics, mostly males, who often treat each other brutally. Equivalently terrible behaviour by women, for the most part, (like irresponsibly ditching a baby), is ignored or forgiven lightly. This was an awful "PC" episode and deserves no stars for comedy or intelligent humour.

Ignore the mean spirited misandry and pointless male bashing of this episode. Down a shot of tequila every time someone says, Loudermilk. Sometimes the show is actually funny.
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Not a usual episode but showed amazing character growth.
mathyvidsst30 September 2021
I'm not usually a "woke" supporter and in many ways I despise the extremism of the movement.

I really loved seeing the growth Mugsy had in this episode, it really expanded his character a lot.

It was beautiful acting and wasn't forced or over-the-top woke, like some girl-power film/TV moments can feel.
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patrick-danforth30 April 2021
Stop with this BS, you get a great show going then you try to force feed us this crap! We are not idiots. I will try one more episode and see if this is worth watching anymore. First 2 seasons amazing and fun, happy to have a 3rd season until this episode.
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Toxic Feminist Garbage
thebsr17 June 2021
No one actually believes the nonsense spewed by. Mugsy. Not even the tasteless goons that rated this half funny episode a 10. Stop with the wage gap bs already, it can ve debunked by a 10 year old with a calculator.
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My Favourite Episode
eamoher25 March 2022
I was surprised to see all the negative reviews. This particular show made me laugh out loud so many times, and really, this is why I watch this show. Yes. A message was being pushed, but this is not unusual for this show. The sensitivity training group session was the best ever.
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Woke Garbage.
michaelbbarefoot26 May 2021
Almost made me quit watching the show entirely. Luckily I pushed through as it's otherwise a good show.
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bak55577 May 2021
Each episode is like a puzzle piece and when the puzzle is put together you see the layers of this 'dysfunctional' group and their efforts to evolve. Believe it or not, some men are still blockheads, and say and do stupid, insenstive things. We've all been having a laugh at those who ask for sensitivity as in conflates into political correctness, but when it's YOUR child, maybe it's ok to try to see things from another point of view. Well done.
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Absolute Political Garbage
nssan42113 August 2021
I've had a blast watching Loudermilk season's 1 and 2, so I'm going to give them one free pass here on this trainwreck of an episode. Ironic how Sam is such an elitist and music snob throughout the series, but the show seems to be selling out (Woke PC Trash) in its 3rd season.
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sport_killen29 April 2021
Worse episode EVER. Me too episode for left people.
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Mugsy is the point, but...
mikejirges16 December 2021
The point of the episode was Mugsy's growth with his family. That is the main plot point and what this episode centers on, but it does it in the most un-Loudermilk way possible. Two graduates, with identical degrees, in the bastion of sexism that is Seattle get offered 75k and 90k, and the difference is because of their sex? I'm not saying it never happens, I'm sure there are bad companies that do it. But in the world of Loudermilk, it felt so out of sync with the rest of the tone that you completely forget about the point. Mugsy owning up to his past and growing.
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What an awful and pathetic episode.
jamesbizs11 May 2023
You can easily kill a person by hitting them in the head with a golf club. And old she gets is anger management? A man would be in jail. 70% wage gap is completely false, and has been proven so. How can anyone still be trying to push this false narrative in 2021. And the chances of a woman being offered 20k less than a man, in THAT city??? Did she ASK for more? I bet she didn't. If they really offered him 20k more with the exact same qualifications, and she asks for the same, they'd give it to her. If every company could hire a woman for 30% less, companies would be staffed by only women. Why waste the money on men?

Who wrote this episode??? Someone that just straight hates men? Google the actress that plays his daughter. Maybe she was the one that wrote this episode. This episode was nothing like the other episodes. It was a completely different show. It was just so awkward.
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Misandry Episode
Herculainn27 June 2023
Hopefully picks back up after a digression into misandry. The "men" (with an inflection) get sent to women's sensitivity because a group of women assault them on a golf course. We get it, men bad. Can we get back to grumpy Loudermilk being grumpy again?

Previous two episodes did an ok job of showing two men trying to raise a kid, while only hinting at the stigma and eybrows that would be raised, before climaxing in the hyperbolic result thereof.

Came here to so see if it is a one off and thankfully seems to have been. Though i don't like the single star, there are far too many ten star reviews which just shouldn't be. Even misandry is your thing, the story is contrived and the dialogue poorly assembled.
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Please don't fight toxic masculinity with lazy writing
manchalaarecords14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is usually great, but this episode is disappointing, not because it addresses p.c. Culture, but because the writing feels lazy during a crucial moment. It's when Mugsy tells his daughter to be grateful that she isn't being harassed by her interviewer and earlier in the same conversation, he got angry just at the thought of the interviewer harassing her. We already know he's not a good person, but there's no need to make him look even worse. Plus, this scene feels out of place because in previous scenes, Mugsy had meaningful conversations with his daughter, where he genuinely tried to be a good father and listen to her problems.

Also, the part about "women sensitivity classes" in the episode seems like the show creators are trying too hard not to upset certain people. Honestly, some of the points Mugsy makes, especially about the weather lady, made sense.

If they truly want to address women's rights and related issues sensitively, they should be more creative instead of forcing their own opinions on the audience. It's a complicated matter that deserves a careful approach. Using women's issues as an excuse for lazy writing is unfair because women already have enough challenges to deal with.
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Weird misstep from an otherwise strong show
sendtobinchicken9 January 2024
Ended up being very preachy and on the nose. A niave understanding of the subject matter (Women don't just get paid 15% less than men for the same job) and felt very out of place compared to how the show handled other subjects.

Shame as the initial story of mugsy and his daughter had some legs. Given how crappy he'd been to his family a more profound character arc could of really paid off. Instead they opted for cheap cliche and weird men hating. Even loudermilk came off meek in this episode.

There was also some real opportunity for comedy. The soy boy in the group did get a laugh when trying to justify pegging but this could of been taken further.

Anyway, loved the series but this episode was way off the mark.
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The 10/10 fake reviews are hilarious
carlgarethnorton6 January 2024
As someone pointed out, this episode is so out of character, I've been binge watching the show for the first time and this episode almost put me off from finishing the series

And the 10/10 reviews know how garbage it is by making claims like "it'll upset the neaderthals" ....no, it'll just repel people from watching shows like this because people are tired of the victim mentalitied, white bad, man bad, 1 billion genders and lgbtq been rammed down our throats every 5 seconds.

Disappointing episode and I hope the series redeems itself because for the most part, it's been very enjoyable to watch.
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stinking feminist
hopeless6914 August 2023
It is noticeable through TV series and movie's that they tend towards the destruction of society by ignoring, marginalizing, and abolishing the role of men in the home as (husband, father, or brother...) and exalting the role of women. In the past, programs and media demanded women's right to equality with men. Today, we find that she has transgressed by insulting men and the right to equality, and is demanding that women play the role of men in life, and that they are better than men in all fields!!

In fact, series or TV shows have played a role in changing the culture of society, and we have a culture of power and control of women over the reins of life!
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Poor inaccurate and misleading
cjdavies88818 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved Loudermilk - until this episode. My issue? The premise is based on a falsehood: it is illegal under Federal Law to pay an equally qualified woman less than a man doing the same job. Mugsy's reaction should have been to support his daughter in pointing out the proposed unlawful job offer and insisting they offer the same. Did the screenwriters not know this? Were they confused by articles on the 'gender pay gap'? This exists, certainly. The average female wage is less than the average male wage. But that's because - still - more women work part-time, and more lower-paid jobs are filled by women (jobs in hospitality and social care). So - on average- women earn less than men. Ironically, given Mugsy's claim he was attending a maths class, this is about understanding how averages work.

Dumbass attitudes to women certainly deserve to be made fun of, as do dumb-ass attitudes and behaviours such as those displayed by the two female golfers. But perpetrating a plain and simple untruth about unequal pay - this was not the way to do it.
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