White Chamber (2018) Poster


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What is going on at Netflix?
Sleepin_Dragon4 August 2019
I am starting to get concerned by the quality of output from Netflix. I find myself starting to watch a film, and often switching off ten minutes in. I did, however stick with White Chamber, as I thought the premise was decent, and it featured some good actors, including Sharon Maughan and Nicholas Farrell, but I wish I hadn't.

The truth is, this is a bad film, it cannot be dressed up any other way, after an interesting start, it goes downhill very quickly, the whole thing feels cheap and amateur. It's like a film an independent company would have produced in the early 2000's, not something millions of paying a subscription fee for.

Sharon Maughan and Nicholas Farrell do provide a bit of quality in terms of acting, but both are up against it in terms of script. It had potential, but ultimately it's a bad film. 3/10
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Not sure it realises its potential?
fad-387983 April 2019
A fairly basic story that has been explored in other films, unfortunately weighted down by an unsubtle political message poorly communicated.

The acting is good, the production values high and dialogue well delivered despite the bland script. I feel the actors really working hard to make the film gel, which makes it more the pity that it doesn't. After an hour of gratuitous torture I felt like the person in the box.

The experience wasn't going well and this gave me too much time to ask myself where this film was going? It was going nowhere...

This one is going to sink without trace having failed in its social message. What one is left with is an over articulated cerebral video nasty.
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nogodnomasters17 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
England is undergoing a civil war in the near future. For the first 20 minutes, a woman is being tortured by the leader of the resistance, a group of immigrants demanding England return to its grace. Then we flash back 5 days earlier and we see the roles reversed.

Apparently, this is supposed to be some statement about the lack of integrity of government and factions in time of war. Ho-hum. Not overly entertaining watching people getting zapped in a chamber (no toilet) with an abstract discussion about a conflict that failed to make its point.

Guide; F-word. No sex or nudity.
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I like independent cinema...just not like this
samuellickiss24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
White Chamber starts in the same way a million sci fi stories start: some character wakes up in a, well, white chamber and has to figure out why they're there.

What follows is a convoluted, and confusing, plot about...something. There's a civil war going on - not quite sure why (if it was explained I didn't get it) - and there's a lab developing some drug to aid in battle. I've heard some people mention that this is a metaphor for Brexit. If that was the intention, I don't see it.

Plot points emerge without warning: there's little in the way of set up and pay off and the story is not all that compelling. It's not without its moments - there are nuggets of ideas wanting to be explored, but there's little development of the central themes.

The most egregious problem the film has is that it's boring. Everything about it is boring. The film features two sets: the eponymous white chamber, which is a bright white cube, and the lab its situated in, which is an office building that looks like any office building in the UK. There has been basically zero effort to dress up the set to add any visual interest to it - it's just dull. They've taken an office block, stuck a white cube in it and a single desk with a computer and lab equipment on it and called it a day.

The cinematography is cold and flat - grey looking. It's got the look of a Scandinavian crime drama, but with none of the sophistication It means you've got a dull office block filmed with the most depressing colour palette possible, which is coupled with bare bones camera work.

The music is...non-existent. There are some generic sci fi atmospheric sounds here and there, but that's it...oh, except for an electric guitar track that appears out of nowhere towards the end. It doesn't fit.

The action does that annoying thing films often do where it cuts away every time something happens. Someone throws a punch? Suddenly the recipient of it is on the floor - you never seen the punch. I'm not after a Mad Max film here, but some attempt at choreography would have been appreciated.

The script does that thing that annoys me even more - characters telling each other what they already know, 'As you know, protocol states...' Plus there's the new starter who turns up who apparently has no experience and no idea what the organisation does or how they do it, and characters that are arbitrarily austere. It's frustrating.

The four stars here are earnt for some decent performances - Oded Fehr is a charismatic actor (though often sounds like he's the voice actor for a mid-budget video game) who makes for compelling watching. Nicholas Farrell adds a sort of quiet dignity to the film while Amrita Acharia (whom I recognised as Irri from Game of Thrones) is pretty decent. There are some great make-up effects and some of the props are suitably grotesque.

I do appreciate that this is a low-budget independent sci-fi film, but low-budget doesn't have to mean bad: Moon was low-budget, and is rightly considered one of the best sci-fi films out there.

If you're looking for a Netflix film to watch this evening, White Chamber is not recommended. Try Other Life instead, or maybe Cube or Circle.
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Good premise poorly executed
ilivelife4 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film had a promising and intriguing start - set in a United Kingdom in the grip of civil unrest a woman awakes in the white chamber of the title, a futuristic cell where she is systematically tortured by various means to obtain information about what happens at the mysterious facility the chamber is housed in. Is she who she says she is (a lowly admin girl) or does she know more?

Rewind 5 days and all starts to become clear, although unfortunately this is also where the film takes a turn into cliche, poor performance and loses its momentum. We find out that the woman in the chamber is in fact running the facility and has been carrying out experiments herself on a couple of members of the group rising up against the government. There are several further twists and turns along the way to the denouement, with a final (heavily signposted ) turn of the tables.

However I rather lost interest in watching the 5 days worth of experiments, which became rather repetitive, with the exception of the metamorphosis of the female captive which was quite disturbing. The characters were not particularly well developed and I consequently didn't really care what happened to any of them, the female protagonist still appearing unsympathetic, despite the sad backstory that was revealed.

In a nutshell (!) not a bad premise but ultimately, not engaging enough, and it just had an amateur feel to it, for me. My husband fell asleep during it, so that's his review right there.
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standingbear-257235 August 2019
I made an account just to say how disappointing this movie was. I don't want to leave the ending to my imagination thats why I'm watching a movie. Honestly wish i did anything else but watch this boring trash
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Why is the future always so white?
screenotes23 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix's new release, White Chamber* is a Sci-Fi Horror made and set in the United Kingdom. Being a sucker for Sci-Fi and a hound for Horror, I decided to give this one a go without having heard anything about it.

The setup is thus: During a future civil war in the UK, A woman wakes up in a futuristic cell** and, claiming to know nothing, is subjected to torment and torture by a faceless person who is disguising their voice. The plot thickens*** when the film jumps back to 5 days previous and we learn that all was not as it first appeared.

White Chamber wants to be a relevant social commentary on Brexit, but also asks the question of whether ends truly justify means, such as in the case of torture to bring an end to a war. Oh and there's a point about how war dehumanises both sides. The problem is that these points are not found in the subtext but rather shouted through the dialogue.

To be clear, the film is not remotely 'torture porn'****. It's also not remotely good. It is grating, insistent and instantly forgettable.

*Grow up!

**By which I mean a white cell. Yes it's one of those films which buys into the idea that technology and clothing in the future will be very white. This may be symbolic of a sterile, dehumanising environment or it may simply be low-budget shorthand for "this is sci-fi".

***Going back in time to 'thicken' a plot is like using cornstarch to thicken gravy and is a form of cheating.

****A pejorative and hurtful term used to lump Lars Von Trier and the New French Extremity in with Eli Roth. Some of my best friends are torture porn.
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Remember Cube?
tfminfl24 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
352. White Chamber. A decent independent sort of sci fi flick from across the pond. Dr. Elle Chrystler wakes up in a familiar room, being asked questions about who she is, what she's here, and the more ominous, what kind of experiments are you conducting here? She puts on a brave face and says, she just started working at the facility and knew next to nothing. The room starts to get hot, they ask again, the room gets cold, they ask again, the room drips acid from the ceiling, get it? Its a torture chamber. As this is happening we wander into the memories of Elle from the past 5 days. The UK is in the midst of civil war, and the rich people sitting in their offices sending other peoples children to die in combat have decided to create a new drug that will (insert techno babble) super soldiers essentially, and the person in charge of that is Dr. Elle, and 5 days ago she was on the opposite side of the rooms walls torturing the leader of the opposing side, and over the next few days we get to hear mostly political stuff, because its a movie with a message in there, and we also find out what drives Dr Elle to do the things she does. And of course we find out how the hell she ended up in there! A pretty cool low budget political psychological thriller. It felt to me like it could have been the prequel to the prequel of Cube, ya know Cube Zero? No, anyone? Anyone? Filmbufftim on FB
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Started Laughing
Sligs16512 August 2019
I started Laughing at the endless dribble and horrible acting. Please no matter your PoV have good acting and at least have a plot.

The content from Netflix is just horrible almost satirical. Thank you for the laugh, I will go back to youtube for original and entertaining content made by regular folk with zero budgets and incredible talent.

I just can not see how Netflix can pass the content off as a paid service.

Someone needs to be fired.
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I don't often review on here, but...
Johno-716 August 2019
I love when you stumble across a movie, and having no expectations - it floors you to the point that you geel the need to add an alternative argument to the "top reviews" Yes, it has flaws. Yes, it has holes in the script. But if you can push past those dectractions, this is quite a compelling movie.

The script is tight, if somewhat convenient - slash contrieved. However the acting is top notch, and the underlying commentary on "the state Earth 2019" - while exaggerated - is relevant.

I cannot help but recommend this movie of you have grave misgivings about the future direction of mankind.
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A good concept with good actors let down by a bad script.
d189911 October 2019
I watched the movie over the course of two nights, so I guess that says something about it not exactly keeping you on the edge of your seat. The premise the movie is set on is okay however like all movies of this era it squeezes in a political message and after an hour or so of bland storytelling the movie tries to hand out a twist (or three) and all but one I could guess would happen long before they actually did. The one twist I didn't see coming is so chichéd in films it hardly deserves to be called one, I guess I didn't see that one coming as it's a poor plot device (There were many other alternatives) to explain why the start of the movie is the way it is.

All in all I feel every copy of this film should be confined to a dark chamber, never to again see the light of day.

Three stars for decent actors.
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It just didn't go far enough!
raven_guest9 August 2019
Stellar idea for a movie with the UK dealing with Brexit, racism etc, but this movie just doesn't go far enough with it. It feels quite soulless and redundant as a method of using this 'white chamber'. The script is appalling though the actors do their best. I admittedly have a huge soft spot for Oded Fehr and would watch him read a phone book. His Brit accent is very good in parts, but the script's use of 'bloody, mate' etc sound forced as a way to show he's obviously very, very British (few people talk as he did) Unfortunately with movies like 'Cube' showing what can be done with a small budget, this fell slightly flat. The reasoning for the experiments seems dumb and the whole idea could have been used way more effectively. The actors do a very good job with such an awful script and the movie itself doesn't really have anything hugely wrong with it, it just isn't great. Watch it for Oded. He's wonderful
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Not Watchable
zee02611 June 2019
What a lose film. It was torture to watch this. Barely watched it for 30min.

No effort was done on its direction or story telling.
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Low budget doesn't have to mean bad but this is awful.
stevelomas-694012 August 2019
On the one hand Shauna can act and the basic premise is good. However on the other hand Oded is ludicrously bad, the scripting is dire and the attempts to flesh out characters are non existent. Also I can't figure out why a super secret military base appears to be in a school and the high tech lab is a kids chemistry set balanced on a handrail. Very weak all round.
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Lost Possibilities
corinthian-419 February 2020
I found that as this movie progressed, the potential of a great story continually eroded. Now at the end I'm reminded of "less is more" and wish it had been implemented. There may have been potential in the beginning but it's was lost.
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Poor Mans Cube
edwardrevans22 March 2020
Started really well to be fair then completely lost its way once the story switched to outside the chamber, it's like they ran out of ideas.
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Nonsense - Avoid
brightrooms-209246 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Please, I can not work out the plot, Utter nonsense. Once the flash back happens, 5 days early - day 1, i just groaned in pain - the 2 stars is up to this point only then it is Zero.

Very flawed, Flawed story, unrealistic, no character development, there was no real conflict, not confident what the turning points were...

I am all for low budget but there is the good, the bad and the ugly... this was Ugly,
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Upside down Union Jack, etc l
LilyVickers3 August 2019
From the start I knew it would be terrible as the man on the hill held up an upside down Union Jack. Then, the women, rather than asking where she was or why she was there, asked "has it got nuts?" When referring to a chocolate bar.
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kelly-meg3402 August 2019
Good acting and a good story. I don't regret watching it at all. I was surprised by the low rating!
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Just... why mas Ruth there????
Rita00030 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Just one question: why was Ruth there? She didn't know what the project was... if it was super secret, why risking on someone without knowing if she if going to agree?? yehh... i know... if it wasn't that the film would lost the twist!
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Diamond in the rough is thought provoking.
jasonmallison16 August 2019
I'm not one for watching torture movies or anything with intimate violence, but I was curious on the slight animation you get from scrolling through their selection.

I was confused by the timeline at first but, I was quick to follow. This movie is an excellent portrayal that goes beyond targeted political issues that deal with our society as human beings (Please, since when have movies not been political? The other reviewers can get bent.)

The thoughts that this made me consider were - "At what point does each side draw the line?" There are elements within this feature that allude to the notion that in a world where everyone is trying to one up the other side, "there are no winners, only survivors." This is exemplified by the line "War is not about good and evil, only a difference in perception.

Let me refocus this - a moral of any story has a political alignment as morals are the center of our political stage right now; what is right and what is wrong? If people find distaste within a movie because of political affiliation, they might as well maintain their masquerade as an ostrich.

This movie asks some very important questions. I thought the acting was good, the stage and setting was believable, the makeup was on point, continuity was good, sound design was good, there wasn't anything bad that I can say about this movie - except that I don't like torture movies.

I'm gonna give a few pity stars because I feel that people are unjustly harsh with political movies and overly critical of things that the majority of them know little about. My father-in-law is a producer/director/editor (and writer) This movie is good. My recorded rating reflects a 10/10, but my actual rating is an 8/10. Good job team!
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Good movie, very good, ah, that ending...
drgugi2811 August 2019
It's worth to watch it for the ending. Great, great ending. Movie speak about humanity, choices we make, our inner demons, cruelty and brutality everyone of us posses inside of us. It talk about war, sacrifices, moral dilemmas... But that ending... Love it, like it.
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Had to ruin it last second!
TheProteanGirl17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was a decent movie until the last 10 mins or so. Not a masterpiece and not unique but decent. What I don't get is what that horrible ending? Doesnt make any sense so just cause he can't feel the pain he can jump down a balcony unscathed, then he eats te flesh like a zombie movie?? It's so random and out there, doesn't fit with the plot. If it had a smart ending at least but come on! Also, what is up with he twin thing? Are we just suppose to take that as a lazy attempt to rap up the plot? That was bad!
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Nice idea poor delivery.
caseyniall13 September 2019
Reasonably interesting plot let down by bad acting and poor direction. Also looked surprisingly poor for something budgeted by a behemoth like Netflix
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Not Bad, Not Good Either
pb99217 August 2019
Worth a watch for a waste of time, yes. Nothing that happens in the film is memorable and you'll forget you ever watched it an hour later. The chamber looks like it was built with various left over parts from Ikea. A wholly forgettable experience.
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