Sinbad and the War of the Furies (2016) Poster

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This rating is very generous.
wmeltcher21 January 2017
If you love B-movies, you might like this, but even as a 'B', it is missing the amusing 'cheese factor'. Bad acting, bad directing and bad editing. If this movie was intending to be tongue and cheek, this doesn't work either.

I would usually not bother to have watched it until the end, but I did want to see if there would be any redeeming features.

Cheap films these days are not the crap they used to be. There are some very talented people out there and even a movie made without all the bells and whistles can be entertaining.

This movie really misses the mark for me.

If you feel I am being too harsh, remember, this is my opinion, which is the only one I am qualified to give.
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Charmingly poor movie
kayk-5766529 March 2020
Let's be clear here, Sinbad and the War of the Furies is no great film making. Pretty much anything that can be wrong with a film is wrong with this one. But for all that it does not suck. The casting is poor, the acting highly uneven, and the directing terribl The production was ridiculously cheap - Sinbad is filmed almost entirely indoors, most of those indoors limited to two rooms - with very few real action scenes. But the writing is reasonable enough to carry it along and if you're a film lover your curiosity will do the rest. Because there is something oddly sweet about this movie with its bare bones cast and its rationed sets, especially as you realize its makers clearly thought it had franchise potential. Folks clearly punched above their weight with this one, but kept going anyway (though I don't know if they ever noticed they were out of their league) and I respect that. So, no, I did not hate this movie even though we all made fun of it throughout, maybe even enjoyed it a bit.
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Leofwine_draca5 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SINBAD AND THE WAR OF THE FURIES is another budget 'Arabian Adventure' style movie from The Asylum, a film made without much hope, budget, or originality. Once more the Sinbad story has been updated to the modern day to cut down on costs, but what transpires is your usual globetrotting adventure with our hero and his allies battling various mythological foes for supremacy. It's a tired outing, made without energy, and saddled with one of the dullest leads I can remember seeing in a film. The Asylum will need to do a lot better than this if they want to entertain their audiences.
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Horrible Film
niaz_islam23 January 2017
This film is total waste of time. It is definitely the worst movie of 2016. Everything about the movie was terrible. Sinbad is one of my favorite character, I grew up watching the TV series but they just ruined the character with this movie.

The cast was a total joke, their acting was so bad that you will feel sorry for them. The script was pretty weak. The main try so hard to make some jokes which were more terrible than the movie itself. The actions scenes are ridiculous. There was no sequence between the scene, one second the sword in the floor, next scene it was in the hand. There were retakes between scene but they did not fix it or maintain the sequence of the previous scene. They did not even bother to make the movie enjoyable.

The film had a pretty low budget with bad CGI. They don't even use the boat in the sea. And did the shooting was mostly indoor, there was not much outdoor shooting.

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Furies made me cry
tallmanstanding25 January 2017
One of the worst movies I have watched in my whole life. Script is pathetic, no screenplay.Casting is just a joke for the director. Actors don't know how to act. The actions scenes are ridiculous. Actions are like, people are cuddling. The only hilarious about movie is, Whenever furies were crying, producer of movie was also crying. When you are making a movie mentioning Adventure, you are supposed to include that. Closed up shots, no scenic views, makes the viewer searching for forward button. They destroyed the career of Sindbad in movies.

Don't watch this. don't watch this. don't watch this. Don't watch this.

This movie is injurious to your mental health.
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One Word: Garbage
MinistryofDoom22 January 2017
When "WWE's John Morrison" gets top billing for this film, there's only one way the film can go and that is downhill at alarming speed. You may be asking yourself "who the hell is John Morrison?" and you wouldn't be wrong for asking. He's a third tier pro-wrestler at the WWE which increasingly believes that it's pro-wrestlers can become A-list actors but for every success story like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Dave Bautista (Guardians of The Galaxy), Roddy Piper, or Jesse Ventura (Predator) you've got...ehhh....ten John Morrisons, the generic angry tough guy. In all fairness, he does a really good job at being a generic tough guy. He snarls. He growls. He grimaces. He flexes his muscles and jumps and kicks and punches and frightens bad guys. He does everything a generic action movie tough guy should do. It's just that, he's not a good actor at all. It's not entirely his fault. The dialogue in this movie sucks hardcore. It's terrible. It's like the Expendables meets Indiana Jones except without all the good actors, or the good writers, or the good budget, or the good studio, or the good director. IF you take away all those things, I mean, well I guess you've still got a movie, right? But hey, it also stars that one girl with that bit part from Thor: Dark World. The Asgardian Waitress, Chloe Farnworth. That's something right? No, no, it's not. You want my summary? Here it is: This movie is terrible. Absolutely terrible. The premise is stupid: Sinbad the modern adventurer. What? They couldn't get Attila The Hun, Wall Street Banker? Don't watch this unless you enjoy torturing yourself. However, even if you did, there are better ways to do so. May I suggest licking a hairless cat? I'd rather do that than watch this.
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A far from furious war
TheLittleSongbird4 April 2018
Did not watch 'Sinbad and the War of the Furies' with high expectations. The premise itself was just ridiculous and it looked horrid. Saw it however out of curiosity, as part of my low-budget film quest (yes, have got a good deal of quests going on, some of them completest ones) and especially because Sinbad is a great character.

A character that deserved an infinitely better film than 'Sinbad and the War of Furies'. It really does him an injustice and manages to be even worse than it looked and even more of a mess than indicated in the premise. That it is not a waste of a good concept film made me less annoyed than some other films seen recently. My annoyance though is aimed at how poorly done in every single way 'Sinbad and the War of the Furies' is.

There is nothing good going on here. The acting lacks any kind of passion or emotion, even skill. No exceptions here, even the titular character who actually is one of the worst examples.

'Sinbad and the War of the Furies' uncharismatic, wimpy and annoying character writing and writing that is far too excessively ridiculous to be guilty pleasure cheese and too awkward and dull to be tongue in cheek works against them. As well as non-existent direction.

Direction that fails to convey any urgency, tension, fun, suspense or emotion in the numerous scenes that need them. The action scenes are the complete anti-thesis of exciting, are poorly filmed and looks so awkward in the choreography. The whole story is just lifeless, completely fails to make any sense at all and on the wrong side of daft that it's insultingly ridiculous.

Visually, 'Sinbad and the War of the Furies' looks cheap as sin, with an overuse of truly risible special effects that never gels with the setting or looks real, dizzying camera work and editing and shoe-string budget production and costume design. Faring least bad is the music, which at least tries to appeal to the ear and give a little urgency, not a compliment sadly because one doesn't remember it and it's often not placed that well.

Overall, far from furious and as the opposite of good as one can get. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Mind-bendingly stupid.
jamcam0930 April 2018
To give this any stars would be to praise it too highly. It is almost unwatchable. The characters are not properly set up, the basic premise is invisible, the main character might as well be called Joe Bloggs since he does not resemble the literary or film Sinbad in any way... Watching paint dry would be more intellectually rewarding.

There seems to be some uncertainty as to whether this thing is called "...Clash of the Furies", or "...War of the Furies".
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How Could A Movie Be This......
cdmllm5 May 2020
.....bad? Bad plot, bad costumes, bad cinematography and the worst acting ever! Why do directors think all it takes to make a male lead Sinbad is for the "actor" to have long dark hair and wear a vest with no shirt under it? It fails as a drama, it fails as a fantasy, it fails as a comedy and it fails as entertaining. Most concerning is the money that was wasted on this.....even if it was probably under a thousand dollars. Well at least it was a next step for the high school drama department!
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It wasn't called Mexico back then
nogodnomasters20 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sinbad (John Hennigan) is a modern day film. He is like Indiana Jones making myths into history. His theory was that Perseus was real and stole the treasure of Zeus and hid it in a cave in Mexico. He explains it all in non-sequitur logic by saying, "It wasn't called Mexico back then." Yup, that clears it all up for me. He was upset that a man stole his idea and published it so he could have tenure. Once you can get past this, and I can't, he was also dating his daughter Jax (Jamie Bernadette). Sinbad is also the direct descendant of the "real" Sinbad and has his sword. None of this is unusual for Asylum films.

In said Mexican cave, Sinbad finds treasure and attacks the other guys there who have Russian accents. One guy, Cy, short for Cyclops (Derek Russo) has an eye patch. Nick (Terrance Richardson) the black guy, was called Simian early on. Sinbad finds an emerald, the "Heart of Medusa" and absconds with it, unlocking the Furies who want it back. In mythology they were sisters, in this story they don't look anything like sisters and also have some Siren powers, go figure.

Like I said, this is Asylum. The impossible plot is made inane by design. I though the actual dialogue lines were good, but the delivery was far too bad to be effective. John Hennigan is not Brendan Fraser. Jamie Bernadette is no Rachel Weisz. They should not be making films.

The film is for a tween audience, I suppose. There are no F-words, sex, or nudity. There is one obscene gesture. Manta (Josh Fingerhut) is gay and complains the Fury has no penis when she tries to seduce him. File under: Asylum, "so bad it's good" category.
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"You're about as subtle as a drunken goat in a convalescent home"
hwg1957-102-26570424 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of the film I didn't exactly know what the heart of Medusa was, seeing it did this and it did that and then became part of a gun. (!) It was all rather confusing. It reminded me of the 'black goo' in those awful later 'Alien' movies that did all kind of things with no rhyme or reason. In this film the plot doesn't make sense, the acting is questionable and it limps along so slowly it induces somnolence in the viewer. The tone shifts more than a ship on the high seas. The reveal that Sinbad's girlfriend is really on the side of the villains was just stupid.

If you want a good Sinbad movie stick to the Ray Harryhausen films.
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The perfect film
deliciousbeard19 October 2021
It left me feeling utterly amazed. Every aspect of this experience raises questions about how other films can even exist. Why is this not a higher rating? Other films have gaslighted us into thinking we know a good film when we see one, but we dont. This is a perfect storm of acting talent and masterful writing!
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Pretty Fun for What it is
Leo-Iunti27 July 2021
You know what you're getting with an Asylum film. The Acting is really uneven, the few special effects they have are shoddy and the story goes off the rails easily. But it has Charm, its a Fun B movie to watch with a couple of beers.
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Near Unstructured Talk a thon that has Little, if any Entertainment Value to it at all
daniel-mannouch7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Asylum's Clash of the Furies is nothing but a series of elongated improv sessions and quite terrible ones at that. John Morrison has displayed charisma in the past, but one of those examples is not this film. The special effects are minimal, the action is barely there and the amount of talking heads in this one is simply tedious.

Even for an Asylum film, Clash of the Furies feels exceptionally cheap and rushed. It's almost as if they had John Morrison for a week and shot all of his scenes, which are many, by the seat of their arse. The production feels very disorganised. Most of the dialogue outside of essential plot details, are improvised and are allowed to tangent on for what seems like forever. Most of this film is talking, and that talking is quite obnoxious.

I wouldn't recommend Clash of the Furies at all to anyone. It's not bad enough to be worth watching, but it's still pretty god damn bad. This adventure comedy as it were is severely lacking in either.
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No monsters here...
stomach1714 March 2021
Playful made for TV looking of Sinbad film set in modern times, much of it in L.A. It was sort of cute at times a bit funny if you don't take it too seriously. The acting were adequate I suppose for what it was. I enjoyed watching it for its playfulness, but its not a good movie. 3.5 stars out of 10.
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