Purgatory Road (2017) Poster

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I confess: I didn't like it.
BA_Harrison23 February 2019
I admire Unearthed Films' dedication to extreme horror, but if they release many more movies as mediocre as Purgatory Road, my appreciation will quickly wane. It's not that the film doesn't have promise - the plot certainly has some interesting ideas and Marcus Koch's makeup effects are decent - but the execution is weak, writer/director Mark Savage taking an overly portentous approach that really isn't a good idea when the cast is so wooden.

The film opens with youngster Vincent (Michael Lebeau) disturbing a female thief in the process of snaffling his father's entire savings; in shock, all he can do is look on as the woman leaves the house with the cash. When his father discovers what has happened, he is so distraught that he takes a shotgun to his head - right in front of Vincent and his younger brother Michael (Jacob Craig Bullock).

Years later, Vincent (now played by Gary Cairns) and Michael (Luke Albright) operate a church on wheels, where they listen to confessions and collect donations. All sins are absolved, except for theft: still feeling guilty about having done nothing as a child, Vincent slaughters the light-fingered, chopping up their bodies and feeding them to his father, who is somehow still alive and living in the basement of their home.

Michael helps his brother in his sick undertaking, but wants to quit, having fallen for waitress Ruby (Sylvia Grace Crim). His relationship with Vincent becomes strained when psycho Mary Francis (Trista Robinson) enters the picture, wanting to assist Vincent in ridding the world of those who steal.

I'm guessing that, like much of Unearthed Films' output, the intention of Purgatory Road was to disturb with its realism, but the poor performances and dreary pace mean that the viewer never becomes invested enough in what is happening to actually care about the characters. Savage clearly wanted to make a serious horror, but I can't help but feel that his story of a murderous priest would have benefited from a far trashier style, with the emphasis on excess in every department.
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I couldn't decide between 1 Star or 10 Stars so I gave it 5.
mudhoney44415 February 2019
This is a good bad movie. Stiff Acting and dialogue make this an instant cult classic.
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Maan, haven't seen a movie this bad in a looong time lol
zygimantasverba16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I mean yeah, sure, christians aren't always the brightest bunch and all but like what the f@#$, how stupid is Michael. I realise i'm being blunt by not acknowledging their troubled past but he doesn't seem to make sense. Also the father, i'm not sure if i was missing something, but the guy blasted his f!@#$$% head off with a sawed-off and lived to see their kids grow up? Maaan, i don't know, maybe some would say I should watch it for the second time, cause the movie is full of those Hereditary type hidden plot devices (a good movie for reference) but to hell with that. I won't. Because on top of all of that the acting literally killed it. Anyways i'm giving this a 5 out of 10 just because it had some funny at parts and the plot was classic.
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Good thriller
thejhorton18 May 2020
From the lovely opening shot, this thriller grabs you attention. Really well shot, the color pallette is pretty great. Lots of cool blues and oranges. The casting is strong. The story is compelling. Has some good strong gore bits. The suspense is thick throughout.

Really emotional climax.
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The eleventh commandment
jezwood6910 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Thou shalt not kill sexy girls on bikes especially ones with amazing t***... ever !!

Apart from that it was average.

Some decent acting from some, poor from others Filled an hour or so.
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For These Sins I Have Committed, And Those I Have Forgotten, I'm Sorry.....
wandernn1-81-6832745 July 2020
-1 Star for a stupid opening, 'We're ruined! Ruined!!!'''''

Oh it picks up. Father Vincent knows how to take some confession. I tells you what!!!!

+1 Star for Confessions!!!!!!

The voice of the radio Host reminded me so much of R. Lee Ermey. I certainly do miss him so!!!!!

So far I'm seeing this is not a HORROR movie at all. But Mary certainly is one cool villain!!!

-1 Star for the 'confession' of the biker, her 'confession' seemed very fake......

Oh so I see the tie now to the opening. Psycho man became psycho man over dad's suicide over being robbed. Altho how a person can be completely ruined over 1 burglary of their home safe is beyond me. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket??? Always a simple simple rule to live by.

LOL...-1 Star for how Mary hooks up with the brothers as their assistant , so lame.....

Okay I guess the horror is in the group psychosis......

I love Mary's boots btw.

It's weird how everyone who uses a knife in the movie stabs in about the same spot. Little Trivial Tidbit.

The end was probably what needed to happen. Definitely didn't make 100% sense so it gets no bonus.

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When you let the Writer/Director write his own review...
marksmith-9835312 February 2019
LOL This film is the greatest masterpiece of all time. Don't believe me? Then you better re-read co-writer/Director Mark Savages' reviews again. Still don't believe me? Then you must have at least half a brain in your head because it's not even close to the superlatives unleashed in the two "user" reviews. It is however, a decent movie, worthy of a watch if you have less than two hours to kill.
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A madcap thrillcore guilty pleasure
dooqofurl-18 November 2019
Nicely shot! I'd love to know the camera and assorted sordid details, but that's not really "reviewy" of me. This is a taut horror thriller with enough blood and pathos to make it worth the watch. In rural Mississippi, tragedy begets tragedy. A young priest with a blistered past meets his assassin-siren. What could possibly go wrong? Thanks to my buddy Greg for the nod on this film.
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tkaine314 February 2019
7/10🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 From the gate you know this film isn't a blockbuster but the cinematography and sound is on point the pace is perfect and the acting fits the mood of the film like a glove. The two brothers do a good job acting but Trista Robinson who plays Psycho Mary is outstanding and steals the show. The storyline has enough development throughout to keep your interest growing which was surprising to say the least. Of course there are moments when the budget shows it's hand on some of the action sequences when the amateur extras or characters with small roles look very fake performing a death scene but most do a pretty good job. With a mix of religion, romance, Psychotic behavior, gore, vampirism, mild necrophilia, dark comedy and deformities this hidden gem touches a wide spectrum of entertainment. The movie is a bit playful and doesn't take it's self too seriously which adds to the charm but it stays firm and does everything with poise so you don't feel dumb or disrespected when watching. For most "Purgatory Road" is a good horror film that will catch you off guard and entertain you for a couple hrs. But for indie horror fans this flick will be a real treat. For that crowd I would highly recommend it.
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An Entertainingly Twisted Film
vigilant5620 July 2019
I really enjoyed this Indie Horror film! It's a scary entertaining ride with well written killer wack jobs. I recommend this film to those that love the horror genre and those that don't, there is enough entertainment to keep your eyes glued to the screen either way. Two thumps up!
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A terribly beautiful take on guilt and sins
antoinepana13 November 2019
I thought the use of violence is superb in this well orchestrated thriller. The theme is really dredfull. How guilt can lead to horrible nevrosis. In a society in which people behavior is constantly scrutinized and judged Purgatory Road takes it to a whole new level by emphazing this with the use of religion. The very charismatic self proclaimed preast is incredibly terrifying. The cinematography and the acting are perfect. The environment in which the movie takes place works great in setting the ambiance.
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Caravans now make me a little nervous
donttouchmeprimate3 September 2019
Personally I do enjoy low budget movies made with passion, and this film delivers what I like.

Some fantastic acting from the resident nutters played by Gary Cairns and Trista Robinson were a lot of fun to watch and they really do put all of their energy into creeping you out.

As for the film, in parts I felt the pacing was a little off at times which made the film feel longer than it was, but i did enjoy it and the use of colours and sound were very well done. I think I'll be looking into a few more Mark Savage''s projects in the future to see what else he can produce.

This is probably the most formal review I have ever posted. I feel so grown up.

Remember. The earth is flat.
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Just What I Expected
jordan224018 September 2019
Gratuitous gore, silly story-line, bad acting, and mostly illogical - exactly what I expect in a b-level horror flick. And some of the dialog was intentionally funny as well (though I bet the film could have been quite humorous overall had they decided to go that direction). Certainly not the worst of these types of movies I've ever seen.
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Fun throwback horror film with strong F/X and nice look
Cmiller7526 November 2019
I like the look of this film, with the lighting in lurid primary colors (like the good ole Italian horror films of the 70's) and the well-done practical gore effects. The interplay between the brothers is fun, and the premise reminds me of cross between Frailty and Castle Freak. I mean, who can't get behind the tale of a killer priest that murders the parishioners of their mobile camper church during confessions and then feeds the remains to whatever is bumping around in the basement of the family home. Lurid, gory, and unexpected--Purgatory Road is just what you need for a fun fright flick.
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Not bad for an Indie Horror!
lindapalmer19 June 2020
Definitely not the genre I normally watch, but recommended from a fellow filmmaker and I have to admit, the cinematography, lighting, makeup and production value are top notch! Acting was good too. If you like slasher films it's worth watching!
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Fun Slasher film!
moviemarkwilson-796-70625717 November 2019
The look of the film is professional! It's a fun thrasher/horror film that is a nostalgic throwback to the classics. There's a some pretty suspenseful parts that make this film an enjoyable ride! Take the time and check out this film, you won't regret it!
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Dark and bloody!
cdstevensny21 September 2023
I really wasn't sure what to expect when I rented this movie over on Prime. Overall, I was surprised at how bloody it was, so you can't say that you haven't been warned.

For me, I think it would've been extremely challenging to play such a dark character like Father Vincent, and the actor portraying him does a terrific job. In fact, I think that the entire cast all across the board do their best and to some extent, they carry the film. Because for me, the immediate way that we're given the justification/reason of WHY Father Vincent is the way that he is killed the mystery. Audiences like to wonder and figure things out.

So, what I'm pointing out here is that the writing is somewhat flawed. This could've easily been a homerun indie because it had so much going for it off the bat. Limited locations, small cast, unique concept - but the script's execution at times - albeit in small ways - could've been better. Other than that, if you like blood and violence, you WILL enjoy the film. Once again, hats off to the cast for making this film totally worthwhile!
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a low budget film but surprisingly still good
mahayanafilms22 May 2020
Not for the faint hearted. really liked the 70's stylised approach. Purgatory Road are for those who like to watch horror movies with blood and glory. Well worth a watch
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Bible belt horror
andrewtschroeder21 May 2020
This bible belt horror story is a wild ride with lively characters. The tale of a priest out to get sinners is unique, the colorful cinematography is bold and the gore is plentiful. I really enjoyed this one, it's gonna be back on my watchlist come Halloween!
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Strong, original indie horror
JCanni6819 May 2020
A pleasantly satisfying indie horror flick, it has a style that feels nostalgic, but the story feels fresh. The film is well produced, with strong acting and particularly strong cinematography. While there are plenty of horror tropes that make it feel familiar, the premise is original, making for an entertaining story with plenty of gore and surprises, and an entertaining examination of religion.
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Nicely Done and Great story line.
kodell2613 February 2019
I came across this indie film and let me just say, it was pleasantly surprising. The cast was well put together and the story line flows brilliantly. It makes you think of others trying to right wrongs that have been done to those you care about the most to take justice in your own hands. This movie has its twists and kept me on the edge of my seat. This was the second Mark Savage film I say and while the other was great, this one blows that out of the water. Great cinematography, sound and lighting makes it even more pleasing on the eye.
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A fun slasher
cbax12317 October 2019
First off, the lighting and camera work fits the aesthetic and atmosphere of this film beautifully. It's an exciting old school thrasher/horror film that is a nostalgic throwback to some of the work in Hollywood's heyday. Buckle in and enjoy the ride!
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Forgive us our trespasses
alanakmd15 October 2019
The storyline is super interesting and doesn't just rest on the gore to keep you engaged. A priest and his bother seek out unrepentant sinners to exact punishment. The music and cinematography are very well done, and the acting performances are fire! Highly recommend!
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Purgatory Road
artistgp24 October 2019
If you're looking for a story that's different then this one will do the trick. It's a cool indie thriller/horror film that delves into religion on an old testament level. Some truly suspenseful moments in it with tight direction. I'd heard about this one for a while and was glad to finally get to watch it.
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Not Your Typical Horror Film
AlanaTilton18 February 2019
I highly recommend this film. I'm not normally a fan of horror movies but this movie really drew me in and I felt so compelled to see what would happen next. I also very much enjoyed the lead actors especially Gary Cairns as Father Vincent. He took his role to the next level in an outstanding award winning performance. Great actors, a great score, intriguing plot, and fantastic cinematic flare - a must see.
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