Mega Shark vs. Kolossus (2015) Poster

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While one of the better movies in the Mega Shark series, it's only passable at best
TheLittleSongbird7 August 2015
The Mega Shark movies are the kind that aren't to be expected much from, but even with that in mind I personally didn't consider either of them particularly good, some fun moments, mostly for the so-bad-it's-good value there was, but mostly they were too cheap and silly to take it even for what they were. Mega Shark vs Kolossus is one of the better movies in the series along with Mecha Shark, but for me it was only passable at best.

While the special effects are usually terrible in the Mega Shark movies, and Asylum/SyFy movies in general, they don't look too bad here. The two title monsters are not as cheap as feared and succeed in giving their scenes personality. The shark could have looked far worse as far as low-budget sharks go, a good amount of detail went into it actually, and is actually pretty fiercely menacing, rather than being goofy or bringing unintentional humour like most low-budget sharks. The kolossus character is imposingly designed and a cool, heroic character, the two's chemistry is great and help make their scenes (of which there's generally not enough, and they're a little too short) watchable. The last act especially is a lot of fun, and makes one wish that it came earlier and that the rest of the movie was to its level. The scenery is very nice and the underwater scenes are shot well. Didn't think much of the acting on the most part, but Amy Rider did a nice job.

However, the rest of the acting is pretty dire, especially from the captain whose actor seems to be channelling Samuel L. Jackson and doing so while overacting embarrassingly poorly. Illeana Douglas is also somewhat bland. The script is a mess, with the human drama scenes with its messy mix of scientific gobbledygook and military jargon struggling to make sense and they doesn't ring true at any time (actually sounding made up on the spot), and the humour parts are cheesy and contrived, the dialogue being so awkwardly awful it's cringe-worthy. It also does nothing to develop the characters or make them engaging or identifiable, they're little more than walking clichés written in the most cardboard way.

Despite coming to life in the last act, most of the movie's story is tiresomely ridiculous and dull, trying so and too hard to over-the-top and fun (even in the serious scenes, that as a result became overheated and ham-fisted) that it's tiring, especially when all the Mega Shark movies take that approach (concept-wise there's not much new either) and when you see it so many times with The Asylum/SyFy. The editing tends to be haphazard and the movie is lit in a drab way, while the direction only shows some personality in the last act but is flat everywhere else and the music is at best generic.

Overall, while one of the better movies in the Mega Shark series it is only reasonably passable. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Typical Asylum studio fare.
tkmdelorey18 July 2015
I love the way that Asylum actively promotes recycling by throwing in random clips from U.S. Navy stock footage regardless of whether this or that particular ship has previously been used in this movie. This one has clips of an Iowa-class battleship firing its big guns that I am pretty sure were used in American Warships, as well as the mandatory sinking of a U.S. aircraft carrier using the same special effect that was previously used in American Warships and Age of Ice. We also have the obligatory black actor as the senior Naval officer. No problem there, but will somebody please tell Asylum that Admirals do not tool around in destroyers, and that if you are going to film the Admiral on the bridge in open sea, it would be good not to have trees and land visible out the non-military window of the bridge they are filming on. Three stars for the three drinks you will need to get through this one.
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Monster Hug?
wes-connors26 July 2015
Off the coast of Brazil, a conflict erupts between the United States and Russia. A submarine, ship and weird helicopter are involved. Unfortunately, another "Mega Shark" is released. The characters thought they'd seen the last of them over a year ago, in "Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark" (2014), the best of the four stories in this series, so far. Baseball-capped Ernest Thomas (as Admiral Titus Jackson) is peeved. Elsewhere, a giant robot called "Kolossus" is released. A relic from the US/USSR Cold War, "Kolossus" is in a nasty mood. For some undecipherable reason, the two monsters meet. Maybe they want to have sex - it's difficult to tell...

Mr. Thomas makes a wise exit from this disconnected disaster. He was likewise smart as "Raj" on the old TV sitcom "What's Happening!!" Splitting the leading female star duties are spectacled commander Illeana Douglas (as Alison Gray) and tightly-attired agent Amy Rider (as Moira King). Mr. Thomas is the granddaughter of golden age Hollywood actor Melvyn Douglas. Blond Brody Hutzler (as Joshua Dane) has a little fun near the end. Apparently, director Christopher Ray and the crew were given a string of Christmas tree bulbs to use for lighting. The story makes very little sense and is almost impossible to watch with any attention.

** Mega Shark vs Kolossus (2015-05-16) Christopher Ray ~ Illeana Douglas, Amy Rider, Ernest Thomas, Brody Hutzler
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A New Low for the Series
Michael_Elliott28 July 2015
Mega Shark vs. Kolossus (2015)

* (out of 4)

Considering how awful this movie is, I'm not going to spend too much time with the plot since we've basically got the good ol' U.S.A. going up against Russia, which leads to our giant shark battling a large robot.

MEGA SHARK VS. KOLOSSUS is the fourth film in the "Mega Shark" series and it's certainly the worst to date. I say it every time I watch a film like this but you really can't go in expecting anything in terms of quality but instead you hope to just find some cheap entertainment. Sadly, there really wasn't anything entertaining here as the entire film was a real chore to sit through and at just 90 minutes the thing feels three times longer.

I'm really not sure who thought it was a good idea to have a screenplay full of dialogue but it really backfires because this film is simply boring from start to end. The worst thing is that we're given subplots dealing with science and politics and it's just downright awful and makes for some horrid melodrama and lame comedy. The CGI effects of the two monsters were better than you'd expect but why the two didn't battle more is anyone's guess. Either way, this is a really bad movie that should just be skipped.
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Everybit as expected...
paul_haakonsen22 August 2017
Another "Mega Shark" movie, and with the entire series being questionable and cheesy, then there is still something alluring about creature features that involve sharks. So naturally I did sit down to watch "Mega Shark vs. Kolossus" as I had the chance to do so.

As for the cast that starred in the movie, well I can't really claim to be familiar with anyone who was in the movie, aside from Illeana Douglas . Now, that is definitely not a bad thing for me, because I do enjoy watching new faces and talents in movies. And people were actually doing good jobs with their given roles and characters, given the cheesy and campy concept of the movie.

The story in "Mega Shark vs. Kolossus" was as to be expected, and you know what you are getting yourself into here if you have seen any of the other movies in the series. If you are new to the series of "Mega Shark" movies, then do not take the movie too seriously, because it is definitely rather outrageous in concept and idea.

It should be said that the effects in this particular movie were actually quite good, and might very well range among the better of CGI and special effects seen in the "Mega Shark" movie series so far. However, I just can't grasp the concept of having sharks growl. Sure, because a silent killer is not as menacing as one making sound. But come on, a growling shark just makes it seem ridiculous.

Now, the concept idea of a massive kolossus doomsday machine was just a bit too far out there. But it did fit in well enough with the rest of the campy concept of the movie in a way.

While "Mega Shark vs. Kolossus" is not a movie experience of Shakespearian proportions, then it is still entertaining enough for what it turned out to be. If you enjoy these cheesy and campy shark creature features, then "Mega Shark vs. Kolossus" should prove entertaining for you.
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A new Mega Shark appears.
michaelRokeefe23 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fourth installment of the Mega Shark franchise. A simple story line finds the world still in torment after earlier shark attacks. As American scientists argue with the military about letting sleeping sharks lie; an enormous Cold War robot named Kolossus accidentally is awakened in Russia. Fortunately or unfortunately, a new Mega Shark appears and global chaos ensues. What is to stop Russia's doomsday mechanism from dueling with the monster shark? Creature and Sci-Fi violence sustains enough action to keep most happy. Christopher Ray directs. The cast includes: Brody Hutzler, Illeana Douglas, Adam Dunnells, Amy Rider, Ernest Thompson, Jeff Hatch and screenwriter Edward DeRuiter.
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Pitiful addition to the series, despite the cool robot
Leofwine_draca14 December 2015
This is one of the worst of the Asylum 'giant monster' films I've watched yet. It manages to be a much bigger disappointment than the original MEGA SHARK VS. GIANT OCTOPUS and also wastes a premise that wouldn't have been out of place in a kaiju flick: a giant shark is once again terrorising international waters, and the danger is compounded when a giant Russian colossus comes out of the depths to also wreak havoc.

It simply feels like the guys at The Asylum weren't trying at all with this one. The special effects are very poor indeed, particularly the underwater stuff, although I admit I did get a kick out of the few scenes of the Kolossus walking around and destroying stuff (it goes back to my childhood experience with Talos in JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS). The giant shark stuff is really, really, pitiful and has a hackneyed, 'seen it all' before feel.

There aren't even any recognisable stars in this one, just a bunch of bad actors going through the motions. The CGI is horrible, the lighting is inefficient, and there's no gore or violence to speak of. It all feels like a half-hearted cartoon and is even worse than comparable stuff like BERMUDA TENTACLES - and that's saying something!
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another ok addition to the series
LetsReviewThat2631 July 2022
Here we have the fourth instalment of the mega shark series. This time throwing in a doomsday robot called kolossus into the mix, that our heroes have to battle. The cast do ok in their roles with what they are given. The cgi is the same as always but hey its what I expected and something to watch thats entertaining enough. Altogether ok but what more do you expect from an asylum film. One thing I would like to know though is what happened to the blonde woman from the beginning.
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Its Nintendo Wii for megalodon & kolossus
Chase_Witherspoon16 January 2024
Formula-fed mega mess stars bookish Douglas (Melvyn's granddaughter) as a naval scientist entrusted to destroy the mega shark which has been awoken due to a Russian deep-sea drilling mishap. At the same time, a Soviet era robot juggernaut 'Kolossus' is reactivated causing a double headache for special agent Amy Rider and her incompetent computer analyst sidekick.

I also enjoyed the pained acting of the naval commander (Price), whose intense facial expressions become more smug looking (including some sarcastic backchat) when she assumes command after the Admiral (Thomas from TV's 'What's Happening') spectacularly loses the plot. And if you manage to withstand the forces of nature threatening to send you off to slumber, you'll also get to see Patrick Bauchau wasted in a strange cameo as an eccentric cold war scientist.

Insofar as the 'mega' franchise films go, this one is right down there with the absolute worst, a virtually incoherent plot attempting to combine both the mega shark and Marvel universes on a micro budget. The plot device our villain uses to manipulate the two mega antagonists is truly laughable but then there are so many moments of ridiculousness and despair it's almost too much to bear.

Despite looking occasionally bewildered by the plot (or her acting choices) I give one star to the nasal perkiness of Douglas' buxom nerd scientist, who keeps this garbage afloat even as it sinks deeper than the origins of its titular antagonist. She's a bright spark in an otherwise dim place. And just when you thought it was safe to watch movies again, stay tuned after the titles have rolled by, and prepare to be disappointed all over again.
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not a financially colossal movie but watchable
mbgdowska20 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie watched. Actually this wasn't half bad. OK, the acting was dire but CGI was good. I didn't care who died. The Meg was detailed and SMART and charismatic . Like in Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark, again the shark showed high intelligence and character throughout the movie. Honestly the last 20 minutes of the movie had the most action. Spoiler Alert. There could possibly be a sequel soon. It is evident they spent most of the money on CGI the shark and Kolossus. Movie was enjoyable as I didn't start playing with my iphone during the movie! We are never really going to get "decent Acting" in these type of movies. The cheesiness of the characters can be like Marmite. Love them or hate them. I am not rushing out the door to buy this on DVD but I would recommend this especially for all the fellow 'creature feature' movies. Oh Anaconda was mid budget movie with decent acting. Still brainstorming. Enjoy!
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Mega Shark vs. Kolossus
jboothmillard7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The low-budget Mega Shark series has been terrible so far, with Giant Octopus, Crocosaurus, and Mecha being utter wastes of time, both for me and anyone involved with it, and here was hoping that this fourth instalment would be the last. Basically, sometime after the destruction of Mecha Shark, the world's governments institute have planned in case another Mega Shark appears. Sure enough, another shark is awakened by Russian miners drilling underwater for red mercury. Meanwhile, a man named Benedict (Bryan Hanna) leads a team of prospectors searching for red mercury for an unknown sponsor; entering a mine in Russia, they discover a secret stock of the substance. American agent Moira King (Amy Rider), a member of Benedict's team, gets into a standoff with the Russians, when a giant robot hidden beneath the mine reawakens, the Kolossus. King barely escapes while the mine is destroyed by the robot. Dr. Alison Gray (Illeana Douglas) believes the shark's behaviour could be influenced with the use of her newly developed sonic transmitters, but the military reject her proposal, following instead the aggressive plan of her colleague Dr. John Bullock (Jeff Hatch). Grey is then summoned by tech mogul and environmentalist Joshua Dane (Brody Hutzler), CEO of DaneTech Industries, who has been infiltrating the communications of the government and their plans, he distrusts their intentions. Dane suggests that they work together to stop the shark in a more humane way and protect the environment. Elsewhere, King recruits desk worker Spencer (Edward DeRuiter) to help her to stop Kolossus. The robot is discovered to be a mobile weapon of mass destruction created by the Russians during the Cold War, powered by red mercury and capable of multiple detonations. Admiral Titus Jackson (Ernest Thomas) leads a fleet to carry out an attack on the shark, but the weapons are useless, and Dr. Bullock is thrown overboard. Dane and Alison approach on Dane's hydrofoil and offer to assist using Alison's transmitter, but the pod malfunctions and the shark escapes. King and Spencer come across the battle and join forces with Dane and Alison to find the creator of Kolossus creator, Dr. Sergei Abramov (Patrick Bauchau). When Abramov is located, he gives them a compass and clues to where the technology to control Kolossus can be found. Kolossus arrives and detonates, killing Abramov while the others escape. The group follow Abramov's clues and locate the laboratory where he created Kolossus, which is now underwater. The shark is nearby and goes on another rampage, causing Admiral Jackson to suffer a breakdown and initiates a nuclear launch before committing suicide. Lieutenant Commander Elisha Parker (Tara Price) manages to override the order, aborting the strike, and King draws the shark, using an American flag, into the inlet where the laboratory is, trapping it. While King, Spencer, Alison, and Dane search the laboratory for the control device for Kolossus, the robot appears and begins fighting with the shark. They find the device and escape the lab just before it is destroyed during the battle. Kolossus approaches Dane's ship, but they manage to connect the controller to Dane's computer system in time to stop it. Kollosus is now under Dane's control, but he betrays the others, revealing that he was Benedict's sponsor and sabotaged Alison's transmitter to prevent the government from killing the shark before he could find red mercury. As he collects the red mercury from Kolossus, the shark attacks again, but he uses Kolossus to attach a transmitter to the shark, so he has it under his control as well. Dane broadcasts a message to the world, announcing that he has control of both Mega Shark and Kolossus and plans to destroy the cities that produce the most pollution, killing millions in the name of saving the environment. Several governments send out fighter jets against him, but Dane uses Mega Shark and Kolossus to eliminate them. He then sends a worldwide declaration that he expects a nuclear strike to come, warning that if he is killed, it will trigger the release of red mercury into the atmosphere, rendering Earth inhospitable for centuries. The Strategic Defense Initiative satellite is activated to combat Dane, but he uses Kolossus throw the shark into space, knocking the satellite's laser off target, which hits the moon instead. Dane is unaware that, landing back in the ocean, the transmitter has fallen off the shark. The shark attacks Kolossus, causing Dane's control system to crash. Kolossus targets the ship, while Alison, King and Spencer have escaped their bonds and flee. Dane runs onto the beach and is crushed under the foot of Kolossus. Mega Shark and Kolossus engage in a vicious final battle, with Alison, King and Spencer watching from the shore. Kolossus finally drags the shark down deep underwater, wrapping itself around it and detonating its entire remaining supply of red mercury, destroying both creatures. With the crisis over, the three survivors await rescue. Deep underwater, another egg hatches, giving birth to a new Mega Shark. Dr. Bullock, who survived being thrown overboard, is later killed by the new shark, and the screen reads "Mega Shark Will Return". Also starring Rileah Vanderbilt as Rileah and Tim Abell as Ivan. Unlike the previous films, I didn't recognise anybody in the case, but it doesn't matter, the special effects are silly and wasted, the giant robot looks ridiculous, like a cross between the human muscle system and the Terminator, the shark looks equally daft in moments, and it is just generally awful, hopefully there won't be another one as suggested at the end, a stupid and pointless science-fiction horror. Poor!
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The Best Mega Shark Yet!
If you're not down with SyFy Channel creature features, just save us both some grief and skip this review. If, however, you love the bargain basement Godzilla-style spectacle of The Asylum's Mega Shark series the way I do, rest assured that Mega Shark Vs. Kolossus will leave you giddy. It's a fun and fast-paced affair involving an even bigger, smarter, meaner prehistoric shark and an out-of-control Cold War robot on a collision course with one another. The cast all has a blast playing one ludicrous scene after another with deadly earnestness, the monsters are both well-rendered and imbued with more personality than they have any right to have on this budget, and the whole thing feels like a loving throwback to the Japanese monster movies I used to watch on Saturday afternoons as a child. Sure, the fights are too brief and the science is laughable. But what the film lacks in credibility and budget, it more than makes up for in energy and enthusiasm. Plus, the curvy cuties of Team Unicorn are on-hand to amp up the eye candy quotient. In all, a highly satisfying piece of direct-to-video schlock.
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Great! If you take it in the spirit it was made...
gaboonviper-605-44151811 August 2015
You could try and rate this movie by realism, acting prowess of the cast, and the excellence of the story. But that's like trying to rate the Shawshank Redemption by the amount of comedy, and its suitableness for kids.

This is a mega-monster parody.

It's the kind of movie you watch with your friends while laughing and generally having a good time. And its excellent at that. The movie is chock full of action sequences, special effects and interesting twists that keep your attention. At the same time, it doesn't make the mistake of taking itself too seriously with the drama and art.

The acting is not great, but good enough to prevent you from gouging your eyes out. The characters are likable clichés from all of your favourite movies. And the story makes sense almost half of the time.

You don't HAVE to see this movie. But if you're looking for something fun to watch that's not too heavy; this is as good a choice as any.
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What's happening with the shark now?
mark.waltz24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give Asylum films credit for casting interesting nearly forgotten cultural icons from decades before. This time it's Ernest Thomas from a popular black sitcom from 35 years before. But what we've also got is a combination of world politics vs. science, and that means that there's a new mega shark in the seas off the coast of Brazil where conflicts between Russians and American naval ships bring this creature up from out of the depths. Sounds exciting? Unfortunately not, and it's angering because within ten minutes, the vibrations of this huge beast causes shakes that brings down the famous statue of Jesus.

In addition to Thomas, there's top billed Illeana Douglas as a deadpan research doctor, an interesting character for sure, but the two are surrounded by stereotypical Russian military types with no depth and rather dull American naval officers as well. It takes quite a while for the science fiction to replace the seafaring action, so you've got a lot of stretched out action to make this feature length. The idea of the shark going against a giant robot of Greek mythological proportions is silly as well even though it's an impressive giant prop. I'll settle for the old Godzilla or Gamera movies over these modern rip-offs that lack the fun of those Japanese cult classics.
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Made me appreciate the Octopus movie...
kjc-3220512 January 2022
This was bad; really bad. The director should go hide under a rock for his work on this movie. If you can get bad the bad CGI, there is still no excuse for the bad acting, Tim Abell's horrendous fake Russian accent, and the amateur-ish storyline. This one deserves a big fat zero.
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efmendiburu19 June 2022
I gave 1 star because there is no option for zero.

I couldn't say what is the worst item, script, performances, special effects, photography, direction, etc.
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A catastrophe indeed
billcarr3119 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The most shocking thing here is that a member of the animal most advanced on the planet, if you leave out whales and dolphins, thought up this thing. Not only that but he persuaded another one to finance and produce this trash. It is hardly fit for a old style comic book and certainly should not be viewed by anybody over the age of ten. The production values and continuity are abysmal.

A man falls overboard and is never referred to again , the 'shark' is trapped inside an inlet but inexplicably gets out, oh, and BTW millions of sharks are killed every year for their fins alone but modern weapons cannot touch this one., which can also leap high enough to damage a helicopter! How would a fish know a helicopter was above it anyway, let alone aim at it?

As for the huge robot what a stupid creation, a couple of shell hitting its legs would have brought it to the ground. The only thing of value in this travesty is that it gave employment to some people.
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Not true to the Mega shark cult classic
the_doofy1 July 2021
The makers of this movie don't understand why Mega Shark makes it into cult classic status in such a short period of time

First of all, there are cleavage bimbies who actually live in this movie, such characters living in Mega Shark is against god.

Mega shark gets taken down, sort of, nothing takes down true mega shark, not nukes, not bimbies, nothing

One thing this movie does do is make the size of Mega shark a sliding ruler, to very large to absolutely Ginormous, in True Mega Shark movie style

Another big mistake is classifying Mega Shark, the real Mega Shark needs no classification, Mega Shark is all the classification necessary

So at the end of the day, the makers of this movie have very little comprehension of what a Mega Shark movie is, this thing is more Hollywood in nature and script.
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Mega lol
bishopexcons13 April 2020
Just for the laughs. When a movie like mega shark vs predator? 😂
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BandSAboutMovies17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Between Mega Shark, Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus, Mega Shark Versus Crocosaurus, Mega Shark Versus Mecha Shark and the rumored Mega Shark Versus Moby Dick, The Asylum has really gotten plenty of nautical miles out of the Mega Shark story.

Yet how can we explain the fact that Illeana Douglas appears in this movie as Dr. Alison Gray? I mean, Douglas is an incredible actress, but I guess everyone needs work. And yet she brings such gravitas to her role that you wonder, does she realize that she's in a movie where an unearthed Cold War Russian giant robot battles a monstrous shark?

This was directed by Christopher Ray, who is also Christopher Douglas-Olen Ray, who is Fred's son and now it all makes so much more sense. Hey - I'm not saying that's a bad thing. I wish there were more movies where soldiers fought to free mechanical monsters who can pick up a megalodon and throw it at a satellite that's shooting a laser.

If you like your jetfighters as stock footage, your monsters rubbery yet made in CGI and great posters, well, this movie is for you. Actually, it's for me, because this is exactly the kind of movie I revel in. If only we couldn't find a secret Italian lab that has the robotic form of Bruno Mattei hidden away so that he could make so many more of these shark movies. Let's Go Fund that!
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Nuttily Brilliant
By-TorX-118 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The Mega Shark series is fantastic! The films throw logic as high in the air as the Mega Shark leaps (and this film's shark leaps the highest of all!), but who cares, as therein lies the guilty pleasure of these crazy movies, and Mega Shark vs. Kolossus is no exception as it pushes the crazy level to the max. As ever, the Mega Shark makes its entrance with the quickest of introductions before rapidly getting down to its national monument smashing and ship-devouring ways. However, this time the mad megalodon must face an adversary who is a cross between a giant Ultra Man and Iron Maiden's lovable mascot, Eddie-the Head (and what is not to love in that pairing?). OK, so maybe the two titans pretty much act like they are in two separate films for most of the action, but it is still a cheese-laden marvel when they do come together in WWE-style combat. Add a David Beckham look-alike tech-philanthropist, a mighty CIA agent, a ship's bridge that could be the interior of a bus, a very game and knowingly irreverent Illeana Douglas, plus battleships being swatted hither and thither by the titular Mega Shark, and you have another perfect Saturday night schlock fest that is that is everything you could hope for from a Mega Shark that apparently has the ability to destroy all of humanity (I'm still not fully sure how sharks can do that, even megasharks, but these films assure us that they can so that is good enough for me).
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singlehandedly changed my life
h-95811-487295 May 2023
I was bald, depressed and had no nuts before watching this movie. Now i make twenty figures a second and my fifty wives love me all so very much and keep saying "I love you but not as much as i love "Mega Shark vs Kolossus, the 4th movie in the installment of the mega shark series" and then we proceed to make some hot love just like the robot making hot love to the shark at the end of the movie.

Truly, a spiritual, physicsal, mental and philosophical masterpiece of a movie. Puts movies like "Shawshank redemption" to shame. Compared to this movie, they are nothing but a kindergarten play made by children.
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Among the best in the franchise
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 July 2015
Following the appearance of another Mega Shark, a CIA Agent and a technology mogul team up to take it down only for the sudden reawakening of a Cold-War era robot to throw a further complication into the battle to stop the deadly creature.

While this one doesn't quite manage to make it to the top of the franchise this is still a wholly worthwhile entry. As was the case with the previous efforts, a lot of this one is due to the massive cheese here which is based on the efforts of the shark here getting the most amount of screen-time possible here. The majority of this one is spent with the military's attacks trying to cut it down, from the opening battle in the mini-subs to the full-scale assault on the open seas and finally the creature attacking the fleet with it's trademark high- altitude jumps of it leaping out of the water and taking out the destroyers in marvelous action scenes that keep up the spectacle and excitement from the rest of the series. As well, the addition of the giant robot here manages a great deal of fun by also managing to incorporate more land-scenes here with the race to understand it's motives as it rampages through the countryside leaving a great sense of destruction behind it, and also giving this one some spectacular early fights between the two in all sorts of cheesy spectacle. There's a lot of great fun to be had in the final half as well with the naval battle taking place in the inlet that distracts the shark enough to wrestle control of the robot during the encounter, the big battle with the Air Force in a fine aerial battle that comes off really nicely and the big battle at the end that manages to leave both creatures with plenty of high-spots since they put together a nicely detailed battle that's far more engaging than expected. These here are enough to hold this off from the few small flaws here, with the biggest one again coming from the rather weak CGI found throughout this one keeping it from really being taken seriously despite the spectacle of the story here. The robot's initial reactivation scene, the big battle with the destroyers at sea and the final battle are all way too obvious about their qualities despite the fact that there's a rather exciting series of action scenes overplaying during that time, and the fact that there's other times throughout this that aren't as obvious about the nature of the effects really causes those to stand out considerably. As well, the film also suffers with the needless subplot about the deranged scientist secretly working to gain control over the robot that comes out of nowhere, is accomplished with ten minutes to go in the film and really feels like an after-thought to get the film up to a respectable running time rather than doing anything of any coherent value and logic really makes it odd and really distracting. Otherwise, this one had a lot more going for it to make it enjoyable enough.

Rated Unrated/R: Language and Violence.
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i wish kolossus would throw me into the atmosphere
wmrsgcp26 November 2021
I really enjoyed the symbolism in this film around the climate crisis i thought it brought attention to the big issues. I also thought it was clever how it brought attention to racial injustices. I would have enjoyed to see more about the global economy but i'm excited for the sequel!! This movie was the best movie of all time it gave me explosive diabetes.
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Asylum isn't always bad. This one isn't bad at all.
freydis-e17 May 2024
Every Asylum film gets rated 2-3 and gets a load of negative reviews. Yes, some of them are bad, others terrible. But lots are OK, some are actually pretty good (like "Sharknado 5") and many are more entertaining than the big budget Hollywood garbage they are based on. Like this one. I gave it 10 in hopes someone might read the review. In fact it's worth about 5 (the Statham originals about 3).

OK the concept is completely ridiculous, just as it is with those originals, but there's nothing in here nearly as silly as our Jason shoving off a megalodon by bracing feet against its nose and the story makes a lot more sense than lazily written trash like "Tomorrow War". OK, the acting is not Oscar-worthy but compared with the likes of Statham and Chris Pratt (to say nothing of T Cruise, K Reeves etc.) it's actually pretty good. And this is FUN! It's not meant to be taken seriously like the Hollywood guff you guys pay all those millions to watch, just to be enjoyed for what it is. The characters are fun, the script OK, the action may sometimes be silly but it keeps coming.

So why all the hate? I think because there's no budget, therefore no expensive stars and the effects look awful - especially true here. Do we have no imagination any more though? Can we not enjoy a fun action story which doesn't have well-known (yawn) faces and a bunch of expensive CGI? For me it's worth 5 for the enjoyment I got from it and all those useless Hollywood money-wasters - maybe 2 or 3 maximum. If we're talking entertainment for its budget, this is pure 10/10.

One area Asylum often scores heavily is with the action roles it gives to women - always well-represented when soldiers, agents or police are involved. This one opens with the all-female crew of a mini-sub bravely sacrificing themselves. The pint-sized rogue female CIA agent (the excellent Amy Rider) not only takes out heavies of all nationalities with the extremest of prejudice, but physically kidnaps a male specialist who has the knowledge she needs to get things fixed. The smart scientist is female, the dumb one male, and even the obsessed psycho admiral has a sensible and sane female #2 to take over when he finally flips. All pretty well spot on, I'd say. Thanks Asylum, maybe one day Hollywood will catch up with you.
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