Nocturne Six (2014) Poster


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Horrible Film
m-russell256628 March 2015
This is hands down the worst attempt at a movie I've ever seen. The story was horrible written, the directing was awful, and the acting was just atrocious. I hope for the sake of all movie viewers in the world that nobody who was involved in the spat ever gets another job in the industry. I am at a complete loss. I don't even know how to put into words how bad this film really is. The story goes absolutely nowhere. It is just non stop static on the screen attempting to create some suspense and they failed miserably at that also. The news story that is covering this project does an extremely bad job at describing what they are actually reporting. And to top off all of the bad decisions in making this film people actually seen the finished product and patted themselves on the back and said "good job guys, lets release it". Sad....Just sad.
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This movie was neither intelligent nor chilling
stormiepsy5 April 2015
I actually watch a LOT of horror from the classics (The Black Room, White Zombie) to modern horror (Spring, Sinister)and I love everything from psychological to gory to downright creepy. Some I hated and some I really loved. I also review horror movies because I find that everyone has diverse tastes in what they find good and then some people are paid to give good reviews which cheats the viewer and they are stuck watching a train wreck and it's not even an entertaining one. Also I know that on here the directors get the actors and their friends to give the movie a high rating and write good reviews because that encourages other people to watch the movie (I fell for it), which is a really good system if the movie was actually worth watching. This movie just happens to be one of those train wrecks I mentioned earlier. The concept was good but it was executed poorly. The acting was so so bad. The staticy flickering camera was annoying because it was constantly happening. I get that it is supposed to be found footage but come on! The sound was horrible and the "demon/monster" sounded like a bleating goat. The story was disjointed and half the time you didn't know what was going on which led more to confusion than creepiness. I almost felt like I was watching a really badly done rendition of the Power Rangers meet Evil Big Foot. Not once did I feel creeped out or was I on the edge of my seat. This movie did not hold my attention and I actually had to force myself to sit through it. Not because it was scary but because I was getting so frustrated with that stupid flickering camera and confusion about what was really going on. This movie lacks any kind of intellectual stimulus. If you just want something to pass the time or for background noise this is great. If you actually want to sit down and watch a good indie horror I would pass this one up. And that's an honest answer.
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Intelligent Horror
ArmyChaplain22 March 2015
Something to keep you on the edge of your seat for a change. Unfortunately, there are too few movies that can accomplish this anymore. Not your typical film that uses trailers to lure you in to get you to watch the film, leaving you dozing or uninterested after the first twenty minutes. This film, uses techniques that many people are interested in, but know little to nothing about, the paranormal.

Too many modern movies are unintelligent, using high-tech CGI and other silly gadgetry to get you to watch their film without even giving a passing thought about the actual plot of the story. When did filmmaking go down the tubes - giving way to rubbish. This film uses simple, retro-style horror, allowing the audience to use their brain for a change. Don't watch this movie if you are not into using intelligence though, after all, it's meant to make you ponder the other realm, allowing us smart humans to question outside the box.
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Blair Witch Project was 10 times better and that is sad.
goatfrog27 March 2015
This movie lacked any real cohesive storyline. It bounces around from one static filled camera view to the next and the entire time you are just trying to figure out what is going on. I honestly feel the writers were trying to create a Sci-fi horror movie in the same amateur styling as The Blair Witch Project, but failed miserably in their attempt. I was about to stop watching at several points, but figured it had to get better and of course it never did. The ending of the movie left me feeling the same way the core of the film did which was overall confused and let down. I seriously wish I had spent my time doing something more entertaining than watching this film such as... well absolutely anything would have been a better choice. I do not recommend watching this movie.
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This is just bad
forsterpeter24 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled on this whilst trying to find something to fill a few hours, I'm a fan of this type of film (micro budget horror) and am well aware of the varying quality, so I went in with pretty low expectations. However - this is just crap, flat acting where you can actually see people just waiting to read their lines, nothing feels genuine, you can the feel the pain as the 'actors' just spew rubbish. The "fantastic effects" some people refer to consist of a ton of static and one repeated computer screen. As for the monster, Jesus, you never see the thing at all, tons of dodgy lighting and darkness, is it possessing people? Does it eat dead people? How is possessing a dream? The premise is good but you get no answers to anything. Absolutely no point in the reporters being at the base either. Oh and the synopsis is a load of bull, should read 4 random people get sent to dreamland then panic over weird noises, go full on Blair witch and go mental. avoid.
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some of the absolute worst acting i've ever seen in any film or tv show
phenomynouss5 February 2018
This one is a very fragile idea, with a seemingly complicated plot that could be executed phenomenally.

This film failed miserably.

Using the framing device of a cable news expose', we're told of a CIA program using people with psychic abilities of some sort being teleported to alternate "planes of existence" to stop evil inhuman creatures from trying to invade our plane of existence. We follow a mission that ended in abysmal failure and led to the entire program's cancellation, via camera footage taken by the psychic teens themselves and in the facility from the handlers.

Right away the first failing of the film is how it actually handles the alternate planes of existence and how to put the people in them. They don't do anything original or interesting; the teens go to sleep with electrodes on their head, and basically "dream" everything.

Almost to a person, the acting is among the absolute worst I've ever seen, even reaching the level of middle schoolers sight-reading Shakespeare in first year English. EVERYONE is at their absolute worst, delivering lines like they're reading them for the first time ever and essentially guessing as to the context or tone of them.

there are two of CIA handlers voices, Alpha and Delta. The voice of Delta is literally someone putting on the most cartoonishly over the top "redneck" accent they can muster while still sounding serious, and Alpha sounds like a 15 year old reading lines from an NPC in a poorly written RPG game.

Speaking of NPCs in poorly written RPG games, at one point for seemingly no reason at all, we get an audio clip of a "resident mortician" from the alternate plane, and to call what he did "acting" is to call smeared fish guts baked into concrete by the sun "gourmet sushi".

Apparently drawing their inspiration from Vincent Price, they give a painfully bland monologue describing some manner of creature eating corpses in a funeral home with the sort of purple prose of a drunken teenager mockingly imitating Edgar Allen Poe. It is the epitome of every bad "creepy sinister old man" NPC voice in every poorly written computer RPG voiced by one of the production assistants with no acting experience at all.

Virtually every aspect of this short, short film is an abject failure. The story is incoherent and constantly interrupted by Beavis and Butthead (Alpha and Delta) droning moronically like pubescent teenagers trying to scare children with deep, ultra serious voices. All the video footage is heavily grained and distorted, the CG effects for the monsters literally look like they were made in MS Paint, and the sound mixing is some of the absolute worst of any movie I've ever heard, with some characters sounding like they have microphones, and others not. Some lines are barely audible, then other lines, usually curse words, are ear-splittingly loud, sometimes in the same sentence.

Nothing in this film went right. The writing, the acting, the visual effects, even the most basic stuff like sound. All of it failed abysmally, to such a colossal degree that, seeing positive reviews of this film praising the visual effects, of all things, genuinely makes me think those reviews are planted by the filmmakers. And I have almost never come across a movie review I have suspected of being a fake.
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cl900023 March 2015
Caught me completely off guard. I wasn't expecting this movie to be so cool! I guess I was expecting some lousy CGI thing. Unlike some of my friends though, I enjoy movies that aren't so over the top with special effects that it makes you wanna barf. This is definitely in my top twenty favorite movies of all time now. I just gotta find it now so I can buy it.

When I first saw the movie, I wasn't sure at first if it was the one I had heard of from a friend. I was a little apprehensive to see it, but the from the trailer that I saw, it look cool because of the fake FBI seal, so then I was in after that.

10 ********** Stars all the way!!!!!
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cossackbef26 April 2015
I bought this movie about a week ago. I wanted to come on here and explain a few things to reviewers prior to writing a bad review. First off, it's probably going to be somewhere between a "6" and an "8". I wouldn't give it either a nine or ten, but that's just me. I've seen a lot of other users here in the IMDb have given it just that, 9s & 10s. I'm not them, so I don't know what they enjoy. Speaking on behalf of myself who once worked for an independent film business almost fifteen years ago as an executive producer, I keep abreast of the independent market.

First off, let me state this, unless you are a somewhat intelligent person, or have worked in the film business, you can't possibly imagine what the mental and even physical cost is for an independent filmmaker. The difficulties in making a film on a lower budget takes ambition and above all, courage. The ability to stick by something for an endless amount of time is not for the faint of heart. Nocturne Six is unlike other independent movies that I've not only made, but have watched. I would have to say from a very critical point of view, there are most likely only 9 total movies that fall into my personal category that make my top 10 favorite independent releases. Nocturne Six is one of them as of now.

Many films today must adhere to a new market of individuals, sadly. It's not much about story lines and intelligence within films anymore. Screenwriters must always be thinking outside the box for ways to keep the unaware public at bay to follow through with their movie experience. If a screenwriter/s can get their point across without all the glitz and glam of explosions and shotgun blasts, then they've accomplished their objective and then some for those of us film lovers that actually know and understand, and even appreciate what were taking into our brains.

Nocturne Six for me as an "unofficial" film critic was not just simply executed with what these filmmakers were using, but they brought a fascinating plot of modern science and culture, and the ever-growing world of paranormal science to life in just under two-hours. Many movies that I have watched can't seem to get their point across in the time they've been approved for and still remain under budget. I find modern filmmaking to be appalling sometimes, in that the fact we are willing to hand out $60million to a "so-called trusted" director just because he's achieved the same thing over and over again. It's all about the "Flash! Bang! Boom!" effect, rather than the intellectual movie experience anymore. Mass-produced movies are in your face, and it's all about the money and the trend. Don't get me wrong, I can appreciate what goes into making these films, but when did we stop rewarding those who actually have something special to say through art and craftsmanship, and start rewarding those who use the same gimmicks over and over again, the same cookie-cutter hum-drum nonsense? From a technical aspect, I loved how Nocturne Six utilized many modern-day library footage, referenced modern government agencies and had an all-around horror/sci-fi affect.

Personally, I just can't fathom someone giving this movie anything below a six. You have to be somewhat reasonably intelligent to understand this movie, and if you are, then you'll understand to issue it a respectful number, above that of "5".
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An effective horror film with good scares
CabbageDude33331 March 2015
This movie had a nice look to it and the VFX were pretty awesome. The events that transpired definitely took me into the story. There were some really effective scares in here. And when the monster starts appearing, even in brief flashes, it really scared the sh** out of me, and I normally don't startle that easily. So congrats to these folks for achieving that with me.

It seems like one of those "love it or hate it" kind of films, and I guess I would fall into the category of finding it entertaining and decently scary. The filmmakers did a good job a creating an eerie mood that drove each moment of the plot. I also see the potential for sequels here as well.
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Not a One
jsweetboro31 March 2015
I don't understand how anybody could possibly rate this movie a "one". I think much of the time people get envious or ticked off at other people because their film got made before theirs, or something like that, so out of spite, they give it a one.

Personally, I don't think it's a ten, but a solid nine I give it. It's original, active, and downright chilling. Even seeing how low budget this film was, I give credit to the filmmakers and writer for being able to pull off such a creepy beast. I might start having nightmares after hearing how that demon screamed or yelped in the movie now.

This movie to me was a shocker in that I was caught by surprise several times. If a film can do that to me, then for me, it's worthy to be out there with all the rest.
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Great film for a stormy night...
bakest-868896 April 2015
All because a lot of people leave good messages for a film that they enjoyed doesn't mean were family or relations to the writer or director, or whatever, it means we bought the movie and watched it, like any other person who believes in Capitalism. That's the way the world is, and watching the fantastic piece is absolutely no exception.

I found the film to be downright scary. Actually, I think I woke up in a cold sweat. Hopefully, that will be the last time I wake up like that or else I'll start to think I've wet the bed or something worse.

Unlike some movies where the CGI stuff is way over the top, this film was just right. A good deal of creepy moments in it, with some parts that nearly scared the living crap out of me.
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Just Watch the Movie...
paulegross1 May 2015
First off let me start by saying to all those who claim to be the "world's greatest film critics" by rating this cool film such a low score, that if you thought this movie was so bad when you bought it or rented it, then why the heck did you continue to watch and finish the movie??? If a person believed this film was so awful, why would you continue watching it, then come on here and write a bad review? I think the majority of the people that give this film a bad review are those who could care less about anything else in their life, and therefore have to down everything else, not to mention the plain spiteful people that have, absolutely, nothing better to do but to complain about every pathetic little thing in their lives.

Tell you what, okay, maybe this film wasn't a ten, or even a nine, but it's definitely a seven at least, maybe even a six. Before you give this film, any film for that matter a bad review, look at some key elements. 1)How was the overall storyline/plot of the movie? Did it satisfy you? 2)If the movie doesn't begin getting down to the dirt after the first 20 minutes of the beginning, then it's probably safe to say that's it going to be pretty bad. Obviously, if you're on here writing a bad review, you finished watching the movie from start to finish, and it must have held some of your attention for you to finish watching it. 3)What was the depth of the characters? Were they only one dimensional. If so, then maybe the film could be rated at a four or a five. Not even Troll 2 is rated a "1", and that is a terrible movie.

So, in my personal opinion this movie, Nocturne Six is definitely a seven. It has an unusual storyline. The characters are unique and the creature is exceptional. I believe the demon falls into the category of one of those movies where you can't always see the creature, but you know it's there. This might be cool as a TV series or something along those lines.
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Remind me of
kyyriishiiy26 April 2015
I say one thing about this movie, it remind me of the horror film I saw a long time ago called Halloween. I really like the devil or monster in this movie and that it doesn't show up very much, putting the viewer on the edge of your seat. Kind of like the movie Halloween, where you not see that killer all of the times. I believe this movie to be very interesting from the psychical standpoint, with the governmental agencies and the dreamworld. In Russia, I wish we had movies more like this. Enjoyed this movie quite much and probably might be good television series show.

I don't understand how person can rate movie one or two star from an intelligent perspective. There's good deal of storyline in movie and the characters of actors are well done. Thoroughly outlined plot and not in you face and over the top action.
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I don't scare easy
frauhauken12 April 2015
I hail from Portugal and I do not scare easy. I have watched quite a few horror movies in my day, especially growing up overseas I was privileged to my beloved Alfred Hitchcock. There are corny scary movies and then there are intelligent scary films, Nocturne Six qualifies, at least in my book as one of those films. Original and rather unique I feel. I can't imagine how anybody could rate this movie anything below a three, that's just plain stupid and downright obnoxious.

Here in Portugal, our movies aren't like those of the United States, but we do have a lot of independent filmmakers here, and I feel that today, people need to give independent films a chance. After all, we won't be seeing the movies of yesteryear pushing the quintessential $60million or above to make anymore, unless of course you happen to read the Marvel Comics or love those types of films and whatnot.

I view Nocturne Six as the next up and coming great piece in a line of "untapped" film genius.
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Surprising and chilling!
chaos-2-go29 March 2015
On its surface, "Nocturne Six" seems like your typical horror film with the usual story and characters you'd come to expect in the genre. However, I was pleasantly surprised to be thrown into a gritty docu-style deconstruction of a disturbing government conspiracy involving a dark military science program.

The imagery was really haunting and the film almost felt like diving into someone's subconscious to experience a vivid nightmare. The filmmakers did an extraordinary job both creatively and technically on a small budget. Overall, this was a nice, fun movie to catch on a dark Saturday night. I was quite stunned to be as entertained as I was by it.

And the image of that creature will forever be stuck in my mind.....
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