"Fear the Walking Dead" More Time Than You Know (TV Episode 2023) Poster

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I fear the walking dead are in the writers room
samofnine25 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The writing of this last season is so terrible I nearly don't care anymore how it ends as long as it does! It seems that the writers don't really know where the story and the characters are heading. Nobody has an idea or can decide what to do. It's: Go to the train car! No, go to the station! No, let's surrender and clear the yard for a better future! No, let's fight against PADRE! There are so many WHYs unanswered and I fear they will never be answered. I think it will be one of those epic failures of a final season, just as Game of Thrones, where a lot seems to be happening but 80% of it is unwatchable 💩. I hope the second half of the season, whenever it comes, can make a u-turn, but I fear the walking dead are in the writers room...

It was a heartfelt dying scene that took what, 10 years? And I think it's the first visible turning scene of a major character since early of TWD! And the scene when Mo asked "What is a telephone?" was just adorable. But besides that this episode was only white noise. Aaargh aaargh.
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This is burning my braincells
justdan202311 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god, the choices the characters make, and the way the script was executed and written are just too much for me. My head could just explode by now. The dialogues are pretty well bland and at times cringy.

But at least the good parts of this episode are Grace's death along with Lennie James' acting. That part is very emotional. But the other parts are just 😐

And also, where are Strand and Luciana? I've heard that Sarah, Wendell and Charlie have already been written off, or so I heard. And we're five episodes in, already! Like introduce them for God's sake!

Well, i hope the next episode is going to be food because the quality of this season has been inconsistent. But I hope it's leaning in toward the good.
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Don't quite
nikitamedianik10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
FTWD for me is no longer about the story, but about the actors. They justify the fees, their ability to turn weak material into emotional moments deserves respect.

This series will never go back to basics, even when the finish line is near, but I can't let it go, because the characters are sympathetic even in spite of the silly story. There are beautiful moments here, and there are good decisions when Dwight says they weren't found, but pinned (since he trained soldiers, so he's thinking like a military man). Just see the final season for what it is. I'm tired of the heit.

This show is not that bad, so am ready for a mid-finale.
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The writers are messing with us at this point
rapood_darapper15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Man, oh man. The episode was bad to the same masses as it was hard to beat in terms of genius.

On the one hand, the writers managed to create over 40 minutes of hope that - spoiler alert - Grace might survive. Especially the last conversation between Morgan and Grace was one of the most emotional scenes the series had to offer, even if one or the other death of another character touched me more.

Not really with bravura, but still cleverly, the writers set it up so that Grace and Mo end up alone in the train car, which led to one of the most artistic scenes of FTWD. Let me remind you of the scene where Grace transforms and Mo desperately fights her mother. The lack of music gives the scene an intense tone and reminds us that the WD universe is about fighting the dead.

On the other hand, the episode was full of logic flaws and plot twists that dragged the otherwise good episode into ridiculousness.

The very fact that Mo goes against her father and wants to do her thing is reminiscent of Carl Grimes in his heyday, who drove thousands of viewers crazy with his decisions. Also Shrike wanted to kill Morgan in the beginning of the episode and by the end she - of course - spares him, once again like the prior villians. Don't get me wrong, I like Morgan, maybe because he is a day oner and I never want to see him dead but how many times do the writers want the villians to spare Morgan ?

Well, all in all my rating on this episode is pretty generous as I like how they directed the emotional farewell of Grace and her acting and also Morgans. But the rest was really dissapointing. Let's hope that the next episodes will be better.
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And we're back to garbage.
simianfriday12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After last week's halfway decent (though still pretty bad) episode, this episode is a return to the absolute garbage I've come to expect from Fear.

There are three good things about this episode:

1. Lennie James once again demonstrating that he's a genuinely good actor even when he's working with *TERRIBLE* material.

2. Karen David also did a pretty good job here despite the awful material. I hope she at least got to have a little fun finally turning into a zombie. I think that'd be a highlight for me if I were forced to appear on this awful show.

3. The realization that June's "treatment" didn't actually work. I feel like they'll do something stupid by the end of the show and reveal it actually *did* (or will) somehow work - but for now, they're doing the right thing and saying that no, it's silly that a nurse who has been out of practice for more than a decade would have developed a zombie cure in a few days from the back of a train car.

Everything else is utter garbage. Zoey Merchant - Mo - cannot act. It's fine, she's a child actor and *most* child actors are usually pretty bad. They're still early in their careers and are obviously not seasoned actors so I can give her a bit of a pass here. The problem really isn't *her* though - it's the writers and the director who decided to put her front and center of everything going on knowing full well she's an inexperienced actress. Her longer scenes are just painful to watch. When Grace turned and attacked Mo I genuinely was hoping she would kill Mo and we'd get to see Morgan react to something so horrifying - it would have been a great opportunity to see more of Lennie James doing what he does best. But no - instead, we got what amounted to a slapstick comedy brawl not that far removed from something you'd see in an old Three Stooges skit. Whatever.

I could rip apart several scenes in this episode but it's really not worth it at this point - the show sucks. It's almost over. Thank god.

Also, where is Victor? Luciana? Charlie? Al? Sarah? Wendell? We're halfway through the final season and we haven't even seen or heard anything about half of the main characters (although to be honest, other than Victor and Al, I can't say that I miss any of them). Did the actors opt not to return to this dumpster fire of a show? I wouldn't blame them if that's the case.
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Grace her life in Danger!
ZegMaarJus7 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Grace, she just got bitten by a walker. Morgan, Dwight, Grace, Sherry and Mo are on a boat together. Grace wants to get to a special place before she dies. Mo brought Grace to the wagon. June tries to help Mo to save Grace her life. June thinks that she can't save Grace her life. Grace says that she loves Morgan. Grace tells Mo that she gave her and Morgan a reason to live. Grace died. Grace has turned into a walker. Morgan killed Grace with his wooden stick. Shrike knocked down Morgan. Morgan got locked up in the wagon. Okay Episode of Fear the Walking Dead Season 8, this was not good enough. This Season is not good so far!
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This show just doesn't have anything good anymore
tomslade-2493810 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its so horribly written its staggering. Every sentence said by any character is some preachy nonsense, totally unrealistic and unhuman like dialogue.

None of the characters hold any weight for me to care enough about what happens to them even if they try to make it an emotional scene. Every character is so mind numbingly dull it really makes you question do the writers even possess a brain that is capable of using its imagination.

Post season 3 this show is literally just bad, not good, not special, not totally abysmal, its just bad. Its crazy that people think this show is good nower days.

Didnt care for the Grace death at all as i stated before, I dont care about these characters. Mo cannot act and is really cringe, i hate seeing her on the screen. The only reason they did a time jump was so they could make her a character, awful decision. The whole PADRE stuff is so boring and none of the characters motivations make any sense as to what they are doing now.
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I'm not heartless
fountasalexander10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Graces' death was really emotional, and you can't help but just feel bad for Morgan, realistically, he's gone through the most out of any character in FearTWD, with maybe exceptions of Alicia/Madison.

The last few moments carried the episode hard, everything else was pretty boring/bland/no one cares.

Again, the acting, I don't want to point out names, but wow it's really obvious.

This episode was a good setup for the mid-season finale, it looks like it'll be a good episode, so for once in a very long time, I'll have my expectations high.

But probably shouldn't keep it like that, everyone knows what usually happens when you have high expectations for a FearTWD episode.
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This was painful...
RSO_Media13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode was pretty excruciating to sit through. Grace dying had some emotional impact, but apart from that... Wow, just awful. Just from the opening, there's this whole radio conversation with Shrike about how Morgan has to clear the shipping yard and, in exchange, she'll provide life-saving treatment to Grace. He agrees, but Daniel's group declines to participate, even though she never said they had to, so she inexplicably changes her mind and orders Grace to be killed (You could have just started the episode here, since all of the preceding dialogue was irrelevant), setting off a plodding chase that extends for the remainder of the episode.

I see a lot of people criticizing the actress who plays Mo, and maybe it's warranted, but I just think back to the first episode of the season when Kim Dickens was surrounded by zombies on Morgan's houseboat and she's just kind of sitting there, not doing anything, like she's a bewildered kitten who's stuck in a tree and her character hasn't been in exponentially worse situations, and I wonder... is it really *just* the actors? Granted, they should not be making any of these child characters the mains. They're annoying and poorly written. Why they keep going back to this terrible 'World Beyond' well, I do not know, but Kim Dickens is great in the first three seasons of 'Fear...', 'Gone Girl', etc.. I think the issues with this final season are way deeper than just bad acting.

From the writing to the directing... I even noticed some bad editing in the previous episode. So, it seems to me that the people producing this show just do not care... at all. They just said "F$%^ it", and have completely given up, and you occasionally get a decent episode like 'Blue Jay' because a semi-competent person accidentally wandered in to the wrong writer's room for a day, I guess?

On a semi-positive note, I liked that close-up, sort-of-fish-eye lens shot of Grace when she wakes up as a zombie... it was vaguely Fulci-esque. Also, Lennie James, Karen David, and the rest of the main cast seemingly did their best with the thoroughly wretched dialogue and bafflingly redundant and meandering story they were given. That's it. That's all I got. I'm with the producers at this point. F#$% it.
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Solid and Emotional episode
AustinCinemaReviews11 June 2023
After 2 bad episodes and 2 good episodes, I think the season might finally be starting to find its stride. This was a solid episode with a lot of emotional moments. Some of the acting continues to be very noticeably bad but Lennie James continues to shine and do great work. Overall I think there has been enough side plots and things going on to keep me interested, along with the great visuals. There's a much different look to this season that looks and feels almost cinematic that I enjoy a lot. But I still can't get behind the whole main plot with Padre. The whole idea behind the group I find ridiculous, and how all of these people are following these 2 siblings that aren't in the least bit intimidating just because they are fearful of loss? They could've came up with something a lot better then that.
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The story and dialogue get cringier and cringier as each episode passes by
ngkos10 June 2023
Where do I start.

This show has become a burden to complete. It would be much more interesting to read the transcripts of this episode rather than watching it on the screen.

The supporting actors are once again, terrible.

Shrike trying to be stoic just doesn't work and she comes off as childish and annoying.

Wren, unfortunately, seems to have only 3 or 4 facial expressions in her repertoire.

The dialogue is... eugh... "It's too dangerous..."

Really? *roll eyes*

Thank goodness this is the last season.

And I would also like to thank to whomever invented the "increase playback speed" feature.

Thank you, sir/madam.

You deserve to be honored by all "Fear The Walking Dead" fans, or whatever's left of them.
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Oh my god this is awful
dalefl16 June 2023
I told myself I was going to finish watching this series if for nothing else but the sake of completion. Can't do it. I picked up the remote five times and set it back down before I finally turned it off during that oh so cringe worthy train car scene. The dialogue in this show is absolutely horrendous and the acting isn't much better. I've got to wonder how the writers, producers, and production crew can see it being created in real time and not come to that conclusion themselves. Zoey Merchant has to be the worst actor on television and her character is just as bad. Add to that the most unbelievably stupid dialogue and you get a part that somebody had to be snorting battery acid to think was going to work. Maya Eshet is almost as bad. Lennie James with the same worn out performance every single week. He never changes.

I can't do it anymore. I literally don't care what happens to any of these characters and at this point I'd rather wait until it's over and just take a few minutes to read about it. They should have just ended it with last season and left it at that.
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What most are saying, Its not good.
bistoman-7910413 June 2023
I like this show, I like TWD world, But this was painfull, The whole PADRE thing is not a good move. Look, They are trying to rebuild the world, With everyone has a unique "Bird" name, God help Us, It's moronic in the extreme. None of the characters' in the new season are in any way interesting, The Interesting ones from the past have just gone stupid. I'm just guessing here, But I wouldn't be any way surprised to see the gang behind the God awful, World Beyond, Have moved over to FTWD and are now dragging this down. Its just Bad. It really is a shame, I was hoping for so much more, But the story's are just getting worse. Im not overly hopefully for the new shows if this is the best they can come up with. I'm a fan, I'll stick it out until the end, But I'm not expecting much.
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People only wants to hate this show!
roberthy-8895510 June 2023
That one was good too it reminded me of 6x12 "In Dreams" a very underrated and underappreciated episode that ended with a very dark moment because people only wants to hate this show and don't care for the redeeming qualities it has left,Grace's actress is really good too,PADRE storyline is weak unlike Teddy and the cult but everything about the personal struggles of characters like Morgan,Grace,Madison and Daniel (hope he has his own episode this season),Mo's character in this episode was good like Athena in 6x12 only had one episode but the young actress was promising,soundtrack is always good,let's hope the next episodes be as good,5 episodes in and three good episodes but 8x01 and 8x03 was not horrible.
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this season sooo terrible.
ratm-9564625 June 2023
This season has been tedious to watch. The story has lost all real meaning and feels like filler material trying to milk 1 more year of revenue from the cash cow. The characters are repeatedly put in the same life or death situations having to make the same hard choices as they have for the past 7 years. Hearing them whine constantly about how someone should go on without the other then they miraculously get saved just to hear them go through the same whiney speech every 10 minutes gets old really fast.

The show is overly focused on Morgan's daughter, a small 8 year old child who adults seem to take direction from in life or death settings, and possesses wisdom and character not displayed by most adults, despite their age and being raised in a society of children.

Halfway through the season now I wish all the characters would die and the show would end, im purely continuing to watch because ive already watched 7 seasons and I only have a little more to go before its over.

The acting, sets and costumes all remain top notch, and the sole reason I dont rate this lower, but the writing and possibly directing make this a truly painful experience. Perhaps this is actually some genius plan to make the viewer feel as much pain as the on screen characters getting eaten alive by walkers, if so this season is a masterful success.
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S8.E5 - Padre Storyline Sucks But This Episode Is Good [7.6/10]
panagiotis199317 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(S8. E5) My Reaction / Review for Fear The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 5 ''More Time Than You Know'': Episode 4 was good and I gave it a rating of 7.8/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. I hope that Grace will get the help she needs. I wonder where is Victor and Alicia. So Grace got bit and she also has cancer? That's so sad. Finch is sick again? I thought he was cured. It was too late for Grace to get help, her death was very tragic and very emotional. So are we supposed to believe that these kids can fight thousands of walkers? Overall this episode was pretty good, I think that the IMDB rating (5.7/10) is unfair. My rating is 7.6/10.
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You call that writing?
kaiopitz-8227015 June 2023
The whole episode is just nonesense.

They are talking and talking and talking withoht actually bringing the plot forward. The whole idea of wanting to rescue that one character is a jokingly bad undertaking. Everyone one the way acts super stupid. And then, there is no payoff.

The ending sequence was just plain ridiculous. I mean... It was all there to end it. Yet the character is super dull. I just can't understand how such a bad script can get greenlit. Is there even an authority checking for the scripts on the whole show? It seriously doesn't look like. And there we are now, after 5 episodes into the series finale and there is really not much that happened and could've not been squeezed into two episodes.
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Wash, rinse, repeat
killercards12 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is utterly abysmal. I can't believe that the brilliance of the first 3-4 years of The Walking Dead has led to what we see before us now. How are there people refusing to acknowledge how bad it is? There is literally zero effort. Or you can look at it like how Bruce Willis after getting sick did a couple dozen movies without taking a break. All extremely low budget other than whatever he made, with atrocious writing and acting from everyone, and he sometimes filmed separately from the rest of the cast, and they made the rest of the movie around his footage. All the while he is deteriorating on screen right in front of us. That's what this show and pretty much franchise as a whole has become. They have even begun resorting to digital SINGULAR walkers. Not just making a small group into hundreds by copying them. The characters teleport, and there's no inspiration or reasoning for their actions. The conversations are painful and illogical. Yes, illogical beyond dead people rising up to eat the living. They didn't even think it was necessary to have a walker bite Grace... they simply told us it bit her, when it clearly did not bite her or anyone, and never came close to doing so. Remember when Morgan yet again got the jump on 2 men armed with automatic rifles? Morgan killed one of the men... by simply putting his arm around that man for 3-4 seconds. Didn't make one effort to even appear to be squeezing, or even around the neck in general. Why are you not insulted, people?
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Quit trying to make 10 year Olds leads of the show
sirdubs20 June 2023
The story is just terrible now. And the completely unrealistic overly precocious kid is way played out. No one wanted to watch "new world" for this reason. Would you listen to any 10 year old give orders and take charge in the apocalypse?? No. The story is just terrible now. And the completely unrealistic overly precocious kid is way played out. No one wanted to watch "new world" for this reason. Just end this show already. You are ruining a legacy with the trash. And what's her name should have never come back. She's the worst actor om the show. Cancel this version. It's done. Take it behind the barn.
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I could single handedly take over Padre island
wienke-3862029 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
These people who somehow have survived far into the the apocalypse are some of the dumbest, least prepared people I have ever seen. Thousands of walkers stuck behind a chain link fence that apparently is the only fence that can't be knocked over by walkers is the only thing that has kept thousands of container ships full of supplies from being attained. I dunno, call me crazy, but maybe walk up to the fence and start stabbing walkers through the head until they're all dead?

Grace, oh where to start? First she gets bit in the most ridiculous way. Again, you've made it this far into the apocalypse but you still don't know how to safely engage and avoid bites, let alone dress in clothing that is difficult or impossible to bite through. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say that just wasn't possible, ok, then maybe avoid wreckage on the ground that might have walkers under it. Just so tiresome how careless these people are in a world where one simple mistake could cost you your life. Again, these are not the type of people that would still be kicking.

Now, let's talk about the armed guards and the ease and quickness with which they are disarmed and/or knocked out (even by children). I am no genius, but if I am armed with a gun in the apocalypse and holding someone against their will firstly, they aren't holding anything that can be used as a weapon, secondly, I'm at a distance where they can't sweep kick me and I keep them all in line of sight and not surrounding me. This is not genius level stuff.

What else? Ship is following the boat Dwight is driving and shooting at them. Never mind that they seem to have no concern for conserving bullets, apparently hitting a target 20 yards or so moving straight in front of them seems to be an impossible target. Never mind a small child could pull it off with no target training ever. Follow that with Shrike getting on the com and telling them she's not going to kill them (after they've been shooting at them the whole time) but can and will save Grace. Oh my gosh, I'm getting mad just writing this as a reminder how stupid this show is!

Kids who have grown up with each other constantly threaten to kill each other than change their mind within seconds. Padre is not a person, it's an idea, but what exactly that idea is, nobody really knows. Keeping kids from the pain of losing a parent? Is that the reason? Who knows, but the people running Padre would be killed in about 15 seconds in the real world. One thing they do get right is the only children would be stupid enough to believe and follow these dotards running Padre. Two young adults who are the biggest morons we've met to date but somehow, without explanation are able to feed and support all these people while giving commands and orders to carry out their will, which to date still makes no logical sense and has no logical purpose.

I could go on forever, but I'll just finish by saying this show is a microcosm as to what has happened in Hollywood. Talent has dissipated and we are left with what are no doubt diversity hires that are not fit for the job they're doing.
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Slowest death scene ever....took 40 min
grlym-4684914 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What a waste of an episode.

45 minutes of a drawn out death scene only to find out..."yep, there still isn't a cure!!"

I'm not sure what was gained for any characters arch in this episode. She should have been dead in last episode and come up with something different this episode or just do one episode less this season.

After 40 minutes of really bad melodrama to save a bit mom with a mystery cure...only to fall flat....you get a very comically bad tough acting scene between Morgan and the padre daughter. Then a laughable fight scene and "trip". Morgan has lost all that was cool and believable about his character. The villian lady never seemed scary or tough. And this seesaw of power changes feels like a walking dead fan film.

Not sure this show is redeemable at this point. Just put us all out of our misery and canx the show. Zero edge anymore. It's turned into a Nickelodeon show.
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"Honey.. honey... I fear, fear the walking dead will never end"
luckydsjs19 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, anyone clicking on this "review" must be a huge TWD fan. If you aren't, I can't see how you hung on to this garbage for so long. If you are a fan reading this, it isn't going to do you any good either.

You are in the same exact spot I'm in. We are going to continue watching no matter how bad. My only hope is someone involved in the production reads this to see and feel even the tiniest regret or shame for what is (as we know) has become an awful show. It never was very good to begin with but the first couple of seasons had enough to keep us interested.... and then boom!!! You bring in characters we care about.

This season and show overall is just a shame. This is not what we wanted for Morgan, Dwight, Sherry, or Madison, or June, or Daniel.

It's pathetic!! Dwight has been reduced to fraction of his OLD self. Are we to believe that after ALL he did to redeem himself that he would fall under the spell of kids? Up and down with the back and forth. He cares he doesn't care.. what the hell is happening here? The new characters we came to love or hate... Daniel, Strand, Alicia?

This is beyond nonsense. The writing is pathetic. Worse than mine even lol! The editing is horrendous. This is a case of everyone involved throwing in the towel. Not only is the passion gone but the care for the characters and their destiny? Out the window.

This show is embarrassment to the veteran actors and the fans. You can see/hear/feel their frustration or lack of interest in what must be grueling shoots.

We are also pathetic to hang on... as fans we can stop watching... but we don't... and they know it.... as painful as they have made this for us, we need to know what end is in store.

Thumbs down to the establishment!!!
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It should have ended
alen-k13 June 2023
This show should have ended a few seasons ago. I'm watching it at double speed now just to go through it for old time sake and the fact that this is, finally, the last season. It became unwatchable and plain bad, even stupid at times. The original TWD was also running far too long. Do you remember the recent "Beyond" disaster. And they are planning a few spin offs. Please don't! This cow is long dead. Be creative in some other direction and do not waste resources on this one. This was newer in the top two thirds of my favorite shows, but it was fun for some time and this last few seasons of all TWD universe just left a bitter taste.
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Insert eye roll
trgs5173-406-81401917 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly throughout the episode I kept saying out loud to the tv "just die already!!!!" with how long and drawn out it was with Grace dying. I'm sorry but she was not a very good or interesting character at all and the "acting"...sigh. And when she was trying to bite Mo when they were on the ground and we are supposed to believe that a child could hold off an adult trying to bite her with one arm while she reached for the knife and she didn't get bit??? Seriously?? The only reason I gave the episode 4 stars was because Grace is finally gone from the show. She was one of quite a few characters that gave up being a parent after wanting to be a parent and then all of a sudden was like ok yeah now I want to be a parent again. Come on!! At least I like the other characters enough to tolerate them yet, especially Morgan obviously. The kids are super annoying though I gotta admit. I was originally sad when I first heard this show would be going off the air also but with how the storyline is going this season I'm ok with it being the last season now.
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I've Lost interest
yvolpe-9755918 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've lost interest in this show its repetitive the relationships are dull conversations its are dull. The medicine that June has made does not work on the infections and bites . Morgan is a great character the kids are not really developed like in the twd. I miss that show but after Rick leaves the dynamic changes. Perhaps this season is about the kids and I find this boring. Even though Reuben shows up the energy shifts to trying to appeal to teens. So this is no longer the same story of the previous episodes maybe they should have titled it part 1,2, and 3. And not have dragged it out I think the whole Padre episodes are dull and un interesting storyline. Too bad.
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