Bridegroom (2013) Poster


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Now THIS is a love story!
overheated19 October 2013
I had followed Mr. Crone's story on YouTube so I was prepared with a package of tissues when I went to the premiere. What I was not prepared for was the amazing amount of humor captured in the first half of the film. It completely disarmed my tension, and made the remarkable connection between these two men that much sweeter. The story of what happens to this couple is,for me, is as moving as the very special love they shared - their connection, their love of life, their strength, and the against-so-many-odds fact that they found each other, if only for a short while.

This film is a gift.

(I would have rated it 10 but for two edits that were so jarring I was taken out of the experience momentarily during the viewing - both came off like mid-sentence interruptions to the speaker being cut-away from)
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a greater love
lasttimeisaw22 January 2014
A bona fide tearjerker! I am oblivious of Shane's youtube videos, which kickstarts this feature- length picture, but the film needs to be seen by literally everyone, whether for or against the same sex equity, it is deeply heartfelt and perspicaciously educational, I think whoever as long as hold a small fraction of mercy in their hearts, regardless of their religious convictions, after watching this film, it will be a game-changer for the prejudiced and a touchstone for a mightier love above social class, creed, race, color and gender.

The documentary is about Shane and Tom, a gay couple being together for 6 years until Tom died of falling from a rooftop accidentally in 2011 (aged 29), the interviewers (Shane, his families and their friends) chart the story of their lives from Shane's childhood, his bullied school days and his struggling self-identification of being a gay man while Tom attended a first-rate high school albeit his blue-collar family background, and turned out to be an all-American boy, handsome, macho, outgoing, a role model excels both in sports and academy. After fate let them meet in L.A., their relationship epitomizes the most desiring lover-cum-soulmate perfection one could ever dream of, which causes the ensuing tragedy far more harrowing to bear.

A familiar juncture for almost every gay person, the coming-out process, particularly to Tom's parochial family, it was an incubus, which sheerly contrasts with the understandable reaction from Shane's family, however, it is all evinced secondhand by Shane and their friends, since Tom's family adopted the silent treatment to the invitation of the production team to be part of the film, surely we will never know the story from the other side, which is a minor glitch in this otherwise viscerally affecting picture.

Nevertheless, a more contingent fact is how the young soul's passing provoked much more indignation when Tom's family flagrantly shut down Shane out of the funeral and expunged their entire life together as if it never happened, it is an atrocious transgression towards our very basic canon as human beings, it is love unites us, differentiates us and sublimates us from other creatures on earth, and propels our society to move on to a better world, so even though BRIDEGROOM (which is Tom's family name, what a pertinent one!) is hardly a ground-breaking piece of art work (SMS interaction, video footages, travel photography is all it has to render the narrative aside common interviews with apt editing), it is a film should not be missed and I do hope the cost of a young life can be at least in some level compensated by awakening more conservative minds to evaluate the world with a more humane mind and encouraging more individuals to embrace their true color. Also, best wishes to Shane, you are lucky enough to experience true love and don't lose hope, live long and prosper!
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The power of this film snuck up on me
runamokprods7 September 2014
For a while, I felt interested but a bit removed. Certainly the story is tragic, but there are so many tragic tales in the world. Certainly any homophobia is horrific, but when there are still gay men being lynched, this story seemed not nearly as dramatic and shocking as others. And its style is basic – talking head interviews with friends and family, home videos, photographs.

I thought (in my smug liberal way) that its good for the country to see a film showing how normal, likable and in love two young men could be. But this wasn't news to me. It felt rudimentary, aimed at those who had never known a gay couple and realized 'hey, they're just people'.

But then something strange happened. In the film's last half hour it built into an emotional tidal wave. I didn't realize I was hit until I suddenly started to cry. These two men were so deeply, sweetly in love, and Shane Crone, rather than simply crawl into a shell after the untimely death of the love of his life, and after being barred from the funeral by the homophobic family, and dealt many other emotional (and legal) cuts and bruises only because he and his life partner were gay, managed to rally himself, and make a you tube video that has reached millions with an impossible to argue with plea for gay marriage. That he could take this devastating loss, add mistreatment, and instead of giving up on life do something important and life affirming was profoundly affecting. Suddenly the whole film seemed to have more weight. I wept through the very moving responses his video (the one that got me is a self proclaimed life-long redneck, vowing to never oppose gay lovers again). Even the end credits full of thousands of names of those who cared enough to contribute to the Kickstarter campaign for the film moved me with joy for the resilience of human beings, the fact that things are getting better, and that love is still the most powerful thing in the human experience, both in personal and political terms.
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Bridegroom is a deeply-felt, moving documentary on marriage equality and love.
thomasoneye16 September 2013
I had the privilege of seeing Bridegroom at the Little Rock Film Festival this year where it won the Best Documentary Audience Award. (By the way it also won the Audience Award at Tribeca, Toronto, Los Angeles and Memphis!) Little did I expect to experience the range of emotions I felt at the screening of this excellent film.

A moving testament of love and friendship found by two young men from small-town America, it deftly showcases the many issues involved in marriage equality when one of the young men meets an untimely death.

The results are devastating as we see the results of marriage INEQUALITY rear its ugly head. We feel the pain in a shattered relationship. Nevertheless, the movie ends with a victorious comeback for the surviving half of this enduring love.

Bridegroom is the best, and most moving documentary I have ever seen. It has the feel of an Oscar winning narrative feature. Well worth the effort to see, you will never forget this friendship that blossomed into a lifeline of love for two lonely souls.

I rate this documentary a 10 out of 10.
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A Love Story
mariarum78 November 2013
I watched Bridegroom tonight in Netflix. I have to admit I cried my eyes out. I highly recommend everyone to watch this documentary. Toms and Shanes love is so pure you can just see it through their videos and photos. Its the type of love that everyone wants. Hopefully this documentary will open up the eyes and the hearts of many people and they will learn to accept who they are and who their friends and family members are. Doesn't matter if you are gay or straight. Life is too short. Love the people that love you back and enjoy your life. Get a camera and record all your amazing moments. Thank you Shane and Tom for showing the world what true love is like.
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So much love, sadly peppered with such cruelty
terryshilo28 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was made aware of the memorial Shane made for Tom on YouTube. It was beautiful. Love is beautiful. It was noted that there was a forthcoming documentary which I viewed on OWN. There is love, humor, togetherness; a six year period of lives lived well. I appreciated the inclusion of both Tom and Shane's early lives of being gay in small town America. There was nothing sexually in your face about their relationship shown in the doc; they were careful about any PDA when together. While watching.. If I ever questioned equal marriage this drove home that marriage is a non sexual legal gift for the protection of each spouse. This could be considered a 43 year later representation of the film Love Story without the overplayed drama. Had Prop 8 been reversed and DOMA overturned just a year earlier and the two married, Shane would not have endured the vindictive cruelty of Tom's family (fully realizing they too were going thru sincere emotional pain too). If people are in long term committed relationships and live in parts of the country where equal marriage is not allowed; it would be advisable to have wills in place to control as much as you possibly can by law in the event a tragedy would happen to you or your significant other. Hopefully, documentaries like this will continue to elicit peoples hearts into making equal marriage available countrywide. There will always be people that disagree with same sex relationships, but if you have a heart you cannot deny that committed couples all deserve the dignity of the protections marriage affords.
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What a beautiful movie
jm1070114 December 2013
I'm old. I'm not young like Tom and Shane. I'm fat and homely; I'm not fit and beautiful like Tom and Shane. I've never been to Egypt or Paris or Machu Picchu or any of the other marvelous places they went together. I've never been in love, never had a serious lover or a husband or a partner or a relationship anything like theirs. I've lived alone all my life.

I tend to envy and resent people who have what I don't have; so what surprises more than any of you can know is that I'm not jealous of them, at all. I don't resent their youth or their beauty or their passion or their happiness or the adventures they shared or the delight they had in each other.

From my point of view, their story is a beautiful story of REAL love, of a blessed life, a holy life together that very, very, VERY few people ever know - maybe one in a hundred million, if even that many.

At my age I tend to see things long term, not because I'm wise but only because I'm old. I can't help it. When I look at things I see them in the context of centuries, not years. So when I look at Tom and Shane I don't see tragedy; I don't see injustice; I don't see the hateful, ignorant, fearful cruelty in some of the people around them.

Like it or not, those things are ephemeral. They don't last forever. LOVE lasts forever. Joy lasts forever. Beauty lasts forever. What Shane and Tom had will last forever, because, folks, Tom is not dead in any way that matters.

Bodies die, but the persons who live in the bodies never die. Tom is as real and as alive now as he was when Shane kissed him in front of the Eiffel Tower. He left here early, but a thousand years from now that won't matter at all, because they'll have been back together a lot longer than they were apart. That's the wonderful gift this movie gives to anyone who can receive it.
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Emotionally Stirring
mattgray-477-30543018 December 2013
This movie spans the chasm of emotions touching every one of them! Love does not discriminate- neither should people. This should get your blood to boil to act! This could happen to anyone and this very situation is worrisome to me on a daily basis. When I began to watch, I had no idea what I getting into but as it progressed I was absolutely glued in one place my mind spinning in place like a monopoly wheel not sure which emotion to land on. I'm disappointed in the MPAA for rating this R for 'some language' when so many other movies are so much worse and get a lower rating! Watch and spread the word- love is equal, it is not reserved for the heterosexuals!
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I think I would have appreciated Bridegroom more had I not seen the 10 minute version prior to this
MacTheMovieguy23 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Interestingly, Bridegroom I think serves as a reminder that the MPAA ratings system is a little challenged these days. When I saw the R rating, I was baffled. I don't really remember there being any profanity, maybe one F-bomb. I find it so bizarre when documentaries are held to the same language standards as narrative features, because often those words are taken from actual events, or interviews. Most documentaries have a very strong learning aspect to them, and to rate a documentary R simply because of a few curse words seems extreme to me.

Bridegroom refers to the last name of the subject of the documentary, Tom Bridegroom, a young gay man who tragically fell to his death on May 7th, 2011, leaving behind his partner Shane. This tragedy has already gotten a lot of media attention, mainly due to a 10 minute video that went viral ahead of this documentary being made. People instantly resonated with Shane's story, about not being able to really say goodbye, and being prevented from attending the funeral of his partner. Gay or straight, to already have to lose the most important person in your life, and then have this unnecessary hate compounding on top, is infuriating. I'd imagine Martha Bridegroom and her husband get nasty looks on a daily basis.

I think I would have appreciated Bridegroom more had I not seen the 10 minute version prior to this. Honestly, there's a ton of filler regarding Shane's life growing up, and Tom's life growing up. The most interesting part of the story isn't that, it's the details about how Tom's family handled his death, and prevented Shane from being a part of the funeral. While it is nice to hear anecdotal comments about Shane and Tom, and knowing that Shane's family accepted him for who he was, I feel like we skimped on the gut wrenching details of Shane's dangerous journey to Tom's funeral.

It's like the director believed we needed the first hour of the film to really believe that Shane and Tom were in love, and that the rest would just fall into place. I needed a better balance, because I realize what their ace in the hole is. The fact is, if Tom had died, and Tom's family let Shane come to the funeral and treated him like a normal human being, we'd never have heard of this story. Shane would have never been a viral hit, and this movie would have never been made. As insensitive as it may seem to say this, we want to see the good stuff.

That being said, I think it is still an effective documentary, especially for those who are totally unfamiliar with this story. I think it does a good job of presenting the facts, and establishes Shane as an incredibly likable guy early on. That's important, because this is all his side of the story. The Bridegroom Brood is never on screen with their rebuttal. In fact, I can't even find anything online from them saying that this stuff isn't true.

I know that the producers of Bridegroom are hoping for a Best Documentary nomination this year, but I just don't think it'll happen. It'll do fairly well on Netflix, and it will help with the overall cause of marriage equality. It lacks the gravitas needed to compete against a lot of the heavier films that are typically nominated for an Oscar.
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Love isn't a gay or straight thing, it's a human thing. And so aren't equal rights.
justinr729 November 2013
Finally found the time to watch this. Anyone would be incredibly lucky to share the love that these two people have for one another. The documentary follows a touching love story while displaying the current imbalance of rights and freedom in our world and how it affects the underprivileged. Gay people already know and live these stories. It's meant to change the hearts and minds of straight privileged people who aren't necessarily paying enough attention or who haven't yet been exposed to such realities like the ones shown in the story of Bridegroom. Take an hour out of your day and watch it; it's very worthwhile.
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So sad! Maybe even too sad :(
fleetfeetstar23 November 2013
Still brings tears to my eyes thinking about Shane and knowing he's somewhere out there today still filled with discomfort in the loss of his best friend and companion. Very emotional and hard to wrap your head around just how intense of an emotion that would be to endure. The message is conveyed very well, and the majority of the film is just building up to a very strong climax. At the turn of events the film becomes very emotional and a strong tear jerker.

Over-all the movie is A++ but hard to watch because it is very very sad! I have seen many fictional romance movies with sad endings, but when the story is true, it can really take to heart just how powerful a story Shane has to share.
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MTV's The Real World Redux
vfeebs-882-29559628 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to disagree with most of the other reviews, but I didn't care for this film. The couple the film focuses on seems very likable. The story is very sad. It goes nowhere.

Shane grows up in a rural town where he is subjected to bullying - sad, but certainly nothing unusual. He meets a great, handsome guy who pulls him out of his shell. They fall in love, are rapturously happy, and travel the world together. We know all about their great loving relationship, because we're told all about it by Shane and many other people. Tragically, Tom has a terrible accident. The nurses at the hospital tell Shane they can't allow him in to see Tom because he's "not family" - but they let him in anyway. Tom dies from his injuries.

Tom's funeral is hidden from Shane because Tom's intensely bigoted family doesn't accept gays, and blames Shane for making Tom gay, and doesn't want him at the funeral. Very sad, and ugly, but certainly not unheard of.

To me, this film is like an extended episode of The Real World, MTV's old reality TV show. Lots and lots of interview cuts of friends and family sitting and talking about how they felt about this couple, and how they felt about each other. The camera lingers on countless shots (these guys sure loved cameras) of their handsome faces, and the fun places they visited before the tragic accident.

I just kept waiting for it to get going - would some kind of legal action be taken as a result of Shane being turned away (initially) at the hospital? Would Tom's bigoted parents have a change of heart and embrace Shane, and finally accept their son's sexuality? Where was the story? What made this couple's sad experience film worthy? I kept waiting for some kind of transformation. None came. Sorry to sound cold, but Bridegroom plays like a long vanity project.
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A love story chronicled from both men's beginning, to one's end.
Amari-Sali14 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As the world goes from some sort of malice toward homosexuals to tolerance, movies like this remind you of how silly it is people can actively hate a group of people who do them no harm. But, thankfully, as much as there is an underlying theme about equality within the film, the love between Tom and Shane is what is the most showcased. Thus making a film which could rival some of your favorite romantic movies.

Characters & Story

This documentary features two men. One being Shane, and the other Tom. Their love story plays out like many love stories in which this extrovert meets this quiet person and through the extrovert the quiet counterpart blossoms. And the film decides, rather than to start when Tom and Shane first date, they instead make it so you build up to that moment by getting to know the two men before the love came about. With that, the film makes it so you are almost like an acquaintance of the two boys, who you may have seen around school, and rather than them being someone you just randomly look up on Facebook, instead you get one half of the relationship, and all their friends, telling you what happened from beginning to end.


Truly, for a film a little over an hour to be so touching is quite amazing. As I've said in other reviews, so many films do so much in order to make an on-screen relationship seem authentic, but when you see Tom and Shane, and think about all that lead up to their relationship, it truly does create a mental precedent, as their friends say in the movie. Then, what makes this film all the better is the fact this romance was reality. Thankfully, both Tom and Shane loved using their camera to take picture and create videos, and when you combine those two with the interview segments, you get a film which squashes any Nicholas Sparks movie adaption, and rivals any other depiction of love you can think of.

But, perhaps the nicest thing is the way we are introduced to Tom and Shane. We get to see two separate entities grow into finding each other like the proverbial missing puzzle piece. And though there isn't much affection shown, in terms of kissing or something like that, just their interactions and pictures show the type of romance I'm sure many dream of. And though really all we are as viewers are people viewing into the window of Shane and Tom's life, the amount of detail really makes you feel almost like an acquaintance by the end of the film.


Honestly, there isn't much to critique the film on since it is fairly to the point and only a little over an hour. I mean, to nitpick, I could say I wasn't fond of most of the music used, but that is mostly because there is a lot of original music which I wasn't feeling, country songs, and songs which may have fit the moment, but I think were unnecessary overall. However, and maybe this is just my feelings, I think it was unnecessary for the movie to have one of the interviewees, who seems so foreign in comparison to Shane's or Tom's family members and friends. And the reason I say he seems foreign, is because it seems his main purpose is to associate Tom and Shane's story with the push for marriage equality and gay rights. And really, the film itself, on its own, speaks on why marriage equality matters as well as speak on the issues a gay person can have in this world, especially if they grow up in an area of intolerance. So his participation almost seems more like an invasive sponsor than someone contributing something of worth.

Overall: Rental/ VOD

Perhaps in the future, when people take note of how far things have come, films like this one will be used to show part of the devastation which came simply from unfound hatred. And while we are told neither Tom nor Shane were physically bullied, you do see through Shane how much mental torture can come from not only not accepting yourself, but not having those who you want to be close accept you. Making this, to me, worth renting. For while it is just one man's story, like so many before, and surely after, it is a story which matters and truly reminds you despite the many differences there are between people, be it race, sexuality, likes/dislikes and etc., there are a few basic things we all search for and are a part of what gives us hope, and reason, to live possibly into our 80s, 90s, and 100s, and that is having someone who accepts all of you and finds it complimentary to their being.
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This documentary touched my soul with such depth, that I think it may have changed my life forever!
ferretsluvaeva16 December 2013
This movie is one of the most heart-felt, touching, and tragic things that I have ever witnessed. I felt every emotion within Shane and I could not help but cry hysterically at several parts. This movie, saddening yet unexplainable beauty, should be viewed by everyone. This couple is such an inspiration to me, and they really made me see what is important in my life. The love that I felt between these partners, is something that I could only imagine holding in my hands. R.I.P. Tom. I love you both deeply, and I pray that Shane continues to stay strong and carry on with his message. You two are such an inspiration to me and this documentary is amazing. The strength that Shane holds is something that I can only dream of. God bless both of you and your partnership, I only wish that all of your life goals/dreams could have been made reality before he passed. You were a beautiful pair of soul-mates <3. Hold Tom in your heart forever Shane, and I hope that one day you two can reunite. LGBT rights should be everywhere, and same-sex rights should be given to EVERY human being. You, Me, every person that is out there; should be given the right to love openly and freely. Love is love and nobody should be deprived of that. SAME SEX MARRIAGE NEEDS TO BE LEGALIZED EVERYWHERE. Watch this movie and you will forever think the same. My love goes out to everyone struggling with rights, and to anyone that has been denied the privilege to love freely. I recommend this documentary to all, just prepare for the tears.
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Positively Not To Be Missed
hjames-9782230 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As an older gay man I have learned to to emotionally stuff my feelings down a long dark hole. I never even cried at my father's funeral. And felt guilty for it. But frankly, I wept and wept repeatedly after watching this documentary.

You will first be angry at the cruelty and inhumanity shown to Shane (the surviving partner of this gay couple) by the family of his dead lover. Their inability to come to terms with both the sexuality and the death of their child is a living horror story. You will want to reach through the screen and smack Tom's mother right in the head. Then you will rethink.

You can not escape ultimately feeling sorry for them. So bitter, so cruel, so filled with hate for what their son really was they are coming apart emotionally at the seams. And they will do--anything--to try and erase reality and history.

I watched it a second time. What a lesson in living, the shortness of life and the need to say over and over to those who matter that you love them.

Tap-Tap-Tap. Gotta go. I'll start crying again...and then I'll be inspired. Again.
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Gripping & Heartbreaking
info-898-49287718 January 2014
As a gay man with a partner this film really struck the heart strings. It caries a powerful message that in America not all couples are equal or have equal rights. I feel this film made a big splash because of its trailer and the pre-movie video that went viral and the fact that OWN picked it up also played a factor.

On the technical side of it there were some things I didn't like hence my 8 out of 10 rating. I feel this area probably hurt the film. I am a photographer and a Director of Photography and some of the shots were so far out of the box for me that it was distracting because it wasn't pleasing to the eye such as framing, but over all great film that more people should see.
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A True Love Story
kevjfarrell28 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this on Netflix and was blown away by it. Superbly directed and constructed account of a truly wonderful love story with a heart-breaking ending.

These two guys were destined to share their lives. It was obvious from all the comments from friends and one of the families that these guys were soul mates. Both were fine handsome young men who lived their lives to the full and enjoyed similar interests.

You cannot fail to be moved by this beautiful account of their individual upbringing by their loving families. Sadly one of the guy's parents wasn't supportive of their son's sexuality - and despite that, he still loved them dearly. The other guy was supported wholeheartedly by his family.

This story has a very tragic ending - in more ways than one. This is one of the most beautiful factual love stories that I've ever seen. The story will live with you forever. You really should check this one out.
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Raw beautiful and tragic. A love story
juneebuggy25 November 2014
Beautiful, powerful moving and raw. This was a well done, absolutely heartfelt documentary profiling the emotional journey of Shane and Tom, two young men in a loving and committed relationship, who's time together is cut tragically short when Tom is killed in a freak accident after stepping off a roof while taking pictures.

For the most part this profiles (almost as a warning Shane's struggle after the accident, as without any legal rights the hospital won't let him view the body and then is left devastated when Tom's family prevent him from having anything to do with or even attending the funeral.

I will be thinking about this for a long time, not so much the legal end of things (change is a coming) but the love that Shane lost. I wish him well. 10.13
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Not that special
Yes, this is a sad story. But it isn't that well done. It's just a series of interviews and video selfies. Part A: The lead up. Part B: The love story. Part C: Loss and those dreary, horrible Hoosiers. Nothing new. Nothing extraordinary. Nothing learnt.

I felt very uncomfortable in one respect. These boys sure enjoyed filming themselves to a point where they seemed like exhibitionists. I felt like a voyeur and that they wanted me to be a voyeur. One other reviewer likened this to MTV's "Real World". I agree in the sense that this screams "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!"

This documentary felt like a set-up: Let's get back at the nasty in-laws. They were nasty. They do deserve being told and having the world told what absolute turds they were. But this shouldn't have been the story/documentary in and of itself. It felt like an extended story within a documentary. It could have been told just as effectively and thoroughly in ten minutes. The filmmakers could have incorporated this into a documentary about the need for marriage equality or something.

Did I get upset? Yes, but any lesbian or gay man over 15 wouldn't be surprised by any of it and most have experienced worse first- or second-hand. It just isn't compelling enough to be the subject of an entire documentary.

Am I glad I saw it? I guess. If it interests you, you probably should watch it. Understand that it does not warrant an average rating of 8.0, which it has in May 2014. One can't watch this and think it's a great documentary after watching any of a number of quality AIDS or PBS documentaries. Trust me, I'm not a tough grader. I just checked my ratings: Out of 183 documentaries seen during my 14 years with an account, I've given 67 a "10". 'Bridegroom' just isn't that good.
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Dying young and being buried with disrespectful parents.
espencer-983905 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched the documentary (twice). Well documented and logically assembled. Both of the prevailing characters in this love story lived what almost every undisguised person, gay or straight, would probably chose. Of all of the characters in this narrative that have prevailed the death, only two are sincerely pathetic. The homophobic father that could never accept his son being gay and the mother, being, in reality, worse than the father in that she was both homophobic and duplicitous. As I grow older, having lived a parallel experience, I am now more thankful that my companion passed respected by everyone, including his mother. I can assure any open minded viewer, you will be touched.
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Touchble gay love documentary
ilikedolphin17 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You may have watched several good, impressive gay films before. But you might feel they are overly dramatic and far away from your life. I promise you Bridegroom is the most special and touching gay movie I have seen. Actually, it is a documentary. The real story was found by the director on Youtube in 2012 (It Could Happen To You). Bridegroom, the love story of Shane and Tom is also a precious memory for Shane.

In the film, the hero, Shane Crone pays tribute to his partner Tom who died in an accident in 2011. All "actors and actresses" are themselves including Shane and Tom's family and friends. It's a documentary about Shane and Tom's childhoods, their acquaintance and their life. The film is tearful and heartbreaking because it does not have a happy ending. Tom dies young at only 29 years old.

More heartbreaking is that Tom's family refuses to accept Shane. As Tom's lover, he cannot attend Tom's funeral. Although Shane's family and friends accept and support him, his sadness cannot be described in words. His world crashes with Tom's leaving.

Shane and Tom, like other young people, are cheerful and optimistic. I also feel they are lucky, because they can meet their soul mate and true love in the big world. Shane is brave, and he can tell the world his story and about the tragedy.

The world should be diverse and colorful, like the gay symbol - the rainbow flag. This small film may influence the audience and make a meaningful impact on society.
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Double Punch WOW
steeleronaldr5 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Documentaries are made to educate the public on a wide range of topics. Weather patterns, disasters, historic figures or anything that poses a interest in someone. Bridegroom tell's how two young men who grew up in town's miles apart in families as different as Night and day. "Bridegroom" does so in a timely manner with so much care that by the end you feel as if you knew both guys personally. Shane Britney Crone tell's most the story with his parents, relatives and friends the picture of how two men redefine the meaning of true love and how a tragedy tore them apart. How the surviving lover was delt with his partners homophobic parents and snubbed from the funeral of his partner. I cannot think of a documentary that made me cry or kept a lump in my throat. This is one documentary that needs to be seen by all. I admit that I couldn't wait for this to be released and was the first in years that I paid full price for a DVD and I totally got my money's worth.
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Amazing Documentary on Tragic Love Story!
Raja7915 February 2022
Amazing Documentary on Tragic Love Story!

This isn't about a Tragic "Gay" story, but it's about Pure Love!

This is also such an emotional movie, it's just very sad...

Overall a great movie which stirs up emotions!
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w-4315623 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Bridegroom is the most wonderful homosexual documentary film I have seen.When I saw the part where Shane was soliloquizing in front of the video after Tom's death,I could not resist crying sorrowfully.Not only Tom's death,but their true love really touches my heart.The movie tell us a truth:"Deeply love the person who loves you deeply,otherwise you wil get in endless bitterness when you lose him or her.
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Bridegroom !
ayonbhunia23 October 2021
I came across a video on youtube named "It could happen to you".....and i was just numb...then i saw that there's also a documentary made out of it which i watched just now and i can't... I can't...I think i have never evere cried in my life watching a movie/documentary this bad !! I am damn sure....i am still in pain...God Please see this ! I don't know what to say.... " Tom bridegroom and shane britney crone forever and always each other " I love you are a strong person....and rest in peace and love my boy, Tom ! Tap Tap Tap.
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