Delivery: The Beast Within (2013) Poster

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Worth watching
onosideboard1 June 2014
I don't why user reviews here are so extreme -- it seems like the only people who write reviews either absolutely love the movie or completely loathe it. Me? I liked it.I found it entertaining. It wasn't the best movie I have ever seen, but I'm not sorry I watched it. The reviewer that compares this movie to Rosemary's Baby is nuts -- should we declare every drama made since Citizen Kane terrible because it's not as good as Citizen Kane?

Delivery has a decent, if not particularly fresh, premise: strange things start happening around a pregnant woman. It's filmed in the ubiquitous "found footage" style that too many low-budget horror projects use these days as a crutch to disguise poor production quality. In Delivery, however, the style is done well, and the production quality is good. The acting is solid, the pacing is tight, and the dialogue is believable enough. I noticed one plot hole (that the otherwise intelligent couple want to have a home birth with a midwife despite being an extremely high-risk pregnancy), but it doesn't ruin the movie at all. This is really more of a thriller than a traditional horror, as it's more creepy and tense than scary.

All in all, I'm glad I saw Delivery, it was an enjoyable way to spend a rainy Saturday night, even if it wasn't a classic on par with Rosemary's Baby, lol.
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Nowhere fast
killercharm19 April 2020
Nowhere fast found footage flick about a reality show centered on a couple and their first pregnancy. A most predictable tale about a first time mom-to-be who momentarily lost the baby but then lo! they found a heartbeat the next morning! Yay! Except the dog hates her upon her return from the hospital. Not only that but she's changed; she's mean and moody like she never was before. On top of that she's developed a taste for raw meat, and, last but not least, scary voices come out of her. It's all so predictable and there isn't one scare, not even from all the millions of attempts at jump scares (maybe more).
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Love me, love my dog.
nogodnomasters19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens by letting you know Rachel (Laurel Vail) dies in the end which would normally be a plot spoiler if you make it that far. Rachel and Kyle (Danny Barclay) are having a baby and opt to allow a camera crew follow them around to film for a TV reality show. We watch the first episode which is why it looks professionally done. The rest of the footage doesn't make it to production.

After Rachel has a near miscarriage, strange things happen like the dog growls at her and an old Hispanic woman attacks her screaming "devil" in Spanish. Yes, this all builds up to an ending, you might want to miss. For those who loved "Devil's Due" you might as well waste your money on this one too.

Everyone else: Not worth renting.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Little in the way of horror
Leofwine_draca18 December 2018
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DELIVERY: THE BEAST WITHIN is yet another indie found footage horror film, this time focusing on a young couple who fear demonic influence in their lives. The wife is pregnant but when strange things start happening to her, it seems that perhaps the baby doesn't want to be born. This is a slow-moving and repetitive film that plays out like a video diary. There's a lot of shrieking and overacting from the main players but very little in the way of actual, you know, horror.
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Really good
atinder31 October 2014
Delivery (2013) this did sound a lot like devils Due (which I have not seen yet, I don't think movies are like at all, I just going the devils due trailer)

This was more Psychological horror then normal average horror movie

This is kind slow in some places , we to get know the normal couple and there friends , they are documentary of there pregnancy .

Slow strange things happen in and there, there was one really creepy scene in this.

My god , the ending of this shocked the hell out of me, it not a twist or anything , it just kind unexpected .

Really good movie

7 out of 10
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Doesn't deliver
minch00719 January 2015
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I don't mind found footage or low budget movies as long as they're not predictable, boring and plot less. I kept waiting for this movie to surprise, scare or disturb but I just kept waiting right up to the credits. The husband Kyle was annoying, he didn't react to any of the strange events but just played frustrated and distant. The wife Rachel's friends didn't even seem to notice her weird behaviour. The midwife was so non reactive that I half expected her to turn out to be an evil accomplice of the demon ala the nanny in Damien (the Omen sequel), would've been a good plot twist if she did. But no, she was just dumb. It seemed extremely implausible that this couple would attempt a home birth under the circumstances. The only thing I thought the movie did well was to have interviews with the production crew of the fictitious documentary. Because they were actually creeped-out. This was the sort of movie that you wish they had done so many things differently, small changes would've made it much better. E.g. Kyle being really scared just once would've made the whole thing much scarier. I really wouldn't bother.
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A good film that could have used a little tweeking
byronhold14 March 2016
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As far as "found footage" films go, this one is certainly of the best. Although the story isn't groundbreaking, there's a fantastic amount of character development. I was really more impressed with the film after watching the special features, however. The fact that the film was shot in two weeks amazed me, as it felt as though I was watching a true nine month journey. Also the fact a huge portion of the film was improvised shows the skills of the two primary actors. I also was impressed by the research done into the making of reality television shows, in order to make the first segment more authentic. My only issues were with the same factors many other reviewers have stated. Kyle could be such a jerk in many scenes. Also the home birth was insane. A high risk pregnancy coupled with growing mental instability? Certainly a situation for a hospital. The only thing I do wish that had been done is having more doubt cast on whether the Producer, Rick was the one really responsible for the strange occurrences. All in all, though fun to watch.
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One Word: BORING
blakeblueblood21 May 2014
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This is not a horror, nor a thriller; it is the worst categorized movie of all time. All of these user comments that say there is a twist are out of their minds. The twist is that there is no twist. It's an uninspired, unoriginal found footage documentary about an over dramatic, pregnant woman dealing with her pregnancy. And that is all. It is not a mix of Paranormal Activity or Rosemary's Baby at all, it's just a trick to get you to watch it, and hopefully spend money on it. I kept waiting for something to happen, or for the much-hyped "twist" to occur and it never did. I kept waiting until the credits started. Avoid this one at all costs...
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Found Footage "Rosemary's Baby"
j-nickturner6 April 2020
The plot itself isn't anything ground breaking or new. However, the execution is creepy, tense, and enjoyable.

No complaints worth mentioning. Above average found footage film.
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The performances were good and the ending was shocking for some people, but in general Delivery: The Beast Within lacks of scares and entertainment. It is dull and trashy.
guillermobosque30 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Summary: The performances were good and the ending was shocking for some people, but in general Delivery: The Beast Within lacks of scares and entertainment. It is dull and trashy. 33/100 (D+)

Delivery: The Beast Within is directed by Brian Netto and tells the story of Kyle and Rachel Massy, a young couple who agree to document their first pregnancy for a family-oriented reality show. The production spirals out-of-control after the cameras capture a series of unexplained events, leading Rachel to believe that a malevolent spirit has possessed their unborn child. I will make it easy to you, look at the poster, then watch the trailer and the last 5 minutes of the movie. That's it. It promises a lot and delivers nothing. First of all, this film is somewhat derivative. It offers little to the genre, and there's nothing special or original about it. It's not an awful movie, it's just boring.

It is filled with so many tired clichés, such as: the dog that obviously dies, camera malfunctions, etc. You have seen it before, skip it. There were a few original ideas like all the paintings of the pregnant woman and how her art has changed since she's pregnant. I actually liked the first act of the film, it was well executed, but as the film goes, it became boring, and the found-footage made it even more tedious. It has good performances, shout-out here to Laurel Vail, she's the protagonist and the best thing about this flick; she was believable and scary. The main actor Danny Barclay was pretty good too, but his character was annoying at times.

This director has lots of potential, this film has some great ideas, for example how this pregnant woman expresses her demonic side through her paintings. This movie had its sad and tense moments. For a moment, I really felt like I was watching a TV show, good job director! But this was at the beginning of the film, as I said above. I liked the first minutes of the movie because the found- footage was effective, but after the first half, this format became tedious. It had its moments, but it was boring as a whole. Maybe with a few more bucks and without the found-footage, it would be a decent movie. I'm still interested on this director. What will he do next? (D+)
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Very Psychological
stansellb29 August 2014
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I've become disenfranchised with the supernatural-based horror genre. Probably because I've grown up and not a lot truly scares me anymore. In fact I think movies with fully represented and fleshed out monsters are more funny than scary.

I find myself creeped out more by horror films that have some sense of... I don't want to say 'realism' but at least some sense of plausibility to them with as few supernatural requirements as possible, which is why I think I like Delivery.

In the end, nothing truly supernatural happens, which is what I think some people were expecting, but I think this film continues in the tradition of The Blair Witch (hey, it wasn't that bad) in letting your imagination do all the work. I find the ending of this film to be far more shocking than if an actual demon did pop out of her. And in the age of reality shows that are more or less exactly like this, I think the set up of this film was perfectly staged.

Again, not for everyone. But if you're looking for a good psychological scare, check this one out.
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For found footage fans worthwhile
mamidala-9827211 January 2020
Low budget. Acting was decent. Footage could have been a little better but overall decent. I've watched enough found footage movies to see what is coming but this movie had surprises and things I wasn't the expecting. I actually yelped in shock at that surprise at the end. I'm not one to jump or be shocked easily but they caught me off guard on this movie. Overall very well done low budget film with decent actors. Worthwhile watch.
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Pre-natal depression
begob28 June 2015
Reality documentary crew records a young couple during their second pregnancy, after the first miscarried, but complications set in ...

OK, it's mockumentary (of a documentary) plus FF - so some will dismiss it anyway. It is well made and a good story that sticks to the rules of the genre. Well acted too, and it avoids the crew-ego that spoils so many films like this.

The problem I had is they decided to use camera/mic interference to convey the presence of the threat, and never made it literal. There was knocking at the door, but that was about it. So you end up with something that's really a tale of a decline into mental illness, and in my view that means it's not horror. You have to see a manifestation on screen, and glitches in the picture and audio shrieking are not enough.

Otherwise the sound did create an effect, especially with the constant dog barking and the confused voices in the last scene (which came close to being ruined by the camera effects). But in the end it is a shocker.

Overall, well worth watching but should have been spookier. Better than Paranormal Entity, but not a patch on the PA series at its best.
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Luke warm delivery
jenniferlynn-4955531 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't horrible, sadly I've seen some bad ones. For a found footage type movie on prime, it wasn't bad. It felt like a real reality show and the interviews during the footage were good. The mother/grandmother, eh and the midwife was awful. All I could think of was choosing the hospital, just so I wouldn't have to hear her voice. There were a few scenes that needed more or a completely different emotion all together, for example, the doors slamming shut for the first time. They barely flinched and laughed it off... In no way would that happen. I expected more emotion after Madden. Why would they choose a home birth if she was a high risk pregnancy? Killing time and watching this, you wouldn't hate yourself for it but I wouldn't pay for it though.
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What a trip
ratgirl1320025 November 2021
This one took me by surprise. I was engrossed the whole way through. And that ending!!! Don't listen to the nay sayers. This was scary in its relatability.
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Don't accept this "Delivery"!
iraz27 May 2014
And again, those exceptional reviews had to be written by those involved with the film. I keep promising myself not to get sucked in by those reviews and t be more discerning but I was taken again! Nothing much happens and I was on the edge of my couch since I fell asleep and almost landed on the floor. This was extremely boring, very slow moving, no real plot and absolutely no suspense. Basically a waste of time and money and clearly one of the most boring found footage films ever made. Those of you who found something like this suspenseful should check out true horror films and see the difference. Watch "Rosemary's Baby" and compare it to this film and then review this title!
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Delivery : Delivered review 😉 . It's in the very good OK category
peterjcox-5165219 March 2024
Where Devils Due ( here's that crappy pun again ) delivers high production values and a relatively strong story line the experience is more pre natal ( my bad ) if you have been expecting parents you think you are going to know everything about parenthood and it's completely lacking in realism that's Devils Due . Where as Delivery is a more post natal experience ( 😆 ) it's raw gnarly and I'de say a far more realistic and believable story . Get your nappies ( jeez 🙄 im rolling in my own crapness ahaha double lol) it has some very unsettling and bowel ( omg stop it ) movement scares and thought provoking moments .
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A delivery that ultimately failed to deliver...
paul_haakonsen10 May 2021
I had the opportunity in 2021 to sit down and watch the 2013 movie from writers Brian Netto and Adam Schindler. I hadn't heard about the movie prior to stumbling upon it. But being an avid horror fan, of course I found the time to sit down to watch "Delivery".

And while "Delivery" definitely was a watchable movie, it did suffer somewhat from being rather mundane and predictable. I mean, everything that is shown throughout the course of "Delivery" is something that has been done and seen in other movies already. Well, aside from the ending.

I would have enjoyed the movie more if it wasn't filmed in that documentary style. You know, with the camera that is all over the place to make you feel like you are right there. No, when I sit down to watch a movie, I want to watch a movie with a proper production and proper camera work, not something that feels like I could have made myself with my digital video camera. And this aspect of "Delivery" definitely kept the movie back for me.

The acting in the movie was adequate, although the character gallery was a bit stale and bland actually. I never really felt like I got to know Kyle (played by Danny Barclay) and Rachel (played by Laurel Vail) more than on a surface level, despite the fact that the movie was set to revolve around their pregnancy and their lives.

For a horror movie, then "Delivery" didn't deliver. I am sorry to say so, but the movie was just stale and slow paced. Nothing scary happened. And I am sorry to say, but having static bursts interrupt the screen and some distorted sounds just doesn't cut it.

The ending to the storyline was actually interesting enough, but by then it was just too little, too late. And it felt like the ending was just abruptly cut short.

Ultimately, "Delivery" scores a four out of ten stars from me. It was a watchable movie, sure, but it was by no means an outstanding or impressive foray into the thriller or horror genre.
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Slow but dannggg!
babygirlaura24 November 2021
I just watched it, surprised I hadn't seen it already I watch so sooo much horror and will give any movie a chance no matter what. That really freaked me out in the end. It moves slow, and you know something nuts is gunna happen in the end, yiu just know it , but damn .... That was nuts.
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sydneybug-2569822 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So you movie directors are telling me , you kill the dog almost instantly, instead of the devil women with the ACTUAL DEMON inside her???? what did the dog do to you??? huh??? you guys are so sick, i would have rated this 2 stars if it was the husband or someone got stabbed and not the dog.
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Wow! I don't know what that other guy was watching...
goatbut2916 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
...But I was glued!

It came across as very real and authentic. The acting was just fine, I never questioned it or noticed anything bad about it.

The mood was exactly as the director must have wanted: sweet and warm, then a little spooky, and then just toe-tapping rush at the end!

Not since 'Buried' have I found myself sitting on the edge of my seat almost wishing it would end but also dreading the moment it does!

That's entertainment! What more can you ask?

There are no 'oh come on just get with it!' moments. The story is presented documentary style and nicely continues rolling and building until the end.

If this is a low budget movie, I am highly impressed!

I appreciate the movie not wasting my time with needless yammering, pointless dialogue, or just flat out falling apart by the end.

If you like 'real feeling' documentary/behind the scenes type horror movies, you'll get a kick out of this one!
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OK but nothing special
dana-kellish30 June 2020
Overall, I enjoyed this film, although I went in with rather low expectations. For a low-budget movie, the performances were quite good, and even though it takes a leisurely pace, I was not bored. With only a couple of jump scares, the film depends on a slow burn of building tension.
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Not in any way believable. Pretty ridiculous.
frankblack-799615 February 2021
It makes me wonder about the people who would rate this movie well. If you can in anyway think this film represents something realistic, or that any decisions the characters make are realistic... get some professional help. These characters are off their rockers with creations and decisions. Really poor writing to drive a plot line. Just stupid.
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Really bad
edlc19706 May 2021
This movie is another boring Paranormal activity spin off. Its just not that good. At all. Its boring crap. Its a complete waste of time. And during the entire movie, you hears this annoying sound every time the videocam switches. Avoid this crap.
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Disturbing not suitable for 15 rating
natdolphins1 June 2020
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This film sucks you in like a good film should but the final scenes are outrageously disturbing, this is one film I wish I hadn't seen, it's traumatic and is not appropriate for the age rating given, a minutes old baby being stabbed to death by the mother onscreen, is not my idea of a good film. Devastating, would not recommend at all age rating needs to be changed. I would not have watched had I known the ending, seriously damaging.
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