Ramsey: The Vandy Case (2021) Poster

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A noir wannabe, poorly executed
andletlive12 March 2023
This was hard to watch from the very beginning. The very first scenes do give a very good idea of the poor quality of this very improbable story done on the cheap. But that, lack of resources was hardly the problem. It's just a poorly done flic all-around.

The flic moves unnecessarily slow, with many scenes that feeling like filler, and repetitive in their intent. About 20- 30% of what is shown does not contribute to the story in any way.

The cinematography is also poor, from the low quality of the images to it's inconsistent style. Some scenes are poorly framed, others poorly focused; some are both.

The acting feels generally contrived. The worse problem here is the witting, not only the story but also the script. They are very poor, as bad as the direction. The casting is also off, with few of the actors looking the part.

But I kept feeing sorry for the actors. They are all unknowns, but some still did ok with what they were handed. But if they are any good, this was an "opportunity" to look bad -- they were handed a very hard task, impossible to do much with it.

I started watching this movie because I like most noir films, even those from almost 100 years ago under much lower technical resources and standards. Some that barely pass as ok can still be enjoyable with the interesting plots or characters; but his one simply sucks.

I first noticed this movie because of the many glowing reviews here, which are reported in aggregate in places like Amazon --but they are clearly fake, as exaggerated as some of the "acting".

Some "movie-makers" cannot or won't put in the effort to make acceptable products, but they use whatever trick to fool the public into watching their garbage. Again, I feel sorry for the actors, especially the few that did ok in their parts -- some of small ones.
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Crime drama that goes off the rails.
rayal19507 March 2023
Murder mystery about a child star that becomes a cop and gets shot and killed while walking the beat, alone, in a dark deserted alley behind a auto junkyard. This actor and policeperson is never seen again. Could have used a bit of backstory.

The sister (also a child star from "Family Jewels" tv show (ha ha they said Family Jewels when talking about a kids show.) hires a PI who has a teen daughter and is separated from his wife and family.

Things move along until they decided that a subplot about sexual addiction should be added to the plot. Slightly different from Alcohol or opioids or some other plot trope.

This really doesn't add to the plot. Sexual encounters are in the plot but "addiction" only comes up with some support group that his other PI friend belongs to.

The Twist ending could have been done without any addiction at all and only men/women cheating on their respective spouses.

Lots of characters giving exposition in lieu of showing us stuff.
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The Sins of the Fathers
lavatch11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In the Book of Deuteronomy, God sees to it that "the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children." In the case of "Ramsey: The Vandy Case," that would appear to be the theme about the personal sins of private investigators Kevin Ramsey and Mason Rivers, as their sins are visited upon their two innocent daughters, Katie and Teri.

On the surface, the film's action was the search for the killer of the actress Sarah Vandy, who had given up her career as a performer to become a cop. After she was shot, Kevin is hired by Sarah's sister Michaela to find the killer. But, the ultimate end game is the personal drama of the demons that haunt Kevin and Mason and eventually infect their two sensitive daughters.

The major drawback of the film was its crude production values. The pacing was glacially slow, and the convention of Kevin Ramsey's narration bogged the film down in long pauses. Despite the appealing cast, the film never achieved a cohesive style, and it failed to capture the artistic techniques of film noir.

This film will not rival "West Side Story" in the depiction of violence on the tough streets of New York City. But there should be no worries about the fates of the two girls who will be tried as adults for the murder of Sarah Vandy. With the lax prosecutorial system and politically-driven law courts of New York, young Katie and Teri will likely never have to don orange jumpsuits.
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They must be kidding, right?
erictadsen11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely one of the worst films I've ever seen. But awesomely bad! I like it so much better if it wasn't meant to be awful. Because ohhhhh how awful it is! Move over The Room - there's a new game in town!

Coming off as like a high school film project (with apologies to David Lynch), This thing is full of hilariously hackneyed tropes, amateurish acting, wooden deliveries and - well - you just gotta see it. The whole thing appears to have been filmed in cheap modern apartments and suburban backyards, each background sadder and more thoughtlessly picked than the last. The plot is absurd - an ex cop and a cop who both share a crippling sex addiction (!!) work together to solver a murder which ends up being committed by their resentful children. It tries to be a noir tale of grit and woe, but ends up being a bizarre PSA for the destruction of particularly tawdry addiction.

Weird, angles, weird lines, bizarre sets, shabby and lazy site scouting, stupid wardrobe, hilariously dumb story, terrible acting......

As good as it gets. Straight to camp. Can't wait for MST 3000 to get hold of it.
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Cheesy Noir with Social Justice & Sex Addiction Pablum Mixed In
Jakealope23 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously based on the title they are trying to make a series based on the seedy unshaven ex-cop private eye named Ramsey. Ramsey and the actor who played him are not great but passable. The supporting cast only gets worse. Okay it is set mostly in New Jersey across the river from the BIG APPLE, and since a lot of NYC cops live in that area, it is acceptable. But the film which was boosted by the Paterson NJ and the State of NJ film bureaus just reeked of Jersey mediocrity. The dead cop in question reminded me of.a younger. Angelina Jolie when she played a NYPD flatfoot in.the "The Bone Collector". The titular victim Sarah Vandy was an ex child TV star and a wild as in promiscuous girl whom the NYPD didn't really want. Right off the bat she gets whacked by a couple of unknowns in a car while she's walking her beat on some random crummy looking Jersey street filling in for NYC.

So her sister Michaela hires our.grizzled and unkempt Kevin Ramsey to find her real killer because she doesn't trust the NYPD. Of course there is bad blood between the NYPD and ex-cop Kevin Ramsey who ratted on a partner who beat his wife. There is some lame butt macho ranting between him and some cop mugwump who gets more involved. Michaela sends Ramsey all around.to investigate leads. So he finds leads but nothing conclusive. But he and the sultry mixed-up grieving Michaela end up spending a night in bed in some after 9 PM TV, still with her top on sex in her double bed under the blankets. Ironically the best scenes from a technical POV were shot in her apartment and while Michaela was no standout, she added something. But then we got all this crying from our gumshoe hero about his sex addiction and he goes to his PI buddy Mason Rivers for help. See Mason is the chairman of the local Sex Addicts Anonymous group when he is not helping the families of dead black career criminals sue the NYPD. Coincidentally he is involved in this case way deeper than he lets Ramsey know, like he was the one who taped that above NYPD mugwump's tawdry affair for the victim; which Sarah used to blackmail her way in the NYPD. Then Kevin finds some black h00r and her p1mp to come to his Jersey house so he can debase himself after they refuse to do business with Kevin because he's an ex-cop.

Ok I am going to give you the spoiler soon, the stupid twist based on both gumshoes' sex addiction and the effects that had on both their daughters. See Ramsey went strong and while welcoming Michaela to his back yard fire pit to drink long necks, no wine here, he refused to have sex again with the confused grieving woman who also had a bad encounter with her family at her sister's wake. Then Mason Rivers show up to throw his two cents in and nothing happens until BANG,, someone shot poor Michaela and she is bleeding out. Mason chases down the shooter and ta-da, it's her daughter Teri, who also murdered Sarah because her "sex addicted" dad was doing Sarah after he finished his blackmail taping for her. But wait, Ramsey's own obnoxious angsty daughter Katie is Teri's wheelwoman for the first murder, because she too was all angry over her dad's affair that caused the divorce.

So we get a soliloquy where the two weepy gumshoes blame these crimes their rotten daughters committed on their own sex addiction.

Oh did I tell you about the #BlackLiesMatter tie in too? I guess they had to cover all the SJW bases. But for all the feminist chest beating, we never found out what finally happened to the wounded Michaela like did she live.

Hey I am not telling you not to watch it. For all my slamming of this flick, it is a watchable movie. But it took me 5 sessions on Amazon streaming to get through this 2 hour bloated movie.
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"What is this the 1970s?"
RBIves-202-7253529 November 2022
The noir detective drama is back baby. Ramsey's title character is an ex-cop turned P. I. who's hired by a classic femme fatale to look into the murder of her sister. You know where this is going. Envy, lust, crooked cops, and the threat of another killing all loom heavy over this moody modern day telling of a story dripping with moral ambiguity.

Is it perfect? No. There is some repetition which could be solved by another pass in the edit. And some of the locations tend to start looking very similar. But the lead actor turns in a complex, vulnerable performance which is plenty to hold our interest. If you're looking for a throwback to the 1970s crime era, look no further, you could do much worse.
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No better than a six!
jeffpsy7 March 2023
This is first set of reviews I've ever seen on IMDB where I wondered whether these glowing reviews were phony. While not a terrible film, this was a cheap, straight-to-video movie with a flabby plot and lousy production values. It almost seemed like a student sophomore project from film school. The first thing I noticed was the terrible audio. It sounded like they were recording the with $40 microphones, or with someone's iPhone 6! The dialogue faded in and out, and was foggy and mumbling, to the point where I had to turn on the close captions to make sure I got all the dialogue. While I kind of liked the main character, the other characters had a cardboard feel to them. I struggled, but made it to the end. Ignore all the glowing reviews; this was a solid 6!
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great thriller/mystery!
sowden_jd20 October 2022
This film had it all. As far as feel and tone, I would put this on this side of Mare of Easttown. You really don't know who the killer is and I thought the lead of the film did a tremendous job carrying the film. There was a grizzly, weariness to him. For him to be an ex-cop, you would expect that. The rest of the cast really showed up as well and I really appreciate the music. I have to also point out the cinematography, the random loss of focus really added to the scenes. It makes you get that discombobulated feeling many of teh characters have as they realize things, or are in such dyer circumstance that we are as jostled as they. I also don't usually complement the opening of films, but this opening had me hooked! Well done!
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A Fascinating Crime Thriller
kjs11441 January 2023
The plot is very intriguing and keeps you guessing the whole time. It is very unpredictable, and that's what makes Ramsey: The Vandy Case so special. The story unfolded in a very unique way. I really enjoy these types of movies with a private investigator as the lead character. I like mystery movies, and this one will keep you on the edge of your seat every step of the way. The cinematography was excellent, especially in some of the night scenes. Credit goes to the writer for creating such a unique story and plot. There are even some emotional moments which are unexpected and powerful. Give this one a watch!
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Intriguing Crime Drama
spacla21 October 2022
This is an indie crime drama that revolves around the murder of a female cop. Private investigator Ramsey is tasked by the victim's sister to help solve the murder. Ramsey, played by Jim Thalman, is a very compelling and likable character. While this is a slow burn film and some scenes could be tighter, the story is very entertaining and engaging. It has a very clever twist and also explores interesting relevant topics that many crime films don't. If you enjoy crime stories as much as I do, you should definitively give this movie a chance. Filmmaker Tom Ryan does a good job at keeping you guessing until the very end!
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Enjoyed this film
DMartzNC26 October 2022
I'll admit I have practically zero experience with Indie movies. I'm really only familiar with big budget blockbuster presentations. I was asked by a friend to watch this film, and I was not disappointed. Upon separating myself from my common movie experience, I was able to focus on characters as if they were people I knew in real life. Their struggles and emotions on full display in this roller coaster of a film. From the start of this murder/mystery, I was hooked, and they were successful in keeping my curiosity peaked through to the end. I legitimately enjoyed the experience of watching this film and I thank my friend who referred it to me.
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Great whodunnit mystery
msmll30 October 2022

I wasn't sure what to expect from this film, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It had action, suspense, and all in all good sleuthing. This no frills picture focused on the characters and plot rather than extraneous scenes that often bog down other movies. Because of this, I was able to connect with the characters in this film, understanding their motivations and backgrounds. As the story unravels, the whodunnit mystery deepens and everyone seems like a suspect. I was on the edge of my seat till the very end! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who loves a good detective movie.
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Multi-layered noir with a powerful twist
nplusstudio5 January 2023
"Ramsey" is a multi-layered film that takes on many important and controversial issues without unnecessarily complicating them. Police and race relations, sex addiction and family dynamics are all weaved in though intelligent writing and a acting that carries the film with raw emotion and honesty. Made in a tradition of classic noir, this film is suspenseful and contemplative at the same time. The twist at the end is both unexpected and natural. You know there is more to the story as you watch the film but you can't quiet figure out which way it's going to go until the last moment that brings it all together in a powerful and shocking way.
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Watch this movie!
wvhbyhyqy30 October 2022
What seems like a simple case at first becomes more intricate as Ramsey starts interviewing suspects. Motive is everywhere, but who is responsible for the murder of Sara Vandy? As the lines between professionalism and passion blur, it is revealed to the audience that Ramsey himself is more layered than he appears at well. Contemporary issues regarding the relationship between the public and police are brought into the light, and the audience is left wondering: what defines us? When our life is laid bare for inspection by the media, public scrutiny, and private investigation what ugly truths may be revealed?
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Mystery to the end
antoniettamannino25 October 2022
I enjoyed this mystery it kept you going to the end . The beginning of the movie really made you want to continue watching it. In my opinion definitely a story line that could be realistic which is a valuable asset to this movie because nowadays a lot of writing is done that is not to realistic. The writing was excellent, the music added just enough drama for you to want more, all the actors did a great job with there roles I would definitely recommend this movie if you like mysteries . The movie is a bit longer than normal but all in all great movie so grab some popcorn and a drink and enjoy the movie..
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Great Flick
greenhornet-9480627 October 2022
If you're tired of all the Hollywood blah, blah, blah, this movie is for you. This movie has real people as actors, not cookie cutter models that none of us can relate to. These actors look like you and me, actors I could relate to. For the first half of the movie I actually thought the main character was me! Lol. A really great script with a twist at the end. This movie is proof that you don't need a $100 million dollar budget and all kinds of special effects and CGI to make an entertaining movie. A true independant film. I was hooked the minute I hit play. I thoroughly reccommend Ramsey! It's a film the whole family can enjoy.
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Great mystery!
vmiadler24 October 2022
Wow! I am a fan of murder mysteries and really enjoyed this plot. Every time I thought I figured it out I was proven wrong. Incredible writing with significant realism. I wasn't familiar with the actors but enjoyed the brave handling of a situation that is all too real in our world today yet rarely addressed. It flowed very well from the beginning until the conclusion with the time flying by. I kept looking for a place to pause to take a much needed bathroom break but 'had' to know what was coming next. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised by the character shown by Ramsey in the end as it shows a not often seen form of integrity.
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Old school NYC drama at its best.
butler-8909630 November 2022
This movie is the perfect throwback NYC movie with all the trimmings. They don't make movies like this anymore. From the very beginning it pulls you in and you never see the plot twists coming. A dark NYC style movie with the flair of Pope of Greenwich Village. A must see for all that love NYC drama. Each scene plays a roll and there are no filler sequences. The actors similarly play a pivotal roll. All the characters have a specific roll which all comes together in the end. Most of these movies are hollow and NY'ers could see the fillers. Not here! The NYPD consultants are spot on. From procedures to jargon as well as the uniform this movie is totally accurate.
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One Gem Of A Film
ravenwil17 November 2022
I have watched many films being a fan of good stories ,twisting plots and believable heroes. Ramsey, checks all the right boxes. Having a quality ,rarely seen in indie film,it can play with the best of them. I was prepared to not like this film. I love being wrong at the right time. The film draws you into not just the story , but the planet Ramsey ( Jim Thalman) inhabits, as your tour guide through a world of fame,lies,dispair and murder most foul. The supporting cast shines, as they weaves webs of film noir flavored bliss! In the world of writers, it would be called a "good read". If the world of film , its nuanced sets ,atmospheric lighting,and cinematography tipping its hat to the golden age of film ,I would say this is a masterpiece... watting in the wings, for its encore performance. Bravo!!!!
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hsiaolee-9509925 October 2022
As a big indie movie buff, I thought this was going to be another ho hum murder mystery. But was I surprised, maybe because it was a no name production. Opening was good , cinematography was excellent and a very appropriate genre fitting soundtrack. The premise of addiction was a new one and not your typical rehashed ones we constantly see. Although 2 hours was a bit long, it does fill out and eventually make sense. The big plus in this movie was the ending . Was I ever surprised!! The character / murderer was there the whole time . There was no mystery surprise killer out of the blue ala scoopy do. Very realistic and plausible . Kudos to that.
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tombay228 November 2022
The film draws you in from the first beat and I actually felt that I was an active participant in solving the crime, - which is a great attribute for a fine film to have accomplished for its audience. Performances from the cast ensemble are all memorable and actor Jim Thalman puts the audience on edge with their popcorn awaiting for what will be said or happen next. The ladies in the ensemble also add to that sexy, sultry smokey characterizations which seems to have been bygone these film years so it was great to see. Truly a worthy refreshing fine noire film and well written too. This is a must see, period.
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meridith-2533430 October 2022
I grew up watching mystery movies, and while I love the blockbuster hits, this film was a refreshing take on the genre. As the story progresses, the story unfolds and we learn more about both the case and Ramsey -- his background on the police force, as a family man, and his struggles. Though flawed, we empathize with him. We root for him. And we solve the case alongside him. Though everyone is a suspect, Ramsey doesn't let this deter him and methodically interviews everyone. This film has passion, grit, and had me guessing who the killer was until the very end. Huge props to the actors and everyone who worked on this film! Go watch it if you haven't already!!
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strong murder mystery with great character work
JoshSegel27 December 2022
The mystery that fuels "Ramsey" is gripping, but the characters and the themes that are explored are what make the film truly resonant and memorable. The script is extremely well-crafted, the actors are all totally capable and committed, the cinematography is fantastic, the music adds a nice texture to the film, and the direction and editing keep the film moving right along while allowing subtle character moments to breathe and keep us emotionally invested. If you're in the mood for a 70's-style indie thriller with some shades of noir and fully realized characters, you should definitely check out "Ramsey".
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merry-8289030 October 2022
I have to agree with the other glowing reviews about this film. The score was incredible, adding to the mood and propelling the story forward. The actors were fantastic - whether you loved the characters or hated them, you understood them, even if you weren't sure if they were the murderer or not. And above all, the storytelling was unbelievable! Ramey: The Vandy Case is SUCH a great film that puts its own spin on a genre that's been done again and again. We follow the case as Ramsey chases leads and questions suspects. In the process we learn more about who Ramsey is, and discover that he's more complex than we initially thought.
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Excellent gritty drama
sixtymedia18 January 2023
Ramsey: The Vandy Case looks and feels like a film from a different time - and I love that!

They don't make movies like this anymore. Coming form the UK it paints a really interesting picture of New York, and is beautifully shot and lit. Someone else mentioned the occasional intentional focus drops - this really provides it with it's indie feel.

At it's core it's a gritty 'whodunnit' and a story that gently pulls you in from the start. However, there are quite a few surprises along the way.

It's performed well by all the leads with the main credit going to the actor who plays the P. I. - He was excellent.

All round a really good indie - recommended.
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