Malibu Shark Attack (TV Movie 2009) Poster

(2009 TV Movie)

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Just terrible
thegoodman-122 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure whether this is actually a film, or a TV series, but i bought it as a whole feature length film because it looked interesting, a massive shark on the cover swallowing someone; but it turns out there are about 7 4ft long sharks. The film is shocking, really bad. So, what happens when a bunch of uncoordinated lifeguards become stranded in an indestructible lifeguard cabin after being hit by a tsunami? they're hunted by special needs sharks of course! A group of survivors who look like the stunt team from lost are hunt by the most un-intimidating sharks in the world who look like they've escaped from a circus. That's about it. Every character's involved in some sort of love triangle which just makes you want them dead... and you'll only be disappointed because about 1 person dies. That's all there is to say about this movie really. It may sound like a Petty and pointless review but it really is that bad.
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So bad its good
david-54629 July 2013
OK. I saw this piece of rubbish on our Space channel. I couldn't believe how bad it was. It was so bad Donkey Punch was actually better. Clichéd. Bad acting or was it over acting. Still I watched with fascination this train wreck. Or was it a shark wreck. As to the sharks. Well they were, what can I say, over the top!

If there was one thing I kept hoping for it was that all of them, and I mean all of them were eaten by the sharks. It would save us a lot of pain.

But sometimes it is just fun to watch a really bad movie. No not Ed Wood bad but well just bad.

Watch if you dare!!!!!!
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"She wanted to save them, now she's dead ..."
incubushatesu229 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I love stupid movies and on the stupid scale of one to ten this one is a 9. It's not as stupid as say Jaws 4 but it's damn close. I can't believe Michael Caine didn't sign up for this one.

With dialogue like

"how long can he hold his breath? For a long time."

I smell Emmy.

****Spoiler Alert**** Just like Jaws 4 proved sharks are faster than jet planes this movie proved Goblin Sharks are much more powerful than a 100 foot Tsunami since the Life Guard shack held up under the wave but immediately cracked under a sharks nudge.

Oh yea, and note to Producers, Goblin Sharks are not considered long extinct. They were discovered in the late 1800's and are sometimes found entangled by deep-sea fishing lines.
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Oh... My... God...
paul_haakonsen14 August 2010
This have got to be one of the worst shark movies I have ever seen. It was so full of things that made you want to yank out your hair by the root.

First, let's talk about the acting, actually most of the actors and actresses performed well enough. Of course, don't expect to see any award winning performances, but they weren't as bad as to be expected from a movie of this type.

Then moving on to the sharks. Goblin sharks? Alrighty then, why not? What was up with the snouts and the spikes along the ridge of their backs? And the way that they always had to open and close their mouths like as if communicating somehow? And how come they repeatedly showed the same clip over and over again, just mirroring it from time to time.

What's next? Oh yeah, lets throw a tsunami into the equation, as if crappy CGI sharks weren't enough. This was the worst-looking CGI animated tsunami in movie history. And they said in the movie that it was a massive wall of water standing 100 feet tall, and yet it did no damage to those wooden huts belonging to the beach life guards? Yeah, okay. But it managed to put places 30 feet underwater, but did no damage what so ever to those beach huts. That was just hilarious. Oh, and I also loved the fact that in some scenes you saw the fake wave travel towards land, but when the camera angle changed, the wave had magically vanished from the surface of the water in the background. That was a really amazing touch to the movie, a fake tsunami that was able to defy laws of physics and magically vanish from time to time, this is as good as it gets.

And the constant filler scenes of showing girls in bikinis playing volleyball or frolicking on the beach, or hunky surfer guys in the water, what is up with that? I know this movie is supposed to take place in Malibu, but come on. Those scenes are pointless and serves as nothing but a way to fill out the time and hope to keep whatever audience is left hooked.

I actually managed to pull through the entire movie, because I wanted to see what else was hidden in the drawer of bad effects and cheesy stories. Hand on heart, then this is really a terrible shark movie. If you, like me, like monster movies, then pick something else, this one is just not worth the time or effort.
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Sue the producers for your wasted time
happyinthehaze13 October 2018
This 86 minutes of garbage does not even vaguely qualify as a film. An utterly appalling waste of time - the people responsible for this outrage ought to be publicly flogged as a warning to others contemplating similar movie-making, to not even attempt to add yet more dross to this already inundated genre. Shocking.
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Absolue Rubbish!
TheBiff22 July 2010
Quite possibly the most wasted 20 minutes of all my life, that's all I could stand of this disaster! I have seen dozens if not hundreds of B movies in my life but really, this movie has to be classified as a Z movie. Horrible dialogue, worse acting, and a plot so thin that you can sift flour through it. From the opening sequence to just the simple physics of the tsunami, it's just so improbable. I mean I know movies are movies, but just the smallest symbolance of reality is needed to make it worth watching in fast frame. I will give most movie at least a half hour of my time but as I said earlier, 20 minutes in and I was ready to vomit. 200 channels and still nothing on. Really I need to write ten lines to really convey how bad this flick is.
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baywatch as a z movie
shalimar-429 October 2017
Warren Christie in this?? what the hell? I recognized him from other better stuff since then but his being in this was a surprise (Musta been a low point of low points in his career!)

In fact I'd say the the only real surprise.. it's a horrid cheap pathetic "made for TV" pile of crap that some one got suckered into forking over $ to make.

I've seen better acting and production quality from a HS play! The premise is beyond absurd right off the bat.. special effects are barely better than the acting skill.. or lack thereof The other reviewer saying 20 min was all he could stand (or she? doesn't matter).. I again got stuck with this sadly being the best thing on one day while on devil child duty.. it was this crap or garbage like "house wives of cardsashians or whatever pathetic mind numbingly stupid crap they are coming up with of that sort.. you know what I mean I'm sure.) Well this was so bad it was a serious question of leaving it on this crap or channel flipping to horrible fake "reality TV".. this movie won.. if anything can be called a winner in this case at all. it sure as hell was not a win for me.

Anyhow.. absurd premise + pathetic acting + dare we say direction of some sort.. + somehow managing to waste a budget of 3 MILLION... wait a min.. 3 MILLION??? What in hell did they spend 3 MILLION on with this crap?? Seriously.. more like budget of 3 million.. spent 100K on the production total.. pocketed 2.9 MILLION and used the entire thing as a giant tax write off.. and while we do a lot of good productions in Canada this is not one of them.. but I guarantee someone used tax credits here for the making of this horrible garbage.

Skip it.. don't waste your time.. save yourself the mental scarring that is inevitable for those whom watch this!!!! Even Plan 9 from outer space is Oscar worthy in comparison to this crap and sadly several other "things" (calling them movies is an insult to what a movie can actually be) I've been subjected to recently (see my other reviews as warning to save yourselves from such torture!!)
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A timewaster at best
Leofwine_draca1 June 2015
MALIBU SHARK ATTACK is the usual Z-grade shark nonsense, except made without the backing of the SyFy Channel or The Asylum this time around. It doesn't make much difference. This is an independent Canadian/Australian addition that still manages to screw up the storyline by including lots of HORRIBLE CGI effect scenes, alongside an idiotic script and some terrible performances.

Plot-wise, this isn't dissimilar to the Aussie film BAIT, with characters finding themselves trapped in a flooded location with sharks after a tsunami, but while BAIT had the money to be partway believable, this is just nonsense. A group of bad actors splash around and scream in about two foot of water, and are occasionally menaced by goblin sharks which look like they belong in a Playstation 1-era video game.

The movie is packed with whiny characters and only a couple of sudden deaths is enough to keep you watching. Otherwise it's a waste of time, a film surpassed by most other entries in this crowded sub-genre of shark attack movies.
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Sharks take a bite out of Malibu.
michaelRokeefe5 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
SyFy Channel presents a hapless shark flick with some actual moments of gore(not enough). An underwater earthquake causes a badly animated tsunami to roar into Malibu beach with rare prehistoric goblin shark hungry for anything moving. Don't take the people to the sharks, but bring the sharks to the people. Buff and tanned surfers and swimmers are appetite pleasing; but then construction workers also give CGI sharp teeth monsters something to chomp on. Jaggedly torn missing limbs and bloody beaches go along with the typical fright and mayhem of a shark attack. Peta Wilson is part of a no frills cast featuring: Jeff Gannon, Sonya Salomaa, Mungo McKay, Evert McQueen and Renee Brown.
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The schlockmeisters are back! I'm drowning in drivel! HELP!!!
mrtraska10 August 2009
AWFUL! Just bloody awful. The two previous reviewers must have watched this on crack (either that, or they're both flaks for the network): this is precisely the kind of B-movie that makes SciFi channel and USA Network SO unwatchable 95 percent of the time. Even the sharks were bad. That's on the dopey director, the excruciatingly bad script, the cheesy producers, and the network drones who lard the schedule with mindless babble like this. But face it: nobody watched Baywatch for its generally poor acting or the blindingly stupid scripts, either -- it was eye candy, the TV equivalent of a pulp novel. The only real eye candy here was Peta Wilson (the men were so stupid every time they spoke that they made me wince, which ruined the effect of the beefcake), and I hope Wilson at least made a decent buck off it: this one's clearly not going into her portfolio.

The 'danger in the water' movies historically have a few remarkable gems among them, but it's mostly a history of losers and throwaway flicks like this. The "Jaws" films had a much higher overall caliber, not just of directors, actors and acting, but of everything else that went into them. The rest of the "scary fish" subgenre (yes, I know sharks are really mammals) shown on cable channels like this are only made for USA/SciFi to be filler in between equally fake wrestling -- perfect for a summer schedule that just reeks of old, cheap USA Network (for SciFi, read idiot dungeons-magic-and-talking-dragons flicks and horror-aboard-the-spaceship instead). It's like for 10 or 12 weeks of the year, they're willing to tolerate a decent series or two like BSG, Eureka, the Stargate series, Burn Notice or Royal Pains, then they go the cheap-ass route the rest of the year and expect us not to notice.

This is just the same insult offered by USA/SciFi over and over again. They learned nothing from their experience with Battlestar Galactica, which brought them tons of adult ***and female*** viewers whom they are now insistently driving away. Way to go, bozos.

What I might enjoy more is video of the USA Network/SciFi execs and the 'pro' wrestlers getting eaten by a few real sharks so that we didn't have to watch them **OR** crap like this anymore. It doesn't matter how they spell it, SciFi or SyFy or Schmy-Fi -- it still translates to trash, and if it weren't for the occasional treasure like Eureka and Battlestar Galactica, nobody would bother with this channel EXCEPT 15-year-old boys: they're the only ones dumb enough to fall for this crap. Which is why I've spent my summer watching BSG on DVD and reruns of La Femme Nikita online instead.
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Found myself relating to the sharks more than anything else in the movie
TheLittleSongbird20 August 2012
I do get some novelty value out of SyFy's mostly terrible movies. That said, I found Malibu Shark Attack overall too dull and too ridiculous to really be entertained by it. The sharks are the best part of the movie, they don't look great and the way they're utilised gets stale after a while but they do show some menace and compared to the rest of the characters they are relateable. That is because the rest of the characters are stereotypical, made to do stupid and annoying things and not developed well at all. The acting manages to be awful as well, the lead actor is stiff and uncharismatic and the female's damsel-in-distress routine has been seen so many times before and much better, here she has this all looks, no talent aura about her. Malibu Shark Attack looks very cheap, the shark effects are not great at all, some of their features actually makes you wonder whether they are actually sharks, and the editing is choppy so you can enjoy the scenery enough. But these are nothing compared to the effects for the tsunami, I concur about them being one of the, perhaps even THE, least convincing tsunami effects in film, looking as though they were constructed in a major rush. The script is very weak with cheesy one-liners, cringe-worthy dialogue in the exposition scenes and context about the sharks that will make experts exclaim "NO" with their exasperated hands in the air. The story likewise, there are the "obligatory" ridiculous scenes like the tsunami and waves magically vanishing, the shark attacks lacking any sense of horror or suspense(and further suffering from some of the film's worst editing) and the exposition little more with padded filler with dull pacing, clichéd dialogue and characters that prove themselves not to be likable in the least. On the whole, see it somewhat for the sharks but for nothing else. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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An excellent film that can only be rivaled in brilliance by "Komodo vs Cobra".
rhodesmartin29 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Malibu Shark Attack directed by David Lister

Possibly one of the best films ever made. An action packed, high octane thriller, throwing twists & turns into a complex plot that keeps you perched on the edge of your seat.

An excellent film that can only be rivaled in brilliance by "Komodo vs Cobra".

A quake unleashes a pack of hunting Goblin sharks from the bowls of the earth, pushed into the Californian coast by a 100 foot tsunami, the sharks chase down a group of construction workers and lifeguards. Winding their way through a labyrinth of flooded buildings, the survivors race for dry land in a bid to evade a gruesome, limb shredding death.

Not only does the film capture the terror of the deep whilst breeding fear from the flawlessly sculpted CGI Goblin sharks,it also delivers with witty banter & lines of comic genius.

The cast (without exception) command a strong screen presence, at times they demonstrate some vague acting skills. The actors captivate the audience & portray emotions that cannot help but draw us into this angry aquatic nightmare.

This film is a wonder to behold....

I do recommend this film - it has high entertainment value, its certainly best watched in the early hours of the morning (with a degree of intoxication) for the right or wrong reasons you cannot help but be sucked in.
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I'd rather watch a fun and cheesy movie like this than a reality TV show any day.
HoundCat8 September 2012
I gave this film a six out of ten simply because it really isn't a good movie, although, it is highly entertaining. This is the type of movie that used to keep me from changing the channel.

Syfy (formerly Sci-fi Channel) used to show 90% - 95% science fiction, with IMO about 1/2 of the programming being fairly good shows and the other half being cheesy, goofy, and really not that good, but still all very entertaining. They have since outweighed their science fiction shows and movies with Syfy Original reality TV programming. This has cause me to change channels, and often avoid Syfy for days while nothing but reality TV programming and early morning infomercials dominate several days of each week. My TV used to be locked on Syfy, only changing to other channels for a few hours each week to watch some of my favorite new shows on other networks, like Fringe, Smallville, Heroes, and a few others here and there, but I would always return the channel to Syfy when those other shows were over.

Movies like this one, "Malibu Shark Attack" are great to have on while working from home, surfing the Internet, and doing other things that take attention away from the TV show that is on. I can't count the number of times I've either missed a good show and been upset for this same reason, or failed to get something done that was important because I was watching something really good on TV. Having movies like this on, which is why I used to love Syfy, is a gift. I can watch it and be entertained if I'd like or have it on in the background and get something done (like this review I'm writing right now as this movie is showing - I've seen it at least twice already) knowing that it will show again within several weeks.

A movie doesn't have to be great to be worth watching. This movie is, as I say again, entertaining. I would rather watch this, and movies of this quality (or lack thereof if you prefer) and be entertained than watch reality TV programming about anything, and that's what is taking over Syfy and much of television today. If you don't have to see a great movie and want something entertaining, good enough to hold your attention if you'd like, and has decent (or at least fun) effects, this movie is for you. Someone mentioned in one of these review that they don't know where Malibu is located. I don't live far from Malibu, which is in one of the most well known counties and states in the country, so for those few who haven't heard of landslides in Malibu, oceanfront property, celebrities who live in Malibu, or one of many other references to Malibu, I'll throw you one bone - Pacific Coast Highway runs through it. If you still don't know, look it up. You're on the Internet, so Google it! In any event, enjoy "Malibu Shark Attack!"
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British Columbia Shark Attack
wilsonstuart-3234626 October 2019
If I were the Malibu Tourist Board I'd seriously contemplate suing Sci Fi Channel - LA has its problems, but Malibu is portrayed here as a dismal, grey, litter strewn stretch of abandoned coastline with acres of brown - green seaweed. Killer sharks aside, based on this viewing, Malibu is not the place I'd comtemplate taking a holiday.

I won't dwell on the humourless, lunatic storyline, the substandard SFX, or wooden acting; seriously, Peta Wilson (the only competent actor) had a long fall from the days 'La Femme Nikita'...either that or she simply wasn't taking her career seriously anymore...or she needed the paycheck.

I watched Shark Attack once as I was in the mood for an undemanding bad movie; which is the mindset you'll need when you watch this...either that or find Piranha 3D!
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Fantastic Disaster...A True Waste of Film, Money, and Resources!
brandon_veracka30 July 2016
This is by far one of the worst things I've ever witnessed that's called a movie. SyFy makes some bad stuff, but this is the (sour) cream of their crop. The writing is just awful; the worst yet. The characters' acting is blatantly forced and fake. And of course, as in all of SyFy's films, there is some egregious use of sex in the form of half-nude women, who have no reason to be so scantily clad. These girls have no place in these films other than to keep your eyes fixed to the screen for another moment. I enjoy seeing beautiful women, but not in this way; it's disgusting and sad.

As for the sharks themselves, they've gone wild on this idea that Goblin Sharks--which are real sharks which live very deep in the real ocean-- are these enormous human-eating predatory fish which roar like lions. This is at least the third or fourth SyFy shark-film I've seen now in which the sharks roar like lions. Sharks don't have vocal chords, so they can't make noises like that. Even giving them the license of this being a creative science-fiction film, it still doesn't fit. None of it does. To make things especially worse and adding insult to injury (on the audience's part), the CGI sharks are just awful-looking; not believable, scary, or anything bordering on entertaining in the least bit. The sharks move so unnaturally, and look as if they were put together on a lazy afternoon by someone who was just learning the ropes on how to make computer-generated images.

This film is just terrible. It's not even one of those type of movies that's so bad it's funny type of affairs. This is everything that's wrong with TV & film these days wrapped into a 90ish minute package. Avoid this crap like the plague!
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Bad CGI, reused footage makes this not even acceptable to pass the time
Codluvah18 November 2012
Last night, I was flipping through TV, bored as hell and nearing midnight and I saw this film on the Space channel. So in my boredom I decided what ever and watched it. I will tell you that is 1 hour of my life I will never get back. It was predictable, I immediately knew what sort of cliché crap will happen before it even does happen and the Goblin sharks are made with some of the worst effects, and I could clearly tell that several scenes of the sharks attacking people were reused shots. Don't even watch and I am lucky it was on cable because I cannot imagine what would happen if someone wasted even $0.99 on a film this awful.
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Malibu's most (un)wanted
movieman_kev18 July 2012
The most ineffectual non-threatening tsunami ever committed to film helps bring the dreaded Goblin sharks (that were freed by an underground earthquake) to attack unsuspecting Malibu beach dwellers. Yup if that doesn't tell you that it's time for another Syfy movie of the week nothing will.

The acting was surprisingly OK, but other than that small bit of semi-good news, everything else was laughably awful (not too surprising given Syfy's less than stellar track record). The lead actress was insufferable with her damsel-in-distress routine. The lead actor a bit too cartoony. The sharks were easily the most relatable characters in the entire film, but even they grew redundant and stale before too long.
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Turkey Rather Than Shark
Theo Robertson22 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Sci-Fi channel really do love sharks . Hardly a week goes by without the station broadcasting a film featuring sharks . But as the JAWS franchise shows the format is very self limiting . Cut to POV shots of bathers waggling their feet in some water , cut to the surface with someone squealing surrounded by blood and repeat every 15 minutes till the movie ends . I suppose the producers deserve some credit in wanting to make a spin on the story by making a claustrophobic disaster type of movie but unfortunately they deserve more criticism than praise

The problem is there's no realism or internal continuity involved . The plot revolves around a tsunami devastating the California cost which also releases a school very rare type of shark called " the goblin shark " . The tsunami we're told is higher than 100 feet and has caused more " devastation than the Indonisian one in 2004 " That led to 250,000 dead where as this one despite being a hundred feet high still managed to leave a flimsy beach hut standing which is no more than twenty foot of the ground . Fair enough the hut is surrounded by water cutting off the survivors from the mainland but at no point did the water come anywhere near being 100 foot high

The film is full of these type of blunders , many of which are due to a lack of budget . A devastated California city would need tens of millions of dollars to convey realistically so we shouldn't be too harsh in our criticism . We should however be more harsh when the money didn't stretch to make up for a wounded leg . Charchters crowd round as someone whining " My leg , I'm bleeding to death " thereby saving anyone employing a make up artist for the film which is probably summed up with the line of " My looks are the only thing that are important " . Lucky you . The casting director had the exact same thought
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More horrible Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' rubbish.
poolandrews1 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Malibu Shark Attack is set in California on Malibu beach where lifeguard Heather (Peta Wilson) has personal problems, she is torn between her ex-Navy Seal ex-boyfriend who is also a lifeguard & her new boyfriend who is a contractor. However these insignificant problems pale into comparison with the huge tsunami that hits Malibu beach after an underground earthquake hits, after the tsunami hit & leaves the entire Californian coast in devastation & flooded Heather & her lifeguard mates face an even greater threat as the earthquake also made some vicious Goblin sharks very mad & now they are swimming though the flooded coast line looking for people to eat. With Heather & company trapped inside a wooden shack there is little hope they will manage to fend off the sharks & survive...

Directed by David Lister this yet another Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' original that quite frankly sucks, a horrible lifeless & dumb exercise in how to waste 90 odd minutes of your life. First of all I want to say that I think the plot is great, no really I do & not how it's used here in Malibu Shark Attack but the actual concept of hungry killer sharks stalking & eating people in flooded buildings or even entire towns which is just such a cool idea but predictably this cool idea is totally ruined here. I would describe Malibu Shark Attack as Baywatch (1989-2000) meets Deep Blue Sea (1999) with the lifeguard angle (they even wear those red skimpy outfits) & the killer shark thing, again a concept if done right could be smoking hot but yet again Malibu Shark Attack fails to deliver the goods. Malibu Shark Attack is just a really dumb film, when a mile high tsunami hits the lifeguards little wooden shack remains perfectly intact, there doesn't seem to be any rescue attempt or any sort of activity going on, the sharks seem to stay in the same place despite there having to be hundreds if not thousands of people in the water, the film never once deals with the devastation of the tsunami (expect that it show's a STOP sign in a puddle of water for one brief moment), all the phones are down as usual & no-one seems to have a mobile, even the builders working on a site are fit young women, using power tools to kill sharks underwater (water & electricity don't mix, right?), character's holding their breath underwater for like ten minutes at a time & just plain bad dialogue. There are many reasons why Malibu Shark Attack isn't a good film & why you should not bother watching it but if your interested enough in reading this or looking it up on the IMDb then you have already decided whether to watch it or not, just be prepared to be disappointed.

The type of shark used here in Malibu Shark Attack is the Goblin shark, apparently they are real even if they do look a bit silly although I have no idea if they would attack a person or not. The CGI computer effects are not the worst I have seen but they are far from good, also the same bloody shot of the sharks swimming towards/away/past the camera is used constantly with no real attempt to hide the fact it's the same shot, this also means that the sharks & actor's are very rarely in the same shot together. There's not much gore here, there's a severed arm, a couple of people with their legs bitten off & some blood stained water. The whole logistics of this film are just wrong, it just makes no sense. When the tsunami hits there's one single shot of a few houses underwater which is obviously culled news footage & then the floods are never really seen again (apart from that random STOP sign in a puddle of water).

The IMDb say this had a budget of about $3,000,000 which I don't believe for a second, I seriously doubt this had a budget over $1,000,000 & am almost certain it was less. The whole thing just looks cheap, the same CGI is used over & over again, they can't show the devastation caused by the tsunami & 90% of the film takes place in a wooden shack. The acting is bad although the cast is attractive so that helps & as soon as I saw him I said to myself that fat guy with a beard is going to get eaten because he isn't picture perfect model standard & I was right.

Malibu Shark Attack is another really bad Sci-Fi Channel creature feature about sharks, the idea is better than usual (no scientists using DNA or trying to create the ultimate weapon for the military) but nothing is done with concept & it just ends up being another stupid time waster with bad CGI & totally brainless character's.
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Toothy Tsunami
wes-connors23 August 2013
An earthquake and subsequent tsunami results in a gang of hungry "Goblin Sharks" from Earth's ancient history being released. They have a pointy forehead, which is a cool look; however, the special effects do not compliment these critters. The hardest hit area is Malibu, where lifeguards struggle for survival. The main focus is on Warren Christie (as Pete) and Peta Wilson (as Heather). She seems to be experiencing a mid-life crisis and wonders if she should leave Mr. Christie for contractor Jeff Gannon (as Colin). Younger hunk Remi Broadway (as Doug) and sexy bikini-clad Chelan Simmons (as Jenny) are an attractive supporting couple. Looking up the budget during the running reveals this was made for an estimated $3 million. This does not seem possible, although director David Lister has a couple of good scenes when his cast has to fight sharks in a building half-filled with water.

*** Malibu Shark Attack (7/25/09) David Lister ~ Warren Christie, Peta Wilson, Remi Broadway, Chelan Simmons
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Very poor
bearsjuice2 September 2021
Couldn't believe to be broadcasted on Fox Movie Who the hell finsnce this.

Horrible plot.
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Better than average shark movie
steeleronaldr1 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
With all the recent awful shark movies out there this one is actually quite entertaining. I fo admit that one can't expect award winning performances in every shark movie. The plot is a tad thin, the CGI is decent considering a low budget TV movie. The cast I felt held their own, each one gave expected acting. A tsunami hits Malibu, CA. A seaquake inleashes supposed to be extinct goblin sharks, a second creates a tsunami. The base again (think Malibu which is a beach) starts out with hot babes and chiseled hunks. Then the characters which are model type lifeguard's each either in a relationship or struggling in a relationship. The tsunami again a 100 ft wall of water hits the beach and the lifeguard Shack survived. Still the movie moved along at a good pace and the suspense and thrill kept it interesting. I'd recommend this movie for a good movie night.
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mattkratz8 September 2012
Just don't expect too much out of this movie, and you'll be satisfied with it. It was a reasonably scary movie. It wasn't meant to be Jaws or an Academy award winning movie at that-just entertaining. The tsunami scene was scary, and several of the shark attack scenes made me jump out of my seat, and the lady's responses to having the bandage put on her wound (SHE SCREAMED OUT IN PAIN!!!!!) were realistic. It was a good escape from reality, as movies are supposed to be. It will remind you a bit of Baywatch with a shark attack and a tidal wave thrown in for good measure. I think that if you have the time, you should check it out if you like horror/disaster/good looking people on a beach type movie.

** out of ****
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bclough9116 March 2013
So I'm watching Malibu Shark Attack as I'm typing this up, I was so irritated by the fact that Goblin Sharks are indeed REAL, that I had to make an account on this site just to tell you how horrendous this movie is. Not only is the CGI, acting, and script complete crap but they give you false facts about an existing shark. Seriously if you wanted to make up stuff you might as well had gone the extra mile to design a fake shark too.

A Goblin Shark is in fact real, it lives in the deep oceans and was discovered off the shores of Japan. This creature is only rare due to the depths it lives at, the Goblin Shark isn't even considered endangered! The snout in the movie is far too short, its skin color should be pinkish and not gray unless It's dead. The reality of the situation is null. Another lousy Syfy attempt at creating the new "Jaws" but honestly we would have been much better off if it wasn't even made.

If you enjoy disappointment then this movie is just what you're looking for.
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Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax
joeblytsflyk29 August 2009
"What I might enjoy more is video of the USA Network/SciFi execs and the 'pro' wrestlers getting eaten by a few real sharks so that we didn't have to watch them **OR** crap like this anymore."

Well, you could change the channel....

"(yes, I know sharks are really mammals)"

Actually, sharks are NOT mammals: they are fish that bear live young, in most species.

I'll be watching "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" tonight("Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle" is on opposite "Malibu Shark Attack"). Debbie Gibson AND Lorenzo Lamas? Must-watch TV!
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