"Smallville" Power (TV Episode 2009) Poster

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Re-exploring Lana and Clark relationship
Rcwilkinson12328 August 2010
From all of my readings on the fan message boards, this was an extremely controversial episode, due to the fact that the writers are once again exploring the Clark-Lana relationship. This time, it's being done through a portrayal of Lana's serach for Lex Luthor's and possible revenge, versus the truth that Lana wants to hold the same powers as Clark to do equally good in the world. I, myself, feel that though exploring that relationship is beating an old horse to death, there are some added interesting elements this time that didn't exist when Clark and Lana were portrayed in being together before- particularly the third point of the triange in Lois Lane. There's also the mystery of knowing if Lana truly did acquire these powers through "Project Promethus" only to improve herself invincible and save the world, or if she will use the powers to avenge Lex's wrongdoings. It's good to see that a particular season can't truly be judged on one episode however, because despite common dislike of the episode, the plot did reveal a side of Lana not yet seen that may have not been explored before.
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Not as bad as some claim
phoenix0879-117 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First, I have to say I'm shocked by the level of blind-hatred several of the reviews on here have towards Lana and thus any story that features her. Despite the claims of some, this episode isn't terrible - it's just not brilliant either.

What this is, is the writers realising that they backed themselves into a corner with the Clark/Lana relationship and trying to resolve it once and for all. After 7 seasons of will they/won't they, Clark just up and forgetting about Lana for a relationship with Lois would be unrealistic (and using that sentence in relation to a show about an alien given super-powers by our yellow sun is saying something) and would make him appear very, very shallow. His feelings for Lana would forever be a shadow. So, the writers have two choices - 1) kill her, which would make the canon-fanatics scream blue murder or 2) turn it into a classic tragic romance.

What this episode does is serve as the set-up for the fall that is to come and in that purpose it serves admirably - it gives Clark everything he could want: an equal he can love and not be afraid to be himself around, someone who has the same strength's that he does, someone who can be his equal. It does so through yet another, admittedly clichéd, "Lex Luthor super-soldier project" (and those are far more tiresome than the Clark/Lana relationship) plot device. It also has a lot of flashbacks that cover how Lana changed from the irresponsible, power mad creature she became after sharing Clark's powers before to the responsible woman she is in this and the following episode. It's a nice nod to continuity that is desperately needed.

As Allison Mack's directorial debut, it's a good performance. Are there better directed episodes out there? Sure. But for a first time director this must have been a challenging episode - it's far from a standard "talking heads" storyline, a lot of back and forth, torture scenes and so on.

So, as I have said, not as bad as some on here claim - but it's not a stand-alone episode, it really needs to be seen as a two parter with "Requiem" to see the larger picture.
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This caused a flicker of recognition from way back...
dspaar12 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I know a lot of people found this ep to be poorly crafted, or over-the-top, or otherwise less than enjoyable. I personally enjoyed it, I've always like Lana and if anything found Clark to be wanting in the realm of their relationship.

In "Power" we see Lana acquire Kryptonian abilities via a nanosuit crafted by LutherCorp and originally intended for Lex. Lana manages to acquire the suit instead, with both the intention of using its powers for good and (apparently) because she can then be more of an equal for Clark.

I agree with the reviews that bemoan this apparent backslide. We were so close to finally getting into the Lois and Clark relationship and then we have to revisit the tired, used-up Lana/Clark thing. Add in another super-powered being and it's a wonder the world isn't a utopian paradise.

But something tickled the back of my mind as we reached the end of this ep. It was obvious from the moment Lana got super that she wouldn't be around long, but at the end I remembered the words of Imra Ardeen (Saturn Girl) to Lana, that she is famous in the future for the great things she'd done, which were far more than simply being associated with Kal-El.

The thing that flickered in my mind was a vague memory of reading something in a Legion of Superheroes comic book way back when I was a kid (just a short while after paper was invented). I almost recall a situation in which Lana Lang (and Pete Ross, I think) were actually part of the Legion and living in the future. If this is the last season of Smallville, then there's really no reason to pursue such a storyline and fritter away precious episodes when there's so much more development to do for the main characters. But if there's a ninth season, then I wouldn't mind seeing a happy ending for Lana, and Pete, and Chloe as well - especially since Imra and the rest of the Legion were baffled about Chloe and had no idea who she was. Although, it sounds more like she'll meet a bad end and it would be something Clark wouldn't ever want to talk about.

All in all though, I liked this ep.
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So.... corny...
ShareStuff30 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Some people tell me the show's getting better every season but the fact is ever since around mid-season 5 it's been getting worse.

In the crazy little world that is Smallville, everyone can have super-powers. Oh, look at that, Clark Kent powers via needle injection available on tap from your local LutherCorp Pharmacy.

Did time in this show suddenly advance to the Year 3000 without our knowledge? Why's the technology so over-exaggerated to a comical-level?

Lana to Clark: "Now that we're equals..."

Pfft... please...

A few negative points: - Clark is still stuck in high-school mode (naive) - Lana still suffering a major case of "scorned woman syndrome" - Everyone still using unrealistic technology and still hacking, hacking, hacking (yeah, that's fun term, 'hacking'... we should say that more). - Clark still can't fly - Clark still gets his butt kicked or ends up having others do his job.

End the show already or make it worth watching.
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Hate is stronger than love for Lana...Lex is always on that girl's mind.
DCSassyQueen5 July 2017

Clark finds out that Lana made that tragic DVD with a gun to her head, but he also finds out that she is so obsessed with getting revenge against Lex.

Lana really has Clark by the balls and makes him a child and not a grown-man. It is so sad that he was stuck in a child's mindset for the longest and I know that because Clark has been almost intolerable in these last 4 episode.

Lana finally gets her powers and I am happy for her, but she needs to hurry up and leave because her presence brings soap opera drama that I do not need. She is a distraction in Clark's life.
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Kill me now. No one wanted Lana back.
Alice19409 November 2023
Currently binge watching all seasons again, haven't seen in years, and I can't believe Lana is even worse than I remembered, I can't believe Clark yet again got back with her, Clark is utterly pathetic for Lana, it's very unnattractive to watch. Just a reminder recap of their relationship before she left, she is meant to be so in love with Clark but can't tell him apart from someone wearing his face with a complete opposite personality (Bizarro) she even had to nerve to tell Chloe to move on from him when Chloe noticed the difference, and she doesnt even believe Clark when he tells her! My God, in fact had she ran away with Bizarro at the end of that episode I'm pretty sure everyone would have been happy, especially since they had a better relationship in half an episode than her and Clark ever did, because Lana and Clark are just not meant to be, they don't go well together, they don't understand each other or even know each other really, all they do is make each other miserable and makes me miserable and the fact it was dragged out for 7 seasons is insane, it really drags the show down, when have they ever been happy together? All I can think of is that one episode where he was human. All of Lana's relationships are pretty bad, her first season boyfriend was probably her best, anyway Clarks relationship with Lana was terrible and would have done the show a massive favour by ending it sooner but yet again they want to continue beating a severely dead horse so he makes up with her yet again! How on earth can you even come back from that? She literally couldn't tell you apart from a phantom that she was living with for weeks and even sleeping with him (her and Clark don't even sleep together), and falls more in love with him than the real Clark and to add in all the lies and secrets she has been feeding him over the past year, how can you pick up a relationship after that like? She literally fell more in love with someone pretending to be you than actual you, if there was ever proof needed that you don't belong together that's it,Clark even admits once or twice that he doesn't actually think Lana is the one for him but yet still runs back to her everytime, it's ridiculous, I want to scream everytime they're on the screen, it wasn't so bad in the first few seasons but after 7 SEASONS!!! I just can't take it anymore, Clark is a total moron for Lana, always was and god only knows why, the only thing she has going for her is her pretty face, everyone would have liked it much better if Clark actually walked away from Lana and actually grew a pair.

Lana should have been gone from the show seasons ago or at least her and Clark should have stayed broken up, when she got with Lex their relationship should have ended then, she literally slept with Clark's enemy and was going to marry him, Clark should have walked away then. Or at the very least after Bizarro but yet again he didn't, and then again this season, they should have left it with actual closure of them moving on maturely but instead YET AGAIN they get back together and the actual love of Clark's life (Lois) is thrown to the curb. The fact they actually tried to turn Clark and Lana into star crossed lovers was ridiculous, the writers just couldn't leave them end their relationship maturely by admitting they weren't supposed to be together, no instead they had to write how they're forced apart, Lois deserved much better than that, thankfully the later seasons do develop it so well that in season 9 or 10 had Lana come back and been able to be with Clark he would not choose her over Lois at all as he has actually found the one he is meant to be with but it still is annoying what they did in season 8, Lana should never have been brought back. Basically Lana and Bizarro were a better couple than Lana and Clark lol. Clark also deserved better than to be rendered pathetic again by Lana Lang.

Lana is probably my least favourite character ever, even the villians on the show are far more likable than her, I really feel like the writers wanted us to hate her, how else can you mess up that badly? Having to sit through her and Clark's insufferable relationship for 7 seasons is painful! Clark can do and does do much better than her. I really wanted to skip these season 8 episodes (which is a shame because first half of season 8 is pretty good especially considering most of the original cast is gone) I just can't handle Lana anymore after binging all the seasons but I forced myself and I'm beyond done. Lana would actually put my off watching the show for a long time again.

This review was kind of all over the place so sorry about that but I'm just about to explode over Lana, I recommend not to binge watch this show, all that Lana at once is not good lol.
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By far the worst episode of the series
dark_bridger31 January 2009
This is a rant about the ridiculousness that Smallville has become. If you're a die hard fan who gives out 10's no matter what, don't bother reading this review. If you are a rational person who hates abysmal story lines such as the one the show has taken, you may find comfort in reading the rantings of a fellow disgruntled viewer.

Firstly, this is not a 1.0 episode, it's a 3.0 episode. I'm scoring it a little lower to off balance one of the people that gives this show a 10 no matter what. As far as watching a show goes, I watch the 1.0 shows as much as I do the 3.0 shows ( I watch them as little as possible ).

Last week, fans everywhere moaned when Clark kissed Lana, and they had the "potential relationship moment" for about the 100th time in the series. You can look at last weeks review for more of the tragedy of that horse.

This week, that was the entire episode, moaning of the fans. It culminates in Lana gaining super powers, and ends with the potential relationship moment. They could have made this a 7 or an 8, if at the end of the episode when Lana professed her undying love for Clark, if Clark had said something such as "I love you Lana, I always will, but there's someone else... when we were together last year, we weren't that happy together, it's time to let each other go" and then he walks away.

That would have restored some of my faith in the series. Instead, they took the route of Superman Returns and had a ridiculous storyline. "Superman has a illegitimate child and Lois Lane doesn't know Superman=Clark". "Superman over the last 8 years can't get over his first girlfriend so he and Lana have potential relationship moments until the end of time". They may have just as well named the series "Are Clark and Lana going to get together" than "Smallville".

This season had so much potential. What about Doomsday, where's he been the last 2 episodes? What about Lois? I thought she was a full time cast member now, why do non-cast members such as Lana get 2-3 episodes a season dedicated to them and not Lois? They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one. They would have been better off just leaving Lana gone, since the writers don't know how to handle her.

I've watched every episode of this series, I started watching it in 2003 when the 3rd season began. After more than 5 years, I think I'm about done with this show. It's odd how the CW built up to the best episode of the series (Bride), and then totally destroyed the series by bringing back Lana and having these crazy a$$ story lines about her and Clark.
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Roger_Sterling4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After Lana goes missing, Clark finds Tess in the Talon's apartment, and demands answers from her. We see what exactly happened to Lana after she woke from the "coma" Brainiac put her in.

Not as exciting as it sounds. "Power" is not only by far the worst episode of Smallville's otherwise strong 8th season, but one of the worst episodes of the show. Period. Lana is the main character in this. Not Clark. Not even Chloe. Lana. And the episode suffers dearly for it. A boring, sometimes hypocritical filler episode that makes Clark be a wuss around Lana - again - after progressing drastically in this season. Remember when Clark and Lois nearly kissed in "Bride"? Because I bet you Clark doesn't even remember Lois (Neither does Chloe, apparently).

Tess is the only good part of the episode, and she wasn't even that good. We are lucky Lana leaves in the next episode.

As for Allison Mack's directorial debut, she did the best with what material she was given.
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