"Clickbait" The Answer (TV Episode 2021) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


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Okay but not a must-see
GLArm29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, an interesting plot line. There was a mystery that held throughout the series until the end. However, there seemed to be a number of extraneous subplots that detracted more than added to the series.

One thing that seemed pretty ridiculous to me was that when Nick is almost killed and manages to get away, he doesn't go to the police or his family or friends; he goes to the one place that would be the most dangerous for him to go. Just seems ridiculous! If I was close to being murdered and lucky enough to get away, you can be sure that I would hightail it to safety - just like any normal person would!
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Pretty far-fetched
zachmetzgers12 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Well.... There are many things about this finale that are pretty far-fetched. Not the catfishing though - that actually was done pretty realistically and I thought it was quite bleak and sad. But some of the actions of the true killers felt far-fetched. Kidnapping the kid when REALLY, the only proof the kid had was that she'd catfished Nick? Kidnappingthe kid only makes them look MORE guilty of Nick's murder. In no way does it help their case. Also, two older, frumpy killers who are in the twilight years of their lives and seeming kind of sad about it was also just a bit of a sad ending. It was great to finally see "the answer" but dang, I wish Nick had lived. Because this series was actually kind of sad overall. And I think it's a pretty big stretch to believe that the husband would have killed Nick in his kitchen in the manner that he did. So both the murder explanation and the finale's kidnapping seemed silly. Plus that kid, even with a hurt ankle, would have outrun those overweight 60-year-olds easy.

It's also a bit disappointing when a mystery doesn't give you enough details to solve it until the second last episode so you can't really be an active watcher. Information is withheld, so all that's happening is you waiting for plot points to be unveiled. A pretty good series overall though.
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I actually liked it, despite what others say
tomwetjens24 September 2021
I can suspend my disbelief for the obvious plot holes and actually liked the final episode.
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Terrible ending, bad writers, poorly thought out overall
namiranianp3 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The show had some pretty good plot twists where you're sure someone did it and then you see that they're completely innocent or you're sure you know what's going on but then things change.

The ending where the old lady was the catfisher was brilliant and was 10/10

The issue is that the writers who wrote this either didn't care enough to think about the characters or are too awful at writing characters to be allowed to work on shows or movies ever again.

The entire story hinges on the guy getting a new account set up and telling this lady he just met "hey, could you handle all my passwords for my accounts? Also, here is the password I use for everything"

This ruined the entire show for me because he was literally asking for this to happen to him by giving his password to a complete stranger.

Why not have the old lady guess the guy's password based on information she knew about him?? That would have been more believable and wouldn't take away anything from the story.

There so much other dumb stuff like "dude escapes kidnappers and immediately confronts woman who put him in this situation at her own home instead of going to the cops"

This could have been great if the writers could be bothered to do their jobs properly.
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It's good, watch til the end.
korosecj18 September 2021
I had to binge. You go through so many twists and turns, ups and downs. Emotional roller coaster all series. It's all over the place and you'll start to believe one thing, yet you need to know what really happened because you won't see it coming. It was most definitely worth watching til the end..
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I liked it
clairedoobie4 March 2022
Kept me intrigued. Yes there were some plot holes but it's fiction and I can suspend disbelief with a work of fiction.

Sure some of the characters are unlikable but I still wanted to know whodunnit.

Not the best drama ever but not the worst and it passed the time. I'd give 7/10.
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jewelch3 September 2021
Was awesome all 8 episodes. James Welch Henderson Arkansas 9/2/21.
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Penroze13 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is juuuuuuuust teetering onto the 7/10 simply because I did like the story itself? But it's one of those twists that just completely throws off what the second last episode was building up to throw you for a loop. I was really excited for the involvement of our good aggressive friend Matt from last episode, but it turned out he had no relevance in the overall thing, and the killer is someone I swear didn't even show up until this episode. Matt is mentioned TWICE in this episode. And what happened to Ethan's girlfriend, who didn't show up again? Simon too? And Ben Park, who I didn't even want to show up again but he just appears on TV in a flashback? Again, the story is fine, and tonally the episode still works, and I just really liked to see a conclusion, but it would be so much better if this is what was built up at all!! Damn, damn... it's really more of a 6.5 than a 7...
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Mystery Solved!?
ZegMaarJus2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode begins with Sophie, she discovered that Kai is missing. Kai visits Dawn and Ed. Dawn has something to do with Nick's death. Dawn and Ed ubducted Kai. Dawn took over Nick's dating account. Dawn arranged that Sarah killed herself. Ed shot down Kai, he runs away. Dawn got arrested by the police. Ed killed Nick with a hammer, he knew to much about Dawn's secret. Ed let's Kai go. Amiri shot down Ed, he died instantly. Amazing Final of Clickbait Season 1, what a great final! The mystery has been solved.
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Head scratching finale that's void of logic
tylerjyounger1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show by no means would be considered "prestige" television, however, I really enjoyed some of the performances and twisty storytelling...until the finale.

I truly have no words for the route they went with the finale. I understand they wanted to throw us off the scent of the true catfish with red herrings throughout the show, but this was void of logic.

I understand the secretary felt unseen in her marriage and resorted to chatting with these women online as Nick to fill that emotional hole, but having this turn her and her husband into potential cold blooded murderers is WILD!

Once they realize they've been caught, and they will be spending a long time in prison...you would think as "normal" people who got caught up in a bad thing they would do what's right and give up. But no, her husband still contemplated going through with cold blooded murder of a child for LITERALLY NO REASON.

This poor kid did nothing to this family and killing him would not prevent either of them from going to prison for life. The rest of the episode made it seem like these were relatively normal people who just got caught up in a really bad situation, but this behavior at the end of the episode (as well as what they did to Nick) did not match up with how they were portrayed.

The twist of the true catfish was not earned nor did the unraveling of events make any sense.
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bevo-1367812 September 2022
I like the bit where: As the police and the Brewer family piece more of the case together, questions linger about who created Nick's virtual life and ended his actual one. There's a lot of stuff where they look at text messages in the phone and stuff. Some of the text messages are red whereas some of the text messages were green. It reminds me of the light sabres in all the Star Wars movies although there is also a blue light sabre that appears from time to times not to mention that one that darth maul uses where the firey bits come out of both ends of the sword. This is also the final episode I think.
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Taken along for quite an amusing ride only to be left with a stupid ending
rancky15 September 2021
All l wanna know is why? The rest of the series was honestly pretty enjoyable (with weird things here and there) all the way up until this episode 8 (the finale). The twist makes no sense and so many of the character's decisions make me ask more WHY? Don't expect to get a satisfying ending though; maybe the writers ran out of time.
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lyndaadams-643-5483575 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was the worst acting in the series .

A more realistic plot is Nick convinces the kidnappers he's been hacked, he's released and runs to the police. Nick says who he thinks could have been behind this. The police bring in the "new" suspect in for questioning, sizer their computers from work and home and they are arrested and convicted for cyber crime.

We would have still had the suspense of who was behind creating these online alias dating apps up until the end....the one person Nick confided in.

I would have rather seen a 15 min court drama of Dawn testifying " why she did it,".

Plus I resented the implication that seniors lives are so dull that we're up at night, drinking wine and stealing other's identity just for our own entertainment.

And those text bubbles!

If you're going to use them and screen shot multiple texts, leave it up long enough so we can at least read them!
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Poor ending
mcveigh200422 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There is a way that this twist could have worked and I like the idea behind it but the execution is just bad and ruined. Someone asked me about it and i explained it as a great show with a dreadful ending.

Why does the elderly husband, from nowhere turn into a killer. They knew they were caught anyway. Why does the father go to their house instead of going to the police first?! The teenagers are better detective than the police detectives?

I probably have other questions but the ending changed my show rating from an enjoyable 8 to a 5 for me.
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What was that?
sacha_brady9 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first six episodes were hit and miss, with some craft on display and a fair few shortcomings. But they were fun. But then came the last 2 episodes... ... I feel like there's not enough alcohol in the world to give me some chance of unseeing what I saw.

Did the production run out of money and so had to fire the writers, directors and editors? Is that why Pia wears the same clothes throughout? That final episode was put together as if they'd asked Tommy Wiseau to come out of retirement and to take charge.
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Extremely poor ending.
eldreddsouza17 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First let's make one thing clear. The show overall is not bad. Yes it is not very well made or very well written and the acting is just passable, but somehow it still keeps you hooked. The episodes though they had a fair share of problems, still managed to keep you hooked and wanting to know what's next.

But this ending though is completely jarring. Such big loopholes make the entire thing a joke.

Firstly who hands over their phone to a complete stranger, even if it is for 'syncing' it to their work computer? Especially a somewhat shady person like Nick who despite being married is on a dating app. And also who does such a thing? What's the need to even sync your phone to your work computer? Is that normal? I don't think so.

Again towards the end we see that the husband finds out his wife is chatting with women from Nick's dating profile. I mean is she that stupid, that despite being involved in something as creepy as what she does keeps her laptop on or password free so that anybody could easily find out about her weird antics? Her husband just walks into the room after sex and opens the laptop and easily finds out all about his wife's creepy activities. This puts us off completely. Something we've seen before in shows like Sex Education. Are we really that dumb to buy into the fact that these characters weren't interested in safeguarding their privacy? It just makes it too easy and convenient for stuff to happen, thus rendering the entire thing as a farce to the viewer.

Overall the entire show was quite decent barring the concluding episode which was not only dumb, but also horribly acted and one which makes the entire show seem like a joke. This episode gets a very generous 4/10 from me.
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What a weird, strange and unrealistic ending
markvdheijden-860-25107315 September 2021
Left totally unsatisfied after reasonable episodes.
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Most Viewers Will Be Sorely Disappointed By One Of The Dumbest Plots Of All Time
wandernn1-81-68327429 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay is this the last one? Hopefully. The series is starting to drag.

The answer....okay let's go!

Okay so wait. Really? Nick's kookoo boss hacked into his profile and started talking to women?? Nah. Say it isn't so.

So....the stupidest couple of all time, they kidnap Kai and then run off.

This really really, is dumb. I don't even want to go into the details of how dumb it is. But the show continues. And wraps up very stupidly. The only way it could have been better is if all the characters just shot each other at the end. 2/10.
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Exciting Show Ruined by a Cheap Final Twist
therapynic-166-86632022 September 2021
The entire show was exciting from start to finish. Definitely wasn't going to be winning any awards, but each episode kept you guessing as to who the killers might be, and who may have been responsible. The twists throughout were someone exploitative and shocking more than thought-provoking, but a good thriller nonetheless. The acting was good, and the direction was on par with the best of network television. However, this episode, the final episode, took it one step too far. Each twist before this one made some level of sense and nothing too far-fetched. Most of them were foreshadowed by subtle and less subtle clues. This twist was just stupid. It made you feel like you wasted the past 7 hours following a plot that had nothing to do with what happened. Additionally, it doesn't even solve every mystery (ahem, Tara Wilson). It was still exciting, but not at all what it could have been.
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Show started with a very promising first and second episode , but...
jenniferpitt712 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It caught my attention well enough in the beginning to be excited about where this could go... unfortunately it didn't go anywhere but down the drain. The ending ruined what could've been a really good series. Instead they turned the finale into a Lifetime movie, and not even a decent one!!
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Not the worst and definitely not the best.
peteski4716 September 2021
If you're looking for a series to watch to pass some time and aren't too fussy about weak/irritating endings, then this is the series for you.
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Weak plot and reckless son
b-488049 September 2021
The plot is reasonable until this episode. The son is so stupid and reckless. And, the reason to kill Nick is so weak that I do not think his sister have to do that much in last seven episodes.
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Really not a good ending for an interesting series
gerddeiters29 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When there is a murder, there are usually three scenarios:

1. We (the audience) know the murder from the very beginning

2. We know the murder around the middle of the movie/series and the story goes from "who was the murderer" to "how will they get the murderer"

3. The murder is solved in the last part of a movie/series

In the third scenario, which is the scenario of CLICKBAIT, we usually have a couple of supects and the interesting part is how the murder gets solved, In other cases, the writers choose a person, which is either unknown or has no significant role whatsoever in the storyline and the audience is disatisfied with the ending. Unfortunately, CLICKBAIT chooses the latter ending. Neither do we know or sympathise with the murderer, nor does the murderer have any involvement in the story. Moreover, the murder would not even make sense if the story added up, but on top of the "lets choose an ending which could never be foreseen, as we did not introduce the character of the murderer at all" bs, the last two episodes seem to be a betrayal of the audience.

SPOILER: Ok, none of the numerous mistresses have ever met Nick or at least had a video chat with him, got it. It's just stupid when the plot twist only "works" because the viewer was led astray by including flashbacks in the episode "The Mistress" that actually concern situations and meetings that never happened. Only the person who did this knows what such nonsense is about.

In the end, I cannot recommend watching the series, which is kind of sad, since I liked the way of wrapping up a murder case, but the last two episodes totally ruined it.
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I Invested Eight Hours For This?!
nategerard773 September 2021
Ok, so it's not season 8 of Game of Thrones bad but it's still disappointing. If you made it to this episode, you're invested and yet the writers don't reward you at all.

There were some characters who had occasional poorly written development but this episode seemed like the writers wanted to do something they thought would be unexpected and it ended up being unrealistic.

Again, just plain disappointing.
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We Took the Bait
oconnors2nz19 September 2021
In the final episode Rohan says 'anything's possible' and how true this proved to be.

I was sucker punched by the fact this was trending in the top 10 Netflix series for my region.

The only bright spot on the acting side was Daniel Henshall playing 'The Brother'. Had seen him in a few movies and he's another step above most of the performers here. The sister, Pia had the same pained and angst ridden expression and mannerisms throughout the whole farcical train wreck.

The last episode, The Answer. I don't know where to start. Completely unbelievable. Not so much the answer, but the question is why I wasted my time on this. Up your game Netflix!
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