"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" Just Jen (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Hard to see where the show goes from here
Ireviewstuff_exe26 September 2022
6 episodes into She-Hulk and we still have almost no clue where the underlying story will go. This episode was sort of frustrating to me, as it doesn't do anything to further the narrative of the show and just focuses on something as meaningless as a wedding of her friend from High School? That didn't make sense to me, neither did bringing back Titania as it seemed as though she already overcame that threat in a previous episode. Speaking of, Titania is a pretty below-par MCU villain, as she poses barely any threat and is inherently written to be an over the top and ridiculous character. This makes her pretty laughable really, and it doesn't build any tension and all the fights with her in it are a bit lame, as we know She-Hulk is going to win easily. Back to the narrative of the season, so far, it's been very irritating. All the episodes set up plot threads, but don't follow them up at all. They all choose to tell small, self-contained stories which is fine for one or two episodes, but shouldn't make up a whole series of television. There does have to be some overarching narrative that your series builds up to! And so far with She-Hulk we haven't seen that. This episode has just been a continuation of this. Just another small, relatively boring episode of television that doesn't add anything, or further the plot of the series. I'm worried that they won't be able to wrap up the show effectively in the final few episodes. Hopefully they won't mess up Daredevil at least.

(And seeing the guy that plays Rafe's drug-dealer friend on OBX as a DJ was kinda funny)
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Jeez, why?
paul-gibbons2222 September 2022
Tease Daredevil, get a wedding episode.

It was not as bad as previous episodes, it had its moments but so much of the episode is recycled cliche comedy and scenarios that we've seen executed better 1000 times before. The obnoxious bride, the getting drunk at a wedding, the one nice wedding guest etc. The writing shouldn't be this lazy, you can't be going "well the situation is completely unique because she's a hulk", that cannot and should not be the one selling point. If they want to be unique give us something unique & not have this feeling like they're using a random word generator to put her into scenarios.

This week we are treated to some action but once again it's far too short.

CGI not as bad as previous weeks but still no where near what you'd expect from something that has the budget this show has and Disney's resources.

The good tho is finally seems to be a bit of a story arc, it's only taken 6 episodes but it's finally there.
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It finally did it. The show finally went woke. What I dreaded finally happened. That's unfortunate...
quiqueperezsoler4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, how my hopes were up. After the way the previous episode ended I thought "Okay, maybe the slacking off part of the show is over, let's get to the meat of it all". They set up some evil people who wanted to steal her blood, they teased the appearance of Daredevil, they even have a character moment for Jen in the trademark courtroom scene.

Well, the episode starts by telling us this is some sort of wedding "filler episode" of some sort, which works in other comedy shows but doesn't in this show because it was never exclusively comedic or there were any story or character development we were following; and also the lawyer scene with the paralegal friend with the immortal dude and the whole "you don't know how to have an argument with your partner" gag... Did not do it for me. Unless the backstory to this immortal man ends up being super wild, I have zero interest in anything to do with this subplot. I don't even see what it has to do with She-Hulk's story, it's literally filler. Or worse, a social commentary with no purpose in the current story but a throwaway woke thought. Okay...

And wow, this episode is the final proof I feared I would find. The reason why this show was deemed feminist and man-belittling. Between the lawyer subplot with the immortal man and the way they portray men in the wedding with the whole "the groomsmen got their suits wrinkled because they were playing videogames" it's completely denigrating and uncalled for. Every single man in this episode is either stupid, childish or completely oblivious. And that's a bit much, even if it's for the punchline of a joke. I know there were some dumb men in the show but this is a new low. I mean, I don't mind a bash on our gender and bad behaviors but this is too much.

Everybody is drunk in this episode, and not to be amusing or trigger any sort of plot thread or start a new character conflict. Even the one thing Jen wasn't supposed to do, which was turn into She-Hulk, when she did there were no consequences because... people were drunk! Oh my god, there's just no logic to this show. No structure or endgame of its own, it really just wants to be shallow entertainment, bare bones characterization and narrative.

Trolls, reddit-bootleg version, memes that lead to death threats. I feel there is a way of going about the way society and social media work these days, to actually create conflict in the narrative. But man, everything they use them for is surface level and just a woke-attack. Is it so hard to have them coherently use or excuse their use by creating something actually constructive for the show rather than having another banter or hit at men and toxic fans. Not that I am defending trolls or toxic fans, but I want to believe they aren't just using their mention in the show just to have a hit at them.

I have no idea what they plan to do with this, but by god it better be at least cohesive. So far it's loosing me.
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Ok im done
fireandblood-4640022 September 2022
Wow that was BY FAR the worst thing marvel has put out in the MCU. Was holding out for Daredevil, but i think I will call it quits and just youtube the scenes when they are out.

A lawyer comedy show, where the writers clearly dont know anything about law, and the comedy is not funny at all.

I did not know much about shehulk going into this show, and went in open minded, and actually liked the first episode but epsidoes 2-6 have been so bad I feel insulted.

I was very excited for the known cameos in this show, but instead of trying to compliment the rest of the MCU and build the world, they seem to be content making big MCU characters into a bad joke.
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This episode highlights everything wrong with the show
Nagitokomeda22 September 2022
Another She-Hulk episode, another half an hour wasted.

Where to begin? Firstly, its now incredibly clear that this show does not care about getting anywhere anytime soon. Plot may as well not exist in the world of she hulk, since we waste 30 minutes on issues such as dating, weddings and copyright.

I can give this episode one positive factor; the acting is mainly good. Of course, the actors cannot save this terrible script, but they mostly try.

Another weakness in this episode is the awful CGI and editing. Scenes just clumsily collide with no thought about how they flow. Also, the music is just terrible.

Overall, this is the worst episode yet.
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MamadNobari9725 September 2022
66% of the show has passed, there is no comedy anywhere to be seen, no actual plot, no characterization, no real villain revealed yet, and Shulkie still looks like a PS2 NPC.

The lawyers don't act like actual lawyers at all and all act like circus clowns. I get that there's really no comedy without characters acting like a buffoon, but that's for when the show is not connected to any universe and has its own separate universe where the characters can be goofy and not feel cringey and awkward, not when we're in the MCU which they've been trying to make look as real as possible.

I gotta admit, the reveal of the groom was actually unexpected and actually funny, but wouldn't you know, the writer decides once again to focus on the most boring and uninteresting non-events instead yet again, and they only show that joke for like 5 seconds. They actually had a decent idea to run with and they didn't, that's how brilliant the writing is.

And instead, what do we get? Cringey scenes with Titania - another waste of a good actress, and awful CW-level fight scenes. Awful dialogue written for each and every character and people just saying what they think via dialogue without an ounce of subtlety that makes Obi-Wan Kenobi's writing look like Chinatown's script.

And not to mention that unsurprisingly every 5 lines of dialogue is about "half the population bad". Like are you as a writer working for the biggest entertainment company in the world, so oppressed by the existence of the half of population that you have to remind us how bad they are every 3 minutes of your show?

I don't even know why I'm giving it a 2 because I didn't enjoy anything from this episode other than the groom joke that only lasted for 5 seconds, and the B plot was only interesting for 10 seconds too only when the window thing happened and I've already forgotten what this episode was. Like they actually had a funny idea with the groom and could've made the wedding more tolerable and they went "nah, let's have she hulk have the most uninteresting fight with tatiana."

I really don't know what the point of this show is actually. Feige might as well should've handed over this show to a bunch of TikTok cringe stars to write for him because this is basically on the same level as Attaway General, only with better actresses.

No amount of cameos can save this show, only could make it more tolerable. And it's really telling when the cameo characters of much much better shows are better than the whole everything of this show. But I'm pretty sure we all are anticipating them butchering another great character with their unfunny unprofessional Gen Z TikTok writing. Suffering.
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Fun, fresh and unpredictable
GrantKanigan5 October 2022
The freewheeling, devil may care attitude of "She-Hulk" is what makes this show so entertaining. As a self aware, fourth wall breaking series that doesn't have the absolute world ending stakes of other Marvel fare, this is somewhat of a 21st century sitcom - and I mean that as a compliment. It's fresh, funny, often absurd in the most unpredictable of ways, this is a show that shines when it lets it's weirdness fly. It's a shame some of the reviews of this series seem to be political for opaque and illogical reasons, because this is a great, funny show with a fantastic actor in Tatania Masilany at its centre. The supporting cast, Jamil, Gonzaga, Harrison, and Goldsberry are all fantastic here as well. The mix of drama, tension and a lot of humour in this episode great, and it's *different*. The meta element adding in realistic internet comments and threats is also a bold and brilliant commentary on the current North American culture and zeitgeist.
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More of the same
Trey_Trebuchet26 September 2022

I must admit that I'm bothered by Disney almost constantly advertising Daredevil and just straight up not delivering on the promise this far out. It's not getting in the way of my enjoyment or the plot of the show, but they've hinted at him IN and OUT of the show, and still nothing, which makes me wonder if Marvel doesn't trust the audience to stay engaged at this point. If that's the case, I don't know how I feel about that...

As for the actual episode, I thought it was more of the same. This show has fully embraced its "sitcom" setting, which I'm not super bothered by. Sitcoms aren't always eventful. Sometimes characters just go through the motions and deal with every-day obstacles or life. Most sitcoms don't develop their characters every single episode. Think about that.

Still, not one of the stronger episodes. There are certainly hints of development for Jennifer, which I'm sure we'll get soon, but perhaps a little more by now would have been nice. She's a charming, likable person, so that's good at least.

I don't hate the show. I'm not offended, I'm not bored, I think it's actually funny, the acting is all really solid, and I'm just straight up not bothered by a lot of the things people are complaining about or criticizing. This episode was at least humorous.

Not bad, fingers crossed the last few episodes are good.
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anassdah23 September 2022
2/10 is frankly quite generous to this filled with cringe episode, it's probably one the worst filler episodes of any limited serie i have seen so far, and perhaps the writers thought that making the lead actress acknowledge the fact that it is an anticlamatic episode at this stage is smart writing or maybe they thought it would make it less worse. In a sense it was like a cringe alert so that is why it deserves a +1 for effort. In general this is so far a poorely written show that i believed will get better, but unfortunately I find myself giving less stars by from an episode to the next. At this stage I just hope that they will not massacre other caracters like daredevil, it will be like the final straw for the series.
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Too much
tadavies-1556824 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike most I have been quite understanding of She-hulk amidst the hate of it, but this week pushed it.

First let's discuss the blind elephant in the room, we still haven't seen daredevil. This feels like such a slap in the face after teasing the costume last week but now it's just become a joke, as I'm only watching this show for him.

Then we get to my main issue, at what point did I stop watching she-hulk for Jen and carried on for Matt Murdock?

Probably about episode 3, as this is when I realised there is no real plot to this show and Jen hasn't got a lot of character outside of telling fourth wall jokes.

I don't see any character in her besides flip-flopping each week between, "I don't want to be she hulk" vs "I want to be she hulk". There's hints of development where we see Jen feel saddened by the idea people only want her as a hulk but by episode 6, it's not enough.

I'm most looking forward to the cameos each week rather than the story, or lack thereof. This week's episode of going to a wedding was fun but mindless fun and there's no real substance. I'm going to carry on till the end but this is one of the most disappointing marvel products so far.
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Another filler chapter
ibinokafka22 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another chapter where nothing interesting or entertaining oasa. This chapter is just as boring and bland as the previous ones. Where is the sitcom style of this series? Where is the supposed comedy of this series?

I feel like they went out of their way to make the most boring series in the MCU, the most inconsequential series in all of Marvel. This series is only maintained for a future appearance of Daredevil, nothing more.

This chapter does not contribute anything nor does it take anything away, it just exists to exist. I hope that when Daredevil shows up things get more interesting so it doesn't get so boring having to wait a week for anything good.
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Kind of surprised?
taylorkronberg26 September 2022
So I feel like Marvel has really set up the expectation that everything has to lead to something grand. Like Endgame-level grand. I REALLY enjoyed this episode and I feel like I did because it's just a show. I'm not considering "where could this all be headed?" This week we got a silly wedding with silly people and silly shenanigans. Do I wonder where Bruce Banner went in the spaceship? Yes. Am I waiting for Daredevil? Yes (but I also don't think he'll show up until the very end in an end credits scene). This has been my favorite episode of She-Hulk thus far and I recognize I'm in the minority in that. This could not pay off into something bigger and She Hulk as a show could be confined in itself and be entirely enjoyable. I think the major problem Marvel has set up is the expectation of the viewer for something bigger and bigger and bigger. None of that is this show's problem though.
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Not good but watchable.
NiiBerry25 September 2022
The episode (S1. E6.) is called Just Jen but I feel we see more of other people in this very short episode then Jennifer herself.

Acting was alright. The story continues. CGI wasn't as bad as other episodes. A series like this never fails to deliver a bit of comedy, (even if it is predictable and cliche).

Score and music was average. This episode felt short and I feel we were cheated. Some would say that this episode could have been bolted on to episode 5.

If you have watched five episodes already then this is as bad as most of the previous ones so do not be surprised.

Believe me there are worst things to watch so a two out of 10 is unfair.
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This is Just a Mess
robbysheilds23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So we're pulling the old "dollar on a fishing pole" trick, huh? I didn't think things could get much worse, but they somehow did. We've got a wedding with Jen's jerk of a cousin, who doesn't want Jen to Hulk out. Apparently, Jen doesn't like this, but it's never explained why that is. I don't like watching the cousin boss Jen around. This would be fine if she got a comeuppance, but it's nowhere to be found. Instead, we get more Titania, which is annoying and leads to a quick fight scene at the end. Apparently, in the fight, a She Hulk sucker punch to the face doesn't really do much to her teeth, but slipping and falling on the floor causes them to get loose. Yeah, that doesn't add up. Other than that, the wedding is boring except for a nice guy who shows up to the wedding and befriends Jen. Their interactions are nice and I hope this gets expanded upon next episode.

Meanwhile, back at the "Nobody Cares" Law Firm, something that no one cares about is happening! As if this wedding wasn't boring enough, let's talk about how this immortal person keeps divorcing his wives by killing himself over and over again. This goes nowhere and could probably be cut with you missing nothing. This all leads to him having to pay his ex-wives some compensation money. Truly, this is the most important thing to be focusing on right now. So we got both a wedding that nobody cares about and a divorce case that nobody cares about. Clearly, this is what the fans wanted to see the entire time.

Other than that mess, the humor's gotten worse. There's an obnoxious DJ who has an airhorn and talks like someone who's trying to be hip with the kids, but failing miserably. The 4th wall breaks feel more like taunts now, and none of the characters are interesting. At the very least, we get a peak at a lab where a new needle is being constructed. And that's where I think I've found a new problem with this show.

It is bad, very bad, but the worst thing about it is how it tricks you into staying. This is especially prominent in episode 5, which ends with a new Daredevil helmet. Of course, this would get people excited for this episode. And then it came out, and, well, you can see the results for yourself. But now we finally get a follow-up to episode 3's events at the very end. And that's the problem. You have to go through so much dreck just to find something interesting that has a low chance of getting expanded upon in the next episode. It's like an addiction that you can't please. I don't want to watch this anymore, but as long as it has that little spark of hope that a part of me know will never get bigger, then we'll unfortunately bite. I can't wait for this mess of a show to end and be a lesson in what not to do for an MCU series.
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That's it for me
darkbolo-9852726 September 2022
This show went downhill really, really fast and it's just depressing...

The first 2 episodes where decent, but this one... This is the lowest MCU ever got to. I was so embarrased wathing this. Almost all of the scenes were cringeworthy. The dog, Titiana all of it was just bad. No action, no story, just pieces of random unfunny gags stitched together.

Jen is not a bad character, the writing and show itself is. I would never have thought that I will see show or a movie from Marvel this bad, it just makes me sad. I love this universe I am a fan since Iron man 1, but series like She-Hulk and Ms. Marvel are killing the MCU for me.
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Worst episode till now.
sujan85424 September 2022
This series has very few positives. Maslany is definitely the best thing about this series. She is great as she hulk but the story doesn't go anywhere in this series. I still don't know the story or if things even will progress. Even some random sitcoms have better story progression episode-wise than this mess. Writing is super bad and this episode is epitome of how messy the series has been. This series started quite well imo. I liked the first episode and following episodes did have some positives. I thought they would focus on struggle of Jen and how she would take the new responsibility of being a she hulk as well as lawyer. When a series is called SH-attorney at law, you expect to see court cases or she hulk lawyering up. Even in those few court scenes, it doesn't look like a real court. Guess the writers don't know how the court is like. Also, what's up with all the direction? At least, present the episode better regardless of the script. Directors could have done lot better than this. I just hope they don't ruin Daredevil.
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Dry, Unfunny, Cringe
nevermylegitemail23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This 22 minute episode (minus the intro and credits) boils down to 2 scenes and its not worth it.

She-hulk fights titania (again) and they're creating a new needle to grab she-hulk DNA. The wedding scene is filled with cliche moments, dry dialogue, unfunny banter between Jen and the bride, and cringe moments between Jen and her 'date'.

The B story line is also confusing and ridiculous. A once powerful group in the comics, intelligencia, is now a 4chan/reddit blog post on the internet. A passing joke to anyone thats watching she-hulk without knowing the lure behind the name. Next, the immortal character is a joke and we pass by why he's immortal and why people are not more upset about it. They gloss by the fact that he cant die like it's normal.

Overall, this episode is 20 minutes of skipping, 2 minutes of intros, 6 minutes of credits, 1 minutes of "action" and 1 minute of substance is not worth the time it takes to open up Disney+.
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Worst super hero anything
dismisser24 September 2022
This is the worst super hero anything I have ever seen. This is like watching a knock off sex in the city show.. I actually don't blame the lead actress because she is doing what the script.calls for. I blame the writers. This is complete garbage. Why would you have a super hero show with little to no super hero stuff. It's a lawyer show and a girls dating show. There was literally a scene in this episode that sums up the whole season . The bride says how have you been and she says I have super powers and the bride says I don't care who are you dating. They couldn't have put it more blatantly that this show is about a girls dating life first and a super hero second. IMDB shows Charlie Cox in several episodes and here we are 6 episodes in and the crossovers are pretty bleak. So at least I'm starting to realize I don't have to watch these shows if the sick just to keep up with continuity. Even though Loki had some boring parts it seemed to have serious relevance in the grand scheme of things. I hope this has the big tie in moment because after Ms Marvel and this I'm barely feeling like I need Disney plus. Is Disney this desperate to gain new audiences demographic that they package up super hero shows for the chick flick crowd? I'm fairly certain anyone who read she hulk comics growing up was hoping for this.
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Put us out of our misery already
michaelot-556681 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a chain of completely improbable events, spaceship induced car crash + bruce bleeding...come on. Jen turns into she-hulk. Someone tried to steal her blood. Her one night stand cloned her phone. Some irrelavent woman with powers starts fighting her occasionally for no reason at all. Almost everyone around her has an IQ of 20, except the abomination who has an IQ of 40. That's all you need to know. This is not a superhero show, it is not a comedy, it is not a law show, it's just a total mess. What a glorious waste of a full list of great actors. I am now hoping that Dare Devil does not.appear so they can't turn him into another moroniic shell of his original character.
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My Favourite Episode
jamiecarlscotto23 September 2022
The low score on this episode is interesting. Other than trolling I don't understand the hate. There were so many hilarious moments with great performances from a number of actors. Tatiana Maslany brings such a likeability and grounded warmth to the character.

The comedy timing and wit from She-Hulk, Titania, Nikki and Mallory was fantastic. We got a fight scene that was fun and funny, plus some great character development. She-Hulk isn't trying to save the world and so it shouldn't be compared to the male dominated shows. It's a completely new angle on the Marvel Universe and for me it's landing really well.
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Apenas Jen
foxbrvar7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
She-Hulk: Defensora de Heróis (2022)


1st Season

Episode Six - Apenas Jen

Of all the post-WandaVision MCU series that I've watched, this is the worst series, and this is the worst episode so far.

I've already watched WandaVision, Falcão and the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye and Moon Knight on this profile (I already watched Ms Marvel and the first season of Loki last year, but I want to rewatch it to give my opinion).

And while my average ratings for WandaVision and Falcon and the Winter Soldier were 10, Hawkeye's was 9.83 and Moon Knight's was 8.67, the She-Hulk series so far is 2.83.

"Yeah, but it's a comedy series."

But there isn't a hint of comedy, let's use the first three episodes of WandaVision which is more focused on the sitcom, there it's extremely funny, 90% of the jokes I laughed out loud, now here it's dull, poorly done, poorly scripted, poorly directed, what pathetic fight was that?

And I'll say more, if I could include the CW DC series that I watched (Arrow, Supergirl, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman), this She-Hulk series remains the worst.

It's bizarre, Maslany is one of my favorite actresses in the world, and she can't make the series interesting, unfortunately, she's doing her best, that's obvious, just see that Jen Walters/She-Hulk doesn't She looks like none of the lost clone orphans from Orphan Black, and that shows how good an actress she is, but the only character I liked in this series (in which she was introduced here and not in a special role) was Madisynn because she was quite funny, but I believe she won't even appear again, but the best character (for me) being a mere "passenger" in the series is bizarre.

I'm just not saying it's the worst Marvel series, because there's that bizarre Inhumans series, but the She-Hulk series only gets points for having special appearances by characters we've already seen.

Episode six of the first season of the Miniseries She-Hulk: Defensora de Heróis watched on May 7, 2024.

Rating: 1/10.
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5.5 out of 10
the_aero2322 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, the humour in this episode just didn't work. The main story involving the wedding was good, but the side story about "Mr. Immortal" was not needed. None of the scenes, characters, and dialogue worked in this side story. They probably should've just dedicated the episode on "Just Jen" like the original title says. Also, the trend of random and in-cohesive things happening continued in this episode. I feel like only Episode 1 had a good flow to it, and the rest of the series has suffered from the lack of it.

One positive here, was the big tease towards ending, a good step towards a looming threat, nicely shifting to a slightly serious theme for this series. This has been teased well throughout the series, and is probably one of the few things that has been executed well.
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Just Jen
bobcobb3015 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Usually I am the one on IMDB that is overly critical of these shows, but I see routinely I am giving She-Hulk higher ratings than the public average. A wild situation.

This was an odd episode. I don't know why they felt the need to give us a sitcom wedding episode so deep in the show's run, a fact the titular character even pointed out, but it also was not completely horrible either.

Tatiana Maslany continues to be great in this role and I'm glad she joined the MCU, but they need better material than this. This was a good character capable of making a difference and they decided to go absolutely nowhere with the show.
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Wasn't Necessary For the Show
Coolmade200025 September 2022
I don't know if this episode was suppose to be a parody of wedding episodes or poke fun of this type, but it certainly felt like another wedding episode that interrupts the season's plot. It does break the momentum going for this season, especially after ending the previous episode with a tease of another fan-favorite character.

The subplot with Mr. Immortal wasn't effective for my enjoyment, aside from the fact that I really tried to enjoy the show since it's premiere episode. That subplot filled with constant bantering and the recurring topics of toxic men & women was not working for me at all. I did feel like I was watching a completely different show, but not in a good way.

The episode only had one fight scene, which that itself was way too short. I understand if the fight scene may have been written or edited short to avoid more work for She-Hulk's CGI design, but I definitely needed more out of the fight scene to show more of the rivalry between the two characters.

As a merciful & lenient reviewer, I thought this episode was just okay at the borderline minimum because of some aspects of the Marvel lore included and the ending scene teasing future episodes moving forward, and I'm really glad it's moving too.
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I forgot to even review this episode
ha77y73ad9729 September 2022
I cannot stress this enough this series is not even bad for the MCU this is just a terrible series. Hate everything that they have done with the character no story apart from stupid side missions the whole time. If this is truly the way that the MCU is going down im out.........................

There was a small glimmer of hope when the series started but now i have nothing but contempt and no attention is being paid to the series. This has trully becoming background watching until Daredevil turns up and i swear to god is they mess this character up this will be the final straw for marvel. We're so far into the series and nothing has happened!

Moon Knight had story and so did FATWS we knew where we were heading by the end of the series. I dont care what anyone says i'll watch the Hulk and thor 2 back to back for the rest of my life than watch any of these episodes again!
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