"She-Hulk: Attorney at Law" A Normal Amount of Rage (TV Episode 2022) Poster

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Why's everyone so mad?
saje_19 August 2022
People pre-rated the show 5 stars for some reason, and the first episode ended up being pretty good. The cgi wasn't great, but it really wasn't as bad as people are saying, and I thought it could be genuinely funny at times. Obviously they're not reinventing the wheel, this is pretty generic marvel stuff but it's enjoyable enough. Just relax.
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Good first episode
Abdulxoxo18 August 2022
An okay enjoyable lighthearted pilot episode. Much of this episode is what we've seen from the trailers so majority of it feels like I'm watching this the second or third time. The comedy was a bit hit and miss. Dialogue is a bit cheesy at times but that's expected. Tatiana Maslany is a good casting choice, she's somewhat likable and her banter with Hulk is highlight of the episode and that's saying something. Overall, there's not much to this episode except some few setups for what's coming. I hope it's gets better with the upcoming episodes. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
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Fun beginning
ossie8518 August 2022
Mark Ruffalo was a huge part of the first episode, and he got some genuine screen time. It made me realise we didn't get much of him, being in very crowded Movies. A huge plus.

I loved the strength, emotionally I mean, of Jennifer Walters. Tatiana Malsany played her terrifically with heart, humour and strength.

Look forward to the rest of the series.
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Not Bad
heidibokor18 August 2022
Side note: there is a funny mid credits scene regarding Captain America talk. Worth waiting around when credits start! It's actually the funniest part of this first episode. Lol. Anyway, yes, the CGI needs a bit more work, but looks better than the first trailer that came out. The first episode was quirky. It's meant to be a comedy and not taken as seriously as other MCU shows and movies. The ending of this episode was terrible and I can already tell the woman that barges in the court is going to be annoying and a terrible character. That being said, this was a different type of show and I liked it. I am getting a bit tired of all the superhero MCU stuff and this was a nice change of pace. I plan to keep watching as I have a feeling things are gonna get better and probably more crazy. I am also sticking around because Tatiana Maslany is a very underrated actress.
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Good start💯
layanss18 August 2022
4.3? Y'all can't be serious it's actually a good start i liked the forth breaking and jane's character the only this that I didn't like were some of the jokes but overall it's good.
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Good first episode
kadenkgcampbell18 August 2022
Entertaining funny action filled first episode. Great introduction to who She hulk is and who she's associated with. Can't wait for more episodes. I hope they also dive into her being a good lawyer like Matt Murdock or, someone that's not comparable, but Jimmy McGill.

It's a shame so many people with no lives or friends are review bombing a show they haven't watched or because there's a female lead. Regardless, the show will be appreciated by the fans who have good hearts and have love for Marvel.
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Episode 1
bobcobb30118 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There were a lot of positives here. Tatiana is a great actress, the comedic element works and a courtroom should be a fun setting.

But we did not need an entire episode of Bruce and Jennifer scenes. Something else should have happened. The Disney+ and Marvel shows work when we see a lot of action and a journey each episode.
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This was what I wanted to see!
dhmccull23 August 2022
I was honestly SO sceptical going into this. I've been feeling Marvel burn out creeping in. With movies and shows of being good to meh. Nothing bad, but not the most inspiring.

This was some of the most fun I've had with an MCU D+ show. The humor is just the right amount without being absurd. The family dynamic between Jen and Bruce is just what I wanted. Tatiana Maslany is KILLING it as She-Hulk. I already want to see more of her just doing her thing.

I LOVED the bathroom scene with all the gals. Perfect! XD.
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Fun but very very rushed pilot episode.
harry-3451818 August 2022
This episode is very much here's how I got here. And the show doesn't give it the time it needs, I fully understand that marvel wants shorter episodes to fit the sit com vibe but this episode should've been longer. If you're gonna do an episode like this then do it right. That being said now we are over how I got here I'm really excited for the legal drama to being. The humour of this episode was fun and so far I'm loving what we're are seeing of Jenifer walters and as always it's nice to see Bruce back in the fold.

So in conclusion whilst it's very rushed a messy. She hulks pilot is fun with a brilliant performance from Tatiana and some nice comedic moments.how fun this episode is makes up for a lot of the issues it has. I'm very excited that we can finally get into the lawyer comedy next week.
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Poor first impression; a show at war with itself
TheVictoriousV18 August 2022
Much like the original Hulk, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law is at war with itself.

On one hand, the writers seem to want a sitcom that essentially mixes the everywoman trifles of Sex and the City with the legal shenanigans of Ally McBeal (this is the most jokey Marvel has been yet, much to the ire of fanboys who feel that once-respected characters like Thor and indeed Mark Ruffalo's Hulk have steadily been made more and more of a joke). On the other, Marvel needs an origin story for its latest action figure.

And the thing is, having watched the first episode, I'd argue neither side is winning. Fifteen minutes into the show, we've breezed through stuff that could've filled a whole origin film of about 2 hours; Jen Walters (Tatiana Manslany) gets unceremoniously introduced as Bruce Banner's hitherto absent cousin, she almost immediately gets her powers, she trains to control them, and Bruce realizes that this training is hardly necessary, as Walters is (somehow) still fully in control when in Hulk mode -- which, having been tormented by his Jekyll-and-Hyde relationship with his own Hulk for decades (until resolving it off-screen after a would-be poignant scene got deleted), Bruce is of course only mildly miffed about.

However, it feels like we've rushed through all the beats of a comedy where a female lawyer proves herself in a male-dominated field, too. The one-dimensional sexist dudes have already done their bit, the one-dimensional supportive gal pals have done theirs, and Walters winds up doing well in court. Judging from the trailers, and some lines from Benedict Wong in his umptieth MCU Phase Four appearance, what She-Hulk really wants to get into is more multiverse and crossover stuff. Did you see Daredevil in the teaser? 'Member him?

I'm sure we'll get more Sex and the City-esque plots as the show goes on (the origin-story stuff, however, does seem all done). I just feel like She-Hulk isn't as genuinely interested in introducing a new hero and telling their story as Ms. Marvel and Moon Knight were -- both of which I find mid, but never mind. This isn't because the writers don't care. I just get the sense that Marvel, wanting to get She-Hulk ready for some Secret Wars and World War Hulk ASAP while checking off some other cameos, don't let them care too much.

I don't know if I'm making sense and I'm guessing none of you care, since this show is sure to win over "both sides" of the online nerd world.

On one hand, it does that thing where it belittles and nerfs old characters -- loved by comic-book aficionados for ages -- to make these new, "more progressive" ones seem better (complete with dialogue that reads like Tumblr posts circa 2015), all while doing enough generic "girls get it done" tropes to entice the Usual Journalists. On the other hand, I don't know that the YouTube dudes will get too mad about this stuff when there's the lady from Orphan Black as a tall, curvy, green warrior woman who's usually barefoot. Win-win.
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Did I watch something else?
jlwhite-4701821 August 2022
I have no idea what show these other reviewers were watching, but I saw a funny, solid, superhero/lawyer episode, that left me curious and wanting to see more.
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Best Pilot Episode of a" MCU TV Series"
rubjor23 August 2022
For me the best of the MCU that I have seen on television, in 35 minutes of glory that this pilot has given I have seen a perfect world of the Hulk family, first Tatiana Maslany's performance has been more than brilliant, she has successfully debuted in the MCU and has known how to debut as a true superheroine, much more intelligent than Hulk, although this plot already came from the first comic "The Savage She Hulk", it shows that this actress is going to have a great future in the world of superheroes, now well I have already seen several references and similarities of the classic series "The Incredible Hulk" 1978, in this first episode of She Hulk: the first is when the first metamorphosis of Jennifer Walters is triggered is in a car accident and then when she transforms she runs through a forest, the television pilot of The Incredible Hulk was the same, when Bill Bixby's David Banner also has a car accident by puncturing a wheel, anger makes him transform into Lou Fe's Hulk rrigno and then flees through the woods, another reference to "The Hulk classic Series" is a bit of Mark Ruffalo's performance in several sentences when he says "a single mistake and you will have killed someone, you have to be ice and believe me that when the people consider you a monster there will be no turning back" another phrase is "I have spent my life running away from a part of me" all these phrases follow the theme of Bill Bixby in his old role as Dr. David Banner when he isolated himself to try control his alter ego and he also considered that the Hulk was a murderer and a horrible monster that killed people even if he didn't do it later, the loneliness of Smart Hulk that I see in this episode when he lives in a tropical bay also reminds me a bit of when Bixby's David Banner lived alone and isolated in different episodes of the old series to try to control his anger and his other self, and finally I see a clear reference in this first episode of She Hulk to a draft script for a She Hulk series that the ABC channel was about to produce in 1990, later becoming a Spin-off of "The Incredible Hulk" 1978, although the show was canceled, the archived script of the television pilot entitled "Metamorphosis - She Hulk" indicated that the events were going to take place on a Caribbean beach, clearly "She Hulk: Attorney at Law" has used a small excerpt from this script to use in its first episode and that is why I think the plot takes place in a place tropical, in general I am very satisfied with 35 minutes of the show that I have seen, it is seen that the series promises a lot and I am already looking forward to seeing the rest of the episodes.
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Where to start
eoinpgeary19 August 2022
Firstly, how is a show rated 5 yet the 1 episode out is 7, I hate this review bombing, if you don't like it fine but doing it to be "trendy" grow up.

Okay firstly my absolute favourite thing about this episode is it's pacing, it felt very quick and not at all dragged out, Hulk and She Hulk were enjoyable, the backstory was decent and I had a good time with the episode

I didn't like the wokeness, maybe it's just me, but I find when it comes off as a woman is just better than a man in anything she does comes off really cringe, it would have been funny if it was just the rock Scene released online but there was a good bit of it and it got tedious. I find with a lot of women led shows it's all about empowering women by making sure they are better than men and if you criticise that your sexist but that's not what male led shows or movies in the MCU universe does, it's just a good story and good action. I personally didn't get this vibe from black widow which as a movie was a bit weaker than most MCU but still had its ups.

I'm all for a female lead but don't shove it down my throat I'm a woman so I'm better, just make a strong lead that can show that and doesn't need to say it to prove it

I'll stick with the show all the same.
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Disney Does The Impossible.
jamericanbeauty19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany played multiple clones with different personalities, mannerisms, accents and looks. Her acting range is so incredible that I got lost in each clone as if they were played by separate actresses. She is a great actress, so I thought she'd be perfect to play duel roles of Jennifer Walters and alter-ego She-Hulk. I loved all the clones in Orphan Black, except Helena at times. As irritating as Helena could be, Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk irritated me more. Disney did the impossible: Made Tatiana Maslany unlikable with a limited acting range. She's angry, obnoxious, preachy then angry again. She's great from the moment she acquires her powers, greater than The Hulk. She's wonderful, amazing and The Bestest Best Hulk ever. What's the point of watching? To see how amazing she is? Normally, you'd like to take a journey with a character as they struggle or overcome an obstacle. What obstacle? She's gets her powers and masters them by Episode 1. Writer Jennifer Gao's script is cringeworthy, condescending, basic men bad, women good, disrespectful to Marvel predecessors and worst of all it's not funny. Wasn't this billed as a comedy? I didn't laugh or smile once.
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A Normal Amount of Rage
lassegalsgaard18 August 2022
A lot of people have been looking out for this show with interest and a bit of apprehension. The first trailer that came out looked fun, but didn't necessarily impress on the visual front. And it's clear that people are beginning to see a recurring fault in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and their connecting tissue. With this show said to be full of cameos, we're sure to either get some more connections, or add to the problem that people have had, which wouldn't be great. This first episode is a good little introduction to the character and her world, but not necessarily that much else.

The great advantage that this show has is that it's going to be slightly longer than the normal Disney+ shows. And with nine episodes to tell their story, they're given the opportunity to set things up at a regular pace. This opening episode is a great introduction to Jennifer Walters and the world that she lives in, which is a post-Blip world, where she works as an attorney. After an accident mixes her blood with that of her cousin Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk, she turns into her own version of the character. This episode is very much dedicated to the training she has with Bruce and the dynamic between them, plus setting her own issues for the coming episodes. She's definitely not at a point in her life where this is something that she wants to deal with. And Jessica Gao goes into that a lot in the writing, showing the struggles that she goes through, both in terms of this new thing and the usual issues that women simply face on a day-to-day basis. It feels particularly right for this character, so I'm not opposed to that approach like many other people seem to be. I do think it comes off a little heavy-handed at times in this episode, and the overall pace felt a little wombly. There is a fight scene in it towards the end (not the good one with Hulk) that came and went so fast that I still kinda question the reason for its placement in this specific episode.

"A Normal Amount of Rage" is a good start to this show, setting up the important things, most importantly the character of Jennifer Walters. It's mostly setup this episode, but it's done in a delicate and nice way, knowing that they can take their time with the storyline unlike many of the other Disney+ shows.
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She Hulk/ Stop review bombing
masonbernhardt18 August 2022
First of all She Hulk isn't a 10 and it's not a 1. This episode isn't bad but it's not great. People need to stop making IMDB like this. Honestly watch the show or episode then leave a review it's not that hard. The last 3 MCU shows have gotten reviewed bombed and it's making this great app garbage.

This episode is fine it's clearly going for more lighthearted comedy than anything. All the MCU shows are meant to be watched all at once so just watching one episode it's pretty hard to have a grasp of the whole series. Looking forward to what they do next.
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Rating not accurate, due to haters?
minaebrev18 August 2022
Although I am a huge Marvel fan I thought this first episode was great, a bit short but the lead (she-hulk) does a great job, very likable. Funny, with good set-up for future episode. Can't wait for the rest.
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Strangely funny
seannaughton-4831518 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this show I thought it would be a serious plot about how Jennifer has to manage her impossible lifestyle as the hulk. But no apparently this is a comedy. Now there are some scenes that managed to give me a snicker like the bathroom scene and all the jokes about Steve rogers. I thought this episode was funny but the CGI for she-hulk was pretty bad it was way to soft and ametur. Considering how great Bruce's hulk was. Overall good pilot.
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Great first episode
wifeymoof20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I absolutely LOVED this episode. I liked the quick intro and back story. I didn't need a massive movie length intro, quick and to the point. A bit of Bruce's blood falls into a cut on Jens arm. The quick transformation is explained by Bruce. I loved their banter and their fight made me laugh. With all the seriousness of Endgame and the aftermath, I enjoyed the lightheartedness of this episode. Tatiana is brilliant 👏. I can't wait to see what comes next for She Hulk.

Sidenote- damn you Marvel with your Tony references. My heart hasn't recovered yet.
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Solid Start
mcjesse-5023818 August 2022
Great start to the show. Last scene seemed odd but I hope the next few episodes work on it. The actress is doing a great job juggling the comedy and the drama. CGI seemed to improve since the trailer.
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A comedy?
Rastifan19 August 2022
The jokes doesn't sit, and she is sooo amazing from the start go, you know exactly where this is going. They gave her the Rey treatment. No growth, no learning curve, no development. She is already won the gold medal before leaving the starting line. This reeks of lazy writing.
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Good start
Marvelfanboy19920918 August 2022
Great start to the show and I'm glad its longer then I thought. The only thing I had an issue with could have been my internet connection. The hulks speech didn't seem to always match his mouth or facial expressions.
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Pretty Standard Superhero Origin Episode
zacharyygreenberg19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After a mysterious Sakaarian UFO causes Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) and his cousin Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) to get into a car crash, Bruce's gamma-infected blood accidentally seeps into Jen's wound. This causes Jen to become She-Hulk, a giant green being with immense strength and durability.

Bruce tried to teach Jen the way of the Hulk, but Jen is not so patient and wants to go back to her regular lawyer life.

Overall, the episode was a pretty standard superhero origin episode. While it was great to see Bruce Banner as Smart Hulk finally get more screen time, the episode did feel a bit dragged out.

I like how in Spiderman: Homecoming the movie just says casually that Peter was bit by a radioactive spider. There was no need for further explanation. We've seen Tobey and Andrew's Spidermen origin stories, no need for a third take on the matter. Similarly here, I would have preferred just a quick explanation over a dragged-out episode. We've seen Hulk get his powers before. It felt like a bit of a waste of time to rehash that.

There were many great aspects to the episode. Bruce and Jen had some amazing banter that was both funny and philosophically serious. Jen's struggle of accepting her newfound responsibility as She-Hulk and instead opting to focus on her career as a lawyer was portrayed well and it felt real.

Overall, the episode was nothing too special and a bit unnecessary. Yet, it was enjoyable and still a solid episode. The time watching flew by for me. Definitely worth a watch and I am excited about the next episode!
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Not That Good, but Not Bad, and Definitely Not That Funny
MamadNobari9718 August 2022
For a show advertised as "Marvel's first attempt at comedy and sitcom", this show sure does have zero funny moments. Apart from one scene of Smart Hulk getting mad and jealous that got a chuckle out of me, I was poker-faced the whole episode and I didn't even notice when they attempted at jokes and funny haha comedy.

The writing isn't that great and it's your typical Disney Plus MCU level of writing and they just get into things without proper characterization and build-up, which is not a bad thing, but in this case, it kinda is. Usually with superhero movies or shows, the protagonist already has his/her powers and they do backstory through flashbacks, which worked with Daredevil for example, but some just need more time spent with the character before getting powers, and then delving into that. This one I think needed that because I'm still not that the whole Jennifer Walters and She-Hulk character.

She-Hulk is probably the first character in the MCU that breaks the fourth wall and talks directly to the audience, but that doesn't add anything of value to this show, at least for the first episode. They are not that funny and I don't even know if they are written for the purpose of getting a laugh or not, but they're just not funny.

Tatiana Maslany is a great actress, I've seen her in Orphan Black and she's great in there. But with this level of dialogue and writing, I doubt we get anything good out of her acting ability other than your typical MCU stuff.

There is also a little too much amount of the same old cringey "men bad, and I'm a strong woman character" scenes and dialogues which we've seen in the trailers, and which I think are unnecessary because it's like they were written by a 14-year-old tiktoker and not a professional writer. Still, it doesn't hurt the episode as much as the bland storyline and writing.

My only confusion about these MCU shows, is that where does Feige find these writers? Like with the amount of money in their possession and the experience they've had over all these years of being in the filmmaking business, and also show making, surely they can find and hire better writers right? Right? I don't even know what Dinsey is doing with hiring these writers that are either just inexperienced or young and new in the business, or just NPCs and A. I. I feel like Disney treats everyone in the production like the dirt under its shoe and worships the actors like they're god. And seems like writers and VFX artists are the ones that Disney doesn't care about at all. They must be giving all the budget to the marketing and the actors and just find the cheapest desperate writers and underpay the VFX people.

These MCU writers also must have the easiest job in the world writing these half-hour episodes and only for 6 - in this case 9 - episodes with the most basic and unnuanced level of writing. Like I'm pretty sure a fan could've made a more entertaining introduction to this character than what these "professional" writers did here.

So in conclusion, the first episode is bland and uninteresting, not funny as advertised, things just happen and there's no real build-up and establishing scenes or letting the scene just sit and breathe for a while. There are cringey lines of dialogue and the superhero origin isn't that good at all.

I laughed way harder and way more watching Ant-Man and the Wasp and I didn't even like that movie. So if they're gonna sacrifice better writing and a better premise (an actual legal show like Daredevil, and not super villains just busting through the court) just to do comedy and le funny quip, they need to be damn good at writing comedy, which they weren't here at all. I'd say hopefully it gets better in the next episodes, but with my experience with MCU's phase 4, that's just a fool's hope.
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Got to give the show a chance...
ha77y73ad9718 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The 4th wall breaking on the show is not a thing for me, i just cant get my head around this not being Deadpool. This is something that i am going to have to continue with.

So starting off with the way that She-Hulk origin is changed is just lazy but also clever. The original origin story was relating to a blood transfusion with the hulk where some of his powers were manifested for her. This time round its almost the same as the Samuel Sterms set up for the next Hulk movie to become the Leader. Where Bruce was bleeding and got into the blood stream causing the change. The whole thng comes about when a car crash (again) is caused by what i think is the GrandMasters ship from Thor Ragnarok. At the same time im seeing where this fits into the timeline as Bruce still has a damaged arm in the beginning of the episode where at the end of Shang-Chi, Bruce was back to human form.

Finding out all of whats happened before and that Jennifer is now a "hulk", the worst attempt of showing a panic attack is shown on screen. When Stark was dealing with all of this in Iron Man 3 that is how to have a dramatic moment without a terrible joke... pancakes solve everything apparently. Also Smart-Hulk worst name so far for a Marvel character. Name dropping Disney movies, its just not Marvel anymore. Within 15 minutes of the show shes controlled the whole Hulk just literally jumping ahead years of character development.

The whole training montage is just boring, the hulk getting pushed over by a Jeep... wrong, trying to fight between the 2 of them its just so pointless. Somehow the Jennifer beating Bruce is just so inaccurate shes meant to be a small part of the Hulk not all of his powers.

Mid credit scene as well... what is Marvel doing at the moment!
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