Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (Video 2006) Poster

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An awful upchuck epic.
BA_Harrison9 May 2007
The best thing about Lucifer Valentine's Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is its lurid title.

Devoid of a coherent narrative and lacking technical merit of any sort, this 'movie' succeeded only in making me feel slightly queasy, thanks to endless shots of degenerate low-lifes making themselves puke. Since I've always found the sight of people yarfing up their lunch rather off-putting, that really is no great achievement.

Valentine's cast are a skeezy bunch of strippers, whores and losers who prattle on to the camera about who-knows-what, only stopping in order to lose their lunch onto glass top coffee tables, into toilet bowls, and, in one scene, into a person's skull cavity (after they have had their cranium removed and their brains eaten). To a lover of extreme film-making, this might sound like an unmissable treat; but don't be fooled—it isn't.

I am unsure as to whether this movie is supposed to be art, exploitation, or something else entirely, but the one thing I am sure about is that it is complete and utter rubbish. I guess the gore (which includes a prolonged scene of eyeball fondling) might've made the whole thing just about bearable, if the dodgy camera-work and bad editing hadn't made it so difficult to see what was happening.

Add to the lousy visuals a headache-inducing cacophonous soundtrack, and the result is an incomprehensible mess that has found a small (and, judging by the comments on IMDb, mostly disappointed) audience only by appealing to their sense of morbid curiosity.
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I Guess "Vomit-Gore" Just Ain't My Thing...
EVOL6669 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how to really rate/review this film other than to say that it pretty much sucks. I know most people would avoid something called SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS anyway, so those of you that have no interest can stop reading now...but there are a few of us ultra-sleaze fans that have to watch crap like this - like it or not - so for my fellow scumbags, this review's for you...

SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS tells the VERY incoherent tale of a bulimic girl who is a stripper-turned-hooker, who (I think) makes some sort of unexplained pact with Satan - and there's a bunch of unexplained murders thrown in. That's all that I could gather from the extremely headache inducing narrative. The MAIN problem with this film is the "art-house" style that it's shot in. It's all strange editing and weird sound FX, and slowed down/sped-up/backwards audio that becomes annoying after the first 6 minutes. I kept hoping that it would turn into some sort of semi-coherent story or just an all-out gore film - but it never does. The rest of the film is taken up with a few gore scenes, some effective, some not - and of course a lot of vomit.

"Highlights" include an extended eyeball-stabbing/removal scene, an Asian chick that gets her face skinned off (this actually looked kinda cool...), a girl that gets her arm sawed off and then is handed a guitar (!?!), and a guy that gets the top of his head hacked off and then some fat bastard (whose character is never explained) eats his brain and pukes the remains back into his skull cavity numerous times. "Low-lights" include many long and tedious vomit scenes that are either nauseating (same fat guy puking into a cup with Guitar-Girl's severed arm and then drinking it and puking it up again....) , or are nothing different than any of us have witnessed/experienced after a long night of heavy drinking...

I'd like to say that SVD is more than a "fetish" film...but really that's all it is...either that, or a very poor example of an art-house/experimental film. The whole film is WWWWAAAAAYYYYY too long, and could have been summed up more effectively in about 25 minutes - instead, its about 75 minutes. Even the gore scenes are ineffective because of the weird editing/jump-shots that make up the entire film. There's PLENTY of explicit nudity - but it's so absolutely un-erotic that I couldn't enjoy that aspect of it either.

On a good note...the packaging of the DVD is some of the best I've seen - nice Special Edition-style fold-out "cardboard" case with sleeve, and includes a poster and a T-shirt (which will quickly become a wash rag for my car...) since I was one of the "lucky" few that pre-ordered this crap. Other than that - nothing outstanding about this one at all. The WORST part is, it's part one of an upcoming trilogy that I'm probably gonna be sick (stupid?) enough to check out.

Anyway...I thought I'd warn the more brave souls out there that this one IS NOT worth the cash...wait til one of the "archival and transfer" services have this one on sale for cheap, or skip it all together. Those that REALLY dig the AUGUST UNDERGROUND films, fake-snuff, extremely "experimental" films etc...may like this one, but it's just not my thing...

A VERY generous 3/10 - and that's only for a few "decent" gore scenes and some sleazy nudity...oh yeah...and the cool packaging..
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Ridiculously Pretentious
fastfastfastradio21 July 2020
This movie is honestly one of the most pretentious movies I've ever seen. It is like an amalgamation of every single pretentious art house film trope ever: the found footage style to make up for the terrible production quality, the random over the top gore and nudity, the religious imagery, the reversed audio, the jumbled editing, the complete lack of any coherent plot or characters, etc. And for defenders of this film who will say, "it's not supposed to make sense; it's supposed to be open to interpretation; you missed the point of the movie," I will say, that doesn't matter. Yes, art is art, anyone can find some meaning in almost anything, but this movie is a jumbled mess. It's repetitive, beyond just the fact that it kinda just cycles between brutal violence and gore, people vomiting, and random abruptly cut, out of context dialogue, it literally reuses so much footage over and over. I swear they probably only recorded about 30 minutes of footage, and just extended it out to 110 minutes by just repeating the footage over and over. This movie gives me the terrible impression that it thinks it's super deep and creative and outside the box, when really it's just edgy for the sake of being edgy. Pushing boundaries and having a lot of nudity and gore isn't inherently pretentious, so long as it is doing those things for the sake of making a point or showing a deeper meaning. But this movie is the opposite of that, it's ridiculously over the top disgusting for the sake of being disgusting and getting attention.
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Lots of gore and vomit,but overall extremely dull.
HumanoidOfFlesh9 June 2006
"Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" is often called the sickest horror film ever made.Such silly statements are not true.Anyone who have seen some Japanese vomit fetish movies like "Squirmfest" series will no doubt agree with me.The plot of "SVD" is pretty hard to follow:we meet bulimic teen-aged runaway stripper named Angela,who dances at a strip bar and sleeps with men for money.As her bulimia becomes worse,she slowly slips into dementia.The girl has a grotesque hallucinations about bloody murders of the other strippers.Being a fan of extreme cinema I was very disappointed with "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls".The film is not shocking nor disturbing.I was bored senseless whilst watching this crap.Admittedly some of the gore scenes are well-done,but the thin plot is just a mindless excuse to show rivers of vomit.The editing is strange,the sound effects are annoying and the nudity is highly unerotic.So if you want to see a proper and actually disturbing horror film check out "Broken"(2006) or "Neighborhood Watch".For gorehounds "Live Feed" or "Bone Sickness" will be perfect.4 out of 10.
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This isn't even a movie. It's basically an experiment gone wrong.
LLAAA48373 June 2008
Have you seen the trailer to this film? Well, imagine that same thing only have it last 71 minutes long. That's basically what this film is. There's a lot of puking, guts, nudity, and satanic music, but none of it means anything. There is no substance, style, taste, originality, plot, acting, or script. I could make a movie just like this.

1.) Buy and take the time to create a bunch of fake body parts and gross effects to have them at my disposal and then film my friends getting naked and pretending to do gross things with them.

2.) I mix a few buckets of fake blood and guts, tell them to all get naked, make a lot of pea soup, splash them with the stuff and have them pretending to vomit the stuff out, and then turn the camera on, dim the lights, and start filming.

3.) I cover them with fake blood and guts and hen tell them to tell them to get naked and pretend to puke them out. Then I turn the camera on again, dim the lights and film them doing that.

4.) The I could make some industrial music and then run it through a computer mixer and have it play backwards and then record that on the soundtrack.

5.) I rinse and repeat all three things and then take the footage and edit it all together and make it as disjointed and unplanned as possible.

6.) Then, I take the footage, add credits and print it and BAM! I have made a film with the same amount of creativity and appeal.

So that's it. The director, Lucifer Valentine, obviously had a lot of fun making this, but he neglected to make a movie. It's too bad because I could totally see him making something even crazier and more messed up and creative than this. If you like gore, well, you've seen better.
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Worst movie ever made, not disturbing or sick, BORING!!
LoneWolfAndCub7 February 2007
What the hell was that mess I just watched??? Well, apparently it was meant to be the sickest, scariest, most disturbing thing ever made. Well, Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is far from any of those, in fact, it was merely a pathetic attempt to shock using vomit-gore. And there wasn't even that much of it, it was mainly some random nudity and a girl talking about her feelings. It was poorly edited, it had no plot whatsoever, the music was appalling and for some reason the director slowed down the voices. That was just irritating.

The gore was fairly well done with some sick effects (including a detailed face-stabbing/eye removal scene) but some were spoiled by ludicrous events. Eg. a girl gets her arm sawed off then she is handed a guitar (WTF????!!!!!????!!!). Really dumb and unintentionally funny. The vomit scenes were fairly nauseating but they were all just them sticking their hands down their throats.

Please, don't waste your life on this movie, it was pointless and boring as *beep*. Just a pathetic attempt to be shocking.

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Terrible...not even worth laughing at.
The_Void15 September 2006
This resoundingly awful film is like spending an hour and ten minutes watching a bad music video. Much like the worst film ever made, The Blair Witch Project, silly-named director Lucifer Valentine attempts to use overly mobile camera angles to hide the fact that there's actually nothing going on in this film. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls plays out almost like a silent movie, as there is very little dialogue and the plot moves through just what we see on screen. But any thoughts of this being a credible art film are quickly vanquished when it turns out that all the film is, is a collection of scenes showing people vomiting blood. The plot has something to do with a young whore suffering from bulimia, but it's not analysed at all and while the film might think it's something like Roman Polanski's Repulsion, it certainly isn't. Apparently, this film was banned from a bunch of horror festivals for being too graphic (or something), but if I was choosing films for a horror festival, I'd have banned it for being too boring. Really, this film is a bad joke and I honestly don't see how anyone could find it disturbing. There's nothing left to say except don't waste your time…if you want to see an overly gory modern film, see Murder-Set-Pieces instead. Said film might not be great either, but it's Citizen Kane compared to this.
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I like Slaughter, Vomit and Dolls, this is gonna rock!
ElijahCSkuggs29 November 2007
Wrong! More like this is gonna suck sh!t! I was warned. Plenty of times. But I still had an urge to see Lucifer Valenfart's flick Slaughtering Dolls that Vomit, no, uh, Vomit Dolls Slaughtering. No, that's not right....Slaughtered Vomit Dolls! Yes! I mean, Noooooooo. Booooooo! This piece of crap is just a piece of sh!t. Mainly because it's so ridiculously boring. Anybody hear that track F@ck Frankie on Marilyn Manson's album Smells Like Children? Well if you did, that's almost the only sounding voice you hear. A deep sounding voice. Oh and the voice of the lead chick who likes to repeat she's a whore. She ain't lying. Besides not only being bored out of my mind, I was also pretty steamed...because how boring it all was. The scenes just lasted forever. And the movie felt very repetitive; from the shots of Angela lying on the bed, to her even taking her clothes off. "Oh, there she goes again getting naked and lying on the bed." Even puking onto a brain bored me. The only redeeming thing for me was a dude named Henry in this flick. The dude is seriously a barfing machine. But besides Barf-a-matic Henry, this sucked. For anyone that's curious about seeing this, don't waste your f@cking time.
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May be the worst movie ever!
ddhwc16 September 2006
I am a BIG fan of gore, therefore I couldn't resist checking this movie out. I must admit, some of the gore was pretty good. Or at least it could've been if you could actually see something. Seems like they just pushed the record button on the camera and threw it around the room. And the sound effects were just... awful. Many of you will probably, just like me, be curious enough to see this for yourselves. And probably everyone of you will find it's a waste of time. Maybe if this movie was about 2 minutes, it would have been worth it.

Most scenes are just some girls talking/moaning/mumbling etc. with weird industrial (horror?) sound effects in the background. This may very well be the worst movie I've ever seen (And I've seen a lot of bad movies). Guinea Pig is far better than this one, and that isn't a good movie either.

Slaughtered Vomit Dolls should never have been released. It's so bad. The only disturbing thing about it was that it was so bad.

-10 / 10.
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A pathetic, desperate crock of shite.
mrdcturner3 June 2007
The creators clearly lack the talent & resources to make a decent coherent film. SVD reminded me of a p*ss poor, made-the-night before student film. Don't believe any of the hype, DO NOT PAY FOR THIS FILM, go & watch a real movie instead.

Granted, some of the gore was nice, but I would rather just watch a slide show of the prosthetics. This film is a pathetic waste of time, completely devoid of artistic merit; it smacks of bored genre groupies, desperate to make a name for themselves, but lacking the creative chutzpah to dent an already crowded scene.

Trash, in the worst possible way.
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I was hyped to watch it, but....
saeedjango21 September 2006
OK I'm going start this rant off by saying that this movie is not a) Scary,shock,contro..etc b) gory

I got hooked right of the bat by seeing the trailer, (very misleading) also the website had a feel for it that they were going to break boundaries that haven't been broken before. So i put in the flick, turned the lights off, pumped the volume, and waited to be either sick to my gut, or freaked, or shocked, or something!

Well it did not deliver any of that. The gore was...meh, the vomit was, well, have you ever had a drunk friend threw up and you said, ewww! well watching someone chuck on screen wasn't even that bad. In person you can smell that crap, which usually makes you wanna hurl as well, but anyways...

The stuff that really made the movie crap: Number 1 was the budget, very very low budget, you can tell the guy didn't want the fake blood on the floor so most of it was like shrink wrapped floor, in his basement. The gore was fake looking at times, and just when you get to see something remotely interesting they either jump to another seen or shake the camera like the guy has a broken arm.

The lighting, sound, and picture was always distorted, contrasted to every shade possible, and the music or sounds were boring and repetitive.

My bottom line is what you are looking for in this movie, doesn't have it! It was the old get the weird friends who like to puke, bring the camera, and "i'll edit all of this later" attitude. all in all i rate this movie a 1! (because IMDb wont let me give it a 0)

P.S: when the movie started i was watching with some friends whom i told about. And got them hyped up too. 15mins into the movie they looked at me and said "So....wanna like do something else" it was very humiliating to come short of a movie that i picked and didn't deliver. (we still watched the whole thing)
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One of the best surreal movies ever made !
zailsturm22 November 2006
First of all this is not a horror movie , it's more like a surrealistic vision of a girls' dreams and desires . It does contain though some very disturbing images for some of you , I won't give any examples here cause I don't want to scare any of you and spoil your pleasure of watching this brilliant movie.

The images combined with the music create a specific atmosphere for a dream. The slow motion used in a great part of the movie is a tool for alternating between reality and dream . The idea of a pact with Satan appears at one point which is a last resort for the girl in the main role who can't accept the fact that she is a prostitute not what she always wanted to be (a ballerina).

Based on the fact that this movie had a very low budget and the result was fantastic I gave it 10/10 not doubt about it!
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Really interesting and shocking experience
JahnSenpai29 April 2020
The Imagerie is really disgusting and weird here. Like the Title says the Movie is at first glance just about a lot of Vomit and Gore. But when you dive deeper into the VG universe , a really ''complex'' and cool Story starts to unfold. Its not all about Vomit and Gore, its more like a journey through the Satanism and the deepth of Hell of Angela Aberdeen wich gets more and more weird.

Of course this movie is not for the average Audience or lighthearted People. Its Full of Human Slaugther, Torture and indescribable disturbing Stuff.

But i really liked it. The camera work is fantastic, all these gruesome Scenes combined with these dirty Black/White Filters and shaky Cameras just looked really good. Even when the Camera focuses close up on the mutilated Bodys, it still shines. The Make Up and the Body Props looked Awesome and really disturbing with these Camera rides.

The effects are really nice for its Budget, and the Gore is disgusting like it should be. Put all these things together, mix it with a metallic and hellish Sound design, and you get Vomit Gore.

Lucifer Valentine is a sick Mind, he created a Surreal and shocking Dimension of Torture and Satanism like no one has ever before.
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must read - blind people who can see? or murder.
rockstar_inc2 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I will attempt to review the vomit gore trilogy as a whole and save myself and everyone time.

We must look at Lucifer valentines facade. In interviews he always goes on about how he was in a sexual relationship with his younger sister which he raised single handedly. She was a BLIND catatonic schizophrenic. this diagnosis doesn't even exists as it is now labelled as dissociative identity disorder.keep in mind more than half of clinical psychiatrist agree this disease is 100% caused by childhood trauma meaning it has 0 chances of being biological.

considering this, how can Lucifer say she drowned herself in the bathtub after recreating a scene from SVD. this is obscured? does anyone see the problem with his statement yet?? how about now? how does a blind girl recreate something she SAW in a film.

his girlfriends quote above is i would die for you, i would even kill for you.see where i am heading with this.

something is seriously wrong with this account of his sisters demise.

this pompous d*ck has the nerve to say his movies reflect quantum theory and higher levels of the human organism and consciousness.

I'm sorry but saying i got abducted in 1973 and repeating this phrase 30 times while changing the date does not in anyway relate to quantum mechanics or the spiritual realm.

how about the octopus on head scene in RGS.

I think it went like this in real life.

oh damn we forgot to use an octopus in the intestine puke scene. what do we do. LV chugs beers as he ponders. sets beer bottle on table put the octopus on his head walks in front of camera and shoves finger in mouth then pukes! *recycle*

yeah the fx's are so bad you can tell the girls intestine is an octopus.i guess he never heard of using pig intestines.

his drawings look like a 12 year old.

he is too afraid to stand in public which makes me wonder if he is even a real person.

i must admit the film is disturbing due to it being a scat film. for a horror movie it is very depraved and demented. you can't compare it to real scat films and say they are more disturbing because they are in a different spectrum of film.

i hate the non stop cutting of film which actually makes the film less shocking. scenes are so fast you never really have time to absorb how messed up they are.

again another attempt at being non linear or quantum theory w.e....

just watch the non linear film waking life. This is a surrealist movie about the human condition in altered states and references quantum theory.

as for his satanic title. please ...... anyone who knows anything about satanism knows its church only accepts the rich and powerful. They teach to destroy psychic vampires that drain your energy. so broken souls and schizophrenic sisters would be killed in a true satanic family.

this guy is a joke.

if he was to write a book it would only be pictures.

i don't know which is easier to attack the films or the man behind them. i tend to think they are one of the same.

a total fraud.

i know you killed her! keep listening to burzum you Nazi!!! and stop connecting yourself to sun o))).

fake intellectualism really makes me angry I'm sorry people.

still BLIND people who can see.. This is a new one. There is a mystery to be unlocked here, possible more disturbing then the films themselves.
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The only things being slaughtered are your brain cells
ametaphysicalshark16 March 2009
For a movie titled "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" (and what exactly is a 'vomit doll' anyway?) and with an IMDb synopsis which reads: "The gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a nineteen year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations", Lucifer Valentine's 2006 opus "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" is exceptionally dull. When it's not boring you "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls" seems especially keen on slaughtering your brain cells with its never before reached level of stupidity.

Hey, we all like a good dumb movie. "Lifeforce". "Plan 9". "Manos". "Hobgoblins". But those were funny. They were amusingly bad. Sometimes they became awfully boring, but you sat there amazed at how bad they were. Then you come to "Slaughtered Vomit Dolls", which reaches an unprecedented level of idiocy. There is absolutely not even an attempt at basic competence in the film-making or writing or acting. Any effort made on the film went into the gore effects, which, while reasonably well-done, we are unable to focus on due to Valentine's apparent attempt to violate every basic law of film-making. It's like watching a bad parody of a Nine Inch Nails video for 70 minutes.

The acting talent including Pig Lizzy, Princess Pam, and Miss Pussy Pants do an admirable job at vomiting and being slaughtered, as well as being dolls, although you can smell their teeth rotting from all the meth just by watching the movie. The male talent do a spectacular job at vomiting and slaughtering as well.

Overall this might just be truly the worst film of all time. "Ben and Arthur" would have to be significantly worse than I expect it to be to claim the title.
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Movie title says it all
rarepeperonis1 July 2020
This Lucifer Valentine dude watched too many deep web videos man.

It's a unfocused, over shaky cam, boring, nonsensical movie. It's headache inducing with every shot with a different tone, some black and white, some with the exposure way up it burns your eyes, some so dark you can't see anything.

Sound is just a bunch of slow downs and like backwards music to make you feel uncomfortable but i've seen to much fake deep web videos for this to have any effect on me.

The gore was alright and even if it's cool the camera shakes so bad you can't see anything. Maybe to hide the low budget effects.

Lots and lots of acts of regurgitation (duh..) feels like a vomit adult movie more than a horror movie. If that stuff is your kink you'll love those scenes... but half the time it looks like they just drank a bunch of strawberry milk and throwing it up again. Like it's not nasty (Except the beer mug scene that made me gag a little) just...looks like a baby who had too much milk.

Too much nudity also after the 75th time you see this girl without clothes it's just become super boring (Bless her soul tho i heard what happened to her tho).

Yeah it's garbage, i love shock cinema and extreme movies but this is soo bad. It's an hour long deep web creepy pasta basically.
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The worst movie EVER
alexjowski19 August 2011
I can give this movie credit for one thing: At least it fits its title.

This is the entire movie: Kill somebody, people vomit for 20 minutes, then a meth addict strips while we continue to see the after shot of a "Faces of Meth" poster. Repeat for 71 minutes.

Really? How can one even call this a movie? It's just random, badly edited shots of murder and vomit. And the decision to use a pitch shifter effect on all the dialogue just makes all these vomiting women sound like men was a poor one. The synopsis says "A girl makes a deal with the devil to get revenge on her tormentors" (paraphrased). Without that I would have been totally lost as to whatever was going on in this movie.

This gets a 1/10 if only because negative numbers are simply imaginary, but it's still a better imagination than whoever thought up this filth.
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craigb-117 June 2011
so dreadfully bad. i laughed throughout and actually did some work on the computer with that horrible noise track in the background. somehow it was mesmerizing enough to concentrate on other things to hahaha...i guess the objective was to fill a moving camera with as much disgusting imagery as possible. and then put it out. but the imagery isn't really that disgusting. save for the eyeball gouging which was OK. i didn't even think the Asian lass debraining was very effective. just a horrible film hahaha. but i watched it. you probably should not. in fact, please don't! there are so many things you could rather do, like watch paint dry or bite your toenails.
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Bloody/messy low budget "art show" had potential
cgearheart24 July 2018
The film really doesn't make a lot of sense, the camera work is nauseating, and the gore is substandard at best. However, the film could've been a really solid and really dark art piece if it was clearer with the storyline of the abuse, neglect, and demonology; it would also benefit if the audio and visuals were actually coherent, which they weren't. This movie had potential, but then again a lot of movies do.
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Avoid this horrendous thing AT ALL COSTS!
nikozguri21 December 2013
i got no idea who Lucifer Valentine is, but i wanna find him and beat him to death. i mean, who in the hell would make something this absolutely god awful and think it's good? now, i understand that Lucifer Valentine (god, is that even his real name?) wanted to created a new movie genre. but this sack of dog s**t is proof that he sucks as a director and he miserably fails as human being! one of the biggest problems with this is that it's got material than could've been A LOT better if it was like 30 minutes and not 65 minutes. i gotta say there's these long drawn-out scenes where nothing's going on. no character depth, and i got no idea if this horrible thing had any sign of god damn script anywhere. the jump-cuts r everywhere and they irritate the f***ing s**t outta you! and it also keeps hitting the same notes again and again and again, and it gets boring, stupid and - on top of that - hideous. this stupid thing was going for solid shock and then it just spits at the viewer and goes "F**k story!" i'm not gonna go anywhere near to the other movies in the awful trilogy, cause after watching this, i'm not gonna even bother. so "ReGOREgitated Sacrifice" and "Slow Torture Puke Chamber" can go f**k themselves

so the best thing u can do: avoid this god awful trilogy AT ALL COSTS! it's not creepy, it's not shocking. it's just vomit, strippers and death scenes. that's it! f**k this trilogy!
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Really bad movie
stajas14 April 2013
After watching this film is truly that man asked himself what he saw, what he was watching and why these things are recorded. People know to appreciate movies that abound disgusting scenes if there is a meaning in all this, which is not the case with this film.

This movie is a combination of idiocy, nonsense, bad effects and bad scenes hidden behind a screen of hard core. This is not a movie, this is tape with random scenes of nudity, violence and vomiting. No story, no plot, bad music, bad directing, this is what a movie should NOT be.

He received a score of 2 on the effort and partly because it managed to shock. However, when everything is said and done, I suggest you skip this movie.
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I can't imagine any sort of film being any more worse
weasel_evil10 July 2012
I watched this film because many people were talking like it's a unique "avant garde" film and I like those kind of movies. I was aware of 2.4 rating on here but I thought to my self that possibly the people who give this film a low rating because of how "anti-mainstream" it is.

I watched the film and I was thinking to my self "my life is extremely vacant and dull to be watching a $hitty film such as this". I kept watching the film to see if any thing would be coherent or at least have some sort of a plot. Instead of plot or character development we get random scenes of strippers/hookers either being interviewed, stripping, vomiting or getting killed. That's basically about 90% of the film. To make it worse all of the scenes are either slowed down or played backwards.

This film has also been dubbed as "the most disturbing film ever made". Nothing in this movie is disturbing. I will understand if you say that film is gory or disgusting but it's not disturbing unless if you find puking mug and drinking it down like three times disturbing because that's the scene that came closest to being disturbing. The scene is basically a lot more disgusting rather than disturbing but it gets boring after a while. In fact the film gets boring in like a matter of five minutes because there is no plot.

This is the worst film of all time. I've heard a lot of people interpret the film as just a "vomit porno disguised as an avant garde horror film" and for the most part they are right. If you want to check out actual avant garde films go watch "Eraserhead" and "Begotten". If you want to watch both decent and disturbing films (Slaughtered Vomit Dolls is of course neither) go watch "A Serbian Film", "Inside" and "Martyrs".
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I don't follow the crowd.
frnk_cntly4 October 2007
Warning!: I am a fan of the following films.

1. Cannibal Holocaust 2. August Underground 1-3 3. Murder Set Pieces 4. Showgirls

That being stated.

I actually like this film, though some (or most) would have you believe it to be utter dog waste.


It is it's own film, it's entertaining & most importantly it is in itself it's own piece of original artistic celluloid.

This being said, I didn't find it irritating as others have stated with the shaky camera or the jilted motion mind poison,it only added to the films intoxicating rhythm.

Not a gore churner like the August Underground films, but does have it's moments of sweet bread delights.

I can't say I'd recommend it to a gore-hound on the blood alone, or possibly at all.

For lover's of original stand alone flicks, I'd highly recommend it.

Also great for "Roman Shower" fetishist's, or drunken fraternity serial killers.

The sequel looks to be even more promising.

Thank You LV666!

Ah, refreshing.
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Perverted and gross, but in an interesting sick way...
Indyrod25 July 2009
First of all, right off of IMDb, here is the synopsis of this movie. "The gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a nineteen year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations." I couldn't come up with anything better than that, and actually, it kind of helped me understand what the heck the plot was, because I didn't see much of a plot. As I have all ready said, the main parts of the movie I liked, is this stripper turn prostitute, who is hot as hell IMO. She's naked for a lot of the movie, and her pole dancing was mighty fine to me. And yes, there is some extreme gore which is done pretty well for such a small budget gore film, and the vomiting scenes didn't really bother me at all, in fact, the scenes with this guy and his major league hurling was amazing to watch. Now this would make a lot of people sick, when this guy keeps puking into this beer mug and then drinking back down, over and over again. But that is not that interesting to me, the main scene I liked was the feature gore scene, where this satanist dude chops the top off of this other guy, and then begins eating his brains and then puking directly into the guys open skull. I've never scene anything even approaching that, and it did make for a memorable gore scene as about as screwed up as you can get. So even though this Lucifer Valentine directed gore and vomit fest as been panned about as badly as any movie, I found several things to enjoy in its short 71 minute running time. Yea, the plot is pretty much non-existent, even though that guy at IMDb did a pretty good job explaining the plot, I found enuff visuals that I liked to give it a passing grade. There is something strangely erotic in a perverted way that I would recommend to those that enjoy such material. And you know who you are, don't you??? :)
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Most meaningless shock film I have ever seen
austindew-0462829 October 2021
Something about shocking movies has always been curious to watch for and see what it is that makes it so controversial. With many films such as men behind sun even having a reason for the depravity in the plot as many of the torture porn scenes at least contribute to the plot of the characters. This on the other hand is just a confusing cluster **** of torture porn thrown all around with no real rhyme or reason to anything and how it is edited. One second your watching a girl explain how she is a runaway stripper the next your watching scene upon scene of the most vile acts with no actual reason or plot purpose. Other then to gross one out at every given chance. So if that's what your into then this will probably be your favourite movie. But if your like 99% of people who watch films for entertainment this ain't it other then for the shock factor.
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