Flogging Margaret (2008) Poster

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Not the worst film. Really not the best.
PunkandFlannel17 February 2008
Boy gets dumped by STUPID girl. Boy wallows. Boy meets GREAT girl. Stupid girl comes back. I'll leave out what happens, but this is the movie. All else the movie says it is, it never amounts to. The text is far from great, and so is the acting.Three main characters were irritatingly bad. They never step far from acting the same way, no matter what. They did not make real characters of themselves. The parts and this film needed that. But it is not fair to not give credit, when some of these actors were good. The Chainsaw guy was very funny, and very good at his role. The blonde girl playing Margaret was great. I haven't seen a multilayered straight up manipulative character in a while done that well. And my favorite actresses were the Germans. I wanted them more. Every scene they had, they were believable. Overall I think the writing failed these actors. Good idea, poorly executed. Money, some recasting, a rewrite, good director-this could of been really fun and different.
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Poor acting...
animallover131331 October 2007
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This so called movie is horrible! The actors cannot act. There is no plot. I believe they need to start from scratch and film again. I hope that they can correct the acting flaws in this movie. I would like to see the trailer after they shoot it again. Maybe there is hope for it. I am not out to hurt feelings but I believe high school kids can do a better job. The wardrobe could have been much better. Sorry, but this just did not do it for me. I normally enjoy the trailers from this site but... this one i cannot find entertaining. I hope they take criticism well because i believe they will get much much more from others in regards to this film.
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A complete waste of time to say the least.
Konfusedleech3 June 2008
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I was completely mislead by the comments on this film, mainly by someone saying they saw it at a film festival and loved every minute of it. Expecting this to be a nice run of the mill American pie style film, I was deeply disappointed.

Firstly the camera work is awful, I don't think the director knows that cameras can move around scenes rather than stay still and having the actors move close up and far away of their own accord.

Secondly the scenery! My god I've seen more furnishings in a bird's nest. The club was totally unconvincing with around 3 extras dancing in the back ground at any one time. The flats were bare and lacked personality.

Thirdly the actors. Wow. The director obviously went for the typical "Reaper" character set up, a wimpy main character with a gruff "I don't give a f**k" character that takes pot shots at the main. Everything the main character said and did was a chore, so much so it made me wince.

Overall the plot, the supposedly big revenge theme, lasted for about 30 seconds and lacked any real motivation. The characters acted irrationally and didn't seem to have any real relationship with anyone else. No character had any depth to them, they may as well have been cardboard cut outs walking past the static camera.

A truly horrible piece, worse than a first year students 2 minute short for youtube. Advice to the director? Change your name and deny any association with the film that will probably sell one copy at a yard sale in Ohio.
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torture outside the geneva convention
snotpickle6 February 2009
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they should make terrorists watch this video as torture, and not just for the disturbing final scene in which tying up and beating a woman with mental problems is apparently a source of comedy. about a half hour of this would convince even the staunchest fundamentalist to spill the beans rather than sit through even one more minute of this disaster.

This movie is awful. I rented it because a friend said it was hilarious, only to find he was talking about the blowhard director doing the commentary rather than the movie itself. I guess if you find unrestrained arrogance funny, you'll like this. It apparently is true that he goes on and on about chicks he's "banged", the most tasteless example being when the lead actress comes on screen.

Actually CJ Stacy was the only good part of this movie - her charisma shines like a diamond in this horrid dung pile. This apparently is the only movie she's done according to IMDb, I hope she is involved with theatre or indie stuff as I think she has the talent and natural beauty to really be an asset to any production.
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ravenz-shrike1 February 2009
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this was pretty bad. pedestrian work or worse. i don't think it was homophobic, just really bad. if anything it was really amateurish, like when you're 14 and first discover curse words and skin mags.

The main point of this movie, the romance, falls really flat. I can't help but wonder if the writers ever had any serious relationships before this movie.

plotting and pacing are horrible, going nowhere at all. one minute we're watching these guys catch cheaters, then we're at a gay club, then we're at a date. out of nowhere the girl apparently likes comics, and then they sleep together. none of this feels real, like an elementary school production of Shakespeare if Hamlet was written by a frat boy.

the ending was some kind of creepy over the top revenge fantasy by a loser who got dumped by a girl. Unnecessary and actually kind of disturbing.

Still, you have to watch it. Why?

As others noted the director's commentary actually is hilarious - what kind of of professional talks about "banging" or "hooking up" with the actresses? dialogue sucked, relationships lacked chemistry. you will be on the floor laughing at this pretentious jackass.
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Comedy of a different colour
DocVW11 February 2008
OK, so as always, I read the comments posted to try and get a feel for a movie. I really thought the director taking a defensive on a comment was really funny, especially with the typos and bad grammar. Like, chill out, people are allowed their opinions.

That said, this movie is OK, not terrible, not great, just OK. The acting by a bunch of unknowns is not a problem, it was pretty realistic, although one character was borderline annoying because of his wishy-washy ways. There are a few laughs in it, but certainly this film doesn't deserve any high reviews. In my opinion, which is mine, if you really want to see this movie, go ahead and watch it, but if I could do it all over again, I would still watch it, I would just wait until it was a cheaper 7 day rental then pay new release price.

To go into any detail about what was good or bad about this movie would have to include spoilers, so I will leave it at that.
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Utterly Demeaning to Women
gldnlnsss12 March 2009
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Let's see how many ways you can insult my gender: 1. Of course girl #1 is a horrible skank who cheats on her boyfriend and sounds/looks like a heroin addict.

2. Of course girl #1 sleeps with the guy on the first date after getting wasted.

3. Of course the lesbians are butch "Germans" who are into S&M.

4. This one was actually a surprise. Ending the movie on a note of torture celebrated by the majority of characters was sickening. Seeing a woman beaten isn't my idea of comedy.

5. Director's commentary - talking about hooking up with actresses in the movie, just so you know, is crass and incredibly unprofessional.
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An excellent indie comedy
GMa_Genie_Marine22 November 2007
I just want to say that I think Flogging Margaret is one hell of a funny movie. My father and I saw it as a feature at a small film festival(Iris Film Fest) in Huntington, Pa in Sept. of 2006.The use of unknown actors was well done(and I know necessary) and the choice of the bartender was brilliant. Despite some other comments on the acting, I thought it was more than adequate to tell this hilarious tale. I recall you telling the story of having another actor in mind for that role, but she? asked if you needed a bartender and the rest was history. Talk about great luck! I am very glad that the movie was picked up for distribution, as I was afraid I could never obtain a copy. I will surely be getting at least one copy,or a few as gifts for my friends with good cinematic taste. Keep up the good work!!! P.S It must be Philly thing(being a N.E. Pennsylvania resident)but "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" seems to have a similar vibe(the bar scenes and general look of the show) to Flogging Margaret if it were allowed to go way out there with the material. Just a random comment. Ciao
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Bad Movie!
elangcallisto16 October 2010
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I don't know why I ever thought this movie would be any good. It bites so bad. This is what happens when you throw bad talent actors in with no talent directors. I felt sick with the whole ball gag thing. If thats what the guy wants to do with his real life ex-girlfriend for dumping him, than he needs to turn himself in to the men in white coats. It wasn't funny or erotic, In fact the whole movie felt like a snuff film that went wrong. I wish i could get the 2 hours of my life back after seeing this craptastic title. It was indeed homophobic and felt like a really rich guy gave his 16 year old son a camera and said, go make a movie. It's bad, don't watch it!!!!!
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glass houses
cstevens1813 February 2009
it isn't easy to try to make a movie, or to finish one, or to sell it to a Hollywood studio. this movie could be the best movie ever made or it could be the worst and either way it wouldn't change the truth of my opening statement. i think people should keep that in mind when they get so personal in their 'critique' of a creator's work. no one tries to make something that is less than the best they have in them.

since a bunch of these did get so personal i'll just say i know the filmmaker and he's not the terrible person portrayed in some of the commentary above. he's just an average dude who's into ween and loves his wife and took a shot making a movie.
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Read between the lines!!!!
udragon201020 October 2010
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Many reviews of this movie have already pointed out the homophobic and anti-woman attitude this film conveys, but none have mentioned the anti-semitic rants that some of the characters in the film go on. It is repulsive that in this day and age that a movie like this can be made.

It is a pro-conservative, anti-semitic manifesto that hopes to create a division within Americas minorities and youths. The fact that the director had the guts to put it in Philly,a city well known for its openness and acceptance of minorities, is the only thing impressive about this film. The film also portrays the city in a less than negative light. The makers of this film seemed to deliberately choose bad and dirty parts of the city to further convey the message that Jewish people are the cause of Americas problems.
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My Eyes, Oh god! My Eyes!!
asskickery916 October 2010
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I saw this movie and i have to say, it was awful. the positive reviews of this movie led me to believe that it would be a fun indie romp. It was not. Firstly, I found the move highly homophobic, despite what some folks said. It was painful to watch, the dialogue and plot seemed to have no real continuity. Secondly, I feel this movie is a gynophobial attack on women, which also uses homophobic stereotyping to create an anti-gay message. Thirdly, the acting makes you want to vomit. Fourthly, The creator of this film has no respect for women. If you do watch this atrocity , I recommend you use the commentary on the DVD to gage the creators personality.

In conclusion do not watch this film, unless you want to riff on it for being so bad. If you want a good Indie film, check out Six String Samurai or The American Astronaut.
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This should be burned
fletchervivian2820 October 2010
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This movie is disgusting and vile. The fact this white trash movie was picked up by Warner Brothers is a disgrace. It plays on the director/writers insecurities about his own homosexuality and his fear of women. This could have been a great film, if not for the boorish acting and bad plot. This is one of those films you wonder how it ever got made to begin with. I would not recommend this movie to my worst enemy. I read some reviews about the commentary and they were spot on of how egomaniacal and perverted the director was. Flogging was passed on to me by a friend who said it was the worst movie ever made. People always say how some good movies are bad, but this was really bad. Homosexuals do not just start having oral sex like they do in the movie. It shows them to be perverted members of society when they are not. This movie promotes hatred toward gays and women, The writer/directors sick fantasies should never have been filmed.
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The 2nd Best Movie Ever
jonisk8er27 November 2007
Yeah, it was awesome. Low budget but who wants to see the same old Hollywood trash that we slug to the theater for year after year.

Unique, this one is.

One of the descriptions describes the comedy as crude. Is life not bare bones, raw, and crude. Are all funny things people say in real life when they're angry about something (particularly romantic strife) perfectly scripted? NO! You get mad at your significant other and just blurt out the most hurtful (or often sick) thing that pops into your red-faced, rageful, human mind. Afterwords you may think of the perfect comeback, but NEVER at the time of the fight. And this movie portrays this (in)humanity perfectly. Raw reality is what I dig in a comedic drama; any movie for that matter.

I guess that's why I like this movie second only to Mr. Assirans' first foray into the movie making business, 'Gorno.' A must see!
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katesbanned29 January 2008
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I don't know who wrote that first comment but knowing the guys who made the movie probably some psycho with pancake tatas they ticked off. This movie is fantastic. I saw it in Seattle and became friends with the film Makers after the fact. Both are great guys. Do yourself a favor and rent this. It is hard to make an indie comedy that hasn't been done already or that is even funny yet these fellas did both. The acting although it has some flaws is more than adequate with the budget they were given. Actually I have seen big budget movies with worse acting in it. Anyway I could blab on all day but trust me when I say this movie is worth your rental
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Not Lame
Jeelis30 January 2009
I saw the comments made by a few people on here and I know the director personally. He must have either fired you from his store or you are Jealous of his accomplishments. Either way the guys who made this film really are a good bunch of guys. The movie is funny. You can follow the story and it made me laugh. The people who posted the rude comments above should try to make a movie and sell it to a major Hollywood studio before bashing someone who did. Otherwise all you seem like are people who are Jealous of someone else's achievements . I really do know these guys and know how hard they worked to get this film going and how much they have helped other people after it was made. Just by giving them an outlet to have there films seen. I doubt the person who posted that has done any thing remotely close. My guess is they sit at home and have nothing better to do than play on line. Pathetic
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