"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Time Squared (TV Episode 1989) Poster

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The Slingshot effect
CCsito23 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the better Star Trek: The next generation episode. It deals with Captain Picard who is mysteriously found on a shuttle craft out in deep space. The problem is that this discovery is a duplicate of the Captain who is already on board the Enterprise. After the shuttle craft logs are broadcast, it appears that the Enterprise was destroyed six hours into the future with the sole survivor being the Captain. Since a captain always "goes down the ship", the "real" Picard cannot understand why the future Picard would do such a thing. What comes out of this is feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty as to what to do in the next several hours. As the time approaches with the current Picard coming to the same time reference as the future Picard, the future Picard starts to "phase back" and become more coherent. The current Picard realizes that the future Picard had made a deadly choice that resulted in the Enterprise destruction. The ship becomes enveloped in a time vortex that tries to drag it inside the vortex. Picard makes a last minute decision to stop the future Picard from repeating his previous actions and instead propels the ship using a slingshot effect. This changes the dynamics of the subsequent future time line. Picard essentially had a second chance to correct his "error".
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Solid temporal shenanigans
snoozejonc5 June 2021
Enterprise encounters a shuttle with an unexpected passenger.

This is an interesting episode with a strong sci-fi concept and solid character focus on Captain Picard.

It is mainly plot driven with a great initial hook that kicks off a compelling mystery. It all unfolds in a relatively intriguing way, but ends in somewhat of an anticlimax. The sci-fi details work well as temporal anomalies always intrigue nerds like me when they appear in stories.

Picard is very much centre focus from a physical and mental perspective. It shows how much pride the character has in his leadership and sense of duty. Any sense of his own weakness or vulnerability it not met with fondly and this is quite apparent in his attitude.

The visuals are strong with the Picard effects and trick photography all working seamlessly.

Patrick Stewart gives an excellent performance and is supported well by Diana Muldaur and Marina Sirtis.
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"We may be on a road that has no turns."
classicsoncall7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a kid some sixty or so years ago watching programs and movies on TV, it was a virtually universal idea that someone meeting up with themselves in the past or the future would end in some cataclysmic disaster. Certainly, for the person themselves or for the time continuum in general. As the years went by, the concept has been revisited with creatively new ideas, as this episode goes on to demonstrate. The story involves a six hour time differential, not very much to be sure, but combined with a time loop that portends trouble for The Enterprise and more specifically for Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart). It has the crew of the Enterprise encountering and beaming aboard a disabled shuttle craft in the Endicor System where no other Federation Starship had any reason to be. The even bigger surprise is that the vessel had Enterprise-D markings, and there's a duplicate Jean-Luc Picard on board!!

What transpires is a fascinating examination of the Captain's character, in as much that it's theorized that the incapacitated, duplicate Captain for some reason abandoned the Enterprise moments before it was destroyed by an unknown force. The shuttle's logs reveal that the event took place six hours in the future, with no explanation as to why 'Picard 2' might have ditched his vessel. This becomes a bothersome point for Picard to handle, as he gets testy with members of the crew when it becomes apparent that the Enterprise is gradually reaching that point in time when he will be faced with the same decision. Because 'Picard 2' is virtually unconscious and unresponsive makes it impossible to communicate with him to learn what happened, and it's left to the 'Picard 1' to try to figure things out before disaster strikes.

The resolution here is rather unique. As the hours go by, 'Picard 2' becomes more and more coherent, and it's revealed that he left the Enterprise in the shuttle believing he could save it by sacrificing himself to an energy impulse targeting him from a strange vortex. This casts the Captain in an entirely different frame of mind, knowing now that an escape from the Enterprise was not an act of cowardice. Rather stunning was 'Picard 1's' decision - he used a phaser to eliminate 'Picard 2'!! I like to think that this is what good science fiction is all about, an episode that makes you think about the implications of a character's motivations, leading him to act the way he does. In this case, Captain Picard saved the Enterprise and all aboard it, without succumbing to the endless paradox of a time loop in which they would have to relive the experience over and over again.
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Time Squared
Scarecrow-8821 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"There is the theory of the Mobius—a twist in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop from which there is no escape."

I have always found that some of my favorite Trek episodes deal with time paradoxes and parallel universes where the characters of the show often meet themselves in the future or we are introduced to an alternate version of themselves. Imagine the horror of encountering the future version of yourself, returning on a shuttle craft, with footage recorded of the Enterprise's destruction, six hours the time for which you can prepare. Another Picard from six hours into the future, a warning to the present Picard that unless an alternate plan can be executed, diverting disaster, The Starship Enterprise will be destroyed. While no signs ahead show any danger, a "time vortex" appears, the Enterprise being sucked into it. Picard has anxiety and anger in equal measure, needing the future Picard to tell him the steps he took prior to the ship's destruction. The vortex seems to be a lifeform that is interested in Picard himself, but why? The "future" Picard might have the answer. I imagine "Time Squared" is one of those episodes that drive certain scientists crazy. I haven't the intellect to analyze and dissect the approach by those involved in the writing of this episode regarding whether or not the results are realistic/logical—could Picard and company actually avoid the Mobius for which Worf theorizes the Enterprise might be facing? I just understand that the show would have to go on and accept that we have the ability to alter fate…perhaps we have the opportunity to change course and direct a different path into the future, in essence, redirect a predetermined fate. This episode is food for thought and does a good job of conveying Picard's torment—no one would want to be in his position; this speaks volumes about what it takes to be a Starship Enterprise Captain. Picard's reliance on the opinions of his crew, like Riker and Troi, really says a lot about the Captain's interest in what they think and believe. What I love about The Next Gen is the wisdom of the crew and their willingness to look at a problem, seek a solution from various angles, and theorize a proper solution; sometimes, it might be LaForge, or Pulaski, who has the right solution, and Picard, to his credit, is a willing listener. Picard doubts himself and Pulaski speaks to Troi about possibly removing the Captain from his duty if he can no longer command properly; this episode is quite a roller-coaster, a mind-bender with a far-out premise that really pushes Picard to the brink. Because Picard is a thinker, someone who is not quick to rush to judgment without intellectualizing the possible consequences of rash action, episodes like "Time Squared" show why he was such a superior Captain.

Picard's decision to "kill himself" was not only surreal to me but rather profound...to look at yourself and be willing to use a phaser to alter the future by possibly killing you, there's this bit of loss I think Patrick Stewart illustrates when the "real Picard" must take drastic action to halt the destructive time anomaly from destroying his ship. That final scene as Picard looks forlornly out of a window, gazing at the stars with Riker stopping by to console him is actually rather heartbreaking to me...Picard is actually emotionally wounded, I believe.
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Unstuck in Time/Great Episode
Hitchcoc8 August 2014
Picard and the crew notice a Federation shuttlecraft careening through space. It is out of control. They use a tractor beam to pull it in. When they do, they realize it has the same designation as a shuttlecraft that rests in the bay. Not only that but aboard the thing is an unconscious Jean-Luc Picard. He is brought to sick bay and observed by the "actual" Captain. Various clues point to the fact that somehow the new Picard abandoned ship and the Enterprise was destroyed. It is also revealed that time is out of phase and the new Captain is surviving six hours into the future. How do they prevent the destruction of their ship? How do they change a future that has already taken place. While the whole thing is confusing, it brings out every nuance that Patrick Stewart can deliver. Are his decisions a change in the future, or are they just following that which will be? Everyone is affected by this but it will ultimately get back to Picard acting. There is a scene where he implores the new Picard to tell him what an alternate action would be. But there is no response, only panic. Watch this one a couple times. Very intelligent and very compelling.
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A nightmare in time.
russem3115 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:39 - "Time Squared" (Stardate: 42679.2) - this is the 13th episode to air of the 2nd season of The Next Generation. Whenever Star Trek does an episode dealing with time effects, I am always intrigued. This episode is no different. In this episode, the Enterprise encounters a shuttlecraft drifting in space, all by itself. It turns out to be a shuttlecraft 6 hours from the future, with the mystery being the only survivor that of Captain Picard, unconscious, seemingly phased out of normal time. Intriguing to say the least.

Trivia: there are references to The Traveler (from "Where No One Has Gone Before" and Dr. Manheim from "We'll Always Have Paris"). Also, you get to see Riker making an omelet in the "old-fashioned way"!
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Time sorta well spent?
Mr-Fusion6 May 2016
'Time Squared' opens with a sweet hook when the Enterprise rescues a shuttle containing . . . another Captain Picard! Turns out it's the 6-hours-from-now version, leading to a lot of questions – and just as much hand-wringing. That's the drag of this episode, we never really stop talking about it. TNG has its share of time loop stories, but this isn't one of the best.

But I will say this: what Jean-Luc decides to do to fix all of this, I really can't say I saw that coming.

It's a ballsy ending.

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Spooky and awesome!
herbie-1731 July 2018
Along with Yesterday's Enterprise, this is one of my favorite episodes. Creepy and timey wimey all in one! Highly recommend!
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Against his nature
bkoganbing20 March 2019
This TNG story is one of those time travel ones which can leave the viewer with either entertainment or a headache as they ponder the conundrum the Enterprise finds itself in.

Particularly Patrick Stewart as the Enterprise picks up a shuttle craft piloted by none other than a duplicate of Jean-Luc Picard.

In the future time the duplicate was operating in the Enterprise had a nasty encounter with a time vortex which brought the duplicate Picard to the Enterprise.

What to do as Patrick Stewart contemplates how to avoid this future if in fact it is avoidable. He might even have to do something against his own nature.

I'd say this conundrum episode was entertaining and no headache.
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Needed a few revisions and adjustments.
thevacinstaller9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A partial success.

While I did find this episode unsettling, I feel it was lacking a key ingredient. Perhaps having a slightly askew Picard in conflict with himself as the primary plot device would have landed better for me if present throughout most of this episode. Or how about this ---- We (the viewer) are part of the Enterprise ship that gets destroyed and then we are placed into the enterprise from 6 hours earlier? This would have really added to the suspense of the episode in experiencing what is coming.

It's a interesting idea that could have used a few re-writes.
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Double the Picards, Double the Fun
Samuel-Shovel6 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Time Squared" the Enterprise discovers a discarded shuttlepod with one passenger: Picard from 6 hours in the future. In an attempt to save the Enterprise, the captain has jettisoned himself into space to distract a sentient space tornado that's interested in him. It didn't work but it did somehow fling Picard into the past. The crew sits around wringing their hands on what course of action to take. Do they take the same path and destroy the Enterprise? They're in some kind of time loop. How can they break out?

This episode is a bizarre one. We get a scared, confused Picard with weird gray skin. I don't really understand the conclusion and why the second Picard didn't know where he was. Picard killing himself is a pretty memorable scene though.

I also like the cold open of Worf chowing down on Riker's disgusting eggs. These little scenes really do a good job of developing out these characters.

But I'm not really sure what to make out of this episode. It's a really cool premise but then we just sort of hang out waiting for the inevitable conclusion and it gets a tad boring. There's way too much Pulaski here as well...
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Not great
Qanqor30 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
While the basic premise is interesting enough, this episode just has too many flaws. Some of them are evidence of just sloppy writing; with a little more care, the story could have been much tighter.

1) At the opening, Picard announces that they're picked up an "automated signal" from a shuttlecraft. But just a minute later, Worf announces that communication with the shuttle is not possible because the shuttle is without power. Well, call me dumb, but it seems to me that sending out an automated signal suggests that communication IS possible and the shuttle is WITH power.

2) Polaski tries to revive Picard II and the result is that it virtually *kills* him. But then a short time later, Picard orders her to try again, and she does, and this time it works just fine. Huh?

3) The whole idea seems to be that Picard II is completely out of phase with this time, which is why his readings are all strange, why he reacts backwards to the stimulant, why he can't grasp the reality around him. But if he's so out of phase, how is it that Troy has no problem reading him at the very outset, so clearly as to be *certain* that he's really Picard? This in particular seems like a lazy means to establish plot to the audience, rather than something that makes sense within the framework of the story.

4) After an approximately one minute run of full warp power (roughly timed by my tivo), we are informed that the engines can't handle the strain and Geordi can't hold it, and they have to execute a full stop. However, at 0:46 into the episode, Geordi announces that they are again at maximum warp; at 0:47 he says "Captain, I can't hold it any longer, if we don't shut down *right now*, we are going--" and Picard cuts him off and tells him to hold position. And he does. All the way until 0:57. Now, to be fair, that included a 4-minute commercial break. But, at least *some* of that time counts, because Picard leaves the bridge as we go to commercial and arrives at sick bay as we return. So it's still roughly *10 minutes* that Geordi has no problem holding the full warp power after he protested that he couldn't. By that point, the engines should be a shambles, but he has no problem providing "all the power you can muster!" Now remember, it is well-established that Geordi doesn't exaggerate in his reports to the captain (in "Relics", he tells Mr. Scott this explicitly). So when he says he can't hold it any longer, we have every reason to believe him. Yet it's a completely lie, he holds it another 10 minutes, no problem, and still has power to spare. Again, sloppy writing.

5) Perhaps the most egregious: the whole vortex-being thing makes *no sense*. Where did it come from? Where did it go? What did it want? Why did it want Picard? Troy says the being is not thought but instinct, yet wanting one particular individual sure sounds like a thought, not an instinct. The whole point of the vortex was it was trying to pull the ship in, yet when the ship voluntarily flies in, absolutely nothing happens.

This flaw is so bad that the script even acknowledges it, having Picard muse at the end about how the whole thing doesn't make any sense. But having the characters acknowledge this flaw doesn't make it any less of a flaw.

At the end of my recent viewing of the episode, I was thinking to myself that the whole thing might have made sense if it was some kind of test by Q. Well, it turns out I was right! Apparently, this episode was originally intended to be a two-parter featuring Q. It's a pity they didn't follow through with that idea.
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Picard Shot First
anarchistica24 March 2020
Throughout the series Picard experiences many traumatic events. This episode contains one of the worst ones. While nothing is ever explained and the whole "opposite day" thing is rather silly, Time Squared is creepy and disturbing, and it keeps you engaged. The episodes involving time travel are generally pretty decent and this one gets a pass as well.
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Captain Picard is beside himself.
planktonrules14 November 2014
This was a terrible episode of "Star Trek: The Next Generation". It was stagy, excessively cerebral and really didn't make a lot of sense. While the Enterprise is out on routine maneuvers, they come upon something VERY startling--a shuttlecraft floating in space. More startling is that it is from the Enterprise...yet they're not missing one. Most startling is that the passenger is the Captain...yet Picard is ALSO on the bridge!! This make no sense at all and eventually Geordi comes to realize that the Captain they just found is from six hours in the future! Although they have a lot of questions, the guy they discovered isn't able to answer, as he's out of phase, time-wise.

Does any of what I just said make sense? Well, no...but even less satisfying is the ending where Picard just KNOWS what to do even though there was really no indication what he SHOULD do and then, everything ends just fine. HUH!?! What did I just see?! A confusing and not at all interesting episode to day the least.
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Jean-Luc Picoward
chris-j-chuba24 January 2021
The writers intended this to be a 'Jean-Luc explores his shortcomings' episode but that was only about 8 minutes of material so they wrapped it around 40 minutes of a poorly executed time travel story. The flaws are torturous to watch. 1. Why does time travel reverse polarity, turn simulants into sedatives, sedatives into stimulants, ... 2. Writers struggled to pad episode, crew looking at each other trying to figure out who he was as if they never heard of time travel before when it's taught at Starfleet Academy. 3. The other Picard offers NO entertainment value as he spends 99% of his time incapacitated (necessary for story line), just warning you not to look forward to any interesting dialogue on that front.

I am claiming no spoilers because I am not divulging the rather underwhelming, climatic ending. Remember the point was for Picard to learn something about himself in one brief conversation with Riker.
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A frustrating bunch of nonsense
MiraTheOwl3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's one thing for me to suspend my disbelief when it comes to the many questions about details of a story as opaque as this, such as how Captain Picard travels back in time, what the vortex is, why it wants to capture the Enterprise and how the Enterprise escapes it in the end, but for me to suspend my disbelief on the irrational actions of the characters on top of that is just asking too much. The notion that the ship is caught in an inescapable time loop turns out to be (mostly) correct but is pulled completely out of thin air by the crew, as is Picard's idea that changing any detail of the events previously unfolded will lead to escape; even then that doesn't explain why he thinks letting alt-Picard leave would doom the ship, and EVEN THEN, killing his double in cold blood is not only needlessly drastic but also just cruel and plain un-Picard-like. The concept of trying to escape from a time loop was later revisited with way better execution in the season 5 episode Cause And Effect, so this episode might as well be obsolete as far as I'm concerned.
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A Senior Trekker writes.................
celineduchain3 January 2022
The Second Season of Star Trek the Next Generation has often been downplayed due to multiple production and writing staff problems, and several major cast changes. Although of mixed quality, it does contain some outstanding and brilliant episodes. Senior Trekker is extremely grateful to all those people who worked so hard under difficult circumstances to keep it on our screens.

This episode starts with Will Riker giving a cooking demonstration to a couple of colleagues and goes downhill from there onwards.

An unconscious future-Picard is discovered aboard a shuttle craft and its logs show that he escaped an event six hours into the future where the Enterprise was destroyed with all hands. Lots of talky-talk about how this event can be averted follows. When future-Picard is revived, we are treated to quite a bit of sizzling dialogue between the two versions of the Captain and eventually the problem is resolved and everyone goes back to their cookery classes. It sure felt like longer than six hours to me so its just as well.............

..................Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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You would think 2 Picard's would be a great thing.
amusinghandle12 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This gets a 7.5 out of 10? Really?

In this episode of star trek, Captain Picard kills Captain Picard from 6 hours previous from another time or universe or something I guess? Our jean luc was pretty confident that the correct course of action was to fly direct into the vortex hence killing himself ---- golly, wouldn't you know that it was the correct decision.

Some reviewers have praised Patrick Stewart's performance in this episode ---- He was fine. I'm not exactly mesmerized by this stirring material.

Spice this episode up a bit. Have a desperate '6 hour earlier' Picard battle or attempt to convince the crew he is right and add some drama to this episode.

This had ambition but it never came to full fruition.
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Full of Wasted Potential
HiFive78915 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Rewatched on: August 31, 2023 Reviewed on: October 15, 2023

The episode never does anything with its concept. We never get to know what led Future Picard to do all this. And he spends most of the episode sleeping anyway, and when he finally awakes, our Picard shoots him. Tries to be interesting, but it's mostly running in place for most of the episode. It wastes its concept by never giving us the required info or answering the questions we ask. Cause and Effect did this timeloop thing better, even when I have my own problems with that episode. It isn't necessarily boring or handles its characters exceptionally bad, but I never really enjoyed this one. 3/10 might be a little harsh though, but I'm sticking with that until I rewatch it again.
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A Senior Nerd writes.................
Sean_Biggins4 December 2023
I used to watch TNG a lot when it first came out, but a lot of the earlier ones were really disappointing and this was one of them.

When you find yourself able to figure out what's going on before any of the crew does, then you know it's going to be bad.

I knew right away when they were trying to start up the shuttle that they should reverse the polarity of the power, you know, the old - for + battery terminal switcharoo? But even Jordy and data had a tough time figuring that out? Come on -- gimme a break.

From there, the episode literally spirals into a black hole.

Oh yeah, and this one had the previous doctor, Diana Muldaur who I think she was not well suited to TNG, being as polite as I can. I found her and the actress who played Natasha Yar to be very weak elements of this show. The Deana Troy character can be pretty annoying and whiny too sometimes.

I wouldn't watch this one again if it came on, and I've re-watched most of the old original Star Trek series episodes a million times so that should tell you something.
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