The Gold Bracelet (2006) Poster

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Every other review was a fake
colin-cornholeius11 August 2007
Clearly everyone who reviewed this on IMDb secretly was in this film or they were retarded. Never before have I seen such sorry acting coupled with remedial symbolism. I give this 2 out of 10 only because Angela Little is hot (and unfortunately underused). The writing is sub par at best and the corny jokes emphasize this. Yes, thats right. I said "corny." A term that I haven't uttered since I was 8 or 9 years old as that is what this film deserves. The horrible acting runs rampant throughout this craptastic pseudo-emotional adventure. Clearly writer/ director/star/producer/composer/kindergarten cop/jingler all the way, Kavi Raz is in love with himself as he cheapens what could be good be a great character with a creepy and unnecessary sexual overtone. However his effort is not to be beaten by emotional and comedic dynamo Arsh Singh, who should retire from acting now before he stars in The Gold Bracelet 2: Back in the Habit. Mehr Hassan is a true master of over acting. She is a true triple threat. Bad actress, bad dancer, and I'm sure she does something else bad that we are not exposed to. Ari Barak has easily captured the worst Muslim accent possible, which offended me and I'm a white guy from middle America. Joseph Whipp who plays the potentially racist neighbor who everyone really knows isn't racist is possibly the best actor in this film, until he opens his mouth. He misreads the Bible and pounds malt liquor as if its his job. But alas the greatest part of this film, outside of Kavi Raz oozing sexuality out of every pore, has to be Grade A Superstar Sonny Mandal. His ability to channel Keanu Reeves' acting ability from Johnny Mneumonic is only overshadowed by his inability to grow sideburns. The toupee look mixed with possibly the worst line reading ever conceived is a feast for the eyes and ears. I would recommend seeing this film if you really want good laugh or to see how NOT to make a film. Also this film does have a moral. Be tolerant of all races, yet don't allow your children to date or god forbid marry another race. Then when you die, your son should date a white girl just to spite you.
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The next 'CRASH'
preciousmeddle10 April 2006
I saw this at the 2006 Method Fest Film Festival in LA. Superb acting and original story - about an Indian family in America and how they must make choices after September 11th. Musical scenes and a heart-warming (tear jerking) love stories combined with the realities of prejudice are hauntingly real. The audience loved the film - both comic and dramatic. A lot of people said this should be required viewing - I agree. The directing and cinematography was easy to watch. The music was so cool - the audience was so into it - I imagine all audiences will react the same. There are so many good things to say about the film and the message is so necessary - it just needs to be heard. Maybe it can help change things. Peace.
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The difference between indie classic and expensive look-a-likes | they can't teach THIS in schools
sonny-9121 November 2006
I heard about this a few months ago when a friend went to see it at Opening the Jacksonville Film Festival in May this year. I saw it in Canada of all places while on vacation. My friend told me that one of the lead actors (Sonny Mandal) was auctioned off in a win-a-date contest. Lucky guy. My girlfriend says it's the other way around. But I thought his acting and the man who plays Arjun (he's the director) and the one who plays the Mom were awesome. The neighbor played by Joseph Whipp was was very real. Some of the best moments in the film come from the acting of Sonny and Kavi with moments of silence and their reactions. Very good work and nice overall t-for the rest of the cast. The story is original. I know there's some films that are going to be similar, but this has it all in a way because you get the flavor of music, fashion, and food combined with the exotic and then they add the family, love, and some disturbing images ( Isay this because the film depicts what happened after 9/11 to so many innocent Americans). Wonderful film if you want to experience a whole new world that's right her in America and most places, really. Three Thumbs Way Up! (I hope I can say that).
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This is all so true to what happened
jackiem487923 November 2006
Oh my God. My friend's family was threatened and her brother got bullied and pushed around at school cause of the way he looks. It's so mean what happens. It was all over the news here in NYC when an old man got beat up with bats on his way home in Queens. I don't what the heck is wrong with all these people. They need to see this. My friend (hi Priti!) told me about it cause here cousins were extras in the movie,but you cant see them. I saw it in Connecticut at the film festival. I don't think anyone was not crying or laughing. I mean, I know most people think people from India are funny to listen to and funny to look at. That's not true if you see this movie. Cause there's hot guy singing and dancing and he's in love with this girl at school and the actors like the father and mother are funny, but it's not fake. It seems real to me cause I have friends who are Indian and I go to their house and see what it's like. When terrorists hit NY I was so scared and this is a movie that helps to keep positive and everything in perspective. I'd see it again if it was in the theater.
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My third attempt to post word about such an awesome movie
dvdeeva22 November 2006
This is such a good movie. I can't believe people don't know about it yet and that it's not in theaters. Why? Anyway, I saw this over the weekend and Gurinder Chadha, director of movies like 'Bend It Like Beckham' and 'Bride & Prejudice' presented some award to the director of 'Bracelet'. I met the director briefly and one of the film's actors - Sonny Mandal (so gorgeous). What I loved so much about the movie was that it was so simple. I mean it was easy to watch and relate to characters who I normally never paid attention to in real life. I just never realized that there are so many people and places that I have just not paid any attention to. I think movies like this will change that for most people. The best - really. It will be one of the best films you ever see. The acting is amazing. I've never seen Kavi Raz or Sonny Mandal before, except on a TV maybe, but they are so good to watch. The one who plays the neighbor and the mom are are real good, too. I mean the whole cast is great.
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This is a wonderful film - it's like the golden age of Hollywood with a new twist and high stakes
jngeda23 November 2006
Like some of the others who made comments about the movie, I also saw it with my Dad and this was the first time I saw him crying (I hope he doesn't read this). There are a bunch of funny moments in the film, too. It tells the story of a family that lives in America who are from India. It takes place just before and right after September 11, 2001. I can't believe I did not hear about all the horrible things that happened after. I guess it because there was so many other things gong on. But this was so moving and the music was definitely hot. It was Indian music and some one song had a hip-hop remix. The guy who sang the song is so cute! My dad was blown away by it. I'm pretty close to my dad, but this is the kind of film that brings you together even more. Thank you to the director and the cast for such a cool movie. I didn't get to talk to the director, but my dad met him and got his autograph and I got one with the cute guy. I think more people should know about what happened to this family so they can understand how important it is not to judge people on their looks and try to see how they can work together in life.
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Uniquely refreshing and scary - the emotion of House of Sand and Fog meets the bold values of In America (?) (with Djimon Honsou?)
jumphumpme20 November 2006
What a movie. It's so moving. I didn't know what things were like for so many people since 9/11 (and even before). By the way, the guy who played Bobby Dillon is gorgeous. Yummy. And he can dance. He's got the coolest walk. Purrrrrrrr... Anyway, this is all about living in America and having to deal with racism and ignorance. It won an award when I saw it. i think people will want to see this once they hear about it. I thought it was going to be about a certain ethnic group, but it's really not about that at all. It's got this patriotism, musicality, and truth about it that's kinda weird cause when you watch it, you feel like you know everyone and that you were with all these people. It get tragic, but it so beautifully done. The acting was outstanding by the guys who play Arjin and Bobby and the one who played the mom. Overall, the whole cast was really good.
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Got to see this to know who you really are
kiragirl859423 November 2006
Whoa! Did this really happen? If so, how and why could this be allowed. What an amazing movie. I never knew there was a difference between Indians and Middle-Eastern people. I never knew there was difference in religions and languages and that people from India are actually Asian and they have always been the peaceful warriors of the whole region. This is what they show in the film when these people are faced with racism and violence after September 11th. Gotta see it know how original this story is and the performances were outstanding. If you never cry in a film, this will make it happen. If you like Indian food and music and fashion, you have to see this and the whole feel of the movie is truly different than anything I've seen.
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I want to be an actor after seeing this
stacercar8523 November 2006
If a movie can make you think about becoming a better person, how could not love it (or hate it, depending on what kind of person you are). Without any doubt, this is going to make me a better person. There were two slow moments in the film at the first part, but they are so short. I didn't recognize any of the actors, but they were so good, so it didn'tmatter. Everything was so nice in the movie. The colors, music, etc. I think stories about immigrants in America are so underrated. When movies like this come out they seem to go over really well. But I'm guilty of the ignorance as well. If you think about it, we all came from somewhere else somewhere down the line. So immigrants come here with a dream too. The movie made me think about all the other films that deal with the subject, but the difference is that this is about what happens to Americans (good or bad) when a national crisis arises. So many tragic things happen. This movie is about hope. I saw Will Smith talk about it on the Oprah Winfrey Show yesterday and that is something he talked about. To be able to give hope through his work. He said that when you lose everything or don't have anything, all you have and all you really need is HOPE. I loved it (the movie). And I want to see Pursuit of Happiness. But go so the Gold Bracelet - you won't be disappointed.
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Playboy model is nice addition
mister879523 November 2006
My girlfriend wanted to see this, but i didn't. She was right cause recognized a Playboy Playmate in the film. Anyway, the film was actually really good. It's movie you take a date to, but it's not really your typical date movie. I mean, it's pretty moving and also disturbing sometimes, but there's great looking cast (my girlfriend loved the college boy who was the boyfriend to the the lead actress) I loved all the women. There are so many people always talking about the terrorist attacks and the only real good films were the biggest ones. But this movie, is unique in that it focuses on what happened to one family and I think they represent a lot of us. I'm not Indian, but what happens to this family in the story can really happen and does happen to a lot of people even before 9/11. I saw CRASH. I know people say this is what CRASH should have done, but these are two different movies. Both approach the same subject. This is a true indie project with real life grit, but it looks like they spent at least a few million to make it. CRASH had big time stars in it. I don't know what's considered indie and what's played off to be one, but this movie is one for sure and I think they did a fantastic job. I'd like to know how people can be so ignorant about comparing Indians from Asia to terrorists from the middle-east. Everything about them is different - even the reasons why Indians wear turbans (and not all or most do) and why those in the middle-east wear them.
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Amazing Film
sunny123456789126 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this film a while ago and it is absolutely amazing. I'm surprised to see that this film has not hit major theaters. What is going on with distribution. I strongly suggest every individual watch this film, not only does it portray a positive message but the performances are breathtaking. The writer did an amazing job and the performances of all four of the family members are breathtaking. Some key scenes take place between the father, and son (and I repeat myself by saying, phenomenal work) and of course with the mother and daughter who have portrayed very effective characters. I hope to see this film in theaters soon, this message should be shared all across America.
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Why is this not out yet...really...I'm trying to figure out the movie biz
janicecantsing8 December 2006
There's a lot of great comments about this film, but I have to say I'm wondering how the movie biz works. I'm mean, I've seen great films but sometimes it seems like they come out like 1-3 yrs after I see them at the festivals. I'm a business major and I've got a second major in film production/marketing. So this is still new to me. I saw the film in Jacksonville, Fla with my parents and girlfriend while on break from school. I have to say, I was pretty blown away. I didn't know any of the actors and I didn't hear too much about the story until I started at NYU, but I talked to some friends when I got back. I told them to go see the film once it came to NYC for a special screening at a fest over here in September. Now these guys are all film majors and English lit guys. They all seemed to dig it too. I noticed the hottie from Playboy, Angela Little. Nice, babeeeeee. My girlfriend lost her mind when she saw one of the actors in the film and got a pic with him. They had a contest to win a date with him (Sonny Mandal). Even though I didn't know who he was and I don't think anyone else did either, but there was a ton of women who wanted to win the date, one of them being my girlfriend. Hey, what the heck! OK, this sounds like a blog now. Sorry. So here's my take on the film - acting: not too bad at all considering I never heard of any of these guys, but they were good to watch (as they say), story/plot/drama stuff: I guess it could get pretty emotional, but the story was allegedly based on true events and the intense moments were nicely broken up by some funny moments too, characters: pretty believable, especially the guy playing Arjun and the one playing Bobby. There's a scene with the neighbor and he's real good too. Anyway, I'm not sure why it is not a film that is out there already. It's a 9/11 film with a wedding, tragedy, comic stuff (not corny - thank God), and intense life drama. It's not Shakespeare, but it's got all the elements (almost). Best to these guys. Good work. See it if you can.
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