Glass Trap (2005) Poster


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Almost painful to watch
jaymanc10 August 2005
to start this off i should say, that i thought "attack of the killer tomatoes" was the worst movie of all time, and it barely stood a chance with this movie. on a whim i rented this flick after seeing a preview at a local video store. didn't remember anything about ants from the preview but the box is very misleading about an experiment gone wrong...

a few poor saps who happen to be working the weekend are the victims or possibly the perpetrators, not only of the ants but of a horrible script, bad acting, and an even worse plot. to start off i like to pysch myself up by watching the preview(s) on the DVD. however, with the exception of a billy bob thorton trailer all were (straight to video) releases ill be missing. the cheese factor alone makes me think a DEJ PRODUCTION label is synonymous with CRAP! but i gave it a shot, sadly i wish i could get my 90 mins back but to no avail. to add insult to injury they didn't even offer English subtitles....Spanish ONLY...i mean come on.

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Predictable Cheesy Horror Fick. But Could Be Worse
jbartelone26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
There's nothing special or significant about Glass Trap that hasn't been done about a thousand times before in these types of B-grade Sci-Fi movies. A large metropolitan office building is gradually overcome by gigantic radioactive ants who trap the helpless maintenance workers and office staff. Things get really bizarre when a SWAT team is called in to blow up the over-sized bugs. The project seems to play out like a funny RAID bug-spray commercial from the 70's! However, the corny situations and stupid dialog make this movie mildly entertaining. I am a fan of B-grade movies that bring back 1950's-1960's low budget special effects. Glass Trap makes an honest effort at doing that. It's not a good film by any means, and certainly the talented Stella Stevens is completely wasted in this. You will recognize some actors such as C. Thomas Howell as the janitor, and Martin Kove as a law enforcement official. Howell, best known for his role in The Hitcher, and for Kove, playing the sadistic karate school instructor in The Karate Kid.

There is just enough amusement in Glass Trap to keep it from being a bomb. The pacing is faster than you might expect. One mild spoiler, is that I thought the photo shoot scenes were completely stupid and unnecessary. As another reviewer commented, it appears that these scenes were almost part of another movie, because they didn't fit at all! With the acting as bad as it is in this film, viewers might just want to cheer for the ants! Go into this film with the mindset of it being a B-grade horror flick and you'll find it an acceptable late late show movie. However, Glass Trap is certainly nothing more than that.
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I tried, but I just can't get into this movie
Phillemos12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've "watched" this movie twice on SciFi Channel now. Both times I end up getting some badly needed household chores done around the condo, because this movie just doesn't hold your interest. It sounds like a compelling enough premise: genetically altered ants are transported into a city skyscraper and terrorize some unfortunate souls who got roped into weekend duty in the building's offices/lobby. It's just a very slow, suspense-less movie. And if it's going to be slow and suspense-less, you need interesting characters. These characters are as dull and lifeless as the movie. There aren't even any hot actresses (one of them is reasonably attractive). Finally, you can't even say this is a 2004 homage to the '50s cult classic "Them," because the ants are actually not really that big (about the size of a medium-sized dog). And since you never see more than three of them at a time, and they show no evidence of spitting poison or some other otherworldly power, you just feel like everyone in the movie ought to be able to beat the s*** out of these ants anyway and just go home.
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1 out of 10 people prefer this movie to shock therapy
krywolff2 August 2005
This movie was so terrible it was amusing. I understand it is just a low budget B movie but I swear there were so many indiscretions that could have been avoided that made it very frustrating to watch.

My favorite part was when someone BURNS A CD on $30 DVD player that they pretend is part of a computer. I know, I have the exact DVD model.

The characters aren't consistent with their personalities. I enjoy stupid movies, but this one was more than I could handle because it was simply bad. B movies have the excuse of having a low budget, but in this case, I think if they had 20 Million dollars and the same help and talent, they couldn't have done any better because they aren't capable.

On a final note, I'm not sure how, but movies from this DEJ company have been on high order at my local Blockbuster. There were a couple actual blockbuster mainstream movies recently, where they don't keep many in stock. Then these "C. Thomas" movies come out and they keep 20 of them in stock. So don't be fooled by the "War of the Worlds" in your movie store right now, it's a B movie, not Tom Cruise.
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Very very bad bug flick.. what can I say
cujo29 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
lets start with the good point of this movie. The idea behind it .

People in a skyscraper are besieged, chased , eaten by giant ants. Any fan of monster movies ought to get sweaty palm right now and has to brace him or herself not to run to the nearest videostore. But wait.. there is a catch:

Lets start with the begin credits.. an unknown movie company and our friends from the Unified Film Organisation.. UFO for short, known for countless crappy movies and a couple of nice ones.

And then.. yeah the movie starts.

Stuff to watch for, cry about or laugh your ass off for.. depending on your mindset

  • POV shot of the ants attacking - All killings off screen?? Mmhhh - Scarsely dressed models "You might remember her from a vogue cover" yeah sure, don't you mean an adult movie. - The janitor with a past - Mr Howell- gets hit over the head with a wooden duck - Did all those ants the size of a mid sized dog hide in those pesky little plants -

  • idiot sheriff ( who knows in what crap he ventured and has all the laughs with his lines) a female agent from the agriculture department (??) She was in the FBI but made a career change because she faints when seeing a corpse.. not kidding.

A guy that wants to steal company info leaves his overweight crap acting daughter alone in the car. With a present.. an Aiwa radio with heavy metal music but takes the keys. - the lights go out.. so do the elevators which doesn't stop the janitor for trying to use them..and why should he, the company info stealing guy also used the elevators when the lights where flickering.. gets stuck and attacked by a plastic non moving ant.

-The ants come.. about the size of a mid sized dog.. a lot of them.. how did they hide in those small plants.

The assistant of the nasty editor has to make coffee but drops a sugar lump into a sewer thingy on the floor.. an ant crawls out and gets beaten to death by the nasty editor which leads to an instant classic piece of dialog " Ants cant get that big "well no one told him that" and she walks away business as usual.. however our ants are crawling through the hallways.

* Ants side note: imagine a 5 year old drawing an ant.. yup you have got it.. they look more plastic that a toy.

Sigh.. chase scenes.. the ants don't like heavy metal and the overweight daughter scares them off with dead metal music.

* reread the above sentence and ponder about it for a moment*

The moronic janitor with a past, the bitchy editor and the assistant try to make it to the roof ( reason: - as explained by the janitor "those ants see this as an ant farm so they will dwell on the lower levels.. we need to make it to the roof" My mouth fell open when hearing this. This building has a roof access that can only be reached by using the air vents (???).. just take a guess what happens..

They make it to the roof although the bitchy editor gets attacked and taken away ( "I was chairman of the Beverly hills gun club, of course I can use a gun" . they found the gun because our moronic janitor who is also a psychic broke into a desk in the office where he was hit over the head with the wooden duck..?????

They make it to the roof.. insert the "vogue" MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA models and their photographer. Thank god they can escape because there is a cable between this and the nearby skyscraper (???? we don't have skyscrapers in my country but this seems somewhat.. far-fetched??)

Most of them escape however the company info stealing dude pulls a gun to skip the queue - I don't blame him- an ant follows him , he pulls the gun - magic gun because it went from the eaten editor to him??- and fails to shoot the ant but does shoot the cable - did I say the ants were as big as mid sized dogs, good shooting-

He plummets to his death and the janitor and some others are trapped in the ant building.

In the meanwhile back to the garden thingy. The agriculture agent finds the slime on some plants and she yells something into a walkie talkie. Swat guys - and a girl- pop out and the sheriff has its gun taken away. And there is a revelation: the fainting when seeing a dead body female agent is a member of a secret department of agriculture that is so secret even the president doesn't know about it and she is following a lead that has a terrorist ship that had plutonium aboard. The plutonium leaked on the plants causing everything in the plants to grow.

Oke.. if you are still with me, pause and reread the above sentence.

there we go for the final part. The secret department of agriculture ( SDOA??) follows the trail to the building where the plants were delivered.. Intro Martin I will really humiliate myself for a scrap of food Kove.. shoots his next in command about 15 times because his colleague is attacked by a plastic ant that basically sits on his shoulder.. like a parrot. Good shooting Martin.

And you wont believe it but then I fell asleep..thank god for that.

If you aren't drunk avoid all all costs.
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Big bugs
Dr. Gore13 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers

A bunch of people end up in a big skyscraper with a lot of giant ants. It's a Glass Trap. The ants are highly radioactive. This makes them cranky. They decide to attack anything that moves. The Dept. of Agriculture attempts to solve the bug problem by whipping out some SWAT team action on them. Swat? Get it? Swat the bugs? Pretty clever eh? I didn't even know the Dept of Agriculture had armed personnel. They're so secret "even the president doesn't know about them". They will attempt to kill the infestation as the people inside try to hold on and escape.

"Glass Trap" is a bad title for a pretty entertaining B-movie. I had no idea what this movie was about until I read the back of the video box. Deciding whether to rent a B-movie shouldn't have taken that long. You should know whether you want to see the movie the second you hear the title. I would have named the flick "Giant Rampaging Ants". It has a good ring to it.

Anyway, I enjoyed "Glass Trap". Saying this movie is low budget is an understatement. Rubber ants, the size of a pug dog, charge after people and I was cheering. I'm glad this flick relied more on creature effects than CGI. It was fun watching the actors get pounced on by the rubber beasties. My favorite scene had a guy alone in an elevator getting into a wrestling match with the rubber ant. The ant sneaks up on him and pounces on his back. They're clever that way. The radioactivity made them more devious and stealth-like. How else to explain how a giant ant can sneak up on somebody in a tiny elevator?

If you like creature features and low budget wackiness, you'll get into "Glass Trap". Ants attack, women scream, and blood splatters. I had a good time.
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Glass Trap isn't worth your time.
micahmatt13 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I viewed this film and was shocked by how utterly horrible it was. I knew it was a B movie, but this was below even that. The special effects were terrible.

The DVD jacket looked really good. It looked professional. That was the first impression that this film was worth seeing. Don't let the jacket fool you. This film isn't even worth picking up.

The movie started out the way every B movie would, but I had good expectations for this film. The story was good at first, showing a plantation owner looking for his workers. The film got even better, when they showed a gory picked-to-the-bone skeleton. I thought, "this is going to be good!" But my anticipation shrank when the first shot of the menacing critters flashed to my television screen. The large ants were very obviously plastic, and were being controlled by a human arm. I expected some CG effects to be completely honest. The movement of the ants reminded me immediately of Kermit the Frog. The gore was poor in quality. Usually, in a horror flick, you expect to see a good amount of blood, but in this film there were splatters. They were quite small and weren't very convincing. And the gory bodies left around from the ants were the same prop, used in different scenes. It became quite repetitive very quickly.

The acting was poor. It seemed the actors were hired off the street. But, what can I say. Most B movies have poor acting. But, this was one to remember. These people see these giant ants coming up the stairs, and all they have to say is. "That's a big ant!" It should have been a terrified scream. The acting was almost deliberately terrible.

Overall, this film was very poor. Most 1950's horror flicks packed more of a punch than this film. Glass Trap was painful to watch. If you want to see a good movie, Glass Trap isn't the way to go.
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Who do you call? You call maintenance!
krorie27 June 2006
Don't expect "Them," and you won't be disappointed. Take it as the SciFi Channel intended it to be, a lighthearted, escapist giant ant made-for-TV flick with funny lines strewn throughout, and you'll be entertained for ninety minutes. Listen for the humor in the script delivered knowingly by such veteran Thespians as Andrew Prine and Stella Stevens, who is still gorgeous after all these years. While C. Thomas Howell is no longer the teen heart throb of yesterday (my daughter when a teen in the 80's had a huge, sexy photo of Howell draping her closet door), he is still a competent actor. The entire cast shines with no one actually taking his/her part too seriously.

The special effects are bargain basement, which used to be understandable when the producers were low on funds and special effects were so expensive. But today with computer-generated imagery (CGI) the viewer expects more, even from budget films. The giant ants look like cheap plastic models which is probably what they are.

The direction is not bad coming from one who moonlights as a wrestler with the moniker "Fabulous" Freddie Valentine. And the script, with lines such as,"She's found Charlie!" when the USDA lady stumbles on the bloody bones of a greenhouse worker, is often witty and clever. The camera work is at times dazzling, especially toward the end of the film when viewers are treated to a view of Lulu and Mila (Ana Alexander and Diana Kauffman respectively) shimmying across a wire exposing their thong-clad derrières.

The story is predictable and trite about mutant ants, puffed up by radiation, running amok in a high rise office building in beautiful downtown Burbank (or some such locale), hence the title,"The Glass Trap," terrorizing several intended victims trapped for various reasons inside on a Saturday. As with most "people trapped inside a building on Saturday" movies, each one has unfulfilled dreams and ambitions. There is always at least one who has a hidden past. This time it's the janitor, Curtis (C. Thomas Howell). Just as the humongous bloodthirsty ants attack, dripping formic acid all over the place, those desperately escaping up a shaft ladder to the roof pause for Curtis to explain to everyone why he has a rap sheet. Sorry, I won't give away that part of the movie.
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Terrible graphics
tinfinitenumber12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The ants looked incredibly stupid and strange. the acting was terrible as well. You'd think that they'd shut down the bomb i mean why does that guy not care about those people? seriously. and why did the ants have to be black? wouldn't it have been cooler if they were red or golden? or something like that? and that one guy the sheriff one. he had practically no lines and apparently tragically he was born without a personality. if i were you i would definitely avoid this movie unless you're looking for a stupid action movie to laugh at. and why on earth is it called glass trap? and where was the queen ant anyway? how could the ants have laid all of those eggs? scientifically incorrect.
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Freaks of nature attack.
michaelRokeefe21 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Somebody took the money and ran. C. Thomas Howell, Stella Stevens, Martin Kove and Andrew Pine put forth a minute portion of their abilities and compete with what looks like blow-up plastic ants the size of a house cat. Of course, an experiment goes wrong and giant genetically-engineered ants become out of control in search of human flesh. A small group of folks happen to be in a skyscraper on a Saturday afternoon and become the prey of these overgrown blood-thirsty insects. Howell tries to play so laid-back its pathetic. And Miss Stevens, the once sexy knockout...becomes stuffy and guilty of bad over-acting. Here is another case of the DVD package being more interesting than the movie.
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what to comment, but a lousy movie
SirEmu9 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This would be an amazing film in the -50's But nowadays, this is one heck of a bad movie. Like , OK, there are Huge Human eating Ants, and the people in the movie just say, OK, that is a big ant, and they don't get upset as they or I should be if i was in a situation like that. Its like i see a tree that falls down, and i "ooooohhhh" a tree just fell down due to it was old and dead. Emotions in this film is blown away. and when the ""SWAT"" team arrives, a full 4-5 people command line arrives to the place where the ants are bugging people, they simply comes up with the idea to Blow the skyscrape up... Like if 4 people had that power to do so.. Don't go see this movie, unless you are 90+ years of age and haven't seen a film in 50 years.

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Oh man, this movie rules!!!!
asinyne4 July 2013
You got to see it to believe it. What a cool flick this is. I got a huge kick out of it. Its damned funny...The ants are freaking hilarious and Stella Stevens is a hoot. Find a copy of this will never regret it man. Some of the jokes are so bad you will laugh even louder than if they were good. Especially the one about the duck. This is what all movie makers should aim for...genius without logic. No one normal would think of making this movie. Its genius I tell you. Run, don't walk and seek out this chalice of cinema wonderfulness immediately. It will cure you of many ills, including bad breath.

OK, after a second viewing, I recommend this even more. C Thomas HOwell is an acting marvel. His portrayal of a janitor is dead on. Hope he works his way up to master janitor someday!!!
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Not bad, but nothing special
slayrrr6666 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"The Glass Trap" is an okay creature feature.


The Waldman Apartment Building is getting ready for the holidays, and the newest client, Joan Hightower, (Stella Stevens) and her assistant Sharon, (Siri Baruc) are checking in, making everyone on their toes. When it's discovered that there's been some illegally transported into the apartment. Weird occurrences start happening all over the building, prompting janitor Curtis, (C. Thomas Howell) decides to investigate. He finds most of the tenants missing and no one knows why, even though he knows something is wrong. Rounding up the guests and trying to find what is going on in the building, they find that giant ants have invaded and slowly picking them off one by one.

The Good News: This had some parts that weren't all that bad. There are some moments of actual suspense in the film. The car attack in the garage is the main one, and is one of the main scenes in the film. A high-top escape over city streets is perhaps the highlight, as it actually goes for some spectacle to add to the suspense. The final resolution is one of the best parts of the movie, and it really makes you care about what happens to what happens. The fact is, the film has one of the best throwback films ever. There is a spirit and tone evident in the film that captures the giant monster films of the part. The film starts off fast, with the invasion coming in quite quickly and it never really has time to slow down for much of anything. The rapid pace is mostly the film's greatest strength, as everything pretty much happens right after something else, so it can become a continuous rush as it goes along.

The Bad News: The fact is, most of the film's weakness is it's over-abundant and totally unnecessary CGI work. The ants look totally cheesy and fake, and when they use puppets, they fare little better. You can at least tell that there's a physical object there, but it still looks really fake and at all convincing in either format. They look accurate, but not realistic. It's not really the budget's fault, but it's still a problem to get over. Also, there are a few parts that don't really make much sense. It's well known that ants are one of the strongest creatures on the planet, yet they are routinely kept out of places by doors or other blocking devices that they should easily pull out, considering that their size would give them even more strength. A slowly closing door is able to keep them out, and they can't yank the door open at all. A creature that size would be able to rip the door off it's hinges and part of the wall as well, and a couple characters are able to fend off the ants inside a locked car. Another perfect example is using a stereo to keep the ants at bay. The fact that they don't hear is mentioned several times in the scene, an yet it's not laid down on the ground but held up in the air. It's just a small collection of scenes that show the stupidity of the scenes in the film.

The Final Verdict: Not all that bad, but still needs a lot of work to really be of upper-tier of monster flicks. It's got an old-school quality to it, but might lack in appealing to newer creature feature fans. Worthy of a look, at the least, but keep expectations low.

Rated PG-13: Violence and brief Language
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The only reason to see this movie is Siri Baruc
eah514 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of monster movies, and sci-fi in general. That being said, the only reason to see this movie is Siri Baruc. She is easy on the eyes and brings some energy to her part. She does the best she can with such a lousy script. Stella Stevens steals every scene she is in, thanks to her own initiative I'm sure. She should work more often. I give C. Thomas Howell an OK as the heroic male lead with the troubled past.

The rest of the cast are more like generic stereotypes of characters, than actual people. Some of them have laughable moments, but you are never sure if the humor is intentional or due to ineptness on part of the production team.

It's a toss-up as to which is worse, the script or the direction. The props and effects aren't very realistic, which is OK as I wasn't expecting much from them given all the other issues with this film.

I got the feeling that they didn't even have permission to be in this building and just found one that was unlocked on some holiday weekend when most everyone was out of town.

The whole "photo shoot" subplot felt like footage from a different movie, and could have been until a few scenes near the end. All the other scenes could've been filmed at any shopping center in the US or Canada.

FYI: For those of you with a high heel fetish, you'll like this movie for the numerous close ups of women's high heels and several references to them during the movie. Siri and Stella at their best.

I could break down individual scenes and what was wrong with them, but I just don't have the strength.

I feel embarrassed to know this much about this movie. If I wasn't a fan of Siri's work, I'm sure that one viewing would've been enough.

Watch it if you like campy sci-fi and cheesy monster movies, as I do. Skip this movie if you are a realist, have a strong attention to detail or get annoyed easily.
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Glass Ant
BandSAboutMovies27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not enough to be a skyscraper in danger movie or an ants go berserk movie.

This is radioactive ants gone mad inside a skyscraper movie.

Fred Olen Ray has somehow talked C. Thomas Howell, Andrew Prine, Stella Stevens and Martin Kove, as well as several of his regulars and some newcomers to be in a movie where they crawl through air ducts and avoid ants the size of my chihuahua.

So yes, it's also Die Hard with some Empire of the Ants.

Is it a coincidence that Huff's character is a tech thief with a teenage daughter, which is pretty much Ant-Man, in a movie about ants?

The ants were made this way thanks to smuggled Iraqui plutonium and I wonder if some of that same radioactive material once sent a boy thirty years back in time. Are all movies in the same universe?

I wonder how badly Ray wanted to make the rooftop lingerie photoshoot somewhat sleazier.

I just wonder, are people looking for giant ant or disaster movies? Or was this shot in the office building that Ray once had that also may or may not have had entire families living apartment style in some of the offices? If you have the location, you're already saving money.

I wonder if Stella Stevens said anything like, "You know, when I did The Poseidon Adventure..."
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Miguel gets dispatched in the opening credits
Bernie44447 March 2024
Talk about "bee" movies o.k. "Ant" or less. This may be a yum-yum eat-em-up movie but they packed it with a lot of snots so you feel sorry for the eaters and not the eaties.


The film is rather antiquated even for 2005.

However, there are some shocking scenes.

Sometimes this film is compared to the movie Them! (1954); they had taller-ants. Or Empire of the Ants (1977), where Joan Collins may get eaten.

This is also an advertisement for ant chow. You get to kibitz and say do not stick your head in the plants.

The ants should get an Ant-trophy for best actors.

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Another poor 'Creature Feature'.
poolandrews12 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Glass Trap is set in Los Angeles where Curtis (C. Thomas Howell) works as a cleaner in the posh upmarket Waldman Building where various offices are housed, it's a Saturday & the building is almost empty except for a few workers & security guards. A delivery of plants is made but it turns out that the plants are hiding an unexpected secret, they were exposed to plutonium & the Ants that were on the plants have grown to a huge size & their appetite for flesh has also increased. The Ants breed quickly & soon decide to turn the Waldman Building into their very own Ant hill, it's up to Curtis the Janitor to save the day...

Directed by Fred Olen Ray under the pseudonym Ed Raymond this is the sort of rubbish that turns up on the Sci-Fi Channel regularly that features some sort of giant insect or animal, a few Hollywood has-beens & lots of bad CGI computer work. The plot is full of holes & character's you don't care about who make the most stupid decisions that they deserve to die. There's this odd sub-plot about some guy who has to copy a disk for some reason but we never find out why even though he knocks the cleaner out so he isn't seen & it seems to be quite important to him, the disk or it's contents are never followed up or even mentioned again. It's never explained how giant radioactive Ants manage to stay hidden in what are basically houseplants or how they breed so quickly. The whole film is full of ridiculous moments like survivors sliding across from one building to another on a telephone wire (one guy shoots a gun at an Ant while on the wire & guess what? He shoots the wire & falls to his death, that's how stupid this film is). At 90 odd minutes it goes on for ages & even a couple of embarrassing cameos can't save it.

This being a PG rated film there's virtually no gore, there's a couple of bloody skeletons but nothing else. The whole thing has a pedestrian pace & it fails to generate any excitement or tension or scares. The Ants themselves look poor, the CGI work is terrible while the actual on-set models are so stiff & lifeless the poor actors have to jump around & roll around on the floor while holding a plastic Ant to try & create the illusion that it's attacking them, they don't & it doesn't.

With a supposed budget of about $475,000 this was low budget & it shows with pretty bad production values. C. Thomas Howell & Martin Kove are better then this while Stella Stevens seems to be having fun & puts in a reasonable performance.

Glass Trap is a really bad creature feature like the ones that turn up on the Sci-Fi Channel all the time but without any gore & an even lamer plot & killer giant creature than usual. There are much better creature features out there, you have been warned.
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Here Ants! Here Ants!
lastliberal4 December 2010
It has been a long time since The Poseidon Adventure, but I have to say that Stella Stevens still looks good. Maybe it's the water in Mississippi.

She is a real bit*h of a boss to Sharon (Siri Baruc), who just happens to see the first ant. No. it's not Them, but it is a throwback to that period. Splattering blood looks so much better in color.

The ants themselves were terrible. They were so fake that only the clueless would be truly scared. Even the gun they found looked fake.

Things get interesting when Martin Kove shows to battle the ants.

MIla (Diana Kauffman) and LuLu (Ana Alexander) provide much needed distractions throughout.
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This movie saved my life.
DrMongol27 June 2006
I just watched this fine piece of entertainment and I must say that it's one of the best films that I have seen in a very long time. The premise is truly original. It features some great performances by veteran actors and even C. Thomas Howell! The special effects were truly mind-blowing and unique. It's so refreshing to see a movie without the use of CGI these days. I can't praise this film enough. Do yourself a favor and go see it. Earlier in the day I was contemplating suicide, but when I flipped to the Sci-Fi channel and started watching Glass Trap I remembered how great life really is. Glass Trap saved my life, it could save yours too. rofl
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a review
jeremydewolfe7 June 2005
This slimy creature-feature starts '80s teen hit C. Thomas Howell. Scientists have created genetically altered giant ants in a bizarre experiment which backfires terribly as the creatures go on a kill-crazy rampage. It turns into a world where giant insects run rampant. Survivors barricade themselves in a skyscraper in an attempt to avoid the roaming menace, but even that's no guarantee of safety. Its a little bloody, not gory enough for my taste though. A thoroughly entertaining B-movie; GLASS TRAP was directed by cult horror director Fred Olen Ray who also directed "HOLLYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS" Another one of my favorites.
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Worst (and yet funniest) movie EVER!
sarahbmorgan4 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Be warned, the acting in this movie is HORRIBLE. I don't think anyone really wanted to do this film, and I'm wondering what kind of financial trouble C. Thomas Howell is in to have to do this ...

He, along with Martin Kove are the only "stars" you'll recognize, the rest of the players are unknowns and are likely to go down in history as the most unemotional "horror" movie actors of all time.

Not only were the "special effects" laughable (the ants were made of paper mache' it looked like), but even the DVD effects weren't on par! The ants used as selecting tools weren't lined up properly so on certain options all you got were legs.

There are some serious plot malfunctions with "Glass Trap." Let's consider the following: * We don't find out how the ants became mutated until halfway through the film, and then this information comes from a "super secret" federal agency, and yet podunk sheriff is apparently special enough to get the scoop.

* There is no mention of how Paolo and Curtis get off the roof.

* Where did Uncle Hank's body go? * Why did Carley not call the cops when she first saw the ants? Or even use the phone when she and the security guard were trapped together? These are just some of the MANY indiscretions with this film. Regardless, it still gave me one of the best laughs I've had in a while. Highly recommended for a night in with a big group of friends!
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Not bad for a bad movie
happyangie995 January 2006
If you expect a massive budget and CGI effects with non stop action, than this is not for you. But if your in the mood for a campy 70's, 80's style film with some washed up actors than this is for you.

The plot is simple. Get some people trapped in a high rise building with some funny looking giant ants and see who gets out alive. I was quite pleased with this film. C. Thomas Howell is here, and not sleep walking but not over acting either.

These kind of movies are always a good find at the video store. They give b movies a good name. The only problem I have with it is the ending. I won't give it away but sitting through this for 70+ minutes and then the spring the ending on you, it wasn't the best. But it still is fun. Get a six pack, some pizza and friends together and make a night of it.
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that greatest movie ever
gelooo6914 July 2005
This movie was clearly thought out. I haven't seen a movie about giant ants before so i have to give it extra points for being original.

This movie was joined by FOX STUDIOS so the budget could be increased and the GIANT Ants sure looked much better then i would think. They are damn scary.

The whole movie is very violent and extremely well done. I noticed a few big names in it and the acting was better then most big actors these days. If this movie doesn't win an award for something IL be very upset.

Wait until this comes to the big screen because you will get much more of an scary and intense experience but if you missed it then hire the video. Not for people who cant handle extreme violence.

Oh and did i mention there are real life vogue models + + +
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breath taking... amazing... scariest movie of the generation!
wonderflash1127 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Astonoshing acting! Phenomenal directing! and an amazingly well brought out film! Realistic killer ants invade a new york office building, and it's occupants are doomed! Ik you're into horror, many die from the killer attacks of the giant ants, if you're into action watch as the office workers fight off ants and suspend themselves across buildings in order to save their lives. If you're into romance, enjoy the passionate and romantic intimacy shared between the Janitor and an executives assistant. This movie is the full package! I HIGHLY recommend this movie and think that EVERYBODY should see it! 11/10 stars!!!!
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